by Jack
One crazy person with a gun shot up the Synagogue in Pittsburg, not the GOP, not Trump, not conservatives at large, just one crazy guy who was motivated by what he read in the papers. He was not even political. The latest information we have says that he doesn’t even vote. So the rabid left should STOP trying to connect this to anyone other than the shooter. Same goes for the crazy guy who mailed non-exploding pipe bombs. There’s nobody to point a guilty finger at except the guy doing it! Okay… could the same be said be said for the shooter at the D.C. ball field? Probably, well, except for tiny one thing. Now that guy was in fact linked to the democratic party as a campaign volunteer. But, even that is not enough to indict the party. Lets’ save that for the mob
s reacting the Maxine Waters call to berate conservatives when and where they find them.
When it comes to school shootings, mall shootings, pipe bombs, IED’s, whatever, we’ve been very lucky considering the number of crazy people in this country of over 350,000,000.
For example: According to the National Alliance on Mental Health, approximately 1 in 5 adults in the U.S. that’s 43.8 million people or 18.5% of us will experience some degree of mental illness in a given year. Approximately 1 in 25 adults in the U.S.—9.8 million, or 4.0%—experiences a serious mental illness in a given year that substantially interferes with or limits one or more major life activities. (The latter would be that line where we want to consider if they are safe to be with firearms and some are!)
1.1% of adults in the U.S. live with schizophrenia. 6% of adults in the U.S. live with bipolar disorder. 9% of adults in the U.S.—16 million—had at least one major depressive episode in the past year. 18.1% of adults in the U.S. experienced an anxiety disorder such as posttraumatic stress disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder and specific phobias. Among the 20.2 million adults in the U.S. who experienced a substance use disorder, 50.5%—10.2 million adults—had a co-occurring mental illness.
If you restrict firearms from only the most severe cases as noted above, that is still a large number. The mere fact that so few deadly incidents happen in any given year is a testament to our system, our law enforcement, our courts, our mental health people, etc. Many things are working exactly as they should or we would have a 100X more incidents. But, we don’t acknowledge this and instead we strive for perfection. Dems say, “But, if it will only save one life…” That’s just not realistic thinking. In a free society people must take some risks and I’m okay with that considering the alternative.
However, as history has shown, following every incident, they pass more laws because they (politicians) feel the need to do [something] or they just want the attention! There’s our biggest threat! It’s not our crazies, but politicians willing to impose highly restrictive laws on all of us to solve what is virtually an unsolvable problem without using drastic, draconian measures!
Tell me, what liberal wants to lock up people with serious (potentially dangerous) mental issue? None. And what conservative wants to try to remove 200,000,000 firearms from American society? None. So there it is, neither side is going to move… just expect occasional violent incidents just like we accept that there will be car wrecks.
“One crazy person with a gun shot up the Synagogue in Pittsburg, not the GOP, not Trump, not conservatives at large, just one crazy guy who was motivated by what he read in the papers.”
This is a GD lie, and I’m GD sick of it. The media reports what’s on McCarthy’s twitter feed, what’s on Ryan’s twitter feed, and the foul Diarrhea of The Donald’s Mouth. This is, alas, their job. And then there’s Fox, Breitbart, and the rest, that let anti-semitic, white nationalists say whatever they bloody well please, true or not … and THIS, you liar, is what incites the crazies. And you are a liar because I know that you know this perfectly well … but chose to parrot your Prezzy … and he is the most godawful liar every to occupy the White House … no small distinction.
No tariffs ??????????????????????????????????? And you wonder why people are throwing bricks !
The crazies are motivated, not by “the papers”, but by what comes out of our vile excuse for a President’s mouth, and by the cesspool which is the alt-right blogosphere.
Whoa there, Libby! Easy now. Remember your blood pressure. Take a few deep breaths and picture yourself in a quiet, pleasant place with lots of flowers and maybe a little creek of cool, clear water and silvery trout in shaded pools.
I worry that you’re going to hurt yourself, or maybe someone else. Do you have access to some Prozac?
Hey … the man was highly provocative … because he does know better. Trump Derangement Syndrome rages in the land … have you seen this:
I ain’t the only one losin’ it.
” This is, alas, their job. ”
Actually their job is to give Americans the who, what, when, where, and why about whatever is going on in the world without prejudice!!!
The job is not speculating about the effect of right wing voices of authority while ignoring the same from left wing voices of authority. The job is not uplifting left wing rhetoric to brilliance while deeming right wing rhetoric evil and bad. The job is not taking words out of context, it is not delivering skewed polling, it is not praising some and denigrating others along political lines. The job is NOT withholding or diminishing the value of positive news for the right and burying or diminishing bad news for the left. (FAKE NEWS)
I’m gD sick of all of it and I am not alone. The people can SEE it now. More SEE it everyday. Your media lies and you swallow all of it.
“And you are a liar because I know that you know this perfectly well … but chose to parrot your Prezzy … and he is the most godawful liar every to occupy the White House.”
A gD LIE! Jack has not changed his POV for all of the years we have discussed this issue. Trump was not in politics in the Bush years or the Obama years. YOU KNOW THAT so that makes you a ridiculous, un-serious, reactive, ignorant, un-curious, lefty with a bad attitude about actually solving problems. That makes you the worst kind of partisan and places you squarely in your radicalized party. You nuts have been placing blame on anything, or any one, or any group other than the guy who actually done the deed for a long time.
“…he is the most godawful liar every to occupy the White House”
What galls you is that he is on track to becoming one of the most effective president in our history while your “historical” president will find himself near the bottom.
People are throwing bricks because they are sore losers who think they are entitled to run the country. People are throwing bricks because their old tricks have been exposed and are not working. People are throwing bricks because they are ignorant, prejudiced and blindly partisan. People are throwing bricks because they have been given marching orders directly by their sore loser leaders who do not condemn the likes of Farrakhan or Antifa and who promote and embrace lies that lead to the rise of activism that often turns violent: BLM protests and the murder of police officers based on the lie “hands up, don’t shoot.”
A lot of Americans are gD sick of the giant crap your party has taken on this nation over the last 30 to 50 years.
