What’s New in the McConnell Taping Controversy?

Posted by Tina

I haven’t posted on the McConnell story before because the reports about it were filled with uncertainties. Now it seems we might at least have the “who done it” answered in a tale that’s been likened to Watergate:

According to WFPL News, a member of the local Democratic County Committee is claiming that two members of Progress Kentucky—the group that has targeted McConnell before and which he claimed might be responsible for the incident—bragged to him that they were the ones who made the recording. Jacob Conway said Shawn Reilly and Curtis Morrison, the founders of Progress Kentucky, managed to get into the building where McConnell’s office is located and then taped the campaign meeting from the hallway, perhaps by putting a recording device at the door. The Democrat, who repeated his accusations on Fox News this afternoon, says he is speaking about the group because he feared their activities would be associated with his party.

If true, and reports are now also saying that FBI are pulling surveillance tapes of the building, then what we are talking about here is nothing less than a crime. Far from McConnell crying wolf, as Chris Matthews claimed yesterday, the Watergate analogy may actually turn out to be entirely accurate.

Apparently this is the same group that also made offensive and racist remarks about McConnell’s wife, Elain Chao. See also here.

An update on this link informs that the treasurer of Progress Kentucky’s Super Pac has resigned over the Watergate style incident.

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4 Responses to What’s New in the McConnell Taping Controversy?

  1. J. Soden says:

    McConnell has asked the FBI to investigate?
    Going to be interesting to see if we’ll hear anything more from the Feds on this or if it will join Fast & Furious, Benghazigate and other “investigations” being swept under the rug.
    After all, the Loonie Lefties seem to get a pass on their shenannigans under the Obumble/Holder watch.

  2. Chris says:

    So…when James O’Keefe records liberals without their knowledge or consent, that’s OK, right?

  3. Princess says:

    I hope the FBI does investigate because as a taxpayer, I don’t think we should pay these worthless politicians and their staffs outrageous salaries and benefits so they can run for re-election on our dime. McConnell was using a taxpayer-funded building with tax-payer funded staff and they were not doing taxpayer business. I realize that the House and Senate are worthless, and already make well over $100k a year plus perks to work every other week, but surely they can find their own resources for elections.

    Looks like an obvious place for budget cuts is in the Senate.

  4. Tina says:

    Chris the line that seperates honest investigative reporting and law breaking is important as you often pointed out during the O’Keefe investigations. O’Keefe paid the price for crossing the line and breaking the law. I expect nothing less here…we’ll see what happens.

    Let’s both not pretend that dirty tricks were not involved or that this is a unique case in the political history of both parties.

    The important point for me, my reason for blogging about these things, is that liberals are rarely exposed by our media or held accountable by the citizenry as a result. In fact, for most of my life, their misdeeds, horrible record, and unscrupulous deeds are hidden and excused by our media. Only by this means could the preventable death of a young woman not be prosecuted and not end in political ruin and prison for one of the Democrat Part’s brightest lights.

    This unlawful recording wasn’t made by a journalist but a political operative which is why the comparison to Watergate has been made.

    I didn’t express an opinion in this post…why the snide question/accusation?

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