A Few Quick Observations of Us

by Jack

I find it ironic that wealthy liberals living in palatial gated communities (with private security guards) are vehemently opposed to Donald Trump for saying we ought to build a border wall to limit criminals from gaining entry to America.

More irony: Liberals do not seem to notice there are no White Student Unions, no White Caucuses in government, no White Miss America pageants, etc. (Oh,and no heterosexual pride marches.)

And then this… Liberals are quick to accuse conservatives of xenophobia (bigotry) because some conservatives suggested it might be wise to put a temporary moritorium on refugee immigration from countries dominated by Islamic radicalism for reasons of security. However, the same liberals embrace Black Lives Matters to the exclusion of others. Or they embrace LaRaza to the exclusion of others. LaRaza means, all for the race, but they don’t see that as racist? And if we take this a step further, the same liberals seem completely oblivious to the fact that neither of these two activist groups could care less about the issues of the other, in fact they are polars apart and often clash over race.

The practice of holding separate college graduation ceremonies for black and Hispanic student is widely accepted by our liberal institutions of higher learning under the pretext that these two racially divided groups feel more comfortable among their own kind. This is exemplified locally at our own Chico State, every year. This is perpetuating and growing an “Us versus them” mentality (a delineation) in American society. Question: Do you think any of this is healthy for our survival?

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14 Responses to A Few Quick Observations of Us

  1. Tina says:

    I don’t think it’s healthy for the nation or for the individuals that participate in these movements. United we stand; divided we fall.

    We need to stand together as Americans as human beings united behind our common, shared commitment to the ideal of freedom and equality. If we don’t we will not remain free and all of the people playing the special interest game will find out what real injustice looks like.

    We are the United States of America, a nation founded on the principles that all men are created equal. At the time of our founding slavery was still an acceptable practice. The compromise made to form our union was built on faith in the truth of that principle…the truth would rule out. Americans have fought and sacrificed through the decades of our nation’s young existence to make equality a reality. But a shift has occurred. Special entitlement groups have formed. These groups are not content to make life choices within the context of the freedom they enjoy. They feel a need to act as bullies for special rights and conditions, to hold the nation, campus, or group hostage to their demands. Sadly progressive parents, administrators, teachers, professors and politicians encourage and exploit this unacceptable condition.

  2. Peggy says:

    I’m seeing more Black and Hispanic Trump supporters than I remember for Romney and McCain.

    African American Trump Supporter Got Standing Ovation After Speaking On The Black Community: Must See


  3. Pie Guevara says:

    The left, while paying lip service to “unity” is all about divide and conquer.

  4. Libby says:

    Are you nuts !? The gated community was born in Orange County … not a bastion of liberalism.

    The stuff posted on this site recently will and does leave a person slack-jawed with incredulity … if you are wondering at the reduced traffic.

    What is a person to say to such delusion?

    • Pie Guevara says:

      Utter nonsense from the Queen of nonsense.

    • Pie Guevara says:

      Libby, why are you such a nitwit? Could you be any more stupid or ignorant? Is this your “jerk” father’s doing? (Jerk as you have described him.) Or are you just drunk and high all the time?

      Gated communities have be around for at least 3000 years, you numbskull.

      Jerusalem, Great Zimbabwe, Cairo to name a few.

      My surname is Walton. That comes from the UK when English surnames were established. It means of “walled town.”

      So, Orange county has some gated communities. They were the first in the US? Hardly. And if they were, that is completely besides the point Jack is making YOU IDIOT!!!

      It must be a full time job to be as stupid and irrelevant as you are Libby. Take a vacation from yourself.

    • J. Soden says:

      Libby, you are certainly free to take your Lefty delusions elsewhere. In fact, many PS eaders would encourage you to do so!

      • J. Soden says:

        OOPS – make that “readers”

      • Libby says:

        No, someone has to drop in from time to time and remind you there is a world outside the bubble. I feel it my civic duty.

        And if I am less respectful than in days of yore, you have only yourselves to blame. You have ceased to be respectable.

        • Post Scripts says:

          “No, someone has to drop in from time to time and remind you there is a world outside the bubble. I feel it my civic duty.

          And if I am less respectful than in days of yore, you have only yourselves to blame. You have ceased to be respectable.”

          Libby, the term “you” is akin to “you people” it’s overly broad. Please cite specifics where Tina or I are being unjustly disrespectful to you and not just exchanging tit for tat. The commenters remarks are their own and of course we allow a wide latitude for the sake of free speech. Now I admit, on occassion it does get abused, but then its a good measure that free speech is alive and well!

    • Tina says:

      “The gated community was born in Orange County … not a bastion of liberalism.”

      Oh please. Gated communities have been around a long time!

      Wide Urban World:

      …gated communities have been common in Chinese cities for more than a millennium (Xu and Yang 2009), and they have been prominent in Mexico from the time of Spanish conquest until the present (Scheinbaum 2008). … The Hohohkam of southern Arizona, in the final period prior to collapse and abandonment of their towns (ca 12th-15th centuries), started building walls around their neighborhoods (figure 7). … Or consider the Iron Age oppida towns in Europe (these are the towns defeated by Julius Caesar in his conquest of Gaul).

      But there are plenty of examples in California that predate Orange County “gaters”. The Golden age of Hollywood featured the gated estates of the stars in Beverly hills.

      Gated country clubs are all over the place and have been for at least a century.

      Senior villages are popping up all over now.

      Liberals/progressives do put people in categorical groups and then unite them against the “basket of deplorables.” You know those “bitter” folks that “cling” to their “guns” or their “religion.”

      But you on the left are never bigoted…you never judge. You see yourselves as perfect and angelic. Anyone who does not tell you how perfect you are by virtue of their agreement (bending to your will) must be foreign and undesirable…must be destroyed.

      The delusions are all yours.

  5. Jarem says:

    “More irony: Liberals do not seem to notice there are no White Student Unions, no White Caucuses in government, no White Miss America pageants, etc. (Oh,and no heterosexual pride marches.)”

    If counter with, “You don’t seem to notice that whites and heterosexuals make up the majority of Americans and an even bigger majority of those in power, and thus don’t need such things. Their interests are already perfectly well represented. The specific interests of minorities and gays are so underrepresented that gays only gained marriage rights last year and minorities have had their voting rights intentionally curtailed in the last few years as well. Therefore, these groups serve a necessary purpose whereas similar groups for whites have no necessity, and are likely motivated by racism.”

    • Tina says:

      Nobody needs such things! This is a free country. The only limits are the limits you impose on yourself!

      If anything, this nation has bent over backwards to offer advantage to minorities.

      There is a myth…a widespread myth…that white people never feel slighted, inadequate, or left out. These emotions are not exclusive to any race. They are an indication of insecurity, of a self imposed belief system. In minorities the “explanation” (excuse) may be, “Its because I’m ____,” Whites don’t have that excuse so they use all of the others…too fat, too tall, too shy, too stupid, too awkward, too lazy. Nothing can be done outside the individual about self incrimination, self doubt, self loathing, insecurity, hypersensitivity, resentments, or ignorance…these are things the individual must overcome himself. These are the self imposed barriers people impose on themselves.

      These barriers have become behemoths since the advent of minority studies programs that legitimize feelings. These programs keep people emotionally crippled and wondering around in their minds looking for ways to manipulate out of their emotionally imprisoned state.

      Grow up! There’s a whole world of opportunity waiting.

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