Dr. Ben Carson isn’t the first black or minority person with conservative values to be targeted for destruction and he probably won’t be the last. The practice of targeting those who threaten to shake up the solidarity of minority Democrat voting pools began to get ugly during the Clarence Thomas hearings. Ugly depictions of conservative republicans like former Secretary of State Condi Rice and Michael Steele go unchallenged except by conservatives black and white. In a nation in which accusations of racism has practically become a cottage industry this seems outrageous. And yet the left continues to get away with targeting black conservatives like Dr. Carson.
Sean Hannity explored this issue on his television program (scroll down for video) where leftist attorney Leo Terrel insisted that Dr. Carson was a doctor and therefore lacked the credentials to speak about politics and as a community activist he had the “credentials” to express a political opinion. He later accused Niger Innis, national from the Congress of Racial Equality of being an apologist for FOX. Innis, a black conservative, responded he would be happy to go on other networks but their “censorship” against conservative black commentators prevents it.
Are conservatives denied free speech. No they are free to speak if they are courageous enough, and their families are courageous enough, to stand up to bullies on the left who can’t abide differing points of view, particularly when they are expressed by blacks men and women. They haven’t been averse to
targeting oriental conservatives for expressing opinions either, whether the subject be political or social!
The Human events article has an excellent point:
…it’s a demonstration of how the actual meaning of terms like “racist,” “sexist,” and “hater” has been bleached away by the Left, until its more slow-witted followers merely scream the words as generic curses devoid of intrinsic meaning. If you’re someone they don’t like, you’re guilty of racism, sexism, and hatred… and they see nothing incongruous about flinging accusations of hatred, crude ethnic slurs, and even threats of rape at a woman they have re-classified into a non-person.
I couldn’t have said it better. It is long past time to expose the lefts intolerant and ugly activism to control all thought and expression in this country and I am happy to join those who support free speech for everyone!
Must watch Dana Loesch host the Glenn Beck special with conservative black men who aren’t afraid to speak out, when it becomes available on line. Show aired on 4/2/13.
I found a video with parts of the hour long show. It’s third video down.
Found part 2 of the Dana Loesch video.
I agree that black conservatives shouldn’t be criticized for being black and conservative; race simply shouldn’t enter into it.
I think Ben Carson’s comments comparing gays to pedophiles was repugnant, but it would be no more or less repugnant if he were white.
“They haven’t been averse to
targeting oriental conservatives for expressing opinions either, whether the subject be political or social!”
Just an FYI: “oriental” describes objects of Asian origin, not people. The term is “Asian.” I agree that racist and sexist remarks against her are beyond the pale. (But then, so is Malkin’s argument that the internment of Japanese people was justified.)
But I find it strange that, in a post decrying examples of discrimination against certain people for traits beyond their control, and asking if they have even had their rights violated…you’ve only highlighted examples of people who themselves have argued in favor of discrimination against others for traits beyond their control, and argued that their rights should be violated.
You’re complaining about racist and sexist Internet comments against Carson and Malkin, and there’s nothing wrong with doing that. I agree those are wrong. But Carson and Malkin are influential political figures who have argued in favor of discriminatory legal treatment for minorities. To me, it seems like their bigoted remarks carry a lot more weight, and should be taken a bit more seriously, than random, anonymous Internet comments.
With the Leftie Loonie Media’s treatment of Dr. Carson, their double standard has never been on better display . . . . . .
Chris: “Just an FYI: “oriental” describes objects of Asian origin, not people. The term is “Asian.”
Someone better alert the Asians”! I recently had one ask me if we had any objections to working with Orientals. FYI: We, of course, said , “No”.
“But then, so is Malkin’s argument that the internment of Japanese people was justified”
Yes because taking (or expressing) an unemotional intellectual alternative position about what happened in the war is totally un-PC and therefore totally unacceptable.
That PC box is like a prison.