TRUMP is the only leader that stepped up to pull the curtain back on your deceitful ways and practices and expose the ugliness of the consequences that have followed left-wing policy…Chicago being one of the most deadly.
Also, people on the left are panicking because since 2010 they’ve been loosing control of their power over the majority of voters. Everything they’ve done to establish a socialist style gov’t for the fifty plus years is being undone. This is sending their mentally unstable folks over the edge and to using bombs and guns to scare and kill.
Too funny Libs calls Trump a liar when Obama is the one who won the Liar of the Year award from WaPo.
Here’s one of the crazies.
David Hogg After Synagogue Shooting: Do NOT Go After Perpetrators Of Evil:
“Because in reality, none of us are Democrats or Republicans, we’re Americans that have to face the same issues every day and we’re not going to get anywhere by blaming other people,” Hogg continued. “We have to go after the sources of evil and not those perpetrating it, contrary to what the president likes to do.”
“Too funny Libs calls Trump a liar when Obama is the one who won the Liar of the Year award from WaPo.”
1) There is no “Liar of the Year” award from WaPo.
2) Obama has never won anything called the “Liar of the Year” award.
3) Obama’s “if you like your plan, you can keep your plan” lie was rated the “Lie of the Year” by Politifact.
4) Trump’s campaign lies were collectively named Lie of the Year by Politifact in 2015. In 2016, the site named “fake news” as a whole their Lie of the Year, and specifically called out Trump as a major purveyed of fake news. In 2017 Trump’s claim that the Russia investigation is a “hoax” was named Lie of the Year. So no, Libby accurately calling Trump is not “funny” in light of the standard you are holding Obama to, because Trump has failed that standard more often than Obama. Your whataboutism failed.
5) This is at least the second time I’ve explained all this to you, and I don’t even comment here often anymore. Do you just repeat this false talking point a lot?
Other than that, great point!
Thanks! Once again you were right on the name of the award and awarder, but I was right on the content of my point.
We went through years of Obama, his administration and the media lying to us about ObamaCare. Pelosi even told us they had to pass it before we could find out what was in it. Boy, did we find out how many more lies were buried within it.
Not telling us that $716 Billion was going to be TAKEN from Medicare to pay for it, was a huge lie by omission. Telling voters now to score political points, that Republicans want to take funds from Medicare is another lie. Once again Dems blame Republicans for their own wrong doings.
Not telling students that under ObamaCare the gov’t was going to take over the student loan program and charge 1.5% more interest than private loan interest charged. I’m curious how you, being a student during that time or shortly before, feel about ALL students unknowingly being forced to pay for the health care of the elderly, while struggling to pay for your own loans and all other cost of living expenses? I wonder too how the millions of students would feel if they knew their gov’t lied to them too and was making money off of them?
I know I’ve told you all of this before and you’ve chosen to not reply or admit I’m right. I don’t expect it this time either, but I’ll keep trying until you get it.
Understanding Obama’s Cuts to Medicare:
“As the Medicare debate intensifies, there still seems to be popular confusion regarding the $716 billion in “savings”� from Obamacare’s Medicare payment cuts. Let us end the confusion.
Which Parts of Medicare Will Be Cut?
In Obamacare, the payment cuts are across-the-board cuts (modifications of Medicare’s complex payment formulas) made throughout the bulk of the Medicare program. According to the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO), these cuts will decrease Medicare spending by an estimated $716 billion between 2013 and 2022.
The money is cut from hospital services, Medicare Advantage, skilled nursing services, hospice services, and other Medicare services. To be clear, the cuts do not target individual institutions or medical organizations suspected of waste, fraud, or abuse. (continues below chart)”
How Obamacare’s $716 Billion in Cuts Will Drive Doctors Out of Medicare:
“There are 600,000 physicians in America who care for the 48 million seniors on Medicare. Of the $716 billion that the Affordable Care Act cuts from the program over the next ten years, the largest chunk—$415 billion—comes from slashing Medicare’s reimbursement rates to hospitals, nursing homes, and doctors. This significant reduction in fees is driving many doctors to stop accepting new Medicare patients, making it harder for seniors to gain access to needed care. Here are a few of their stories.”
Loans subsidize ObamaCare:
“According to the Congressional Budget Office, $8.7 billion of the money collected in student loan interest payments actually goes to pay for ObamaCare. The CBO estimates that the interest rate on these loans could be reduced from 6.8 percent to only 5.3 percent were the funds not used to subsidize the healthcare reform law and other federal programs.
The profits from student loans are divided as follows: $8.7 billion goes to pay for ObamaCare; $10.3 billion goes to pay down the federal debt; and $36 billion goes to Pell Scholarship grants.
The 16 million American students who now have student loans are paying for ObamaCare out of their meagre incomes just at the point when they graduate from college and need funds to start their lives, buy their first homes and begin a family.”
Student loan default rates worse than reported: Aug. 2018 (Note no default rates were reported during the Obama term years of 2012 and beyond, Two years after ObamaCare became law.)
“For example, of colleges that had graduates begin repayment in 2012, 93 institutions had high default rates three years later — but that number swelled to 636 institutions two years after, during which time the Ed Department was no longer monitoring results. The default problem is much worse with for-profit colleges, Miller wrote. At the five-year point in repayment, 44% of for-profit borrowers faced loan distress, including 25% who defaulted. ”
Peggy: Thanks! Once again you were right on the name of the award and awarder, but I was right on the content of my point.
No, you were not right on the content of your point.
The content of your point, after correcting for the factual errors, was that it is funny (as in hypocritical) of Libby to call Trump a liar while supporting Obama because one of Obama’s lies was named “Lie of the Year” by Politifact.
But that point makes no sense when you factor in the fact that Trump’s lies have earned that distinction more often than Obama’s lies.
So it is you, not Libby, who was being hypocritical.
Not telling us that $716 Billion was going to be TAKEN from Medicare to pay for it, was a huge lie by omission.
But that did not happen, as the very same fact-checker you referred to earlier has explained numerous times. You are literally spreading a lie while accusing others of lying!
Not telling students that under ObamaCare the gov’t was going to take over the student loan program and charge 1.5% more interest than private loan interest charged.
You’re lying about this too.
