Cohen Deal – Legal Double Standard Applies!!!

Posted by Tina

Michael Cohen has chosen to make a plea deal after being accused of tax and bank fraud issues as well as a non-crime (Stormy) rather than face a long expensive court battle, public smearing, and extensive jail time. As many legal people have pointed out, Cohen is only facing legal trouble because: Trump Russia Collusion.

But, But…Stormy…and Trump! What about those payments? Aren’t they considered campaign related contributions? What’s the deal?

If payments to Daniels are considered illegal campaign contributions then why haven’t Obama and Hillary Clinton and the DNC been hounded, investigated, and prosecuted for the money they paid to Fusions GPS through the law firm Perkins Coie for the Steele dossier…definitely a campaign related expense?

The answer is pretty simple. A corrupt partisan gang of investigators and prosecutors are making sure the double standard they practice shields certain Democrats and smears the opposition regardless the facts and evidence. According to the former Chairman of the Federal Election Committee, Bradley Smith , “these payments do not constitute an in-kind campaign contribution”.

Cohen has to have been told this…he’s turned to save his own neck on the unrelated charges:

So, why did the Prosecutor include in the guilty plea that Michael Cohen violated campaign finance laws when clearly the monies came from Donald Trump’s personal funds and, per Mr. Smith above, had no direct bearing on the campaign?

Mr. Cohen recently retained Lanny Davis, best known for being the energetic legal enforcer of Clinton, Inc. and many others in the Democratic Party over the years. He has also been very vocal and vociferous in his condemnation of Donald Trump since Hillary stunningly lost in November of 2016. In short order, Michael Cohen turned on his on former benefactor in an effort to get the best deal he could with the charges he was facing. Which could have landed him in jail for 30 years or more.

It was apparent to me that Lanny Davis’s primary charge was to rescue Cohen from the prison term his innumerable foibles and illegalities would generate. But there was also a political and personal side benefit to Davis’s retainer: embarrass and indirectly charge Trump with a crime. Which would provide a fig leaf of legal grounds for impeachment should the Democrats take over the House of Representatives or, if that did not eventuate, to drive Trump’s approval down to the point that he would became essentially impotent and thus unviable in 2020

It’s pretty clear…Cohen made a deal with the devil.

Desperation to get Trump, to impeach the President, and at the same time, to cover up corruption in the Democrat Party and within the FBI and DOJ has reached such a fever pitch that exposes the corrupt…but so far it seems not to matter.

The President is right, this entire witch hunt is a disgrace and it’s a disgrace that goes back through the former presidency and all the way back to the Clinton years.

Mark Penn, a Bill and Hillary Clinton’s pollster, made a point about the corrupt way this case came about in an article at The Hill:

Why was Michael Cohen investigated? Because the “Steele dossier” had him making secret trips to meet with Russians that never happened, so his business dealings got a thorough scrubbing and, in the process, he fell into the special counsel’s Manafort bin — the bin reserved for squeezing until the juice comes out. And now we are back to 1998 all over again, with presidents and presidential candidates covering up their alleged marital misdeeds and prosecutors trying to turn legal acts into illegal ones by inventing new crimes.

The tax evasion and bank fraud crimes for which Michael Cohen plead guilty may have been serious but they are unrelated to the Trump campaign or the phony Russia collusion investigation. The method that resulted in pursuit of Cohen is under a big cloud of corruption and lies. Whatever Cohen is, he is also a victim of the weaponizing of our legal system by high powered lawyers bent on unseating Donald Trump. Legal bullying and harassment has become a partisan sport eagerly covered by an equally corrupt media.

Where do the people go to get their legal system back? Mr. Sessions is no help so far…and that’s both troubling and intriguing.

Related: FLASHBACK: Remember When Obama Campaign Was Fined $375,000 for Campaign Reporting Violations AND NO JAIL TIME?” (And no persecution in the legal arena or the arena of public opinion!!!)

This entry was posted in Constitution and Law, Morals and Ethics, Police, Crime, Security. Bookmark the permalink.

36 Responses to Cohen Deal – Legal Double Standard Applies!!!

  1. Pie Guevara says:

    No doubt this comment will be highly unpopular.

    Despite the facts that Cohen is a punk, the media a corrupted DNC Pravda ass, the Mueller investigation a celebrity witch hunt and the Clintons the most corrupt, unindicted and despicable political machine of our time one has to wonder what Trump’s wife and children really think of their unfaithful, dirt bag scoundrel of a husband and father.

