You Should Know . . .

by Jack

The President won the election with less than 40% of the popular vote but had the majority of electoral votes. The Republican Party had put forth a candidate to win several crucial states that could swing the electoral college. The election was a bitter one with the Democratic Party fractured between two candidates.

The incoming President received so many death threats that he chose to arrive in Washington in secrecy. The security for the inauguration was the tightest ever with troops stationed on buildings throughout the day. This was an unprecedented amount of protection for any President-elect. Many members of Congress chose not to attend the ceremony.Despite all this……. Abraham Lincoln was sworn in as our 16th president on March 4, 1861.

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6 Responses to You Should Know . . .

  1. Tina says:

    The parallels are there. History does indeed repeat.

  2. Joe says:

    We are in the early stages of the development of what will turn into a civil war. Here we see Soros funded terrorists beginning their push to silence anyone they disagree with…

    Jack, as I recall you said you were a captain in the Coast Guard or Merchant Marines. You’re military training will come in handy.

    A civil war is coming. All of you must ask yourselves what side will you be on?

    • Chris says:

      You are sick in the head, Joe. No, you won’t be allowed to start killing your liberal neighbors, no matter how much you want to. Stop searching for a legitimate reason to do so.

  3. Jim Matthews says:

    1860 Lincoln received 1,866,452 votes, Douglas 1,376,957 votes.

  4. Tina says:

    1860 Lincoln won with 180 electoral college votes to Douglas’s 12.

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