by Jack
Hillary Clinton, has posed the need for immigration reform as a family issue and an “economic issue” while calling for a “pathway to citizenship” for undocumented immigrants. This is something that sells well to the stupid. . . er, excuse me, the low information voters.
We can agree that undocumented immigrants in the US fill an employment need and thus help the country’s economy, or so says a recent Bank of America study. That study showed that illegals were employed at the rate of 70% compared to the average US population of 62.9%. But, this is only part of the story.
What Hillary is not telling us is why they are employed, it’s because they under cut wages to displacement US workers. Also consider that most of their “illegal” wages will not be recycled back into the US community, but back into Mexico’s economy, where it will have more buying power.
Imagine the savings to the taxpayers and the boost to the economy, if every illegal worker was displaced by an American worker making a legal wage instead of drawing welfare or unemployment. Yes, illegal immigration is an economic issue, but not quite the one that is being portrayed by Hillary.
If you are a low information voter, you’re now supposed to tell us that, “Undocumented workers are doing the work that American workers won’t do.” Ha! Now go back and read the part about undercutting US workers wages. However, even when they under cut, they are getting substantially higher wages than in their home country. That’s motivation. And speaking of motivation, if American’s faced the same consequences of [not] working as a Mexican, Honduran or Salvadorian, [THEY] would find a way to be working!
OK you, Mr. White Guy. You go get yourself hired by a janitorial contractor servicing office buildings in the San Francisco financial district, and then I’ll shut up. You can take your pick: there are Serbian contractors, Croatian contractors, Mexican contractors, Salvadoran contractors, and on it goes. You get one of them to hire you, and you will shut me up … on this subject, anyway.
None of this stuff is as simple as you would like it to be.
Libby, janitorial service is nothing compared to some of the jobs I’ve done… as a kid. During the summer, I’ve picked peaches and plumbs, I’ve also knocked almonds. While in high school I pulled a pallet wagon around all day with a tractor. Even recently (while semi-retired) I’ve done orchard work, mowing and hauling limbs, etc. I’ve done my share of manual labor to know what its like Libs. But, I’m retired now and I am not about to try for a janitors job in SF just to prove to you I can handle it. I’m a little beyond that kind of work now, as I should be. Most of us start at the bottom and work our way up, nothing unusual about that. It’s the way its supposed to be, being well paid to stay at home is not how civilizations thrived. However, that part aside, its kinda hard to start at the bottom if an illegal alien has taken my job on the farm.
My Dad always taught me that all work is honorable. We should respect anyone who wants to work, no matter how low on the ladder you think that job might be! Working at McDonalds is a great job…for a kid. Not so great for an adult with 3 kids. This is not a job for that person, this is a job for entry level workers, kids, not a job that you support a family on. Kids can learn a lot at McDonalds and then take the next step up. Why are you against this Libby? It makes no sense to me.
“Libby, janitorial service is nothing compared to some of the jobs I’ve done… as a kid.”
That is not the point. The point is that if you wanted such a job now, today, you, a middle-aged white guy, could not get one. You know this. It is therefore disingenuous of you to criticize other people who cannot manage it.
And it is cruel to suggest that if they can’t, starving is a viable option. Always remember, they may refuse to starve … they may take your stuff instead. You do not think these things through … and it is tiresome beyond belief.
Libby, I honestly don’t know where to begin. I had no idea that is what you are asking! Sweetie your reasoning is, well, it’s unusual at best. I was talking about what motivates people, suddenly you’re talking about starvation unless the democrats are their with a handout. How do you think we survived for centuries before welfare? Nay, not just survived…thrived! How did the Indians manage to live thousands of years without your condescending party of liberals?
“How do you think we survived for centuries before welfare?”
Not well. That’s how welfare come to be. Our ancestors lived lives that were nasty, brutish and short. We have made extraordinary progress … well … most of us. The rest of us are still selfish, resentful Neanderthals with no sense of communal obligation at all.
And, you are inclined to make more of the situation than there is. The truly “unmotivated” portion of the population is quite small. We can afford to keep them.
Libby you are tiresome beyond belief. You look at everything through a racial prism.
If you were being displaced would you still have the same attitude? Doubt it.
But it’s tiresome that progressives make policy and laws that create less than 2% growth over an eight year period and then wonder why people are upset when there aren’t enough jobs and then look around at the number of illegals taking American jobs and feel some resentment. This is particularly true in the building trades.
There are many factors at work. Tax laws. Environmental laws. Health and safety laws that require all kinds of expensive special equipment. The compliance costs are staggering. Diversity laws are responsible for a whole new department, HR.
Encouraging illegal immigration…and not just to pick peaches and lettuce. Illegals have come in droves to grab jobs in motels and casinos, the building trade, meat packing and other similar industries…and at your local Walmart, K-Mart or Sears. Yes, they have displaced American workers because they will work for less and because companies can meet their quotas for inclusion and diversity when they hire them. Politicians passed laws to put a stop to this but they are rarely enforced…obviously politicians don’t really care.
About 40% of illegals are here because they overstay their visas. Many are educated or trained and they, in particular, are taking jobs that used to go to citizens. Big companies are working with politicians now to increase the number of visas so that companies like Disney and Google can replace their highly paid American workers…they are even forcing their workers to train their replacements.
Why do companies need cheaper labor? America has higher corporate tax rates and too many regulatory, diversity, and compliance costs. Competition from foreign companies with lower costs is difficult. Much of these extra costs are about feeding the political beast.
Education! We are doing a lousy job educating our citizens in part because teachers spend so many hours in their day dealing with kids that don’t speak English and have not had much schooling. Educating white male citizens takes a back seat to handling diversity issues.
And boy do we pay through the nose for both education and medical. How about we start holding Mexico, Africa, the ME, South America, et al responsible for the “starving and poorly educated” masses that keep fleeing to America?
In fact why should they bother to emulate America (freedom and opportunity) when they can keep doing their tribal or socialist thing and get Americans to pay for the overflow, including dealing with and imprisoning many of their criminals?
How about we look for ways to discourage immigration of any kind for awhile? why must we be the saviors of the world if we’re not going to champion what made America great? Other nations need to do a better job educating and creating jobs for their own people.
” Always remember, they may refuse to starve … they may take your stuff instead.”
Oh, I see. You get what incentive is about when it comes to criminality.
You know its an absolute disgrace that other nations are doing so poorly. You might try asking yourself why that is. It isn’t race either. What exactly made the white folk so privileged?
You lot on the left are a bunch of dim dim bulbs.
Libby, let me say it. You are young or ignorant. Take your pick! Have your Far Left professor contact me so I can tell him how stupid he is!
Never mind the abuse … tell me that the unemployables are not 10 percent of the population. Tell me that it would not be cheaper to keep them in public housing than in prison … unless, of course, you are shilling for the private prison industry.
This country was something to be proud of … once.
So why do Republicans and corporate Dems not demand we enforce the laws on employers?
Why does Trump want more visa workers?
cause they want Chinese Labor laws here…. #Fascism
If you cared about how we got here you would be reading Trade deal leaks, talking about these deals and helping us make sure Obama and his Republican friends do not rail TPP through Lame duck congress
I hear Crickets on this issue and it is central to this discussion
Fighting over the crappy jobs left is not the answer they are still moving our manufacturing overseas for wall street gains