    One step further, what if he were your husband or father? Would you not be fuming with anger and disgust? No? Men who cannot control their peckers and treat their marriage like trash get no respect from me. (And as much as I admire Newt’s political savvy, that includes Newt.)

    Would I rather Hillary be president? No. But Trump is a huge disappointment. He will survive his 4 years but will those 4 years prove to be a consistent strong economy and anything but lip service about border control? If yes, then even this low-life, cheating, horrid excuse of a man may go another 4. Bill did.

    • Tina says:

      Pie you have every right to express your opinion. Popularity of opinion isn’t something we care much about at PS.

      I just spent the good part of an hour responding to your comment and questions and as I was finishing up I hit an unintended key and lost the whole thing. I’ll give it a go again tomorrow, too beat tonight, because I think you are thinking and feeling the same things that many Americans are. Why are some people are willing to overlook his past and others not? It’s an important topic, especially prior to the election in 2020.

    • Peggy says:

      Personally I wouldn’t want Trump for a friend, let alone a husband, but what he’s done for large and small businesses and the jobs they are creating convinces me I will vote for him in 2020. I didn’t in 2016. I have heard he is very loyal to his friends as they are to him. There’s also a long list of his unselfishly giving large amounts of money to those who need help.

      He’s not perfect, but who on earth is? Cheating on his wife 12 years ago is bad, but does it make him less of a president than JFK, LBJ and Clinton who all cheated on their wives in the WH and Oval Office? What a man does in a bed is really none of my business, but what he does in the People’s House when he’s president.

      Those who live in the DC Beltway and in big cities on both coast may hate him and will do anything to remove him. But, those in the heartland who can now find jobs and open the small business they could only dream of before may realize that Trump had a big part of their improved lives and vote for the man responsible.

      How’s this for some awesome news?!


      “African American business owners are on the rise. According to the Minority 2018 Small Business Trends survey, the number of black-owned small businesses in the U.S. increased by a staggering 400% in a year-over-year time period from 2017 to 2018.

      The new survey, which was conducted by Guidant Financial, interviewed more than 2,600 business owners and aspiring entrepreneurs. It found that 45% of all small business in the country were owned by minority ethnic groups in 2018. This is a dramatic uptick from 2015 when the total percentage of minority business owners was 15%. The largest minority group of respondents were African American at 19%, followed by Hispanic at 14%, Asian at 8%, and Native American at 4%.

      Of the African American small business owners surveyed, 63% identified as men and 38% as women. Most fell between the ages of 40 to 49 with 28%, while 25% were between 50 and 59 years old, and 22% are 30 to 39. The research also showed that the highest volume of African American entrepreneurs lives in Texas, followed by Georgia, California, Florida, and North Carolina.

      David Nilssen, CEO of Guidant Financial, said in a statement that he is excited about the rise of minority small business owners around the nation. “Growth amongst all minorities including women is promising in America as small business ownership becomes more favorable and easier to attain. We anticipate and hope to see a continued increase as the impact of tax reform and economic growth shape small business ownership moving forward.”

      Sixty-two percent of African Americans said their desire to pursue their passion motivated them to start a business. Another 53% said they were ready to be their own boss. Meanwhile, 30% said they launched a startup when the “opportunity presented itself” and 22% said they were dissatisfied with working in corporate America. Twelve percent said they launched a business after being laid off or outsourced.”

      continued with charts….

      • Tina says:


        I knew things were improving for the monority communities but this is outstanding!

        • Peggy says:

          It is awesome news and special note this happened in just ONE YEAR and in ALL age groups. Trump’s plan to make America great again is working and here are the facts to prove it.

          Next year is looking as good too. “Growth amongst all minorities including women is promising in America as small business ownership becomes more favorable and easier to attain. We anticipate and hope to see a continued increase as the impact of tax reform and economic growth shape small business ownership moving forward.”

          • Tina says:

            Amazing what citizens can do when the government gets out of the way and lets the entrepreneurial spirit take hold! Americans pursuing their dreams…it’s a beautiful thing!

      • Pie Guevara says:

        Well. of course I’ll be holding my nose in 2020, but I won’t like it. As long as Trump delivers on the economy and the border I have nothing to complain about just because I find his personal behavior disgusting, dishonorable and depraved.