I know I’ve told you all of this before and you’ve chosen to not reply or admit I’m right. I don’t expect it this time either, but I’ll keep trying until you get it.
I don’t remember this–it’s been a while–but have you considered the possibility that I didn’t reply to these lies because you lie an awful lot, and I don’t always have time to fact check every single lie you tell me?
That said, I was able to determine that each of the above claims was a lie in about ten seconds each using Google, so maybe I underestimated how easy it was to prove you wrong.
Like shooting fish in a barrel, really.
You are a waste of time Chris. I at least took the time to find non-biased sites to support my statements. You on the other went to left-wing biased sites to support yours. I bet you didn’t even read the parts I copied and pasted, let alone read the whole article.
You don’t want to know the truth Chris, so stay ignorant to your own demise.
I at least took the time to find non-biased sites to support my statements. You on the other went to left-wing biased sites to support yours.
I used objective, non-partisan fact-checkers, including one that YOU referenced to criticize Obama (Politifact, though you incorrectly thought you were talking about the Washington Post).
You used:
–Real Clear Politics, a right-wing blog
–An editorial on Forbes by Avik Roy, a right-wing activist
–An editorial on the Hill by Dick Morris, a right-wing activist
–A website called Education Dive that actually criticizes the Trump administration’s policies, not the Obama administration’s.
So you only found one “non-biased” site, and that one didn’t say what you claimed it said.
The other three sites were right-wing blogs that made exactly the claims fact-checkers demolished in the links I gave you.
Again: like shooting fish in a barrel.
“Actually their job is to give Americans the who, what, when, where, ….”
Yes. What you, and Trump, do not seem to understand is that he prejudices himself out of his own mouth. The media cannot be blamed for reporting same.
No one … no one … will stand up with him in Pittsburg, not because CNN has thus instructed them, but because his behavior after the Synagogue shooting: trotting off to his rally and spewing the usual bilge is (almost [and what is wrong with you!?!?!]) universally decried on a scale from amoral to obscene.
Ok, Melania stood up with him.
“… he prejudices himself out of his own mouth. The media cannot be blamed for reporting same.”
I did not say they could and I do understand very well.
Trump told them he didn’t mind them reporting what he says, he just wants them to be complete, and truthful, in their reporting.
As I’ve written he knows how to push their buttons and keep them busy while he gets things done. As long as they treat him like an enemy they can;t complain when he calls them an enemy. They are not acting as responsible journalists when they withhold positive things and accomplishments or when they bury the stuff that makes Democrats look bad. When at least 90% of what they report is negative and the people can clearly see all he’s accomplishing something is up.
“no one … will stand up with him in Pittsburg”
The Rabbi will…said he is always welcome.
“…not because CNN has thus instructed them, but because his behavior”
Or because they had conflicting schedules…or because they were on the campaign trail…or because they are lefties who hate him.
“…universally decried on a scale from amoral to obscene.”
Universally? Have you seen the crowds of people at his rallies? It’s like that everywhere he goes. And he’s no more obscene or amoral than many politician in your party. ..or for that matter the activists in your party that Occupy Wall Street, burn up cities, throw rocks or fire weapons through windows at GOP offices, boink their interns, or swear at and demean their staff.
This entire argument is stupid, but then it is all you have for a platform other than open borders, eliminating ICE, and universal healthcare…all losers!
“What galls you is that he is on track to becoming one of the most effective president in our history while your “historical” president will find himself near the bottom.”
Tina, job growth has slowed under Trump. GDP growth has slowed under Trump. These are indisputable facts.
You are giving credit to Trump for an economy he inherited from Obama, just as you gave him credit for accumulating millions of dollars that he inherited from his father (whom we now know got *his* millions through outright fraud). And Trump still went bankrupt numerous times. It’s a wonder he hasn’t bankrupted us yet, and it’s likely the only reason he hasn’t is because he was lucky enough to inherit an economy strong enough to survive his complete economic ignorance.
You can’t accept this, and you won’t accept this, but you cannot change facts. Reasonable conservatives have accepted that Mr. “Unemployment could be 42% and tariffs are awesome” can’t possibly be held responsible for improving the economy.
Chris, you can cherry pick a few numbers here and there, and all you’re going to prove is Mark Twain’s observations on statistics.
When Obama was in the WH, the mood in industry was bleak. The only place for big companies to thrive was overseas. Now the mood is optimistic for the first time in years.
With Trump, businesses are coming back, retooling, and putting people back to work. Unemployment has dropped dramatically. To say that Trump inherited this from Obama is bizarre.
A healthy economy is only one reason to enjoy the benefits of a Trump presidency. The restoration of the Supreme Court alone is worth the price of admission. Throw in our new attitude toward international relations and the return to sanity in the global warming hysteria and a dozen other happy circumstances and guess I can see why you’re so down. Oh well. Lose some, win some.
Re: “To say that Trump inherited this from Obama is bizarre.”
I think you are beginning to understand Chris, but bizarre isn’t the half of it.
Re: “The restoration of the Supreme Court alone is worth the price of admission.”
Hot damn, and we might yet get another appointment and push this progressive, legislate by judicial decree and “living” constitutionalism nonsense on to the ash heap of history.
Re: “Throw in our new attitude toward international relations and the return to sanity in the global warming hysteria and a dozen other happy circumstances and guess I can see why you’re so down. Oh well. Lose some, win some.”
Those mindless progressive policies (the international apology tour and CAGW nonsense) will always be with us, but it is a pleasure to see them get utterly trashed.
Chris, you can cherry pick a few numbers here and there, and all you’re going to prove is Mark Twain’s observations on statistics.
I’ll cherry-pick nothing. I’ll simply link to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, which you are free to peruse on your own. You will see that job growth and GDP growth were both rising faster in the last few years under Obama than they are now.
When Obama was in the WH, the mood in industry was bleak. The only place for big companies to thrive was overseas. Now the mood is optimistic for the first time in years.
To quote Ben Shapiro, “Facts don’t care about your feelings.”
Unemployment has dropped dramatically. To say that Trump inherited this from Obama is bizarre.
How is it bizarre? Unemployment has been “dropping dramatically” since 2010. The drop was far more dramatic prior to Trump’s administration.
