US Heading Over Fiscal Cliff

Posted by Jack

President Barack Obama is due back in Washington today, while Reid (D., Nev.) urged Republican leaders to offer ideas about averting tax increases, cuts in federal spending and the end of some unemployment insurance. He said in the Senate chamber, it “looks like” the U.S. is heading over the fiscal cliff.

Actually, the US went over the cliff years back when they voluntarily started spending more than they were taking in. Both sides, dems and reps are guilty of gross fiscal mismanagement. Most of us say it’s better to start the cutting now, roll back the debt clock and get it over with. Why drag it out to a disastrous conclusion in another decade? Now is the time.

While the cuts go forward think about all the pork that consumed billions of tax dollars. This pork was promised to disappear, if we elected a Washington outsider, Barrack Hussein Obama. He was going to put an end to pork spending and have the most transparent presidency in history! (Ha!)

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3 Responses to US Heading Over Fiscal Cliff

  1. Post Scripts says:

    if it happens i bet Obama will come in with a tax break on the middle class to look like a hero.

  2. Tina says:

    And as long as the American people idolize the man and continue to let democrats completely off the hook making republicans the scape goat nothing will change.

    You blame both parties Jack, and rightly so, others do too but no one is seriously placing the responsibility (blame) for this with the Democrat Party and until a shift like that happens we will never see significant change. Democrats will just continue to make republicans their bitches, continue to avoid blame, and continue to create bigger and bigger government.

    The American people should be pretty sick of governemnt by secret committee, which is the game Obama is playing with these meetings with Boehner and after the secret meetings that brought us Obamacare but apparently they are not.

    Our entire government has ceased to function as the Constitution requires…and the public yawns.

  3. Post Scripts says:

    I’ve never seen the nation is such chaos and economic trouble. It’s like the perfect combo of dumb voters, a bad pres and a gutless congress.

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