Long Before Flynn Obama “Flew straight into the Logan Act”

Posted by Tina

Those clever people over at TownHall, specifically Robert Charles, are taking to task those on the left who sought to smear General Flynn recently. Flynn was accused of speaking to the Russian ambassador by phone three weeks prior to Trumps inauguration, a violation so horrendous that he should immediately be dismissed from his duties, so they said. I’ll let you read the article to discover how obscure and meaningless the Logan Act is. The big reveal is that no one had a conniption fit when candidate Obama…well, lets quote Mr. Charles, he said it so well:

In July 2008, independent of any policy conversations by staff, candidate Obama went to the Middle East and Europe and spoke extensively, one-on-one, about policy with leaders from Kuwait, Afghanistan, Iraq, Jordan, the West Bank, Israel, France, Germany and Britain. As a candidate, not as a president-elect.

Without thought of violating the Logan Act, Mr. Obama conducted substantive conversations with Afghan President Hamid Karzai, Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki, Jordan’s King Abdullah, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, Israel’s Prime Minister Elud Olmert, Germany’s Chancellor Angela Merkel, France’s President Nicolas Sarkozy, Britain’s Prime Minister Gordon Brown, his predecessor Tony Blair and opposition leader David Cameron. In short, in an effort to transparently promote his presidential candidacy, with all manner of topics, candidate Obama flew straight into the Logan Act.

Mr. Charles informs that in 200 years no one has been charged with violating the Logan Act. In 2008 these same news outlets were following Obama around like puppies and praising his every word and deed. The man was even awarded the Nobel Prize for peace without having done anything more than travel the world talking to leaders in private conversations…most of it while GWB was still president.

Where was the overblown sense of outrage then?

Enter General Flynn. Fake news generating lefties targeted this man and delivered stories and accusations rife with words, as Charles wrote, like “criminal violation, felony, need to resign, and congressional investigation.” You’d think he’d murdered somebody!

Quite a contrast, no?

Libby…time to get down off that high horse, again!

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27 Responses to Long Before Flynn Obama “Flew straight into the Logan Act”

    • Libby says:

      Poor Tina.

      General discussions of policy do not come under the law.
      Negotiations re the lifting a sanctions … do.

      And, as to his proposed replacement … dismay? … merriment? … a little of both:

      “Gen. David Petraeus, once a widely celebrated military leader who oversaw operations in Afghanistan and Iraq and was touted as a potential presidential candidate, was sentenced to serve two years on probation and to pay an $100,000 fine on Thursday for sharing classified information with his biographer and lover, Paula Broadwell.”

      “Today marks the end of a two-and-a-half-year ordeal,” Petraeus said outside the Charlotte federal courthouse following his sentencing. “I now look forward to moving on with the next phase of my life.”

      “Petraeus, who resigned as director of the Central Intelligence Agency in November 2012 after the relationship became public, avoided jail time as part of a plea deal. Prosecutors agreed to not send Petraeus to jail because the classified information was never released to the public or published in the biography of him that Broadwell wrote.”


      Really … excellent choice, and entirely in keeping with all the excellent choices made thus far.

  1. Tina says:

    Once again blow it out your birdcage! The last administration’s record is not so shiny that you have earned the right to gloat.

    Ted Kennedy flew to Russia to speak with their leaders behind Reagan’s back. Congressional leaders traveled to the Middle East behind GWB’s back to speak with leaders about the war. The itention of both was to undermine the president!

    Your sides abuse and corruption through the years, it’s current abuse of the legal process, and it’s recent efforts of inside activist bureaucrats (like Lois Lerner and the current leaker) is polluting the process of government. This hit on Flynn amounts to political assassination.

    As reported in Breitbart:

    The resignation of National Security Adviser Michael Flynn on Monday evening raises troubling questions about the role of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and the intelligence services.

    Flynn ostensibly resigned because he provided Vice President Mike Pence with “incomplete information” about a conversation he had with the Russian ambassador, which turned out to include a discussion of recent sanctions, contrary to his earlier denials. Trust is crucial; the resignation was warranted.

    That said, the sanctions were largely bogus, and were applied not just to punish Russia for spying on the U.S. (both countries clearly spy on each other), but to substantiate the Democratic Party’s sore-loser conspiracy theory that Russia was responsible for electing Donald Trump.

