911 to Monument Destruction – Can America Defeat Her Enemies?

Posted by Tina

President Trump believes we can defeat the forces that stand against us because of the ideals and values that most Americans share. Please read his comments today, as he commemorates 911:

“Throughout history, everyday Americans and first responders have done the extraordinary through selfless acts of patriotism, compassion, and uncommon courage. Not just in New York, Virginia, and Pennsylvania, but across our great Nation, Americans on September 11, 2001, bound themselves together for the common good, saying with one voice that we will be neither scared nor defeated. The enemy attempted to tear at the fabric of our society by destroying our buildings and murdering our innocent, but our strength has not and will not waiver. Americans today remain steadfast in our commitment to liberty, to human dignity, and to one another,” Mr. Trump says in his proclamation recognizing Patriot’s Day — the official title for the anniversary, determined by a joint resolution of Congress approved weeks after the attacks.

“It has been 16 years since the tragedy of September 11. Children who lost their parents on that day are now parents of their own, while many teenagers currently in high school learn about September 11th only from their history books. Yet all Americans are imbued with the same commitment to cause and love of their fellow citizens as everyone who lived through that dark day. We will never forget. The events of September 11, 2001, did not defeat us. They did not rattle us. They, instead, have rallied us, as leaders of the civilized world, to defeat an evil ideology that preys on innocents and knows nothing but violence and destruction. On this anniversary, I invite all Americans to thank our nation’s incredible service members and first responders, who are on the front lines of our fight against terrorism,” notes Mr. Trump….

September 11, 2001 was the most shocking and devastating attack the American people had experienced since Pearl Harbor. American’s reacted with heart-filled expressions of patriotism, bravery, heroism and valor…American flags flew everywhere. We were a nation shaken but also a nation united in ways not seen since WWII.

Looking back, it’s easy to see we were foolish to think the unity and patriotism we experienced would last. Within a year we were reminded of forces within our country, much of it media driven, that have been working to undermine American ideals and values for decades. Had we not been so focused on the tragedy of lives brutaly snuffed out and the terrorists who attacked we might have noticed the shots being fired at our President from within beginning with snarky criticisms of his reading to school children on that morning and later questions of his whereabouts when his nation needed to hear from him.

We might too have taken more seriously people of similar ilk to Bill Ayers who spent part of the day reflecting on how, in the 1970’s, he and his Weather Underground activists, “Didn’t do enough.”:

“I don’t regret setting bombs,” Bill Ayers said. “I feel we didn’t do enough.” Mr. Ayers, who spent the 1970’s as a fugitive in the Weather Underground, was sitting in the kitchen of his big turn-of-the-19th-century stone house in the Hyde Park district of Chicago. The long curly locks in his Wanted poster are shorn, though he wears earrings. He still has tattooed on his neck the rainbow-and-lightning Weathermen logo that appeared on letters taking responsibility for bombings. And he still has the ebullient, ingratiating manner, the apparently intense interest in other people, that made him a charismatic figure in the radical student movement. … Mr. Ayers, who in 1970 was said to have summed up the Weatherman philosophy as: “Kill all the rich people. Break up their cars and apartments. Bring the revolution home, kill your parents, that’s where it’s really at,” is today distinguished professor of education at the University of Illinois at Chicago. And he says he doesn’t actually remember suggesting that rich people be killed or that people kill their parents, but “it’s been quoted so many times I’m beginning to think I did,” he said. “It was a joke about the distribution of wealth.”

Ayers often excuses his group’s activist rhetoric said as “a joke.” Following the Manson family murders in Beverly Hills, his wife “…told an S.D.S. audience: ‘Dig it! Manson killed those pigs, then they ate dinner in the same room with them, then they shoved a fork into a victim’s stomach.'”

On 911 was Mr. Ayers jealous of the sheer magnitude and impact of the 911 attacks? it’s hard to say but it’s pretty clear he has not changed his particularly narrow view of America nor his determination to “fundamentally transform” this nation. As we all know he is not a lone voice.

It’s been sixteen years. Today’s headlines reflect a nation divided between those who would preserve the Constitution and those who would discard it’s basic tenets. Between those who strongly support individual rights and equal protections and those who support special rights for persons of grievance groups who they believe deserve special rights and protections. and between those who support our laws and those who openly challenge them, the latest being the movement to tear down all vestiges of “offensive” American history and to silence all voices of opposition to the special interest cause.

I was inspired to write this morning by J Soden who brought to our attention an article by Brigitte Gabriel at Breitbart in which she commemorates 911 by pointing out that, “We Forgot.” Her article illustrates the dramatic shift from unity and patriotism experienced following that fateful day to the full blown anti-American destructive forces at work within our nation to divide and destroy us. No mere whiner, Gabriel provides a link to her website Act for America with multiple suggestions for positive action that patriotic citizens can take to fight against forces of destruction within our shores. As for the terrorists, I have faith in our Presidents commitment to “…defeat an evil ideology that preys on innocents and knows nothing but violence and destruction.”