        Not that my vote will much matter now or will ever in my lifetime. This is California and there is no reason to believe that the corrupt and loony left wing Democrats are going to lose any of their iron grip on political power in this whack-o state.

    • Post Scripts says:

      I agree Pie. I felt that way about Bill and I feel the same about Trump.

    • Tina says:

      “…one has to wonder what Trump’s wife and children really think of their unfaithful, dirt bag scoundrel of a husband and father.”

      They seem to love and admire him. His children describe his parenting in glowing terms. His wife said the picture painted in the tabloid/MSM media isn’t the man she knows. In personal matters it’s difficult to know all of the emotions and thoughts that have been experienced. It’s very personal on that level. And private.

      Most of the men and women who work with him also say he’s a gentleman. He’s been described as generous, polite, kind, and supportive. Both of his ex-wives attended his inauguration so it would seem his relationship with them is at least amicable if not friendly.

      Setting aside the women who now seek personal attention or financial gain, none that I’m aware of has accused him of rape or physical abuse.

      “…what if he were your husband or father? … Men who cannot control their peckers and treat their marriage like trash…”

      There’s no evidence that Trump treated his marriage like trash. He made a big mistake. He betrayed his promise to be faithful. I would hope in the same circumstances I could find it in my heart to measure the whole of him and find it in my heart to find satisfactory resolution with him, forgive, and move on.

      Trump appears to be a man who, like many who matured through the reckless years of the sexual revolution, has returned to the ideals his parents taught him in this regard. He wouldn’t be the only Boomer waking up to regrets from that sordid period. Trump stayed away from drugs but good grief let’s not pretend the world in which he moved was not filled with an attitude of free love, drugs, open marriage, and anything goes…those caught up in hip coastal celebrity partying were (are) particularly impacted. Not saying it’s right or an excuse; just saying that’s the way it was.

      You place Trump and Bill in the same category using very colorful words. I say there are miles and miles between them.

      Trump was a playboy who engaged in consensual sex, at time/s while married.

      Bill Clinton isn’t a just playboy, he’s a predator criminal abuser and user of women. He’s a man who exercised his power over a young vulnerable coworker in the oval office (made it his personal playground-very disrespectful). He and his wife engaged in character assassination and intimidation to silence the women who came forward to accuse him of abuse. They did this over several decades.

      I believe history will sort all of this out and determine the measure of these men. I believe Trump will fair much better than Obama or the Clintons.

      Trump has done nothing but work for the people as President. His past remains in the past as far as I’m concerned and is really none of my business.

      • Pie Guevara says:

        Your distinctions are valid and I will not argue against them. Of course there are different flavors of scoundrels and degrees of vileness. If you murder your wife that is not quite so bad as treating her like **** I suppose.

        Nevertheless a scoundrel is a still a scoundrel.

        If Melania and her husband are reconciled (which they certainly seem to be), then more power to them and it is really none of my business. If the Trump family can tolerate and forgive his despicable behavior, than more power to them too.

        Nevertheless, a scoundrel is a scoundrel and I am tired of men who are scoundrels. What ever happened to trust, duty, faithfulness and honor? What ever happened to the real men in our society? Are they just a quaint, irrelevant archetype?

        Oh, I have gone on long enough with this noise. I see to much disintegration and know better. I just get a bit depressed now and then and too often think our society is one step away from suicide.

        • Tina says:

          “I am tired of men who are scoundrels. What ever happened to trust, duty, faithfulness and honor? What ever happened to the real men in our society? Are they just a quaint, irrelevant archetype?”

          Where in our society has there been support for such men since the sexual revolution and the radical feminist movement? Men and boys have been denigrated and dismissed as irrelevant. Enticements to set aside upstanding behavior are everywhere, especially in the coastal big cities and surrounding areas!

          Think back to the WWII generation…porn was something a man had to work to find. Family was important and a man’s role in the family was respected and appreciated. Our society held certain standards. Whatever ways people might have chosen to deviate from the standards were done in private and kept private.

          In the mid-sixties XXX movies and topless bars sprung up all over and women, freeing themselves from the constraints of “old white man oppressive mores” (Gods commandments) went wild. Many of them slept with anything that walked just to prove thy could as “liberated” women. Publications like Cosmo offered lessons and spurred them on. Where was the support for men to behave as gentlemen, with honor and dignity?