    There is no concrete evidence to support that theory, and there is no evidence (yet) that Flynn did anything but discuss sanctions in the most general terms. He did not break the Logan Act, nor any other law, apparently.

    Whether Flynn deliberately concealed the contents of his conversation from Vice President Pence, or merely forgot what had been said, he was “caught” because the Department of Justice had been eavesdropping on the conversation. And one of the officials responsible for ordering the eavesdropping was none other than Acting Attorney General Sally Yates, who forced President Trump to fire her when she defied her duty to enforce his executive order on immigration, however, controversial.

    Four possibilities emerge. One, which the media and the Democrats (largely one and the same) clearly believe, is that Flynn really was a potential Russian plant, perhaps indicating much deeper Russian penetration of the campaign and administration.

    A second possibility is that things really are what they seem, on the surface, to be. Russia’s unusual response to the sanctions — declining to retaliate — was so bizarre that it warranted investigation, which then raised legitimate suspicions about Flynn.

    The remaining possibilities are more worrying. The third explanation is that President Obama deliberately, and cleverly, used the bogus sanctions as a “blue dye” test to expose which strings Russia might try to pull to relieve them. Flynn, with a prior relationship with the Russian government, may have been a natural, innocuous point of contact — or perhaps something more.

    The fourth and most worrying explanation is that the government was not merely monitoring the communications of Russian diplomats, but of the Trump transition team itself. The fact that the contents of Flynn’s phone conversation — highly sensitive intelligence — were leaked to the media suggests that someone with access to that information also has a political axe to grind.

    Democrats are clamoring for a deeper investigation of Russian ties to Trump. But the more serious question is whether our nation’s intelligence services were involved in what amounts to political espionage against the newly-elected government.

    The American Thinker:

    Make no mistake: we have just witnessed an operation by members of the CIA to take out a high official of our own government. An agency widely believed to have brought down democratically elected governments overseas is now practicing the same dark arts in domestic American politics. Almost certainly, its new head, Mike Pompeo, was not consulted.

    Senator Chuck Schumer, of all people, laid out on January 2 what was going to happen to the Trump administration if it dared take on the deep state – the permanent bureaucracy that has contempt for the will of the voters and feels entitled to run the government for its own benefit:

    New Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) said Tuesday that President-elect Donald Trump is “being really dumb” by taking on the intelligence community and its assessments on Russia’s cyber activities.

    “Let me tell you, you take on the intelligence community, they have six ways from Sunday at getting back at you,” Schumer told MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow.

    “So even for a practical, supposedly hard-nosed businessman, he’s being really dumb to do this.”

    Or, as the old rueful saying has it, “you’ve got to go along to get along.” This means that we the people had better acknowledge that the bureaucrats have turned into our masters, and the old expression “public servant” is as ironic as anything Orwell came up with. Schumer knows this and likes it, because the deep state wants a bigger, more powerful government, just as he does.

    Note that the law was broken by whoever leaked the transcripts to the media. Not only is the crime underlying the “scandal” being ignored, but the criminals are being hailed. On Morning Joe’s first hour today, the host, a former congressman (i.e., a lawmaker) himself, called the leakers “heroes.”

    This interference in domestic politics by the CIA should be regarded as a major threat to our democracy, but of course our Trump-hating domestic media are reveling in a major point scored against the new president.

    David P. Goldman (aka Spengler), writing on PJ Media, explains the level of hatred the CIA has for Flynn for daring to take on its spectacular failures:

    … the CIA has gone out of its way to sandbag Flynn at the National Security Council. As Politico reports: “On Friday, one of Flynn’s closest deputies on the NSC, senior director for Africa Robin Townley, was informed that the Central Intelligence Agency had rejected his request for an elite security clearance required for service on the NSC, according to two people with direct knowledge of the situation.” Townley held precisely the same security clearance at the Department of Defense for seventeen years, yet he was blackballed without explanation. At DoD, Townley had a stellar reputation as a Middle East and Africa expert, and the denial of his clearance is hard to explain except as bureaucratic backstabbing.

