Norquist’s Take on CBO Scoring of Healthcare Bill

Posted by Tina

If you care about our nations debt and deficit spending there’s good news in the healthcare bill that was recently scored by CBO. Keep in mind this information applies only to the bill as delivered to CBO and doesn’t reflect on any changes that have been or will be made in the final product. I’m happy, we’re headed in the right direction. Grover Norquist, writing in The Washington Examiner:

Remember the date of March 13, 2017. It was the day President Trump was guaranteed his re-election and Republican congressional gains in 2018 and 2020.

It’s not complicated. Follow along.

The Congressional Budget Office released its study of Trump and Paul Ryan’s plan to repeal Obamacare and begin to reform our healthcare system. It had many numbers. Only two mattered: taxes and spending.

CBO announced that the repeal bill reduces taxes by almost $900 billion and reduces federal spending by $1.2 trillion over the next decade. This reduces deficit spending by $300 billion over the next 10 years. Thus the CBO, as official umpire, announced that the GOP Obamacare repeal plan may be enacted through “reconciliation,” the process that requires a simple majority in the House and only 51 votes in the Senate. No filibuster allowed.

There’s more, including how these numbers will help to get a tax reform bill passed and spur economic growth.

The radical left is pulling out the stops to demoralize and destroy…such positive people, yeah? (Why would anyone want to be a part of that mess?) Anyway, since they are taking that tack, I will be bringing you every positive story I can find for the duration, and I expect a lot of good news is coming our way.

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5 Responses to Norquist’s Take on CBO Scoring of Healthcare Bill

  1. Dewster says:

    Grover Norquist is an enemy of the State. If yo are glorifying him then you own him. He wants the US Gov completely gone for the corporate state.

    I still question whether he is a mole.

    You are worried about spending?

    Then why do you not care Trump is living high on the hog while we pay for security. Vacations every weekend, his wife and all children roam the world at our expense.

    How about that stupid scam called the wall and the cost of that? Yes he lied we are paying for it. Useless wall for profit.’

    Time to get real about what is going on

  2. Dewster says:

    Oh yes and the Debt? These Phony wars for corporate interests. Stop them.

    Bottom line more money is spent on Phony WARS than the welfare of our people

    Get Real……..

  3. Tina says:

    Dewey get a clue.

    “If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, it expects what never was and never can be.” – Thomas Jefferson

    Thomas Jefferson also said of the federal government that it, “shall restrain men from injuring one another, shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned. This is the sum of good government.”

    The federal government of the Unites States was not created to spend money on “the welfare of our people.” That is not, constitutionally, the purpose of the federal government. In fact, your suggestion requires the confiscation of individual property in order to form a redistribution system (a socialist system) and that is antithetical to the ideals of freedom in our Constitution.

    America grew to be a strong nation because we were set up as a republic in which it was understood that it is the citizens responsibility to care for himself and his family.

    The federal government was formed by the original states to defend them from enemies foreign and domestic, to ensure the rights of individual citizens, to settle disputes between the states, and to represent the nation’s interests abroad.

    Unfortunately too many Americans have not been taught this and, like you, now believe the government was designed to take care of us. As a result we grow more dependent and weak as individual citizens.

    A house is only as strong as it’s weakest elements.

    I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. The bulk of our debt derives from underfunded entitlement programs. Much of the rest comes from government abuse of powers, waste and fraud…including waste and fraud in the defense department.

  4. Dewster says:



    Truth is History books are mostly lies.

    I am more aware of true history and what they really meant. You have to understand the times. I have studies in great depth on History one of my fav subjects. I realized at a young age we were taught lies.

    I fear you do not know the truth about our history.

    but since you bring up History explain to me what indication we have that the founders ever meant Corporations are People and Money is equal to free speech.

    They did not. The GOP and DNC are addicted to this foreign and domestic 24/7 election money.

    We live in a corporate state with the illusion of democracy and voting while multinational Corporations and States deplete our assets into their accounts.

    Truth is since then we have made a social contract.

    And Yes the Gov is suppose to be we the people protecting the welfare of our citizens not a business or corporate state. you see the founders feared greatly the corporations would try to take over as they fought them back them. The tea party was against a corporation not for a corporation.

    So we made a social contract during the 20’s on up. The majority wants social security ect ect.

    Tina the banks decimated the people, got bailed out and want to complete the job.

    So sorry If you like fascism I will fight til death against corporate control. fact is our taxes are not going away. So I want roads, schools, and healthcare.

    You got yours from that system so do not try to tell others they can not have that system.

    Like I said DO NOT CASH YOUR CHECKS or stifle it Edith.


  5. Dewster says:

    The bulk of our debt derives from underfunded entitlement programs.

    And TINA That statement is False been debunked so many times it is not funny. It is a talking point with no merit. Do the math yourself. WARS AND DEFENSE IS THE WASTE.

    How about we start by auditing the Pentagon?

    “Although it’s required to by law, the DoD has never had an audit, something every American person, every company and every other government agency is subject to. The result is an astounding $10tn in taxpayer money that has gone unaccounted for since 1996. ”

    “As reports and news articles about waste and abuse at the Pentagon pile up, prominent voices from across the political spectrum – from Bernie Sanders to Ted Cruz to Grover Norquist – are expressing support for a full audit of DoD. In a 2013 video message to the whole of the defense department, then secretary of defense Chuck Hagel told employees that the department’s non-compliance was “unacceptable”. During this past election cycle, both the Democratic and Republican platforms called for the Pentagon’s audit. ”

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