Posted by Jack
Note: In a way Post Scripts has been a serial version of “Crazifornia” for 7 years and now what we’ve been reporting is out in book form. This is yet one more example that our efforts to inform you about the dangerous level of stupidity in this state is absolutely true. The book vindicates everything we’ve been saying about waste, fraud and abuse of power in the late great state of California.
When the agency responsible for state roads spends $4 million on new cars and trucks, then parks them unused for two years, that’s Crazifornia. When cancer warnings are required on buildings because they may contain estrogen or testosterone (full of men), that’s Crazifornia. And when a full-frontal governmental assault on business drives enough people out of a state in ten years to double the population of Oregon, that’s Crazifornia, too.
Through tale after outrageous, funny, tragic tale, “Crazifornia: Tales from the Tarnished State” explains why California is crashing, making it a must-read for all Californians and for anyone who fears California may be coming their way soon.
Part One provides history and perspective, explaining how the PEER Axis – Progressives, Environmentalists, Educators and Reporters – took over the Golden State and work to keep it a leader in Progressivism, generation after generation.
Part Two looks at the current state of affairs in the Tarnished State – bureaucratic ineptitude, anti-business policies, a failed education system, entrenched environmentalism, unsustainable pensions and a perpetually unbalanced budget, and considers California’s options for the future.
This is a great book to read, tearfully, as you pack the house in Orange County and wait for the moving van to take you to Nevada.
Face it kids, a distinct segment of California voters are insane, ignorant, witless, conspiracy theory chumps like our friend Chris.
Welcome to the new “normal” brought to you by a K-12 and college system run by progressive demagogues and their willing acolytes.
Progressives in California own a vast majority of the major media outlets, own the education system, and own the simultaneously corrupt Democratic-Union party machine that runs this state.
There is no way Proposition 30 could have been passed without the dumbed down stupid vote that the Rat party has educated, indoctrinated, and propagandized. They are bagged and sewn up. Those not part of the stupid vote simply have not been paying attention.
I still maintain that the average voter is not stupid (this may be a wishful self deception on my part), but there is no doubt in my mind that the Rats have the stupid vote locked up. Will sensible fiscal conservatives ever be able to appeal to someone as stupid as Chris? Not likely.
“Progressives, Environmentalists, Educators and Reporters”
And the cohort that you propose is?
Conservatives, Polluters, Tax Evaders, and Media Moguls?
Yup, Prop 30 was a sort of litmus test for voter IQ. They flunked again, but why should any normal person be surprised, just look at the weirdos that occupy our largest cities. Q. Why are CA cities like magnet for the mental cases?
Polluters? Who likes polluters?
“Face it kids, a distinct segment of California voters are insane, ignorant, witless, conspiracy theory chumps…” We need no further evidence of that. The verdict is in and at least 51% of today’s voters are guilty of gross negligence and criminal stupidity. The evidence was overwhelming 10 years ago, and now even the most oblivious taxpayer must start to be concerned about their future.
I think the word Polluters and California’s wasteful Liberal Legislator’s are both well described by the very same definition;.. To make unfit for or harmful to living things, especially by the addition of waste ..
Well said Harold and all!
I posted a comment yesterday in response to Libby’s inane comment above and it isn’t here? Was her comment also posted on another thread?
Did the Grinch steal my comment?
Wish I had time to investigate….gotta run…have a merry merry Christmas…dum, dee-dee, dum, dum dee-dee, dum
One of my comments disappeared too. It was there one day and gone the next.
Don’t remember which article now.
Hey, Calif. made it to the top of at least one list.
California Tops List of ‘Judicial Hellholes’:
According to the American Tort Reform Association, California tops the nation’s list of “judicial hellholes,” claiming the top slot from Philadelphia. ATRA makes its judgments based on ridiculous lawsuits being greenlit by judges and backed by juries:
No significant signs of much needed reform can be found in the barely solvent Golden State, however, as preposterous consumer class actions, coercive disability access lawsuits and mounting asbestos litigation, among other problems, continue to drive businesses and jobs to less litigious neighboring states while court budgets are slashed and dockets grow evermore backlogged.
ATRA says that California’s class action lawsuits are beyond any other state’s. Companies producing cereal and walnuts have been dragged into court. Small businesses have been targeted by ambulance chasing lawyers who focus on minute technical violations in order to seek huge settlements. Personal injury firms that originate elsewhere are moving like sharks into the chum-laden territory that is California.
Peggy, CA also scored another 1st in the nation…We’ve apparently go the dirtiest city in North America. From Forbes Magazine, “The booby prize this year for Dirtiest City in America goes to Fresno, California. This Central Valley city suffers some of the worst air in the nation, and a water supply so degraded that the city used to tell pregnant women not to drink from the tap. Fresno epitomizes the environmental challenges of the Golden State.”
We just keep racking up 1st’s in this State, but don’t blame republicans, they are irrelevant here, remember?
Of course the republicans will be blamed. Remember the democrats already accuse them of, “Wanting dirty water and dirty air.”
Guess Fresno has never had pregnant republicans.