Immigrant American No Longer Feels Safe Here

by Jack

Today NPR  featured an (immigrant) Asian-American lady who was the wife an Asian- American professor who taught Sharia Law at a local Kansas University.

The couple arrived in Kansas in 2003 to start a “simple life,” he teaching and she running their family farm.   They were warmly received by their neighbors and he was granted full professor status where he worked.  Life was good.  But, the couple said the times have changed, there is more crime and they no longer feel safe in America and are planning on leaving.

The [main reason] they don’t feel safe is, her husband teaches at a public university and effective next January a Kansas law will allow persons with American citizenship, a DOJ background check and specialized training and education, to be granted a concealed carry permit.  That permit allows citizens to carry a concealed pistol in public places, including colleges and the thought of this horrifies her!

She wrote to her Congressman and complained that she fears for her husband’s safety and she didn’t feel that way before the law was passed!    He (state representative) sent her back a copy of the Second Amendment and told her to read it.    This was disheartening for her and she said she no longer feels like her voice is being heard!  She and her husband are looking to relocate to another country.

In their case, I think moving is probably the right thing to do. 

Before any of our liberal readers get mad at me, allow me to explain!  If she writes to her Congressman and she does not get her way, it’s not because her voice was not heard.  It was heard.  But, she is not a Queen and therefore her voice does not matter more than the “will of the people.”  That will being within the framework of the US Constitution. 

She’s a Harvard grad as is her husband and they should both know how  democracy works.  But, she’s more concerned about her feelings than our Constitutional rights and this is so typical of liberals.

This overly paranoid woman mirrors the strong opinion of many libs who hate guns and  can’t come to grips with the fact we have over 350,000,000 firearms in America.  This is an old saying, but it is so true:  When guns are outlawed – only the outlaws will have guns.

No amount of extra laws or signs saying, “gun free zones,” will deter those who are determined to be outlaws.   So, what will stop them?  Hint:  People with the power can!   Most of the time this means the police, but sometimes when the police are not present and seconds count for life or death, it falls upon citizens who are lawfully armed and properly trained to use deadly force.  They have the power, and they can protect themselves and others from great bodily harm and/or death.   Hopefully in such circumstances they will blow the would-be killer away.  That ends the rampage, it eliminates our court costs and prison expenses too.   Case closed and a job well done…only in America!  And libs wants to change that?  I say to the woman on NPR, go ahead, make my day….MOVE.


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10 Responses to Immigrant American No Longer Feels Safe Here

  1. J. Soden says:

    3:45pm, Tuesday May 9th
    Since TheDonald just fired James Comey as head of the FBI, the hue and cry will be deafening. Interestingly, here’s a list of FBI shenanigans while Comey was in charge:

    Sessions was right in requesting a “fresh start” and TheDonald got to say those magic words.

  2. Soaps says:

    I am more concerned about the fact that her husband is a professor who teaches Sharia law. Who pays for these scoundrels? Let’s hope they do relocate, preferably to a place like Iran where their philosophies are more welcome.

    • Post Scripts says:

      I agree of course, and I’m curious to know on what level of insanity could teaching Sharia law be considered a good thing? I see far more value in this guy teaching cuniculture than Sharia law. Some day we’re just going to have to round up all this crazies, fit them with lead overshoes, and then drop them in the deepest part of Marianas trench and be done with it.

      • Tina says:

        Good suggestion Jack…especially about the rabbits. Stumped me on that one, lol.

      • TruthToPower says:


        So is “Them” All one religion?

        • Tina says:

          No. You can’t determine the “them” by religion alone. It’s the them that want to transform America and place her under Sharia that are an enemy of freedom that might have to be removed. It all depends on THEM!!!!!

          People from all over the world take risks and/or spend a lot of money to come the the United States. They do so to escape the tyranny and poor conditions in the nations they leave and for the freedom afforded them under our Constitution. Those who come here to change America are not welcome and should not come here. Our immigration system should weed out those who do not wish to adopt and support our Constitution and way of life.

      • Tina says:

        Soaps and Jack what exactly is the point of having a course in Sharia Law in Kansas? I went looking for an answer to that question and found this:

        After attending his class on Sharia law, Professor Raj Bhala hopes U.S. Army Special Operations officers will have a better understanding of what motivates Muslim extremists.

        “Should they encounter violent extremists, they can look at that person and say: I know that what you’re saying about your own political system is wrong,” Bhala said.

        Associate Dean for International and Comparative Law and Rice Distinguished Professor at the University of Kansas School of Law, Bhala recently published a book, “Understanding Islamic Law (Shari’a).” He is teaching an elective to Command and General Staff College students through a program funded by the U.S. Army John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center and School. Bhala, an American Catholic, has practiced international banking law at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, which twice granted him the President’s Award for Excellence.

        Bhala started his class by explaining that Sharia law, meaning “the path,” has its source from the Muslim holy book, the Qur’an. Unlike western law, which often has inspiration from Judeo-Christian values, Bhala said religion and law are inseparable in the Muslim world.

        “We don’t conceive of American law as a path to eternity,” he said. “It’s not a whole way of life for our public and private behavior.”

        I’m wondering how it gets passed the feminists and A-Z’s on campus.

  3. RHT447 says:

    I don’t think this guy plans on moving…

  4. J. Soden says:

    And in a related subject that should raise a big red flag with Taxifornia voters . . . .

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