A healthy economy is only one reason to enjoy the benefits of a Trump presidency. The restoration of the Supreme Court alone is worth the price of admission. Throw in our new attitude toward international relations and the return to sanity in the global warming hysteria and a dozen other happy circumstances and guess I can see why you’re so down. Oh well. Lose some, win some.
These are policy issues, unrelated to my point that Trump should not get sole credit for the economy when it is simply following trends that started under Obama.
Hey Pie! You want to know how to tell if the Trump economy is doing well?
Just watch how Chris struggles to give Obama the credit.
Hey Pie! You want to know how to tell if the Trump economy is doing well?
Just watch how Chris struggles to give Obama the credit.
But no one is arguing that the economy isn’t doing well.
Left with no rebuttal to the facts presented, you retreat to rebutting a strawman argument instead. Typical.
Chris.I looked at your link. I saw a whole lot of statistics on how well the economy is doing. Nothing that can be attributed to “…you didn’t build that…” anti-business, anti-middle class, anti-America Obama.
Business started picking up with Trumps energy policies, anti-global warming hysteria policies, and his international trade and tariff policies. You’re living in an alternate reality.
Hmmm, I wonder if Lippy has posted up twitter yet…
Oh, this is priceless and one for voters to remember.
Jenna Jameson Tells Top Dem How To REALLY Help Jews:
Libtards like Lippy don’t even see nor acknowledge that this psycho targeted people who have said some really horrible and awful things. So, it is NOT his victims who set him off by their own asinine, abject agitation and twisted rhetoric, it is Trump??? Sheesh, what a bunch of dopes. I am always surprised that people so stupid manage to draw breath.
That’s low, even for you.
Of course, you entirely miss the point, Maxine. Think about it. If you are going to blame Trump’s rhetoric, why not examine the volatile, hate-filled and violent rhetoric of the fake bomber’s victims? EH??? You don’t think that could have pushed him over the edge but Trump could?
I sincerely hope that YOU shoot your big fat vile mouth in the face of the wrong person see what happens. Then you can come crying “victim” to me.
Maybe, just maybe you will then think twice about whose face you decide to get in, fool.
“… this psycho targeted people who have said some really horrible and awful things.”
Good heavens. By that logic, Pie, you would be in considerable danger. That really how you want to live?
Dear moron, you, like Chris, entirely miss the point. Think about it. If you are going to blame Trump’s rhetoric, why not examine the volatile, hate-filled and violent rhetoric of the fake bomber’s victims?
I do not consider myself in danger, but you and your lunacy are. Keep up the good work and puhleeese shoot your fat yap off at the wrong person. I look forward to you crying victim.
Yes, Maxine Waters called on her supporters to “berate” people.
Trump said last week that criminally assaulting a reporter made someone “my kind of guy.”
It is completely hypocritical to complain about the former and not the latter, unless you genuinely believe yelling at people is worse than criminal assault.
Well, “body slamming” actually which, and I have not seen footage, if the reporter was crushing in on him as they often do…might have been justified. In any case…
Two things.
1. The slammer apologized (I have yet to hear a Democrat apologize or step back from remarks…Waters doubles down consistently)…he also donated to a fund that supports or protects journalists to make amends $50K. (I’ve never seen a Democrat do that either)
2. Trumps remarks at the rally in Montana were said in the context of a characterization about Montanan’s. He was joking with them. They understood him completely. He was not condoning violence in any way. I lived in Montana; they don’t grow a lot of snowflakes there and people tend to speak plainly and settle disputes themselves.
“…unless you genuinely believe yelling at people is worse than criminal assault.”
Back up Chris. Members of Trump’s staff and other Republicans have experienced much worse than yelling. Envelopes containing Ricin were sent to Susan Collins and one other person, the shooter at the baseball practice was no snowflake. Bullets fired into a GOP office is not “yelling” but it could be construed as a willingness to march to Maxine’s drumbeat. Threats of physical violence that were serious enough to earn Sarah Sanders a security team (a first for her post). We can back up further to cops being killed but I think you get the point.
A court of law found that Gianforte was not “justified” in attacking that reporter, Tina. He was convicted of criminal assault.
The other day I had to send a student to the office for calling another student “fatty.” His defense was that he was just joking, but he has had issues with the other student before, and it was clear to me he genuinely intended to hurt her.
By the logic you’re presenting me, you would have accepted this student’s defense.
Saying exactly what one actually believes is not a “joke,” Tina. Here’s a challenge: explain the joke. You can’t, because it wasn’t one. When Trump said that bodyslamming a journalist made Gianforte “my kind of guy,” he meant it. Just like when he “joked” that Russia should release Hillary’s e-mails. The comedy defense doesn’t work. Of course the president saying that someone engaging in political violence makes that person his kind of guy encourages political violence; there is no argument against this.
Of course I condemn sending ricin to Republicans and throwing rocks through windows. But no Democrat politician has encouraged this. The most they’ve done is encourage Democrats to yell at Republican politicians…which is bad advice, but doesn’t rise to what Trump has said.
I don’t see you sending Obama, Maxine, Hillary, Holder et al. off to the Principal. Of course their rhetoric rises to and exceeds that of Trump, but I do not expect a demagogue like you to ever admit to it. Keep turning that blind eye Chris boy!
“I don’t see you sending Obama, Maxine, Hillary, Holder et al. off to the Principal. Of course their rhetoric rises to and exceeds that of Trump, but I do not expect a demagogue like you to ever admit to it. Keep turning that blind eye Chris boy!”
I won’t admit it because it isn’t true. Telling people to yell at politicians and create a crowd isn’t the same as praising actual violence, as Trump did during the campaign and as recently as two weeks ago (the same week he showed no concern over a journalist being murdered by Saudi Arabia).
“They bring a knife, you bring a gun” was a metaphor, and you know it. You’re reaching.
“Saying exactly what one actually believes is not a “joke,” Tina”
Mind reader, are you?
I wrote, “Trumps remarks at the rally in Montana were said in the context of a characterization about Montanan’s. He was joking with them.”
He was joking with them about being rough and tumble…in the vein of self-depricating humor.
“When Trump said that bodyslamming a journalist made Gianforte “my kind of guy,” he meant it. ”
And? Joking about a thing and actually doing it are two different things. How many journalists has Trump bodyslammed?!!!!