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17 Responses to 911 to Monument Destruction – Can America Defeat Her Enemies?

  1. J. Soden says:

    Well done, Tina. Excellent addition to Gabriel’s article!

  2. Peggy says:

    We will always remember. But, will the next generation ever know what happened and why? I read teachers are not teaching about 9/11. Why not?

    Will the Twin Tower’s memorial and museum decades from now end up being destroyed, like our Civil War memorials and statues, because they remind us of a war against Islamic terrorists? Will our history once again be rewritten because it offended someone or a group of individuals?

    Here is something to reminds us all of how we felt on 9/12. Grab a Kleenex.

    Tribute to 9/11 “Remember” with “There She Stands” by Michael W. Smith


    • Tina says:

      Spent part of the day with a box of Kleenex, Peggy, thanks for adding to the experience. We do live in a wonderful country don’t we?

      • Peggy says:

        Yes we do. I just wish more people would realize it and we could go back to being a united nation like we were on 9/12, instead of as divided as we have become since then.

        Heard more personal stories this year than in past years. There was the young man with a red handkerchief who saved several lives before losing his own. And another who saved over 2,000 and was last seen headed back up just minutes before the tower fell.

        I lost it when the president and First Lady came out of the WH at the time the first plane hit and again when Mike Pence spoke.

        Hard to believe it’s been 16 years. High schools students today weren’t even born then.

        Remembering Benghazi doesn’t make me sad, it makes me angry to know those four men died five years ago and no one has been held accountable, yet.

        • Tina says:

          Me too Peggy. The fact that this war is of a nature not seen before may factor in. The only sane explanation I can think of is that a trial would expose things that would endanger those still involved in the terror war and the processes required to fight it…but that seems a remote possibility.

          All else is insanity.

          • Peggy says:

            Oh I agree it would expose those still involved, but more importantly those who WERE involved. I watched every congressional hearing on CSPAN and believe me what we were fed through the media didn’t line up with what Charlene Lamb and Gregory Hicks testified to.

            Besides the 30 plus CIA staff assigned to the Annex I’d love to hear what Mike Rogers and Daryl Issa, as the chairmen of the congressional committees, have to say under oath.

            Unraveling Benghazi: Is Mike Rogers Part Of The Problem?:
            “Last month, Daily Beast national security correspondent Eli Lake reported that House Intelligence Committee Chairman Mike Rogers had “warned his colleagues about the upcoming select committee to investigate Benghazi.” In interviews Rogers “downplayed” the testimony CIA contractors gave in closed session, Lake noted, and has said he did not believe the CIA had stonewalled his committee. Lake reported that “the chairmen of the House Intelligence, Armed Services, and Government Reform committees — Reps. Rogers, Buck McKeon, and Darrell Issa, respectively — all opposed the formation of a select committee on Benghazi.”

            Sussing out the White House’s response to Benghazi is a critical step in clearing the shadows from the incident, but there are other players in the drama as well, including Rep. Rogers, and possibly also including a private military contracting firm that until recently was run by his wife, Kristi Rogers. Mike and Kristi Rogers are quintessential Washington insiders. A seven-term Republican from Michigan, Mike Rogers climbed the political ladder to become chairman of the Intelligence Committee in January 2011. Kristi Rogers, after years of government service in mid-level administrative positions, moved to the private sector, joining the British-based security contractor Aegis Defense Services to help open its U.S. subsidiary. The newsletter Intelligence Online noted that thanks to Ms. Rogers’ efforts, “Aegis won several major contracts with the U.S. administration.”

            Steve Bannon on 60 Minutes said the establishment was so corrupt it would take decades to undo what has taken 50 years to put into place.

          • Peggy says:

            Breaking today from Catherine Herridge who was on the Tucker Carlson Tonight show.

            Contractors say Clinton State Department silenced them on Benghazi security lapses:
            Catherine Herridge

            “EXCLUSIVE: Security at the State Department’s Benghazi compound was so dire that another contractor was brought in to clean up the mess just two weeks before the 2012 terror attack – and was later pressured to keep quiet by a government bureaucrat under then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, according to two men from the American security company.

            Brad Owens and Jerry Torres, of Torres Advanced Enterprise Solutions, say they faced pressure to stay silent and get on the same page with the State Department with regard to the security lapses that led to the deaths of four Americans.

            They spoke exclusively with Fox News for “Tucker Carlson Tonight,” revealing new information that undermines the State Department’s account of the 2012 terror attack in Benghazi,…

            Jerry Torres remains haunted by the fact specific bureaucrats and policies remain in the State Department after the Benghazi attack despite the change in administrations. “A U.S. ambassador is dead and nobody is held accountable for it. And three guys … all died trying to defend him,” said Torres, the company’s CEO and a former Green Beret.

            Asked if there was a specific effort by a senior State Department contracting officer to silence them, Torres said, “Absolutely, absolutely.”