    … Gen. Flynn is the hardest of hardliners with respect to Russia within the Trump camp. In his 2016 book Field of Fight (co-authored with PJ Media’s Michael Ledeen), Flynn warned of “an international alliance of evil movements and countries that is working to destroy us[.] … The war is on. We face a working coalition that extends from North Korea and China to Russia, Iran, Syria, Syria, Cuba, Bolivia, Venezuela and Nicaragua.” The unsubstantiated allegation that he presides over a “leaky” National Security Council tilting towards Russia makes no sense. The only leaks of which we know are politically motivated reports coming from the intelligence community designed to disrupt the normal workings of a democratic government – something that raises grave constitutional issues.

    Flynn is the one senior U.S. intelligence officer with the guts to blow the whistle on a series of catastrophic intelligence and operational failures. The available facts point to the conclusion that elements of the humiliated (and perhaps soon-to-be-unemployed) intelligence community is trying to exact vengeance against a principled and patriotic officer[.] … The present affair stinks like a dumpster full of dead rats.

    Note that the suspicions eagerly being raised by the media center on Trump being a pawn of Putin and Flynn secretly pledging fealty or some such absurd subordination. In other words, suspicions of treasonous behavior by the new president are being cultivated in the general public. We can expect the media to fan these flames at every opportunity.

    The Democrat Party has lost it’s soul and has no honor. Not surprising since those who support them have no moral compass, will do or say anything to keep power, and have proven to be bullies and phonies.

    This situation is disgusting and not just because I favor Trump. It is disgusting because it corrodes and undermines the legal and governmental processes that we have to keep order and deliver justice. The savage activist left obstructs, undermines, bullies and attacks. It is is rude, crude, deceitful and completely corrupted. The only hope for America is for good people to expose, denounce, and reject this mob.

    Trump was elected because of this anarchist approach to government…stay the course patriots.

    • Libby says:

      Patriots consort with the Russians for their own financial benefit?

      That’s a new one on me.

      And let’s get this straight. Our intelligence services collect and disseminate information. An administration can act on it or not. But … when the administration does not … say, like pre-9/11 … there can be nasty consequences for said administration.

      This administration knew a month ago that Flynn had compromised himself in his dealings with a foreign government. I fail to see how you can fault the intelligence imparting agencies for the fact that this administration failed to comprehend the likely consequences … unless, of course, you are desperate to absolve said administration … but it won’t work.

  2. dewster says:


    You just keep diggin that hole.

    Also Ya think Flynn was not a patsie? Get real

    Your party before truth is going to bury you into a trap, You are cornering yourself,

    i wait for the moment you see

    As long as we allow unlimited foreign and domestic money to run our elections we are doomed

    Think for a change

    That man did not act alone

    The real negotiator is Tillerson who was Exxon Mobiles CEO and this is about profit period

    • Libby says:

      Indeed, the most straightforward scenario is that Flynn spoke about things he shouldn’t have on a taped line (are these guys pathetic, or what?) with the full knowledge and consent of his boss.

      Drip, drip, drip … it has, alas come to be known that a transcript exists of a call with the Russian ambassador, the sole subject of which was the lifting of sanctions imposed over the election hacking. Tsk.

      As ignorance (or disdain) for the law is no defense … it’s impeachment time! … already!

  3. dewster says:

    Trump signs repeal of transparency rule for oil companies

    next up Tillerson goes to Russia to remove sanctions so that exxon mobile deal will move forward again ya know half a billion foe exxon, what is in it for Trump?

    None of the taxpayers business according to Republicans

    • Tina says:

      The regulation was a good example of a stooopid regulations, good riddance to bad rubbish.

      The regulation imposed high implementation costs on American oil companies that punished consumers at the pump and in the job market. Foreign oil companies were not similarly constricted giving them an unfair advantage. Ending this unfair regulation does not mean an end to transparency because the SEC is still obligated to regulate for transparency.

      This change will remove obstacles to job creation and hopefully bring a more equitable transparency rule for American companies.

      Resentment is a terrible lens through which to view the changes being made, Dewey. A transparency rule that causes unnecessary cost and lost jobs for Americans is a stupid regulation.

      Oil companies have complied with regulations placed on them for the sake of the environment for many decades. People who disparage them for profits without taking into consideration the tremendous contributions they make are as unfair as the regulation that has now been flushed. Our government gets a tremendous amount of revenue from these companies. Americans have tremendous opportunities for good paying jobs due to the production of the oil companies. Oil is the fuel that supports our economy and prosperity. America has been a leader in pollution control, if anything we should be touting the progress we’ve made for cleaner air and water as an EXAMPLE for the worlds current polluters , China and India. Encouragement and support to implement pollution controls in these nations makes more sense than continuing to punish.