“…have argued in favor of discriminatory legal treatment for minorities.”
And everyone knows if they don’t have the same exact opinion as the left, or if they fail to express their opinion using all of the “approved” words, they must be racist and/or sexist.
That box is a dark prison.
Tina: “Someone better alert the Asians”! I recently had one ask me if we had any objections to working with Orientals. FYI: We, of course, said , “No”.”
So one Asian person using the term proves that it’s still common usage? Ok, then…
“Yes because taking (or expressing) an unemotional intellectual alternative position about what happened in the war is totally un-PC and therefore totally unacceptable.”
No. The problem is not that her position is “un-PC.” The problem is that her position is immoral. Arguing that people should be taken to internment camps because of their race is immoral. (I can’t believe I actually had to type that to another human being in 2013.)
“That PC box is like a prison.”
You know what else is like a prison? An internment camp. (Come on, you really can’t set me up like this.)
:And everyone knows if they don’t have the same exact opinion as the left, or if they fail to express their opinion using all of the “approved” words, they must be racist and/or sexist.”
No. Malkin’s argument, that it was right to intern American citizens based solely on their race, is racism. No further explanation is needed.
I did not call Carson’s words racist or sexist. But they were bigoted against gays. Comparing gays to NAMBLA and people who have sex with animals is bigoted. No further explanation is needed.
Chris: “So one Asian person using the term proves that it’s still common usage?”
That one man represented quite a number of orientals and asked the question with several present. My Cambodian friend, married to a Chinese man, also uses the term orientals. In everyday life I have never run across anyone who was offended by that term…with the exception of you, of course.
“The problem is that her position is immoral.”
Have you read the book?
“Malkin’s argument, that it was right to intern American citizens based solely on their race, is racism. No further explanation is needed.”
He argument wasn’t confined to issues of race. Have you read the book? Or are you spouting opinion based on a few sentences and the knee jerk reaction to it from lefties looking for any excuse to scream racist? I don’t want to hear another word unless you have actually read the book.
“Comparing gays to NAMBLA and people who have sex with animals is bigoted”
People should be judged based on the content of their character. Dr. Carson’s remarks, if I’m remembering them accurately, were in the context of whether it was wise to base marriage law on love. A person could say they love an animal or a child of 12 and make the case that since they love that animal or person they have the right, per (name the court ruling), to marry that animal/child. You will scoff.
But, you admonished me not long ago on the power of precedence…now you will go all wobbly but that’s because you do not have 30 years of experience watching attitudes evolve and change.
Dr. Carson apologized, if I remember correctly, even though his remarks were meant in the context of theoretical discussion rather than personal attack or effrontery.
Honest discussion is not allowed in PC circles any more than is differing opinion. Only complete conformation is acceptable.
Dr. Ben Carson: Well, my thoughts are that marriage is between a man and a woman. It’s a well-established, fundamental pillar of society and no group, be they gays, be they NAMBLA, be they people who believe in bestiality. It doesn’t matter what they are. They don’t get to change the definition. So he, it’s not something that is against gays, it’s against
anybody who wants to come along and change the fundamental definitions of pillars of society. It has significant ramifications.
Chris, I read the quote and it’s rather clear, at least to me, that he is NOT comparing NAMBLA to bestiality or to gays. He has identified particular groups, completely seperate in identity and he said none qualify for a traditional marriage. I do agree he should have used a better example as this was sure to cause a firestorm coming from people looking to derail him before he gains traction with the public. And then we also have people who are hyper-sensitive, always looking for a fight because they have a chip on their shoulder. He should have chosen his words better. He’ll learn. Rand Paul and many others have had to really speak carefully…
Jack I agree Dr. Carson was not making a comparison.
His laundry list could have included others that have expressed interest in being able to marry.
In terms of “speaking carefully” there are a number of prominent people on the left that could take a few lessons from Dr. Carson, a gracious human being if ever there was one!