President Sideline Plays Innocent Bystander

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Posted by Tina

If President Obama is a master of anything it is the art of seeming to be uninvolved. The leader of the country is very good at making a speech about the problems that plague our nation while appearing as if he has just arrived from an alternate universe and is merely reporting on what he sees. He’s already begun to pose as above the fray in the coming battle about the debt ceiling.

C.S. Moniter:

“I will not compromise over … whether or not Congress should pay the tab for a bill they’ve already racked up,” Mr. Obama said in his taped weekly address, his first of the new year. “If Congress refuses to give the United States the ability to pay its bills on time, the consequences for the entire global economy could be catastrophic. The last time Congress threatened this course of action, our entire economy suffered for it. Our families and our businesses cannot afford that dangerous game again.” (emphasis mine)

As usual the buck never gets there with this administration. It’s always somebody else that’s been creating the fiscal nightmare and somebody else that must be responsible for fixing the problem.

The President arrived at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue expressing shame on his predecessor for the $10.7 trillion in debt he had inherited.

He called the debt irresponsible and unpatriotic while campaigning to be the leader of our nation. The debt was $5.73 trillion when Bush took office and grew to $10.7 trillion over the eight years of Bush’s two terms. This was roundly criticized by media, democrats and republicans alike. The debt now stands at $16.4 trillion after only four years under Obama and criticism of the president on this debt is excused and explained away. That is unacceptable.


Will anyone hold Obama accountable for this massive and growing debt, for his failed policies, or for the hypocrisy he has shown since his election in 2008?

Rich Lowry takes a stab at it but a few conservative voices here and there will never reach the deaf ear of the average voter. Meanwhile republicans continue to be pounded on like a bongo. As democrats and media have shown, the best way to defeat the opposition is to hammer him day in and day out over time. The President and democrats just never receive that kind of criticism even though it is richly deserved.


If the American people continue to allow the President and his allies in Congress to play syndicate games, putting party power and his agenda above the interests of the American people, nothing of substance will be done to solve the serious problems that create crisis after crisis and inspire a never-ending string of temporary fixes. And the President will continue to enjoy a bystanders place. The leader of our nation is a man better suited to local community organizing. Golf, hoops, expensive vacations in Hawaii and standing in front of the cameras

making the same tired speech is all that’s required:

Right now our economy is still recovering from a very deep and damaging crisis, so our top priority has to be jobs and growth. We’ve got to build on the progress that we’ve made because this nation succeeds when we’ve got a growing, thriving middle class. And that’s the idea at the core of the plan that I talked about on the campaign trail over the last year — rewarding manufacturers and small businesses that create jobs here, not overseas; providing more Americans the chance to earn (sic) the skills that businesses are looking for right now; keeping this country at the forefront of research, technology and clean energy; putting people back to work rebuilding our roads, our bridges and our schools; and reducing our deficit in a balanced and responsible way.

It was the big bad recession that was the problem before it ended in 2009. Now that his recovery policy has not worked to create jobs and a growing economy, it’s a big bad “crisis” we must face down. What a joke!

As we fail to hold Obama accountable, as we fail to expose his unethical and self-serving posture and policy, as we fail to recognize the lies hidden in his rhetoric, uncertainty and a stagnant, shaky economy continues to be the booby prize we endure and unfortunately, well deserve. Meanwhile The President sits on the sidelines enjoying expensive vacations, parties at the White House, round after round of golf and his favorite game, basketball. I understand he also manages a few hours of bowling from time to time.

It’s the new normal…eight years of being paid big bucks for a life of leisure and photo ops.

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4 Responses to President Sideline Plays Innocent Bystander

  1. Post Scripts says:

    “Will anyone hold Obama accountable for this massive and growing debt, for his failed policies, or for the hypocrisy he has shown since his election in 2008?”

    It appears not. Those who could which would be the majority of us seem not to notice or care. Those of who who want too don’t have sufficient representation in Congress. Too many of our elected representatives have signed on to the status quo as evidenced by the fiscal cliff compromise/sellout bill. This is a pending train wreck and this time I say the sooner the better. The more we keep gaining speed (gaining debt) the worse the crash…and fewer survivors.

  2. Tina says:

    It’s a sad scenario Jack and now that ignoramus in the WH is claiming that DC doesn’t have a spending problem.

    Obama low information voters are shocked and angry about the increase in their payroll tax:

    “I know to expect between $93 and $94 less in my paycheck on the 15th,” wrote the ironically named “RomneyLies.”

    “My boyfriend has had a lot of expenses and is feeling squeezed right now, and having his paycheck shrink really didn’t help,” wrote “DemocratToTheEnd.”

    “BlueIndyBlue” added: “Many of my friends didn’t realize it, either. Our payroll department didn’t do a good job of explaining the coming changes.”

    So let’s explain something to our ill-informed Democratic friends. In 2009, Mr. Obama enacted a “holiday” on the payroll tax deduction from employees’ paychecks, dropping the rate from 6.2 percent to 4.2 percent. But like the holidays, the drop ended, and like New Year‘s, the revelers woke up the next morning with a massive hangover and a pounding head.

    Certainty is a blessing…everybody does better when government stops screwing around with the tax code. The progressive democrats in power just can’t stop spending, managing and controlling. Republicans are unable (given the syndicate style this bunch engages in) to work with reasonable democrats to create sensible reform that would solve the entitlement dilemma, encourage growth in the economy and offer certainty to business and every household!

    Yes there are a few democrats who believe in America. They have no power in the party. Until the syndicate is driven out of power in the Democrat party nothing good will come out of DC.

    The problem is the progressive syndicate that has been given so much power. Their goal is to fundamentally transform America so it looks just like Venezuela or (pick your Muslim Brotherhood or Marxist country)…any absolute control type of government in the world.

  3. Post Scripts says:

    Well President Ignoramus is setting the example for his minions in the news media to follow isn’t he? I mean, when Ali Velche’ on CNN can say into the camera spending is not the problem it’s revenue… its trickle down stupidity!

  4. Peggy says:

    Heard the latest from Michael Savage calling for a third party? Don’t like the name but agree with his concept and reasons.

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