by Jack
This is a 16X20, acrylic on canvas, titled Oblivion. It depicts a P51 Mustang with black and white invasion stripes on the wings and fuselage. The surreal background is left to the viewer’s imagination to see whatever you see, which is one of the better points of doing surrealism…lol. (It was fun to do!)
This painting was done on request of a friend to paint a P51, however I took a little artistic liberty and went from realism to surrealism, but the “51” is accurate including the six .50 cal gun ports on the leading edge of the wings (barely visible) in the photo. This time the colors remained pretty close despite my budget priced digital camera. Why did I do it on a 16X20, why not larger? Because it’s what I had (remember, I am a starving artist).
There are two prop circles, an inner and outer, can you see them? The 3D rain like effect is done in a method of my own creation. The complexity of the background is impossible to reproduce and some of the colors are too, because they were accidental. I hope you have a minute or two to stare into the painting, I promise the longer you look, the more you will enjoy what you see.
As usual, all comments are welcome, good or bad, doesn’t matter, its all part of my learning curve. Thanks for looking!

Very nice, Mr. Jack.
I would like to see you paint a soldier…maybe one with that thousand yard stare. How about this German at Stalingrad?,_Stalingrad,_deutscher_Soldat_mit_Zigarette.jpg
Maybe you could get some more ideas here
I bet that German never made it home and he probably knew he would not. If he wasn’t killed by the Russians in combat he probably died as a POW. I have heard that 95% of German prisoners never made it home.
I like this one a lot Jack.
“I hope you have a minute or two to stare into the painting, I promise the longer you look, the more you will enjoy what you see.”
Hmmm, I do like what I see but I have a feeling it’s much more interesting viewed in person.