FBI in Revolt

Posted by Tina

FBI lawyers are revolting against James Comey:

“I know that inside the FBI there is a revolt,” Joseph diGenova tells The American Spectator. “There is a revolt against the director. The people inside the bureau believe the director is a dirty cop. They believe that he threw the [Hillary Clinton email] case. They do not know what he was promised in return. But the people inside the bureau who were involved in the case and who knew about the case are talking to former FBI people expressing their disgust at the conduct of the director.”

The loss of faith in the bureau chief stems in part from a dishonest rendering of the decision not to indict Mrs. Clinton as unanimous rather than unilateral and in part from the bureau’s decision to destroy evidence in the case and grant blanket immunity to Clinton underlings for no possible prosecutorial purpose.

“There is a consensus among the employees that the director has lost all credibility and that he cannot lead the bureau,” diGenova explains. “They are comparing him to L. Patrick Gray, the disgraced former FBI director who threw Watergate papers into the Potomac River. The resistance to the director has made the agency incapable of action. It has been described to me as a depression within the agency unlike anything that anyone has ever seen within the bureau. The director’s public explanation for the unorthodox investigation are viewed by people in the bureau as sophomoric and embarrassing.” …

… “When the director said that it was a unanimous decision not to recommend prosecution, that was a lie,” diGenova points out. “In fact, the people involved in the case were outraged at his decision, which he made by himself. When people realized that he was lying publicly about their role and when they knew he had approved of the destruction of laptops that were subject to congressional subpoena, that flipped the switch.” (continues)

It’s not for nothing that these employees were forced to sign nondisclosure agreements.

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9 Responses to FBI in Revolt

  1. Dewster says:

    That is just a Plain fact!

    WHy can you not see it without reading all this? Do the research! The coverup is because it is all about the Foundations. The elite use them to launder money besides charity work. Trump too.

    So yes I have told you Comey goes way back with Clinton’s. You keep saying Republicans are wonderful and Democrats are the problem but here ya go Comey is a Republican and is Guilty as charged.

    I have the proof why is this new to you? Do the research! The establishment Republicans and Democrats are on the same one world agenda and #TPP is the nail in democracy’s coffin.

    If they take down Clinton and the foundation it will topple many people in very high places foreign and domestic, republican and Democrat. It will also lead to the other foundations and charities that do the same.

    Our Intel community is pissed off because there were names listed and undercover ops are in danger and some may have been killed.

    One can not tell me Seth(DNC employeeA the dead guy in Washington DC was not the original Leak. They kill people folks! always have.

    Oh and yea the guy that served Wasserman Shultz is mysteriously dead too!

    This is a high stakes dirty game for the ultimate goal of power in the third wave gov of international corporate rule.


    This is no joke. I read the letter below weeks ago. Thought it may be a plant. But it has pretty much came to fruition. Cliff is an honorable lawyer who has been litigating the election fraud in OH for any an election.

    Remember when Rove was on fox claiming they were wrong when announced Obama won? He made cameras go down to their election room? No one told him Cliff had FBI in OH sec of state office and the cheat was called off.

    You may not like some politicians but read this letter. He posted it because he is in fear. He is litigating the primary too where in this case it was Hillary Clinton the cheat when in for. She is no liberal. She is one of them.




    People drop dead around the Clinton’s

    The list goes on….. and we all know these stories……Too many deaths to all be coincidence.

    Read more: THE CLINTON BODY-COUNT | WHAT REALLY HAPPENED http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/RANCHO/POLITICS/BODIES.php#ixzz4N4IhlSVJ

    That is a crappy bull kind of website however that article is correct. Those deaths are real. I knew about them and just posted the link for the names. Do your own research on the rest.

    Republican or Democrat? Bush or Clinton? They are best of friends with the same agenda.

    • Dewster says:

      Sorry about typos my keyboard is trashed these days.

    • Tina says:

      “The elite use them to launder money besides charity work. Trump too.”

      Trump has never been in government. Please post evidence that Trump is part of the corruption or shut the he77 up!

      I have never said “Republicans are wonderful and Democrats are the problem”

      I am against corruption wherever we find it. That is one issue..one!

      A separate issue is the ideological differences of the two parties.

      The Democrat Party favors big government and control over business (fascism). It favors high taxes and wealth redistribution. They believe in group rights (which creates division). Many Democrat leaders believe that wealth and industry belong to the community and are to be controlled by the elites in leadership. The believe in open borders and changing the rules to suit their latest whim. They think the Constitution puts too many restrictions on government…they want ultimate power and it gets in the way.

      The Republican Party favors power in the hands of individuals (government by the people, for the people). They believe government should never do what people can do for themselves. They favor a simple tax code and smart regulation. They favor a secure border and sensible immigration. They understand to keep a nation free it is imperative to have a strong national defense. They believe the Constitution should be defended and that it includes a system to change it by the people rather than by judges and courts. It is not a living document. It was written to protect people from oppressive government.

      There is a very big difference in these two ideological positions. My gripe with the republicans is they have not lived up to their own position and promises. My gripe with the democrats is they work against our form of government, our freedoms, and our individual rights.

      You know some things but you have not figured out the way they fit in the context nor can you distinguish between party ideals and how they align, or don’t align, with our Constitution.

      You can’t pick a side because you don’t know who the enemy is in terms of our American republic.

