by Jack
Much to my surprise and relief, it appears Donald Trump has seen very little fallout from his poor debate performance. Most of his supporters are, anyone but Hillary types, and I can understand that. I am too. Trump has an opportunity to improve, and hopefully this time to prepare for the next debate. America doesn’t mind giving people a second chance and so Donald take his Mulligan, but he absolutely, positively must do better in the next round. He really needs a speech coach, and hopefully it won’t be the same one who taught “W” how to talk.
The Moron Media presstitutes had their stories all written in advance of the debate, proclaiming $hrilLIARy the winner. All that was left for them is to read the copy. And $hrilLIARy had a lotta help from Lester Holt – who propped her up when she faltered and was wrong on several of his claims – a la Candy Crowley – that TheDonald corrected.
But, surprise! For someone who is not a professional debater/politician, TheDonald did OK. I doubt that he will again fall into the same traps that $hrilLIARy laid for him this time.
Now that we have the oh-so-important issues of birther stuff, his tax returns, and his lack of support for the Iraq war taken care of, he can move onto more important things – like Benghazi and the following cover-up, Bubba foundation pay-for-play, and other shenanigans found in Clinton Ca$h. It’s just beginning, folks………
“Now that we have the oh-so-important issues of birther stuff, his tax returns, and his lack of support for the Iraq war taken care of, he can move onto more important things – like Benghazi and the following cover-up, Bubba foundation pay-for-play, and other shenanigans found in Clinton Ca$h. It’s just beginning, folks”
This is satire, right? Tell me you’re choosing to be a parody of a hysterical Clinton-basher, who thinks those scandals are real while ignoring Trump’s.
Well, what this means is that people who were supporting Trump before the debate still support him after. This is unsurprising; Trump had previously demonstrated low moral character, dishonesty, ignorance and immaturity unparalleled in modern politics, so why would those who overlooked those traits before start caring about them now? Irrational hatred of Clinton is driving Trump support, and that’s not something Clinton could have changed, regardless of how she did.
“Much to my surprise and relief, it appears Donald Trump has seen very little fallout from his poor debate performance.”
You are surprised? How could you be? The Trumpettes long ago proved themselves unmoved by anything so factual as fact, and completely oblivious to their responsibility as citizens. The Donald could have drooled and shat himself and they would still vote for him.
What a choice…between what Chris imagines is a man of “low moral character, dishonesty, ignorance and immaturity” and a woman of low moral character, dishonesty and deceit, criminality, pay to play, phoniness, corruption, and, for all her so called intelligence, a miserable record of failure.”
You can’t accuse such a woman of ignorance or immaturity but conniving, money hungry, self-interested, ambitious shrew will do.
At the same time accusing Trump of ignorance is really stoopid. The man has a bachelor’s degree in business and has built hotels, golf courses, casinos and other projects in North and South America, Europe and Asia. He’s known for finishing projects in time and under budget. An ignorant person wouldn’t begin to know how to do that (even when given a building by his father).
But to each his own.
Just suppose if a woman showed up for the presidential debate, unrepaired, stuttering like she was on drugs, unable to finish a sentence and interrupting her opponent 70 times. Lets further imagine that she had 5 kids by 3 different men, was a repeated adulterer, had multiple bankruptcies, refused to pay people who had worked for her, paid zero in federal income taxes, was close friends with the Russians and rooted for the housing crisis which cost many middle class families their homes.
Would you vote for her?
If she was a private sector candidate running against a seasoned politician with a record of corruption and lying a mile long who was married to an equally corrupt and sleazy former disgraced president….yes.
Context matters.
Do we actually know the man has “paid zero in federal income taxes?” Not to my knowledge. We do know that he has been audited in all of the last 10 years so if there was anything irregular about his taxes we would know about it. and we know that Hillary can brag all she wants about releasing her tax records but in the last ten years she did make egregious errors:
Forbes reports about the pay to play problems in the foundation:
NY Post:
This is the real reason Trumps taxes are being made an issue. Nobody can out do the Clintons when it comes to corruption. And it is absolutely true that the wealthy do not usually work for a salary which is why they often do not pay federal tax. The tax code is what it is.
A simplified tax code would change how taxes are collected and payed.
“He’s known for finishing projects in time and under budget.”
By stiffing his contractors. Further, it is my understanding that there is no longer a bank in this country that will lend to the man. He’s a huckster, who gleefully makes use of the nation’s bankruptcy law to keep his personal self wealth … and you want to put him in charge of the nation’s finances?