          We walked away from God and went straight to hell. And just because a person didn’t participate it doesn’t mean we aren’t responsible. In at least some ways we have all participated in letting go of the old ways and lending credence to the liberated so-called norms. We accepted and watched the movies…we accepted and failed to push back.

          Even more significant, what support was given the young men growing up in such a world where sex, drugs, and rock and roll were pushed as the ultimate in experiences and males were kicked to the back of the buss, as pigs, to make room for the much more important girls?

          “I just get a bit depressed now and then and too often think our society is one step away from suicide.”

          But Pie, isn’t a return to higher standards, by sensible choice, what we are trying to accomplish through our discussions and comments? At least we aren’t sitting silently by. I solute your desires for a society filled with more honorable men…and women! A society that better supports both men and women, boys and girls, in being and becoming the bast they can be. It all begins with the individual at the level of family and community. We must begin to have higher expectations of ourselves and each other. This is why your original comment was so important! Thank you…and be uplifted. Your intentions matter.

  2. RHT447 says:

    Mark Levin–

    As far as I can tell, AG Sessions has recused himself from his job.

    • Tina says:

      He just made a statement saying he did take control of the justice department and he won’t allow the department to be influenced by politics. He must know something we don’t.

      It was suggested on Hannity last night that he could become a witness when the investigations into Comey et all (including Rosenstein?) comes to fruition…???

      • Peggy says:

        Rumor is Sessions will be gone after the 2018 election. Rosenstein has to go too.

        Wishful thinking, but would love to see Gowdy and Cruz, if he loses his senate seat, replace them both.

  3. J. Soden says:

    It’s pretty obvious to anyone with a smidgen of intelligence that the Obumble DOJ/FBI became as corrupt as a Hollyweird mob film and with few firings and retirements, it continues today. The Double Standard is alive and well in this DOJ, and AG Sessions has been AWOL there.
    For all the caterwauling by the media presstitutes, it will be History that determines who is right. The Obumble legacy of failure is etched in stone – other than his corruption of the DOJ.
    Remains to be seen what TheDonald’s legacy will be. In the meantime, the country can enjoy the rebounded economy that tanked with Obumble.

    • Peggy says:

      Read the Obama supporter swamp dwellers at the civil servant level are removing security clearances from underlings who support Trump. These acts cause the slow walking of Trump’s agenda at the implementation level. The resist movement is happening in more places than just on the Senate floor by Schumer.

  4. Libby says:

    “Legal bullying and harassment has become a partisan sport eagerly covered by an equally corrupt media.”

    You just keep telling yourself that, little Miss Partisan Paranoia. The only bully I see is that crotch-grabbing, malicious litigant in the White House. While Trump’s powers are certainly not what they were (now reduced to payoffs rather than litigation), all this punditry about the Trump-Cohen relationship over the years makes for some very sad reading.

    • Tina says:

      Please, Libby, show us some evidence that the media has been non-partisan.

      As for me…

      September 2017, Blunt Force Truth quote the Media Research Center an organization that monitors the news for bias:

      MRC’s analysts reviewed every mention of Trump since his inauguration on Jan. 20 on the three big broadcast networks’ evening news programs: ABC’s World News Tonight, CBS Evening News, and NBC Nightly News (including weekends). The coverage of Trump, MRC underscores, was both “obsessive” and “aggressive.”

      “As of August 31, coverage of the administration has totaled nearly 74 hours (4,418 minutes) of airtime, or about 39% of all evening news coverage,” MRC reports. “For comparison purposes, coverage of the Obama administration in all of 2015 and 2016 totaled 59 hours (3,544 minutes), or roughly 10% of the available broadcast airtime. In other words, Trump has already received more coverage in his first 224 days in office than Obama received in his final two years as President.”

      The “aggressive” part was the clear, nearly uniform slant of those 74 hours of coverage. “In June, July and August, broadcast evening news coverage of Trump was 91% negative — worse than the astounding 89% negative spin we calculated during the first three months of the administration, usually a traditional honeymoon period for new presidents,” notes MRC.

      MRC explains that it did not include in its analysis any of the standard “back-and-forth of partisan politics” of those brought on to present different sides of the argument. Instead, it focused entirely on “evaluative statements which imparted a clear positive or negative tone to the story, such as statements from experts presented as non-partisan, voters, or opinionated statements from the networks’ own reporters.”