      Why all the hate, Dewey?

  4. Peggy says:

    Looking forward to see what WikiLeaks has to say about all of this. Can’t help but wonder what emails will come out with DNC and congressional Dems’ names on them.

    • Tina says:

      Here you go Peggy!

      Political Insider:

      WikiLeaks blamed the resignation on a “destabilization campaign” run in coordination with the Democrat Party and biased liberal media.

      Clearly, WikiLeaks is suggesting that some American spies weren’t happy with Flynn, and decided to take him out:

      As the Free Beacon reports, Obama loyalists who likely weren’t happy with Flynn’s privileged knowledge about Barack Obama’s dangerous deal with the Iranian regime could be to blame:

      The abrupt resignation Monday evening of White House national security adviser Michael Flynn is the culmination of a secret, months-long campaign by former Obama administration confidantes to handicap President Donald Trump’s national security apparatus and preserve the nuclear deal with Iran, according to multiple sources in and out of the White House who described to the Washington Free Beacon a behind-the-scenes effort by these officials to plant a series of damaging stories about Flynn in the national media.

      The effort, said to include former Obama administration adviser Ben Rhodes—the architect of a separate White House effort to create what he described as a pro-Iran echo chamber—included a small task force of Obama loyalists who deluged media outlets with stories aimed at eroding Flynn’s credibility, multiple sources revealed.

      The operation primarily focused on discrediting Flynn, an opponent of the Iran nuclear deal, in order to handicap the Trump administration’s efforts to disclose secret details of the nuclear deal with Iran that had been long hidden by the Obama administration.

      Insiders familiar with the anti-Flynn campaign told the Free Beacon that these Obama loyalists plotted in the months before Trump’s inauguration to establish a set of roadblocks before Trump’s national security team, which includes several prominent opponents of diplomacy with Iran. The Free Beacon first reported on this effort in January.

      Sources who spoke to the Free Beacon requested anonymity in order to speak freely about the situation and avoid interfering with the White House’s official narrative about Flynn, which centers on his failure to adequately inform the president about a series of phone calls with Russian officials.

      The source went onto explain that the campaign against Flynn started long before Inauguration Day, as Flynn has been preparing to publicize many details about the nuclear deal which were hidden by the Obama White House in hopes of building public support.

      If true, this shows just how bad the “Washington, D.C.” swamp is, if powerful officials are playing politics and seeking revenge on behalf of an administration no longer in power.

      • Peggy says:

        Makes perfect sense to take out the man who was the first military officer to support Trump during his campaign, who spoke out against the Iran deal and who would have access to all of the secret deals Obama and Kerry cut with Iran.

        Mark Levin was going off on the radio tonight saying Trump should never have let Flynn go. The wrong doings was done by those who leaked this confidential information and would face up to 10 years in prison when caught. Flynn did nothing wrong legally. His not divulging or forgetting every detail of his conversations last December, while still a civilian, to Pence was not a crime. The crime was committed by those who wiretapped a private citizen and leaked the information to the media.

        Flynn talking to individuals and leaders of other countries was not a crime. Remember when Obama went on his around the world tour, when GW Bush was president, to visit national leaders while he was campaigning? Remember him visiting the Holy Wall in Jerusalem with Bebe Net.?

        The media once again gives a pass to the great Obama and all of his private conversations, but let a member of Trump’s team speak to one a phone and it’s the worst scandal since Watergate and the biggest disaster since the attack on Pearl Harbor.

        Do the Dems and the media really think the majority of the people are really that dumb? I guess they do since the still haven’t figured out why they keep loosing elections.

        These two article do a good job of summing up the difference between the slavering media for Obama and the take no victim attacks against Trump.

        Obama Talks About What He Learned During His World Trip:
        “Even if he wins the election this fall, Barack Obama will have a hard time matching the rock-star reception he received in Europe last week. More than 200,000 fans came to hear him speak in Berlin, while heads of state who are more skeptical of the Democratic candidate were still eager to be photographed with him. Obama spoke to NEWSWEEK’s Richard Wolffe as his plane neared Paris, one of the last stops on his trip. Excerpts:
        Wolffe: Based on what you’ve seen and heard on this trip, is there anything that has led you to review any policy, tweak things, rethink anything?

