Local Law Enforcement Authorities Wouldn’t Overstep on Gun Laws, Right? Right?

Posted by Tina

Here’s a story out of Texas that illustrates the nutty and unlawful abuse of power atmosphere that gun rights activists create when they gin up “gun violence” mania…Patrick Howley, The Daily Caller:

The conflict between law enforcement and armed military personnel in the community around Fort Hood, one of America’s largest military bases, has recently and repeatedly involved the issue of gun control — and the tension has been exacerbated in part by an Obama-supporting prosecutor described as a “bandleader” of anti-gun efforts in the heavily conservative community.

The conflict reached a fever pitch last month, when Texas police arrested an active-duty Army sergeant for “rudely displaying” a hunting rifle. The sergeant, C.J. Grisham, established an online legal defense fund after he was, in his words, “illegally arrested and disarmed” for carrying the firearm.

“While out hiking with my son through backcountry roads to help him earn his Eagle Scout rank, I was illegally arrested and disarmed without cause. I was thrown in jail and my lawfully owned weapons were confiscated without receipt or notice,” Grisham wrote on the website for the defense fund.

You won’t believe what the local officer said to the sergeant: “In this day and age, [people] are alarmed when they see someone with what you have,” one of the officers tells Grisham in the video. “They don’t care what the law is.”

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3 Responses to Local Law Enforcement Authorities Wouldn’t Overstep on Gun Laws, Right? Right?

  1. Peggy says:

    Remember the victims of gun confiscations that took place after Katrina including the little old lady they took down? If you haven’t seen this video it’s a real eye-opener.


    Also, going on right now in NY.

    A Form of Gun Confiscation Has Reportedly Begun in New York State – Apr. 9, 2013:


  2. Libby says:

    “While out hiking with my son through backcountry roads to help him earn his Eagle Scout rank, I was illegally arrested and disarmed without cause.”

    So, the first thing that strikes a person is: the cops are patroling back country roads looking for rude hunters? Nope. The man was bopping on a city street with his rifle, when he run across the cops. Well that makes a little more sense.

    And then, it turns out, the cops did not “run across” him … they was called out … by somebody that this law abiding hunter had managed to alarm. And some time must have elapsed between the call and the arrival, and the hunter was still in public possession of the firearm. Odd, really.

    Shouldn’t the rifle have gone from the car to the house without a lot of brouhah? You have to ask yourself: in an open carry state, how did the hunter manage to do alarm his fellow citizen? We haven’t been told everything, is what I’m thinking.

  3. Peggy says:

    We the People made a difference and kept our 2nd Amendment.

    Senator Ted Cruz Explains How New Media Held GOP Squishes’ Feet to the Fire on Gun Control:


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