by Jack
I’m listening to the news in my car while I run errands and I hear Vice President Biden comment on his new task force. He makes a windy statement how our great President Obama is going to take swift action to pass strong legislation to curb gun violence, like a ban on assault weapons and other such BS. Then he says something that just stunned me. I’m paraphrasing now because I didn’t have a note pad handy, “We are going to pass some tough gun control legislation, and even if it only saves one life, it will be worth it!” Really? That’s all it takes and you’re ready to pass laws to restrict freedoms?
Well, maybe we should stop driving cars then too, hey that will save even more lives. Maybe we should disband the military, because avoiding combat will save lives!
What a stupid, stupid thing to tell the American people. We’re going to take away some of your guns and along with them some of your freedoms too, because it might save one life! If this is Biden’s and Obama’s new litmus test for restricting freedoms then we’re all screwed.
Whatever happened to the idea that freedom carries certain inherent risks, lest we become the “safe” property of the state?
Vice President Biden, you sir are a very dangerous person. The stupidity that falls out of your big mouth is a greater threat to America than anyone’s legally owned firearm ever could be.
I agree Jack, I heard the same thing while driving and thought what else is the American public exposed to daily that takes lives as unforeseen as a mass murderer like Lanza. Cars were the first to come to mind, toys, smoking, drunks on the road, diseased trees falling on people, electrical items grounded out in water and so on. All these situations are a result of misuse of a inanimate object put into play by people. Maybe we need to start by incarcerating people that commit acts that lead to disastrous results, starting fires inside buildings, leaving front doors unlocked, deep frying frozen turkeys, chainsaw accidents, any and all take lives needlessly when used or performed unsafely. So we have a President hell bent on depriving us of more second amendment rights, and ignoring behavior health problems, I have heard nothing about committee meetings to investigate Government mental health programs that are failing society, most likely because it will not serve the Presidents disarming America agenda? It is not the tool that creates the problem, it is the person using it!
What falls from Biden’s mouth is what lives in Biden’s head. If the words that have previously fallen from his mouth are any indication, there is nothing of substance rattling around in a mostly empty head.
I kinda get that the American people are not behind the President (or his troll Biden) on this one.
I hope you are right about the American people not getting behind Obama on this.
However I still worry, why because a major 60 percentage of Americans were against Obama care, and we have rammed down our throats with little recourse. Politic ans do one thing and one thing only, they run for office, the minute their elected everything they do is designed to acquire more votes for next election. They always champain to be for and do things in our interest, but it just to provide us lip service and not much more, and if and when they have the majority of power, well again I will bring up Obamacare.