Posted by Tina
This should be a no-brainer but in an act that can only be described as infantile agency activism, the CIS (Citizenship and Immigration Services) says it won’t say if it will turn over data relevant to Trumps Commission on Election Integrity, a group tasked to investigate possible voter fraud.
Various states have also declined to cooperate in turning over data so that it can be cross checked against immigration records.
The information being requested is public, rather than private. States have been willing to sell the information to campaigns and other organizations in the past. The Washington Times reports:
The idea is to compare that huge list with another large database, this one of registered voters maintained by the states. Under federal law, it is illegal for noncitizens to register and to vote in federal elections. Polls and some spot-check investigations suggest that many do.
The Times asked CIS, a branch of the Department of Homeland Security, whether it would comply with a request from the commission, which is headed by Vice President Mike Pence.
The agency provided a statement to The Times that fell short of a commitment: “It would be speculative and premature to comment on any future hypothetical request from the Commission to DHS for information.”
Everywhere we turn we see left radicals playing destructive, divisive political games. This is refusal to engage in a process to pinpoint and eliminate fraud and restore trust in our election process. Full cooperation would make more sense…unless there’s something to hide.
Voter rolls in most states are available for purchase. Where else do you think all of those electioneering phone calls come from????
Don’t buy the excuse of “protecting privacy” if the voter rolls are sold – that’s hogwash.
Judicial Watch has already warned 11 states to clean up their voter rolls or face a lawsuit. Unfortunately, Taxifornia is not on their list of 11.
Simple solution – BUY the voter rolls and expose the fraudster states for incompetence.
45 states are refusing to turn over at least some of the information requested by Kobach. Even Kobach’s own state, Kansas, refuses to turn over social security information.
With only 5 states turning over all the information requested, isn’t the simplest explanation that Kobach massively overstepped here? Not all of those 45 states are governed by Democrats.
The whole thing is a fraud anyway. Kobach investigated voter fraud in Kansas and only found about ten cases over the span of ten years. And now we’re supposed to believe his new commission is going to find hundreds of thousands of illegal votes? Ridiculous. This is a stunt to justify the same voter ID laws that courts have already found are designed to reduce black and Hispanic turnout.
You need ID to enter ANY goofernment building in DC, not to mention opening a bank account or cell phone service, picking up mail, applying or receiving any type of goofernment handout, taking a flight, visiting a doctor or hospital, and driving a vehicle.
The REAL fraud is that requiring voter ID is supposed to disenfranchise the poor, blacks, hispanics or asians and is about as reliable as CNN/FNN is these days.