  2. Deplorable J Soden says:

    Interesting link that provides a timeline of Comey and Lynch – among other things …….


    The corruption of the DOJ/FBI and IRS started within minutes of Obumble taking the oath of office – and will continue if $hrilLIARy wins in NOV.

  3. Dewster says:

    Trump has never been in government. Please post evidence that Trump is part of the corruption or shut the he77 up!

    Tina Corruption does not only matter when in gov. Trump’s business history is corrupt. He has made donations for future favors and has been honest about it. He works the system like the rest.

    Trump paid a penalty to the IRS after his foundation made an illegal contribution to Bondi’s PAC. Bondi’s office had received multiple complaints from Floridians who said they were cheated by Trump University. While they were looking into it and considering whether to join a lawsuit over Trump University filed by the attorney general of New York State, Bondi called Trump and asked him for a $25,000 donation; shortly after getting the check, Bondi’s office dropped the inquiry.

    And no one looks into it. So we can have the facts! If it was Clinton we all would be railing her!

    Trump’s casino bankruptcies, which left investors holding the bag while he skedaddled with their money

    Trump’s habit of refusing to pay contractors who had done work for him, many of whom are struggling small businesses

    Trump University, which includes not only the people who got scammed and the Florida investigation, but also a similar story from Texas where the investigation into Trump U was quashed.

    The Trump Institute, another get-rich-quick scheme in which Trump allowed a couple of grifters to use his name to bilk people out of their money

    The Trump Network, a multi-level marketing venture (a.k.a. pyramid scheme) that involved customers mailing in a urine sample which would be analyzed to produce for them a specially formulated package of multivitamins

    Trump Model Management, which reportedly had foreign models lie to customs officials and work in the U.S. illegally, and kept them in squalid conditions while they earned almost nothing for the work they did

    Trump’s employment of foreign guest workers at his resorts, which involves a claim that he can’t find Americans to do the work

    Trump’s use of hundreds of undocumented workers from Poland in the 1980s, who were paid a pittance for their illegal work

    Trump’s history of being charged with housing discrimination

    Trump’s connections to mafia figures involved in New York construction

    The time Trump paid the Federal Trade Commission $750,000 over charges that he violated anti-trust laws when trying to take over a rival casino company

    The fact that Trump is now being advised by Roger Ailes, who was forced out as Fox News chief when dozens of women came forward to charge him with sexual harassment. According to the allegations, Ailes’s behavior was positively monstrous; as just one indicator, his abusive and predatory actions toward women were so well-known and so loathsome that in 1968 the morally upstanding folks in the Nixon administration refused to allow him to work there despite his key role in getting Nixon elected.

    Donald Trump once promised an amusement park to Bridgeport, Connecticut. When it fell through, he owed hundreds of thousands per year in back taxes—until its mayor bailed him out.

    In 2007, Donald Trump spent $20,000 that belonged to his charity — the Donald J. Trump Foundation — to buy a six-foot-tall portrait of himself during a fundraiser auction at his Mar-a-Lago Club in Florida.

    Trumps foundation never filed any of the proper paperwork to be a foundation

    Trump did business with an Iranian Bank Linked to Terrorism. The story is misprinted and no one knows the whole story.

    Bottom Line Donald Trump retooled his charity to spend other people’s money and take credit for it.

    The list goes on. He is just another con man.

    Yes That is a True republican but not a president.

    Wake Up!

    • Post Scripts says:

      Dewey, what is a true republican or a true demon-crat? Is there such a thing? I don’t think so. People are just people, some were taught to think one way and others another, but in the final analysis we’re just regular ol people and given half a chance we could find enough common ground to get many good things done.

    • Tina says:

      “Tina Corruption does not only matter when in gov. Trump’s business history is corrupt. He has made donations for future favors and has been honest about it. He works the system like the rest.”

      Trump has never been charged with illegal activity. You are making specious accusations that you do not back up. That in itself is corrupt!

      If the system has to be “worked” to get a private project completed, there is something very wrong with the system. Onerous regulations and red tape work against the people and waste time and money.

      Americans can’t afford any more big government types. Trump isn’t the ideal candidate (who is?). But he isn’t part of the big government machine and he does see the massive waste, corruption, and abuses…and wants to do something about it. Since he’s a world class negotiator (and $#*t detector) he might just be the one man in America that can break up the Washington elites.

  4. Dewster says:


    if Hitler was running under the Big “R” it would not matter who he would become just that you won…right? hitler was elected. Hitler was propped up by the central banks and Big Biz, that is fact.

    Your problem is you have no idea who or what the big machine is. You just repeat Propaganda!

    Remember Obama made it legal for the CIA to plant Propaganda domestically again. ya think they do not abuse it? LOL

    The Russians are coming, The Russians are coming!

    That is the second verse from the song Saddam has WMD’s.

    I find both Staunch Republicans and Democrats deplorable. All they care about is winning at the cost of democracy.

    That is why the largest voting block is Independent. The Majority of Americans are not with either corrupt corporation called a Party. We are also against the elected spending most their time dialing for dollars for their party instead of working for the people in Congress.

    In the end the results of either candidate rests solely on Democrats and Republicans who refuse to look at the real truth behind this election sham.

    The Empire is failing. We will never be the same country again. Get ready for 100% fascism. Both sides.

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