Governor Brown To Californians Wildfires are “New Normal”

Posted by Tina

Wildfires are the “new normal” according to Governor Brown, and we’re just going to have to get used to it…obviously Gerry Brown is not a problem solver. But he is a politician and wildfires are valuable political props to be used in furthering the global warming scam. When it comes to the fires burning through our state Brown’s first instinct is to throw his hands in the air and cite man made climate change. Sorry folks but there’s nothing a rational human being can do.

California does face natural conditions that human beings cannot alter. In southern California the Santa Anna winds are a yearly occurrence around this time. They’ve always posed a threat for possible runaway fires following California’s dry summer season. We also face conditions that La Nina and El Nino bring (drought or flood) and these can contribute to fire and other dangers. Lightening fires are also contributing natural occurrences. These conditions are normal. There’s nothing new about them. But we don’t have to add fuel to the fires by being poor managers of our forests! Old Moonbeam is blowing political smoke more damaging than smoke from the fires. It’s truly an injustice to fail the people so spectacularly. The veiled shaming and blatant lies are bad enough but then to tell us we must simply get used to it!

Brown is no leader! He is a politician and political posturing, based on false information backed up by faulty science, is the “new normal” for him and all of America’s Democrat Party elites.

Never fear, help is on the way. The Trump administration is interested in solving problems. Wildfires have been recognized as a major problem deserving of our national government’s attention. Last September Secretary of the Interior Ryan Zinke directed the heads of the bureaus under him to take more aggressive action in managing our national forests:

“This Administration will take a serious turn from the past and will proactively work to prevent forest fires through aggressive and scientific fuels reduction management to save lives, homes, and wildlife habitat. It is well settled that the steady accumulation and thickening of vegetation in areas that have historically burned at frequent intervals exacerbates fuel conditions and often leads to larger and higher-intensity fires,” said Secretary Zinke. “These fires are more damaging, more costly, and threaten the safety and security of both the public and firefighters. In recent fire reviews, I have heard this described as ‘a new normal.’ It is unacceptable that we should be satisfied with the status quo. We must be innovative and where new authorities are needed, we will work with our colleagues in Congress to craft management solutions that will benefit our public lands for generations to come.” (see Zinke’s full memo at link-scroll down)

California is governed by left politicians who will “resist” these orders, a stupid move when you think about the costly devastation from the most recent fires in SoCal and the wine country areas of California.

Obviously our government can’t prevent all forest fires but the actions ordered by Secretary Zinke can make a big difference if implemented.

Hmmm…we in California might consider put petty criminals to work clearing overgrown brush and dead wood (community service). Or, how about giving the job to capable homeless folks in exchange for room and board…or a tuition account for a trade school? They could earn their way to a new life!

Your thoughts?

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7 Responses to Governor Brown To Californians Wildfires are “New Normal”

  1. RHT447 says:

    “New normal”. Right. Brown is a pompous tin pot a$$. Translation–yeah, we trashed the joint, and now we’re gonna leave the mess for you.

    “These conditions are normal. There’s nothing new about them.” Spot on, Tina.

    Anybody remember this?

    Drive over to Nancy’s Café in Willows for a hearty meal. While you’re there, read the history on the walls about the start of aerial fire fighting. Anybody remember looking west during the fall and seeing thin tendrils of smoke rising from the hills across the valley? That is (or was) brush control on the Mendocino National Forest. They would use the heli-torch to start the fires. It was pretty much a 50 gallon drum filled with napalm slung under a helicopter. They would start a line of fire across the slope of a hill for a prescribed distance.

    They had the control burn science down. Air temperature, air moisture, fuel temperature, fuel moisture, etc. The conditions were such that the ends of the fire line could not generate enough heat to sustain. The fire would burn slowly up the hill, getting ever smaller until it went out. The idea was to create a patch-work forest so wildfires could not move nearly so fast.

    A glance out the car window while driving through the hills to LA would tell anyone that those hills have been a bomb waiting to go off for decades. Well, here we are. Sadly ironic in a way. First we almost experience the worlds largest toilet flush (Oroville Dam) and now the south state is on fire going into Christmas.