      Here’s what they found:

      Using these criteria, MRC analysts tallied 1,567 evaluative statements about the Trump administration in June, July and August, of which 1,422 (91%) were negative vs. a mere 145 (9%) which were positive. Since Trump took office on January 20, there have been 4,144 such evaluative statements, of which 3,712 (90%) were negative, vs. 432 (10%) which were positive.
      As for what exactly the Big Three were spending so much time covering, MRC found that over the summer, four topics consumed 53% of the coverage and were, unsurprisingly, almost entirely negatively presented:

      1. Russia — 415 minutes, 94% negative

      2. Repeal and Replace Obamacare — 176 minutes, 97% negative

      3. North Korea Nuclear Showdown — 136 minutes, 86% negative

      4. Trump Response to Charlottesville — 97 minutes, 97% negative

      It’s studies like these that confirm what a majority of Americans have increasingly concluded: the mainstream media is no longer committed to reporting facts; instead, they are committed to promoting a progressive, generally pro-Democrat agenda.

      May 2018, Student News Daily also quotes MRC:

      Example of Media Bias:

      The Media Research Center studied all broadcast evening news coverage of President Trump from January 1 through April 30, and found 90 percent of the evaluative comments about Trump were negative — precisely the same hostile tone we documented in 2017.

      But unlike last year, when the RealClearPolitics average depicted a slow but steady erosion in the President’s job approval numbers, the public has apparently warmed to Trump in 2018, even as the networks [continue their negative coverage].

      Trump’s overall job approval rating actually rose, from 37 percent in mid-December to roughly 43 percent at the end of April.

      For this report, MRC analysts examined all 1,065 network evening news stories about President Trump and top members of his administration during the first four months of this year. The coverage totalled 1,774 minutes, or roughly one-third of all evening news airtime.

      (For comparison, in 2015 and 2016, coverage of President Obama amounted to just ten percent of all evening news airtime.)

      Nearly two-fifths (39%) of the TV coverage we examined focused on Trump scandals and controversies, while 45 percent was devoted to various policy issues.

      The remaining airtime was spent on controversies involving other top Trump officials, such as EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt, or did not involve specific topics.

      The Russia “collusion” story was given by far the most airtime — 321 minutes, or nearly one-fifth (20%) of all Trump administration coverage. …

      Network coverage of those topics, plus a host of other smaller controversies involving the President, was almost entirely negative: of the 598 statements we tallied about Trump’s personal controversies or scandals, virtually all of them (97%) were negative.

      (As always, our analysis of “spin” tracks only explicitly positive and negative statements from reporters and non-partisan sources; it excludes neutral statements as well as statements from partisans such as Trump praising himself or Democrats criticizing him.)

      …Of the 542 opinionated statements involving a policy matter, 440 (81%) were negative, compared with 102 (19%) which were positive.

      The policy stories earning the most TV airtime in 2018 were immigration (167 minutes), the economy (117 minutes), North Korea (111 minutes), Syria (89 minutes) and gun rights (57 minutes).

      The networks’ spin on [Trump policies on] immigration, Syria and gun rights was extremely negative (between 88% and 96% negative). And, despite the potential of a breakthrough with North Korea, the coverage of that topic was tilted two-to-one against the President (68% negative vs. 32% positive).

      The President’s handling of the economy was a mixed bag. A majority of the networks’ airtime (66 minutes) was devoted to Trump’s decision to impose tariffs and threaten a wider trade war with nations such as China, an aspect of economic policy which drew mostly criticism (90% negative).

      But the remaining airtime (51 minutes) . Less than 3% of TV’s total coverage of the President this year consisted of mostly positive coverage (73%) for the rest of Trump’s economic agenda: job growth, tax reform, deregulation, and plans for more infrastructure spending.

      …There’s no precedent for a President receiving such a sustained level of negative press over such a long period of time.

      They didn’t monitor CNN…the percentage of negative coverage would explode.

      As for the DOJ/FBI witch hunt I have faith that the truth will come out. It really doesn’t matter that you will not even consider the crimes committed by those who shielded Hillary and now attempt to use the power of their positions in government to undermine the man who beat her.

      “…that crotch-grabbing”

      A vicious lie!!!

      Trumps observation, dripping with incredulity, describes the loose behaviors of many Hollywood women who throw themselves at men. Locally they’re often described as women who wear (pardon the language) F-Me pumps (and low, low cut frocks) to the parties. By the way, such women are also apt to grab the men’s crotches as well.