Trump has been treated very badly by journalists…very badly. He has a right to feel animosity toward them and to the degree that he does he is allowed to share a laugh at their expense with his followers referencing one of their own who got in trouble (and paid the price) for fighting back.
You don’t find it funny. I get that. You believe Trump would actually encourage people to hurt others. I don’t. I’ve heard him suggest that if someone punches you in the face you can punch back and he’d pay your legal fees.
“Just like when he “joked” that Russia should release Hillary’s e-mails. The comedy defense doesn’t work.”
Sure it does. We knew what he was saying. The fact is Hillary’s private server was wide open to anyone who wanted to collect information…wide open! Democrats have attempted to make a nefarious connection between Trump and Russia. Of he was so connected to them couldn’t he have just asked them for the emails? Did he?
Forbes, “What Russia’s DNC Hack Tells Us About Hillary Clinton’s Private Email Server”
Forbes, “Hillary’s Emails: How The Russians, The Chinese–And The White House–May Have Benefited”
” The most they’ve done is encourage Democrats to yell at Republican politicians…which is bad advice, but doesn’t rise to what Trump has said.”
I can only imagine your yardstick.
You on the left don’t even know what Trump has said because you decide the nastiest possible meaning based on your hate and anger filter. You want it to be true that Trump wants his following to harm people…you want it to be true that they would…you want it with every fiber of your being.
Have you seen the crowds that show up to see him? And yet those people are not hurting people. They are not forming mobs, they are not marking up buildings or setting them on fire, they are not targeting specific groups of people (cops) and killing them, they are not dressing up in ugly pink hats and shouting obscenities and disrupting meetings, they are not harassing and bullying people in diners.
I didn’t blame Bernie Sanders for the nut that almost killed a bunch of congressmen at the baseball field. I did point out that he was a Bernie supporter, a fact.
You on the left go beyond the facts as if…you have a mandate to fix blame and destroy by any means necessary. In fact this has been your party’s MO for decades. Trump answers back and you think he invented the tactic. Your party’s decades long crap is why why we on the right don’t care when Trump pushes those buttons.
“But no Democrat politician has encouraged this.”
Bologna! And damned pathetic!
Maxine Waters: “For these members of his Cabinet who remain and try to defend him they’re not going to be able to go to a restaurant, they’re not going to be able to stop at a gas station, they’re not going to be able to shop at a department store, the people are going to turn on them, they’re going to protest, they’re going to absolutely harass them until they decide that they’re going to tell the president ‘no I can’t hang with you, this is wrong this is unconscionable and we can’t keep doing this to children.”
(Did she sick them on Obama when he did the same thing?)
How far would a nut job or say, some members of the SEIU (Kenneth Gladney), go to fulfill this mandate from Maxine? An already angry person very well might decide she wants him to take bats…or rocks, or knives, or bottles…to a Trump Rally or a restaurant where Sarah Sanders and her kids are dining. They took guns in Dallas, Texas didn’t they? That’s right this didn’t start with Trump. Have you seen Maxine’s face when she exhorts people to get in the faces of Republicans? As far as she’s concerned we “are not welcome” in her USA. Just how should “we” be driven out?
The manufactured outrage, by your leaders and media, over Trump “putting kids in cages” (same thing under Obama) elicited the following:
“A man from Stuart, Florida, has been arrested after threatening to kill Republican Rep. Brian Mast’s children over President Donald Trump’s family separation policy.” (Brian Mast is a war hero who has lost limbs in service to the United States.)
Don’t tell me your side is not wound up, hearing the call, and ready to do damage! That tur* just will not float!
Mind reader, are you?
It’s called common sense and reason. Has Trump ever condemned Gianforte’s assault on Ben Jacobs? Has he made it clear that such attacks are unacceptable? If so, then it may be reasonable to conclude that his praise of Gianforte was a mere “joke.”
But since Trump has never done this, and since he has given nothing but support to Gianforte, then there is absolutely no reason to conclude that he was joking except…you want that to be the case. You can’t accept that the president genuinely thinks criminally assaulting reporters is OK, and even praiseworthy…which is understandable. That’s a hard pill to swallow. Harder, I imagine, when it’s your own guy.
But at the very least you need to admit that the president, at best, doesn’t care whether reporters get physically attacked. If he did, he’d condemn it when it happened. If he did, he wouldn’t make a joke about it where the butt of the joke isn’t clearly the assaulter.
I wrote, “Trumps remarks at the rally in Montana were said in the context of a characterization about Montanan’s. He was joking with them.”
I know that’s what you wrote. It doesn’t make any more sense than the last time you wrote it.
But I don’t know what I’d expect from you. You once argued that Ann Coulter telling a Muslim girl to “take a camel” rather than travel by airplane (which Coulter had argued should discriminate against Muslims) wasn’t a bigoted joke because…well, I don’t remember your excuses, but they were BS excuses. You will always try and find a way to weasel out of admitting the clear meaning of people’s words as long as you see them as “your kind of guys.”
How many journalists has Trump bodyslammed?!!!!
So because the president hasn’t physically attacked anyone himself, it’s OK for him to advocate others doing so. Masterful argument.
When this is over, your party will never be able to claim to be moral arbiters again. You have totally embraced moral relativism, a concept you used to rail against (while privately practicing it anyway).
Trump has been treated very badly by journalists…very badly. He has a right to feel animosity toward them and to the degree that he does he is allowed to share a laugh at their expense with his followers referencing one of their own who got in trouble (and paid the price) for fighting back.
He’s allowed to “feel” whatever he wants. He’s the goddamn president. He’s not allowed–morally, ethically speaking–to spread the message that physical attacks on a specific group of people are acceptable, as he did here and does constantly with his “enemy of the people” rhetoric. (“Enemy of the people” is how fascist governments describe groups whom they want killed. Trump has continued using this term even after journalists were targeted by the mail bomber.)
You believe Trump would actually encourage people to hurt others. I don’t.
“I could shoot someone on 5th Avenue and still get elected.” –Trump
Thanks for proving him right.
I’ve heard him suggest that if someone punches you in the face you can punch back and he’d pay your legal fees.