    BTW, my Bachelor’s is in Rangeland Management. Chico State, class of ’81.

  2. J. Soden says:

    Remember the big fire near S. Tahoe a couple of years ago? Relative there had a friend who raked up his dead pine needles and cleared brush on his property. Then came the fire and his property was protected since there was not much to burn.
    And the Tahoe Regional Planning clowns FINED the guy for his cleanup!

    Same mentality at work statewide. One has to hope that some of the EnviroWhackos responsible for leaving the “natural” dead brush and trees to burn are enjoying the “natural” result of the fire.

  3. J. Soden says:

    A little off-topic, but interesting for those living in Taxifornia and New York!

    • Peggy says:

      Our Founders set up our gov’t process so people could ‘vote with our feet’ and move from one state to another if we didn’t like the way a state was run. Forcing the taxpayers of other states to pay the taxes of those living in high tax states denies them the right to ‘vote with their feet.’ Compare it to moving to another state, but still getting a DMV bill for your car every year even though you no longer live in that state.

      I’m not sure how the new tax bill will impact my taxes, but I don’t think it’s right for a hard working family in North Dakota should have to pay the mega rich tax obligation for people living in million dollar homes in SF, LA and Hollywood.

      If people choose to live in a high tax state they should pick up 100% or the tab and nothing less. If not, they can either move or elect state legislators who will lower the state tax rate.

  4. Peggy says:

    Moonbeam may think loosing our forest to fires is the “new normal” but member of Congress don’t agree with him.

    I’m loving seeing the, “do nothing Congress” and WH controlled by Democrats turned into the “get’er done” under Republican leadership.

    “Last month, the U.S. House passed legislation called the Resilient Federal Forests Act of 2017 in order to allow salvage logging and other forms of tree cutting on federal properties.

    U.S. House Speaker Rep. Paul Ryan, R-Wis., indicated that the bill was necessary to protect the nation’s federal forests “from the kind of devastation that California experienced.”

    Misguided Environmentalism Root Cause of Calif. Wildfires:

    “The fact of the matter is there has been a decided increase in unusually devastating fires over the last few decades. The wildfires that are occurring today are twice as large as they were 40 years ago. The fires themselves are much bigger, significantly more powerful, and consequently more dangerous.

    The left claims that the mega fires are happening as a result of global warming. However, according to a recent Reason Foundation study, changes in climate cannot adequately account for the “pattern of fires observed over the past century.”

    The United States Forest Service (USFS) is the agency responsible for managing the nation’s wilderness areas. Those areas constitute almost two-thirds of U.S. forests. The USFS once had a great deal of success in mitigating the risk of major fires in the early part of the last century. Over the past few decades, though, forest management policy has become overly-centralized and increasingly bureaucratic, while simultaneously presenting a growing detriment to public safety.

    During the 1970s, after legislation was passed claiming to protect the ecosystem, the USFS altered its policies in a manner that would have extremely serious consequences for those parts of the country concerned over wildfire hazards, particularly the Western part of the nation.


    Removing the wood fuels in naturally dry forests helps to greatly reduce the probability of high intensity fires while assisting the environment. It’s imperative that the excess growth caused by decades of bad policy be removed. Dry forests, which were historically cleared by frequent, low-intensity fires, may need the careful implementation of controlled burns to protect the life and property of adjacent communities.

    Republican leaders in Congress, who have been working along with the Trump administration, are attempting to reform the legal landscape plaguing America’s national forests. Congressional members are seeking to increase logging in order to thin out the overly dense and dangerous forest conditions that now exist.

    Last month, the U.S. House passed legislation called the Resilient Federal Forests Act of 2017 in order to allow salvage logging and other forms of tree cutting on federal properties.

    U.S. House Speaker Rep. Paul Ryan, R-Wis., indicated that the bill was necessary to protect the nation’s federal forests “from the kind of devastation that California experienced.”

    The bill would remove draconian environmental restrictions dramatically curtailing timber harvests on federal lands. The legislation currently awaits action in the U.S. Senate.”

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