      You’ll buy anything the fake news spews…so much for that “very sad reading.”

      • Libby says:

        “A vicious lie!!!”

        Billy Bush was practicing his ventriloquist’s act, with a Trump dummy on his arm? Ah! I know! I think I even read this from one of your “news” sources … the tape was faked! Everything you don’t like is a fake, a plot, a conspiracy … except it is not.

        “Media Research Center [is] an organization that monitors the news for bias:”

        The Media Research Center is an organization that flouts it’s conservative bias, that sponsors “NewsBusters”, one of your many button-pushing, click-baiting sources, and that attracted the attention of our own crusader: Media Matters.

        And the Wiki article on MRC’s founder is an inspiring read: “Bozell has been accused of making racially insensitive statements: on December 22, 2011, he appeared on Fox News and stated that President Barack Obama looks like a “skinny ghetto crackhead,” ….”

        The people you hang out with … I just don’t know.

        • Tina says:

          “Billy Bush was practicing his ventriloquist’s act, with a Trump dummy on his arm?”

          Sorry dearie but my observation is gleaned straight from the recorded transcript! I didn’t say the words weren’t there. He and Bush were discussing how easy the women in Hollywood are…”they let you do…anything!”

          I’m automatically attracted to beautiful — I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything.

          Bush: Whatever you want.

          Trump: Grab ’em by the p***y. You can do anything.

          He didn’t say he had or that he would…he said a guy could do it because they would let him. It was guy talk. It was, he thought, a private conversation. They then went on to joke about falling out of the bus.

          Left media and people like you who don’t read and comprehend, who just have their own agenda, grab a couple of words and claim he did it or would do it. Saying a thing and doing it are two different things.

          So yes, “Trumps observation, dripping with incredulity, describes the loose behaviors of many Hollywood women who throw themselves at men.

          Barbara Walters bragged about having affairs with men to promote her book…it was supposedly a joke but it happened about the same time Wilt Chamberlain claimed to have slept with 20,00 women in his memoir.

          You on the left created and live in this world of loose public morality and then expect shock and condemnation when you use it to slam a republican. Hypocrites all…and lousy communicators.

          Media Matters…a Soros sponsored activist left spon machine and hate group.

          The article you posted has nothing…ABSOLUTELY NOTHING…to do with the research on media done by MRC which shows the negative Trump bias on the three major networks. You can’t refute that because it’s true!

          And racism. Really Libby, you can think of nothing else…you are obsessed! And you buy all the BS your media spews! Regarding the “crackhead” remark. There is a context to the quote>:

          Back in March, MSNBC “Hardball” host Chris Matthews said that former House Speaker Newt Gingrich might have a tough go at being elected president because he looked like “a car bomber.” At the time, that was thought to be over the top, even for Matthews, and it landed him a spot on the Media Research Center’s “The Best of Notable Quotables” list for 2011.

          Media Research Center President Brent Bozell appeared on Thursday’s “Hannity” on the Fox News Channel with guest host Mark Steyn to talk about the list. He posed a question: What if someone made similar disparaging remarks about President Barack Obama?

          “How long do you think Sean Hannity’s show would last if four times in one sentence he made a comment about the president of the United States and said that he looked like a skinny ghetto crackhead?” Bozell asked.

          “Which by the way, you might want to say that Barack Obama does,” Bozell opined. “Everybody on the left will come forward and demand that he be fired within five minutes for being so insulting towards a leader of the United States. This is the kind of stuff Chris Matthews — by the way, who cares? He has 48 people watching him, so we really shouldn’t care.”

          Bozell did not call Obama a “skinny ghetto crackhead…he did say someone might, in the context of what Chris Mathews had said about Newt Ginghrich with impunity.

          The double standard in political speech exists and is quite evident. The propensity to lie about what is said on the right is way over the top.

          I’ve seen Brent Bozell many times on television. He’s nothing if not a gentleman and absolutely would not make a racist comment.

          Media Matters got it wrong on purpose. Oh the people you hang with!

    • Pie Guevara says:

      Re: “You just keep telling yourself that, little Miss Partisan Paranoia. The only bully I see is that crotch-grabbing, malicious litigant in the White House.”

      I think Lippy is sweet on Bill. Perhaps Monica can arrange a little get-together.