You do know that any hint of our reneging on our sizeable global debt will savage the planetary economy. Donald is the sort of meglomaniacal moron who believes that, as this is unlikely to bother him personally, it is ok to do.
Hillary may be pleased to over-charge for a speaking engagement, but she’s not gonna do that.
“By stiffing his contractors.”
The man Hillary put in the audience during the debate may very well have done a bad job as Trump said. It may be that he actually stiffed Trump by not delivering on what he promised forcing Trump to hire AND PAY someone else to finish or rework the job.
” gleefully makes use of the nation’s bankruptcy law ”
Gleefully? You are such a nasty piece of work. The law is there for a reason. AND in the filing everyone gets paid BEFORE Trump…it’s the law. S%*# happens Libby…like the casino business failing…it wasn’t just Trump who lost in that deal. At least he was wise enough to see what was happening and file for bankruptcy early to get some money to his people. Besides when have you ever taken a risk like that?
“…and you want to put him in charge of the nation’s finances?”
Da*% straight. He’ll do a much better job than the man he’s replacing who knows NOTHING about finances…or the woman whose favorite charity is herself.
“You do know that any hint of our reneging on our sizeable global debt will savage the planetary economy. ”
Oh please. It’s very likely that the global economy will crash BECAUSE of our horrendous debt and the fact that this administration has kept the interest rates at zero ARTIFICIALLY…its already a house of cards!
Zero hedge:
Deutsche Bank is in serious trouble. See more here Will they get a bail?
Those you put so much trust in are financial morons.
And…incredible frustration is behind Trumps rantings…frustration that all of his supporters also feel…the situation is just that bad… and he wants to fix it. That he must try to explain what has happened, how wrong choices have made it so, and as he faces a smarmy, sleazy candidate like Hillary has to be more than anyone can bear…it is for me and all I do is type and throw it out there.
Hillary will continue with the same stoopid policies of the last eight years. Our nation hasn’t been in such bad shape since the depression and he and Hillary are both responsible.
“The law is there for a reason.”
It certainly is, and it keeps this economy from tanking, as unforeseen business reversals can be very damaging. Alas, one of the many troubles with “the law” is, while there are people in genuine distress who are genuinely helped, there are also the predators, who abuse the law, who are profligate, reckless, greedy, and who use the law to damage other people.
Guess which category Trump falls into?
Trump makes good business decisions. You act as if it’s possible to live in a risk free society. That’s because you’ve never walked in Trumps shoes and you think like a victim.
Subcontractors KNOW they work in a risky business. The law protects them first and Trump last but nobody in a bankruptcy gets paid in full when an enterprise breaks down. Atlantic City looked like a good proposition but it turned out the timing was bad for all of risk taker that built casinos. Losses are part of doing business.
May 2016 Reuters:
But let’s look at corruption at the highest possible levels. Hillary and Obama have used the power of government to PUT PEOPLE OUT OF BUSINESS (coal) to further an agenda based on computer models proven to be wrong and “science” that’s been proven to be bogus! Obama used the power of government to bully and harass citizens and businesses through the IRS and the Justice department! Justice is a joke under this administration. Look at the way Obamacare was pushed through Congress behind closed doors using bribery and intimidation…and look at the mess it’s made of healthcare insurance. The Democrat Party is corrupt to it’s very core and economically stoopid!
Democrats may yet rue the day they decided to burn the Bern. He’s a socialist and a bit of a hypocrite but he isn’t corrupt (to my knowledge).
The sooner we are rid of the radical slimy people in power and in control of the Democrat Party the better!
“…and it keeps this economy from tanking”
A single bankruptcy, or even many, would not “tank” the economy.
The law ensures the losses aren’t severe for the subcontractors and vendors while giving the contractor time to reorganize. The contractor does not direct the funds…the courts do. The courts decide who will get paid and how much. Justice is served.
Democrat Party radicals like Hillary and Obama deceive people with disingenuous rhetoric like this. The fact that they are lawyers, and know better, makes it even more disgusting.
“Trump makes good business decisions.”
Trump is a serial bankrupt … a predator.
Trumps four bankruptcies are nothing compared to destroying the American healthcare insurance market, driving an entire industry into closure putting 280,000 workers out of a job, or blowing up the Middle East.
It’s also nothing compared to presiding over an economy that can’t do better than 2% growth in eight years!
Give it up. Your party has blown it big time. You can’t run on Obama’s record and you can’t run on Hillary’s record. All you have is trying to discredit a man who learns fast, is practiced at making hard decisions and making them expeditiously, and who actually loves America!