            Torres and Owens are concerned another attack like the one in Benghazi could happen again because the same State Department employees responsible for the Benghazi contract remain in place and the contracting rules are outdated.

            “In 1990, Congress passed a law that required contracts of this nature to go to the lowest bidder that’s technically acceptable,” Owens explained. “Now, what that has created is a race to the bottom, is what we call it. So basically, every company tries to cut every corner they can for these contracts.”

            The men say they are hopeful that changes will come with the Trump administration’s promise to “drain the swamp.”

            “Let’s just say there’s been a change at management at Department of State,” Owens said. “I feel now that, given that the politics has been taken out of the Benghazi situation, now that there’s no longer a candidate or anything related to it, a change of administrations, that actually, we have an opportunity here to fix the problems that made it happen.”

      • RHT447 says:

        “There She Stands” indeed. Because of men like Rick Rescorla.


        • Tina says:

          An amazing man of courage and commitment to his fellow man. His efforts on 911 (and before) are nothing short of amazing.

          I did not read the book, “We Were Soldiers Once And Young,” but I saw the movie. I continue to be humbled and grateful for men like Rick Rescorla, and those who follow their example and leadership.

  3. Libby says:

    “No mere whiner, Gabriel provides a link to her website Act for America ….”

    One of the things I love about this site is its over-flowing fount of irony. Can you say “click farm”?

    No, she is no mere whiner. She’s a button-pusher for profit. Must you make yourselves such easy prey?

  4. Tina says:

    Good question. I’m sure that to you creating “special” groups seems heartfelt and compassionate.

    To me it’s destructive. Fifty or so years of it bears out my opinion.

    By definition a group set aside, even for a kind or worthy cause, is designated as weak and in need…is automatically less than “equal,” and therefore dependent on much more superior, virtuous, talented, exceptional, accomplished help. (Gag me)

    We can thank God America was not designed that way or individuals born to poverty and oppression would have been doomed to a life according to station.

    America was designed to accommodate and support the individual and his personal efforts and ambitions. Therefore, even during oppressive times (slavery) there were those who rose above the condition, like Sarah Breedlove, who developed a product, became a rich woman, and then worked to wipe out bigotry and hate. Conversely, even during times of abundance and freedom, those born to privilege can fail to succeed.

    Special, according to Webster: 1: distinguished by some unusual quality (race/station), 2: held in particular esteem, 3 a: readily distinguishable from others of the same category (human for instance)

    I hold that we are either all special or none of us is.

    I hold that as individuals we are all equal as human beings.

    I see evidence that each human being has gifts and talents, attitudes and ambitions, and that these determine what his life will be.

    I love the notion that a life lived in freedom ultimately has only to overcome the boundaries and barriers he sets for himself. What others think, either positive or negative, does not have to affect the outcome.

    I deeply resent the teaching of the past fifty years that minorities are somehow outside or other and their only hope at even a “shot” is through activism and organized struggle. It’s insulting and demeaning to us all.

    • Libby says:

      “I deeply resent ….”

      You can resent it all you like … and I’m ecstatic to see you acknowledge the resentment … but the “Jim Crow” organization, and heritage, of this nation is not to be denied.

  5. Tina says:

    Amazing the things that make you feel “ecstatic!”

    We on the right do not deny the Jim Crow era or it’s horrors, in fact we are doing our best to educate the populace as to the party (Democrat) that was responsible for the heinous Jim Crow laws and all of the murder, nastiness and hate that went along with them.

    The far left group Antifa that’s behind destroying monument reminders is anxious to erase that ugly part of our history. Those who want to forget hide from the truth…those who have risen above have no need to. The more light that’s shown on that ugly period the better.

    Your party prefers that poor uneducated people (your education union sees to it) remain ignorant. You have taught many of them the lie that people on the right were (and are) the oppressors. But they are waking up to your lies:

    Black Confederacy Supporters Protect Jefferson Davis Monument in New Orleans from Antifa Terrorists.

    The Democrat Party’s demonization of blacks on the right has not gone unnoticed and undermines that diversity and inclusion flag you pretentiously fly. (Hate seems to come naturally to some on the left)

    And black Republicans are organizing and fundraising and finding creative ways to be heard even in the face of your party’s nasty hateful attempts to demean and silence them.

    Jim Crow is over fifty years old. You need to answer for your party’s blatant hatred, violence and bigotry since then! It isn’t about race…we were never the racists. Your party wants one party rule…socialism…and so you use minorities to further that goal. Ugly…horrid. You should be ashamed!

  6. Peggy says:

    Introducing Generation Z. Very interesting.

    Why the generation after millennials will vote Republican:


  7. J. Soden says:

    And speaking of “enemies” – here’s a recent sign that has triggered the PC crowd:


    PC BS is just another way for the Loonies to attempt to control speech and thought. Don’t EVER plan to bcome politically correct and loving every minute of it!

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