You are literally adding words to what he said to make it more acceptable. He never said anything about only paying legal fees for someone if they were “punching back.” He indicated he would do so for people who threw the first punch.
You and your selective memory…it would be funny if it weren’t so sad.
Sure it does. We knew what he was saying. The fact is Hillary’s private server was wide open to anyone who wanted to collect information…wide open! Democrats have attempted to make a nefarious connection between Trump and Russia. Of he was so connected to them couldn’t he have just asked them for the emails? Did he?
Roger Stone may have.
But you’re changing the subject. Trump never condemned Russia’s cyber-attack on our democracy…these remarks openly encouraged it. He then spent years alternately accepting and denying the very fact that Russia did this at all…
How can you not see that he cares about nothing but power? If he thinks praising a congressman who punches a reporter in the face will motivate his base, he’ll do it. If he thinks Russia hacking his opponent will help him win an election, he’ll do that too. He has no principles, no sense of fair play, no morals…only a lust for power.
Anyone who can support such a man is no Christian in my book.
I didn’t blame Bernie Sanders for the nut that almost killed a bunch of congressmen at the baseball field.
Because Sanders, unlike Trump, did not encourage violence.
I don’t support Maxine Waters and if she were president I’d be calling out her crazy rhetoric a lot more than I do now. She was wrong to say “harass,” and yes, supporters who heed her words could act violently. But what she said was still not a call to violence or a praise of such.
(Did she sick them on Obama when he did the same thing?)
Obama did NOT do the same thing, liar.
After the surge of unaccompanied minors at the border, some unaccompanied minors did spend time in horrible facilities that could be referred to as “cages” while being processed. This was because they had nowhere else to go.
That is a huge difference from the policy introduced by Jeff Sessions to deliberately separate children from their parents and keep children in such facilities when the administration knew they did not have the resources to keep them in good conditions and no plan for how to reunite the families.
Under Obama there was no such policy; families were given a court date and sent on their way, and 75% of them returned for their court date.
Under Trump, toddlers were forced to appear in court alone and sign documents they could not understand and could not legally consent to.
This is your mess. Your people did this. Don’t try and pass the buck.
Every fact-checker around has verified this and disputed your lie that the Trump family separation policy was started under Obama.
Stop spreading lies.
To be clear:
There is zero evidence Trump had a problem with a congressman criminally assaulting a journalist for asking him a question about healthcare.
There is evidence that Trump likes Gianforte for criminally assaulting a journalist, because THAT’S WHAT HE SAID.
If you can spin this, you can spin anything.
Yet, Bill Clinton sat on stage with Jew hater Louis Farrakhan and you all said nothing. Would you have been outraged if David Duke had been on that stage with Clinton instead of Farrakhan? Clinton would have walked off with Duke, as he should have done with Farrakhan.
We all know there are thousands and many in the Black Caucus who secretly support Farrakan. He has a much bigger following than the measly 6,000 reported followers of Duke. Which group posses the biggest threat to our Jewish communities?
Where’s the hypocrisy now Chris, unless you believe it’s ok for one’s political party’s views to be racists and bigoted?
“Yet, Bill Clinton sat on stage with Jew hater Louis Farrakhan and you all said nothing.”
Wrong. I criticized that on my Twitter page. And I said on this very site that I won’t attend the Women’s March again if Linda Sarsour and other Farrakhan-lovers are among the organizers.
Don’t get into a battle of which of us has principles with me. You will lose.
That was a joke y0u ass. Was it a bad joke? Yes.
Maxine is serious about encouraging assaults on people by violent intimidation, but a dick like you would never admit to it. You think mobs of people yelling at and threatening people is not violent? If you actually believe such, you are an idiot and hope the same happens to, ***hole.
How about Biden, how about Hillary? How about Madonna, DeNiro and Griffin? Shakespeare in the park anyone? How about the screaming hysterics in the Congress during the Kavanaugh hearing? How about CNN, NBC, CBS, MSNBC, NYT et al. destroying a man’s reputation? That isn’t violent?
If anyone is being hypocritical it is you Chris. Oblivious libtard dork.
Yes, I would like to see Trump shut his fat yap and stop this sort of nonsense but it will be a cold day in hell that you ever own up to the crap you and your apes throw.
While I am at it — Obama, “If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun”, Antifa violence and destruction, OccupyAnyDamnThing riots, Black Lives Matter hate speech against police inspiring riots and arson, Obama cozying up to Weather Underground terrorists and even inviting them to the White House, 1968 Democratic National Convention riots, eugenics, Woodrow Wilson’s overtly racist policies, Jim Crow laws, The Trail of Tears, Dred Scott, the Ku Klux Klan, slavery — all these things were brought to us thanks to the racist Democrat Party in years past the progressive controlled Democrat Party in recent history and now.
But, of course, nothing on this list is or ever was violent or violence by intimidation now, is it? And you, Chris, complain about a stupid body slam joke? That figures. You’re nuts. The whole of the left is nuts.
Pie, where to even start on such an unhinged rant?
Your stream-of-consciousness manifesto above conflates legitimately bad acts by extremist groups with hyperbolic rhetoric from politicians and decades-and-even-centuries-old events from when the Democratic Party had entirely different platforms and demographics than it does now.
And you have the nerve to call me nuts after that? You may as well have just slapped a bunch of MAGA stickers on a van and posted a pic of it, and that would have communicated the same level of content as what you wrote above. When what you write is indistinguishable from what the mail bomber was writing, that’s a sign that you need help.
Holding the modern Democratic Party responsible for slavery is as dumb as some terminally woke college kid holding all modern white people responsible for slavery. You can see why the latter is wrong, so why can’t you see the same about the former?
Some questions for you, Pie:
–Majority of the people who hang the Confederate flag from their porches: Republican or Democrat?
–Majority of the people who want Confederate statues to stay up: Republican or Democrat?
–The white nationalists whose priority is stopping immigration from non-white countries: did they vote for Trump or Hillary in the last election?
–The South as a whole: reliably Republican, or reliably Democrat?