        Obama: Our success in Afghanistan is going to be deeply dependent not just on getting more troops there, which we need, but also some sustained high-level engagement with Pakistan—something that I discussed before but I think is significantly more urgent than even I had imagined. Basically there doesn’t appear to be any pressure at all being placed on Al Qaeda, on these training camps, these safe havens, in the FATA [Federally Administered Tribal Areas].”

        US elections: Obama embarks on crucial international tour:
        “Barack Obama embarks this weekend on a critical world tour which will take in Iraq, Afghanistan, the Middle East and Europe before ending up outside Downing Street next Saturday.
        The Democratic nominee will take questions from the media on his own in London, with Gordon Brown having opted against a joint picture outside Number 10, for fear of being seen to interfere in the US elections.

        It is unusual for a candidate to spend time overseas in an election year. US commentators this week have repeatedly used the phrase ‘high stakes’ to describe his trip saying he is running a risk taking time out from campaigning on domestic concerns, primarily job losses, collapsing house prices and rising fuel costs.

        “If Obama says he represents a new politics, he’s certainly smashing an old paradigm by going,” presidential historian Douglas Brinkley, of Rice university in Texas, told the Philadelphia Inquirer. “And for 10 days, he’ll own the media. It’s gigantic for him.”

        There has never been an overseas visit by a presidential candidate as oversubscribed as this one. His campaign team has rejected hundreds of requests not only from foreign journalists but from Americans too. He is taking a pared-down media pack, made up mainly of television crews.”

        And this last article is the CROWN PRINCE of them all, literally! Remember Obama’s “Farewell Tour,” just months before he left office? Now, what does everyone think that was all about? Was HE making deals and setting policy to cement in his legacy? You bet he was.

        President Obama’s Bizarro-World victory tour:
        “Having done a world tour on his way into the White House, President Obama’s now planning an even bigger global victory lap in his final year in office. Too bad that everything in-between is a heaping mound of hot foreign-policy mess.

        The president has reportedly ordered his staff to set a heavy international schedule for 2016. What, to celebrate the arrival of world peace?

        The White House, Politico reports, means the trips to cement a legacy of “Trans-Pacific Partnership, increased attention to Asia, an opening of Latin America, progress against the Islamic State and significant global movement on climate change.”
        Left off that list:


      • Libby says:

        And you’re falling for this horsepucky? You know, Flynn’s ouster does not prevent anyone else on the council from speaking up, if, in fact, such a thing was in the works … which it wasn’t … and why nobody is.

        This is the same nonsense as Peggy’s Palin “research” below. You all just go foundering after anything, anything at all, to distract from the unhappy truth. The NYT opinionates that Flynn was an “ideologue and a hothead” and that such people have no business in government … because (and this is my opinionating) they just cannot stay out of trouble.

  5. Libby says:

    It’s, like, the most luscious soap opera ever. I’m really addicted. I don’t know what I’ll do if it goes off the air.


    Aside from having the New Republic concur with yours truly over the suitability of Petraeus, the best bit, … the second best is Bannon using Breitbart to engineer the ouster of Priebus.


    And it’s so unfair … Obama sleeper cells ! … I mean what’s poor Reince supposed to do? You’d have to be a flaming egomaniac of a mid-level bureaucrat to want to get into that toxic political morass, and there aren’t as many of those as you might think. Mostly, people just want to get home to their kids.

  6. J. Soden says:

    I just sent the following letter to ABC News. Operating on the premise that if you don’t say something, nothing will change.

    I started watching NBC News with Huntley/Brinkley as a child. Left NBC as a news source as they started morphing into an arm of a certain political party. Went to CBS, but didn’t care for Walter Cronkite’s “holier-than-thou” delivery and certainly not Dan Rather’s news fabrications. Have been watching ABC News for the last few years – and find that ABC is going the same way of NBC.

    The alphabet media – including ABC – has spent the last 8 years giving President Obama a pass on issues like Fast and Furious, Obamacare lies, stealing Social Security funds to prop up Obamacare, Benghazi OUTRIGHT lies, Obama’s invisible red lines and inaction against ISIS. My gosh – the man couldn’t even say “Islamic Terrorist!”

