Posted by Tina
Even though Keynesians and other opponents of free market economics say there is no such thing as a “trickle-down effect”, the very assumption of QE is that it will trickle down to revamp the economy by boosting spending.
Here’s the rub:
There are those who are wealthy and well-connected to the banking system who benefit from inflation, because they are the first to receive the newly-created money. The lower you go down the socio-economic pyramid, the more adverse the effects, as money begins circulating and loses value. The fiat money system in a way protects a certain strata of society: the financial sector (and those connected to it) and central banks. Everyone else, is impoverished by the system, and what is worse, becomes dependent on it.
Also, you will find that those familiar with the system may know what to do to hedge against the risks of any deterioration in the economy and its currency. But others, like middle class professionals and the working class, they just don’t have access to the intricate higher levels of the financial markets. They are more likely to go to the bank to deposit their savings. But even then – the system hits them once again with negative interest rates.
To gain better understanding about where we are and why read: Risks Of Loose Money – Exposing The Link Between Monetary Policy And Social Inequality
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David Horowitz on Progressive Racism.
Haven’t had the time to watch yet. Look forward to it his weekend, Thanks Pie
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Just received my “Black Olives Matter” T-shirt from Paisanos in Albuquerque. Pretty cool!
Gonna be interesting to hear the comments . . . .
Order your t-shirt or hat at
I understand they’re selling like hotcakes:
Democrats are all about trickle down poverty.
This is absolutely fascinating — EXCLUSIVE: Bill Clinton bombed Saddam to distract from the Monica Lewinsky scandal – what Huma Abedin’s Muslim journal claimed about her boss’s husband.
Oh wait, it is a TABLOID!!! That printing aper size cannot be trusted!!!
CNN posted a transcript, December 1998, President Clinton explains Iraq strike
It’s good to go back in time to revisit events of the era. A few excerpts of note:
I don’t know guys, he sounds exactly like a war mongering racist to me, at least if we go by the lefts playbook…an evil guy with connections to Halliburton who was really just interested in the oil!
What else was going on in December of 1998?
House impeaches Clinton:
I think it’s reasonable that at the very least the decision to bomb Iraq may have been hurried along to afford the President some distracting headlines. I remember him being a very reluctant Commander-in-Chief…he “could have killed” Bin Laden, you know.