These questions are NOT meant to tar the entire Republican party as racist, since unlike you, I am not suffering from a rage disorder that makes me tune out facts so that I can focus my anger on a single target no matter what they’ve actually done. The point of them is to illustrate that, yes, the Democratic Party was once a racist shithole of a party, but that the Southern strategy was a thing that happened, because no other event could possibly explain the answers to the questions I have just posed to you.
If you have another explanation, provide one. Otherwise, you need to admit that the Democrats are not the party of the Confederacy and the KKK anymore. In fact, the KKK is much more likely to support Republicans today. It is no accident that Trump chose immigration as his number one priority from the beginning of his candidacy, like it’s no accident he chose to identify as a “nationalist” on a week that saw three separate terror attacks by white nationalists. He knows who he’s talking to.
Good job at the asinine and unanswerable rhetorical questions Chris. I bow to your adept mastery of fallacy. Dang you are good at total bull*hit. You should join a formal debate group. They would make you a captain. Seriously dude, you have a talent. Explore it.
Good job at the asinine and unanswerable rhetorical questions Chris.
They were neither unanswerable nor rhetorical. Here, I’ll answer them right now:
–Majority of the people who hang the Confederate flag from their porches: Republican or Democrat?
–Majority of the people who want Confederate statues to stay up: Republican or Democrat?
–The white nationalists whose priority is stopping immigration from non-white countries: did they vote for Trump or Hillary in the last election?
They voted for Trump, proudly and enthusiastically. They are very open about saying they have never seen a president who represents their interests as much as Trump does.
–The South as a whole: reliably Republican, or reliably Democrat?
The South is now reliably Republican, of course.
Now, you can believe that this has nothing at all to do with racism. But you would need to give a plausible alternative theory. The Southern Strategy theory has a ton of evidentiary basis; what do you have to replace it?
It wasn’t a joke at all.
I have a friend whose husband often “jokes” about wanting to have a threesome. When she tells him no, he says he’s just joking.
Spoiler: he isn’t joking. He really wants to have a threesome
Just like Trump really likes congressmen who criminally assault reporters.
Hey, we already know that you have no sense of humor. No libtard I have ever met has one. Threesome? Oh, how clever you are! Clever boy! You must be quite full of yourself today.
“Hey, we already know that you have no sense of humor. No libtard I have ever met has one. ”
Yes, this is why all successful comedians in the U.S. are conservative.
“Threesome? Oh, how clever you are! Clever boy! You must be quite full of yourself today.”
I mean…you’re putting absolutely no cleverness into your rebuttal here, so yeah, I kinda am. You’re usually at least a bit wittier than this, in an Ann Coulter, “I can’t believe they’re able to turn a phrase so well given that the stupidity of their argument makes it surprising they can tie their own shoes” sort of way.
Oh lookie here another racist Democrat.
“Democratic Indiana Senator Joe Donnelly made potentially offensive racial remarks during a Senate debate on Tuesday night as he highlighted different minorities that he employs.
“Our state director is Indian-American, but he does an amazing job,” Donnelly said. “Our director of all constituent services, she’s African-American, but she does an even more incredible job than you could ever imagine.”
Shades of Joe Biden on Obama, Peggy, “…you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy. I mean, that’s a storybook, man.”
Clean? Wonder what Jesse Jackson, John Lewis, Maxine Waters et al, thought about that, really thought?
It would be funny if it wasn’t so sad to see Dems let down their guard when they try to be funny and expose what they really are.
I personally thought what Hillary said about blacks all looking alike was offensive, but wasn’t surprised she said it.
Putting lipstick on a pig……
I would like to thank Lippy and Chris for completely missing the point. That is, if you are going to blame Trump for the psycho fake bomber’s behavior then why not blame (or at least examine) the vile and violent rhetoric of his victims, which obviously (except to a libtard) set this demented person off.
Such are libtards. They are never culpable. Even when violent progressive rhetoric has a long history of inciting riots. Libtards like riots.
Did conservatives blame Bernie Sanders and progressive Rat rhetoric for the psycho who shot up the GOP softball team and seriously injured Congressman Steve Scalise? No. (Oh, you might be able to find a nutcase or two. Unlike the entire lunatic progressive left which blames Trump for the fake bomber.)
Thank you psycho Quentin Colgan wannabes for again demonstrating you have neither the intellect nor intellectual curiosity to get the point or do a little serious self-examination. You prefer to simply parrot ideological demagogic cliches and ignore the obvious.
“Did conservatives blame Bernie Sanders”
No, because Bernie Sanders, unlike Trump, never encouraged violence.
Nice dodge dope, but Bernie Sanders rhetoric was and is incendiary, but of course no one on the right blamed Bernie for his near deadly acolyte because that would be as stupid as blaming Trump.
I guess we are not as stupid as you. Why don’t you do something useful, like come up with another vile lie about Brett Kavanaugh?
Chris: “Obama did NOT do the same thing, liar.”
Every president inherits whatever is in place when he take office from those who came before him. This administration is enforcing the law. The Obama administration and your party play fast and loose with the law. (Open borders, sanctuary cities, not prosecuting black intimidation at polling places, inserting themselves in local legal issues…)
Your party and your media are the liars. They distort, withhold, and flat out lie in order to paint Trump in the worst possible light.
The reality is always much more interesting but less divisive. Organizing hatred is a pretty vile tactic. Complete history tells the story much more accurately:
McClatchy DC, “Yes, Obama separated families at the border, too.”
“…families were given a court date and sent on their way, and 75% of them returned for their court date.”
And the number of judges was (still is) inadequate, so people were detained while waiting for a court date.
CNS News cites DHS, “DHS Report: 84% of Illegal Alien Adults Not In Court For Final Case Hearing”
The situation improved slightly under Obama, “2.5 Million Join Illegal Population under Obama – Pace slower than under Bush, but still enormous”
“Every fact-checker around has verified this and disputed your lie”…every leftist Trump hating fact checker who is out to demonize Trump and glorify Obama, maybe.
I care about the whole truth and I care about the rule of law. I want our laws to work. I want people to respect the law.
I admit it, I resent the hell out of people like YOU who are willing to accept distortions and lies without question, bent on creating angelic images of your party leaders and demons of mine, and in the process, destroying the unity that once could be counted upon in times of trouble.
The divisive nature of your politics is highly toxic and spills into everything. That is the truth whether you will admit it or not.