  5. Peggy says:

    Lanny Davis, in full display of his stupidity, inadvertently helped Trump’s case against the fake dossier and his being in collusion with the Russians. On the other hand it also could be proof the Dems are giving up on the collusion charge and moving to the corruption/obstruction charge. Failed to take him out with one fake charge they’ve moved onto the next and if it fails they’ll find another and another.


    “BuzzFeed News, which published the infamous dossier, is refusing to comment on recent comments from Lanny Davis, the Clinton-connected lawyer representing Michael Cohen

    Davis is emphatically stating that the dossier’s allegations about Cohen are “100 percent” false.

    Davis claims that Cohen “never, never, ever” went to Prague, as the dossier alleges

    The dossier is Exhibit A in Trump critics’ collusion conspiracy theory

    BuzzFeed News, which published the infamous dossier, is refusing to comment on recent comments from Lanny Davis, the Clinton-connected lawyer representing Michael Cohen
    Davis is emphatically stating that the dossier’s allegations about Cohen are “100 percent” false. Davis claims that Cohen “never, never, ever” went to Prague, as the dossier alleges
    The dossier is Exhibit A in Trump critics’ collusion conspiracy theory

    Cohen last publicly disputed the dossier on June 28, when he wrote on Twitter that the “dossier misreports 15 allegations about me.”

    “My entire statement must be quoted – I had nothing to do with Russian collusion or meddling!” he said.

    It had been unclear if Cohen planned to maintain those denials in the wake of guilty plea earlier this week. But Davis answered the question in a series of interviews on Wednesday.

    “Thirteen references to Mr. Cohen are false in the dossier, but he has never been to Prague in his life,” Davis said Wednesday in an interview on Bloomberg.

    “Never, never in Prague. Did I make that? Never, never, ever. Ever,” Davis told MSNBC’s Chuck Todd.

    “And the reason, just to let your viewers know, what we’re talking about is that the dossier, so-called, mentions his name 14 times, one of which is a meeting with Russians in Prague. Fourteen times false,” he continued.

    Davis was even more emphatic in an interview with BBC Newsnight.

    “The answer is 100 percent ‘no.’ Never has he ever been in Prague. And the 13 other references to my client in the so-called dossier are false,” Davis said in the interview, pounding the table to underscore each specific denial.

  6. Peggy says:

    Mark Levin is on fire tonight.

    Mark Levin: ‘Wake the hell up!’ A blue wave is happening — and it means impeachment:

  7. J. Soden says:

    Suggested employment for those incumbents getting the boot either in primaries or in November:

  8. J. Soden says:

    Off topic, but this story is getting pretty much ignored by the moron media . . . . .

    • Peggy says:

      Just shared it on FB.

      To bad the Dems didn’t fix our immigration law problems between Jan. 2009 – Jan. 2011, when they held a majority in the House and a super majority in the Senate, instead of forcing ObamaCare on us with their lies.

      • J. Soden says:

        And let’s remember that “fixing immigration” was a campaign promise by Obumble as a “number one priority” that was completely ignored for 8 years.
        Like the majority of Demwit “promises” . . . . . . .

  9. Peggy says:

    Another Dem caught lying. No surprise there. Surprised he’s admitting it.


    “Lanny Davis says he does not know whether President Donald Trump had advance knowledge of Russian hacks of Democrats.

    Earlier in August, Davis said his client, Michael Cohen, had information linking Trump to the hacks.

    Now he claims that he merely had an “instinct” about what Trump knew.

  10. Peggy says:

    From the desk of Sara Carter, investigative reporter.

    Whistleblower Exposes Key Player in FBI Russia Probe: “It was all a Set-up”:

    • Tina says:

      Peggy when this blows it’s going to be something. America has never seen such a convoluted tangle of corruption and criminality. Makes Watergate look like preschool.

      Sarah Carter is doing a bang up job!

  11. Chris says:

    “If payments to Daniels are considered illegal campaign contributions then why haven’t Obama and Hillary Clinton and the DNC been hounded, investigated, and prosecuted for the money they paid to Fusions GPS through the law firm Perkins Coie for the Steele dossier…definitely a campaign related expense?”

    What are you even talking about? Do you even know?

    The campaign paying for a private investigator is a legal campaign expense.…Cohen paying hush money to a porn star is an illegal contribution. Do you really not understand the difference?

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