    You also gave President Obama pass on his campaign trips on the taxpayer dime, his Department of Justice choosing which laws they wanted to follow, his scandal using the IRS as a weapon to stifle Tea Party dissent with “no smidgen of corruption,” his “shovel ready jobs” that weren’t, his ignoring cyberattacks on both government and private industry, his expen$ive vacations, his VA scandal – I could go on and on.

    And now, your coverage each night consists of “gotcha” questions and slanting headlines, comments and news to make our new president appear in the worst possible light. It’s no wonder that the majority of Americans no longer trust the alphabet networks and their partners-in-crime the NYT, WaPo, and other print media. And once-respected CNN has become FNN – Fake News Network. It’s almost as if the Democrat Donkey should be included in ABC’s logo.

    I will be switching to FoxNews. ABC has lost me as a viewer, both for news and many network programs. I will occasionally tune back in, but only to get a list of advertisers so that I can express my displeasure of your viewpoint to them, and I’m not alone in this. You’ve lost the trust of millions of viewers, and it will be difficult if not impossible to get it back. However, a loss of advertising revenue just might change the way ABC works!

    It would be extremely interesting if the various alphabet networks would have to undergo a vote like last November. Any bets on who would REALLY lose?

    • Peggy says:

      J. Soden, I did a similar path in 2008 when the Alphabet news’ headlines were scream about Palin loosing her Troopergate case. They never really said what she had lost on so I went searching all of the different broadcast and cable news programs to find out. It came down to she had actually won, since as governor she had the right to fire the state trooper who happened to be her ex-brother in law. What the judge found her “guilty” of was not controlling her husband and father of her children who had threatened the trooper what had first threatened to harm the Panlin children. Sorry, but I don’t know of any man who would not fight any man to protect his own children.

      All of them except Fox News reported her as guilty. They all lied by omission to present a biased view of who Palin was. Fox is the ONLY one that presented the whole story. So, at that point I have primarily watch Fox News and on occasion see what CNN says. I found Jake Tapper and Don Lemon at least reasonable on some topics, but then their extreme bias would become overwhelming and I’d write them off again.

      If you haven’t watched Tucker Carlson Tonight show he is awesome. The man does his research and nails every one of the left-wing extremist he brings on. He’s like watching a verbal master cage fighter. Better than any of the other commentators combined. IMHO

    • Libby says:

      I don’t know, J., maybe they didn’t bother with the O-man vacations, cause he never came anywhere near close to the record set by The Shrub?


      How long are you all going to obsess over the past, when the present is so very interesting?

      • Tina says:

        Nobody is obsessing about the past. We talk about the past to point out your hypocrisy and phoniness…and to correct the record.

        For instance your claim that GWB took more vacations is true but doesn’t paint an accurate picture. Time spent at his ranch working, where the security set up is known, is a lot less expensive than securing a different private residence in a popular resort. Vacations to his ranch can hardly be compared to partying in Hawaii and Martha’s Vineyard, especially when the First Lady often traveled on separate days blowing up the travel costs. Obama also played a lot more golf; Bush gave the game up in deference to the troops. None of the fact checking organizations compared cost as far as I can tell. /that too might tell a much different story. but I gotta leave for a bit right now so…

  7. dewster says:

    Oh and yes the death Panels are back! Funny how they only show up at Tea Party Politicians town halls

    Lions, Tigers, and death panels!

    They exist honest they do!


    Tea Party Patsies

    Do not pretend Tea party Town halls do not have their politicians running out with police protection cause……ya know lies, sex and videotape

  8. dewster says:

    if you are saying flynn acted on his own Bullpucky!

  9. Pie Guevara says:

    General Michael Flynn did not break any laws and those who claim he did are grasping at straws. In any case, the point is moot, he will never be charged nor should be. The obnoxious foaming-at-the-mouth left can rant with glee all they like, this is going nowhere.

    Flynn was pressured into resigning because he was not truthful with the Vice Presidentn ot because he broke any law. Why he felt the need to prevaricate about his communications we will never know. It is a sad turn of events which will soon blow over.

    • Libby says:

      Ah, but Pie … lying to FBI investigators is against the law; it’s a felony even, and there are rumors that when they were doing their initial investigating, before they reported to Yates, Flynn was not forth-coming.

      There is also the criminal stupidity to be considered. As our great comforter, Mr. Colbert, observes: “Even I know the Russian Ambassador’s phone is gonna be taped.” I mean … ???

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