I am baffled that you think that McClatchy article supports your argument rather than mine…it plainly states that the Obama policy was not the “same thing” that Trump did.
You cannot justify Trump’s cruel, anti-family policy, so you pass the buck.
Oh yeah, “cruel, anti-family” policy!!! Good job tossing the feces Chimp.
My family will take the tax cuts and are happy to do so. My family is happy to see the exceptional job growth and reduction in unemployment for all, regardless of race, the strong and improving economy, the renewed optimism, the international trade and relations hurdles surmounted, the moving of the embassy in Israel to Jerusalem, the stance to control out of control illegal immigration, the reduction of over arching regulationism encouraging and creating a friendly business environment and is bringing back industry to our nation.
Damn that Trump fellow is a cruel bastard! Keep that political attack coming, you are on a mission from God. Don;t forget that he is also a sexist, racist, xenophobic, homophobic, anti LGBTetc-ad-nauseam bigot. Keep working that.
My family will take the tax cuts and are happy to do so. My family is happy to see the exceptional job growth and reduction in unemployment for all, regardless of race, the strong and improving economy, the renewed optimism, the international trade and relations hurdles surmounted, the moving of the embassy in Israel to Jerusalem, the stance to control out of control illegal immigration, the reduction of over arching regulationism encouraging and creating a friendly business environment and is bringing back industry to our nation.
And you’re willing to accept kids in cages in exchange for all that.
(Especially because you didn’t even need to make that trade. The economy, as I’ve pointed out many times already and which no one has rebutted, was already improving faster under Obama than under Trump.)
A site called Heavy has done a good job of checking reporting from both administrations…it’s quite long but worth scrolling through…a lot of pictures and tweets. It contains the following:
“The economy, as I’ve pointed out many times already and which no one has rebutted, was already improving faster under Obama than under Trump.”
By what measure?
Obama’s policies produced a flat line economy for eight years.
CNN’s Money, “The Obama economy in 10 charts” (One chart-10 periods)
He never hit 3% GDP and told us the low GDP was the “new normal” and nothing could be done about it.
The Fed kept inflation low artificially (QE crap) by pumping money into the stock market, keeping it up so investors did okay…maybe Obama thinks the stock market IS the economy. Either way he had nothing to do with it.
Manufacturing under Obama tanked. The coal industry struggled mightily and gas oil was shut down in many states…all of that means jobs were lost..a lot of jobs. To working men and women with families that was devastating. It also placed a heavier burden on federal, state, and local services too…and downward pressure on the poor.
A CNS News report in August showed manufacturing jobs are up 400,000 under Trumps policies. Manufacturers are desperate for workers, many of them have designed special training programs for unskilled people to fill their need.
Coal jobs are coming back under Trump. 1200 people have returned to work in coal.
Wages are going up. The January 2018 report for 2017 “registered a 2.6 percent gain for the full year, tied for the best since 2007. … That gives President Donald Trump the best wage gains since the Great Recession, easily topping any during former President Barack Obama’s entire term.”
Unemployment: American Liberty Report, “Trump Achieves Historic Unemployment Numbers for Minorities and the Media Credits Obama For It”
See also Investors, ” Don’t Look Now, But Minority Unemployment Is At Record Lows Under Trump”
August 2018 Hispanic unemployment hits record low under Trump
As I asked, by what measure?
From Heavy:
One key difference between the two policies, according to news articles: The children during the Obama era were being sheltered generally because they had crossed the border alone.
Which is exactly what I said.
Obama’s policies produced a flat line economy for eight years.
Unemployment was cut in half from 2010 to 2016, and Obama left office with lower unemployment than when he entered. That isn’t a “flatline economy.”
He never hit 3% GDP
Neither has Trump. Trump has had quarters of GDP at 3%…but so did Obama. In fact, Obama had four quarters of higher GDP than any Trump has had so far. His highest yearly growth, 2.6% in 2015, was also higher than Trump’s yearly growth in 2017.
I have seen many right-wing blogs, including yours, comparing Trump’s *quarterly* growth with Obama’s *yearly* growth to paint Trump’s economy as better. This is dishonest. An apples-to-apples comparison shows that GDP growth is about the same under both presidents.
A CNS News report in August showed manufacturing jobs are up 400,000 under Trumps policies. Manufacturers are desperate for workers, many of them have designed special training programs for unskilled people to fill their need.
Coal jobs are coming back under Trump. 1200 people have returned to work in coal.
Those numbers are barely a blip…they are good for certain industries, certainly, but do almost nothing to the national unemployment numbers.
Wages are going up.
Not in relation to inflation.
Re Chris dementia: “I won’t admit it because it isn’t true.” (Regarding the vile, incendiary rhetoric from Obama, Hillary, Maxine et al.)
HEY CHEROKEE JACK! Is Chris’ mental dysfunction becoming clearer to you yet? And this demented demagogue is, ostensibly, allowed to teach children! (If you believe what he claims, it would not surprise me that is a bald faced lie he engages in to make himself seem more important. I think he is an unsupervised teen with an attitude problem using his parent’s computer. )
I remember when Quentin Colgan was banned for teaching in California. How long will it take for Chris to be denied his credentials if he is not a fake? Unfortunately probably never. He, if a ctually a teacher, is standard progressive mind washed issue poisoning the minds of innocent children.
(Which is what the California public educational system demands these days.)
I’ll take that to mean you will not be acknowledging the fact that the Democratic party of today bears almost no relation to the Democratic party of the late nineteenth and early twentieth century, and that the once reliably Democratic blocs in the South are now almost entirely Republican?
The Rat party is PRECISELY the same, only the tactics and the phony manipulation of your image have changed.
Your implication that changes in the political landscape in the south towards Republicans is due to racism or bigotry is just the sort of fallacious crap your vile ilk slings. Blow me negro burner.
“I think he is an unsupervised teen with an attitude problem using his parent’s computer.”
I’ve been commenting here since 2008.
Do you think I started commenting here when I was nine years old?
Not necessarily, you might have been 8 and stalled there intellectually Chris. See you at recess sitting on the bench with a time out.
You used to be better at this.
Well, I don’t see any improvement from you either, boy.