Highest Paid Public Employee

by Jack Lee

While the left is fully engaged in a war on the rich, meaning those who made their money in the private sector, (actors exempted) we have a new class of rich and they have the conservatives up in arms and rightfully so! It’s those who work in the public sector making far more than their counterparts in the private sector.

Quiz time… How much does the highest paid public employee make and who is it? No, it’s not the President of the United States, he makes half of what this guy makes and it’s not the baseball commissioner. It’s a psychiatrist from Afghanistan and his pay last year was $822,000. Which state do you think has that kind of disposable cash? Yeah, you guessed it, California of course…the nut state, ol Crazifornia, the People’s Republik of Kalifornia…the wackiest, most left-wing state in the union! And why were still allowed to be in the union is baffling. Clearly we are a bigger threat to a stable democracy than Al Qaeda…we should have been invaded, not Iraq and Afghanistan, but I digress.

Here’s the ugly details of today’s story: Dr. Mohammad Safi, graduate of a medical school in Afghanistan, collected $822,302 last year, up from $90,682 when he started in 2006, the data show.

Last year, 16 psychiatrists on California’s payroll, including Safi, made more than $400,000. Only one did in any other state in the data compiled by Bloomberg, a doctor in Texas. Safi earned more than twice as much as any state psychiatrist elsewhere, the data show.

Now, my father is a psychiatrist and so is my sister. I generally wish the profession good fortune. But to put Safi’s pay into perspective, a Manhattan shrink who sees 40 patients a week 52 weeks a year at $300 per session would gross $624,000.

Safi and other well-paid psychiatrists, however, don’t represent California public workers as a whole. According to Bloomberg, the average pay of a California state worker was $60,317 in 2011, the highest out of the 12 most populous states. Next came New York at $55,650. Georgia paid state employees an average of $28,682.

When the revolution starts and all the vast wealth has been looted by legislators, the first to swing from the lamp posts must be the bureaucrats who approved these exorbitant salaries.

I can see it now, the mobs of angry citizens with torches and pitchforks marching on Sacramento, they’ll seize the public employee records and they will start going down the list of who did what to us until they find you. So I say to these bureaucrats, you enjoy spending our tax money while you can… because there is an angry mob coming your way, it is inevitable.

PS Why oh why, did Californian’s ever pass Prop 30 and give these dolts in Sacramento another $50 billion to play with? Arrrrrggghhhhhh!

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4 Responses to Highest Paid Public Employee

  1. Peggy says:

    Here is more outrages taxpayer funded salaries. How much are we paying in all of the depts.?

    The sign says,” I-680.” Could this be Calif. too?

    Taxpayers Pay $4.8M for Union Bosses’ Salaries in Single Dept.:

    “ALG president Bill Wilson said in a release announcing the report that it’s “obscene that in one Department alone, taxpayers are being stuck with almost $5 million in public employee union salary costs, these unions collect member dues and should pay for their own employees.”


  2. Post Scripts says:

    Yep…we’re headed for a revolution.

  3. Princess says:

    Thank goodness for Redstate.


    “Over the next couple of years, Barack Obama wants to raise the national debt to $18.9 trillion or so.

    John Boehner, Mitch McConnell, and the congressional Republicans want to raise the national debt to $18.4 trillion or so”

    We need to cut spending and I think we need to start cutting the defense budget. Obviously. We spend most of our money on the Department of Defense, it should be easy to get rid of their hundreds of overseas golf courses. Cut a few of the over 900 generals and admirals and their entourages. Cut the department of homeland security.

    These guys all talk like the only place there is to trim is social security and Medicare. When we spend more on our military than the next closest countries combined, we might want to start looking there.

  4. Tina says:

    Princess I don’t know where you get your information but the two links below tell a much different story, one includes stats fro government agencies and the other is based on states taken from government agencies.

    The US government site is a projection for next year, 2013 You can find the stats for any year from this site:


    The other site is an accounting by Heritage for 2012 that reveals more than half of the budget (62%) went to entitlement spending: Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, Welfare, food stamps, unemployment, and housing assistance.

    National Defense was 19% of the budget (the ONLY expenditure that the Constitution calls for at the federal level).

    6% of the budget went to interest on the debt!!!!! (imagine what it will be when they can’t artificially contain interest rates anymore…another bubble forming)

    We spent more on interest on the debt than we did on education at 4%.

    1% went to international affairs.

    The remaining 8% went to “all other spending” (read cost of big government bureaucracy)

    There is absolutely no excuse for delaying reform of SS and Medicare through means testing for older citizens and changing the system to a split private/government SS account for those who choose as Ryan proposed.

    There is absolutely no excuse for new spending. Obama has exploded the budget with new spending after criticizing (it’s unpatriotic) his predecessor.

    Freeze spending…take spending and tax rates back to the Clinton budget…cut all programs and defense by 10%…BUT DO SOMETHING!

    I understand there are seventeen or so Democrats in the Senate that now want to eliminate the Obamacare tax on medical devices…if they had any sense they never would have voted for this monster in the first place.

    Defense has already been cut!

    But if you think these spending levels are outrageous just wait…this administration has ZERO intentions to cut spending. Obama will SPEND AMERICA INTO POVERTY.

    Obama and his evil twin billionaire friends Buffet and Soros are making a killing on his tax and money policies (and they will not pay tax at the higher rate they favor for “the rich”). Obama is not acting as President of a free nation with limited powers; he is acting as a dictator. Might as well call him Hugo. You cannot negotiate with someone who will not come to the table in good faith.

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