Best Picture of the Week

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2 Responses to Best Picture of the Week

  1. Chris says:

    Here’s a funny from the Onion:

    Gun Show Vendor Jokes With Insane Customer About How He Hopes He’s Not Insane

    ANDERSON, IN—While he was selling mentally unstable customer Bernie Lovell a brand-new hunting rifle earlier this afternoon, local gun show vendor Mark Palmer joked with the new firearm owner and insane man about how he “sure hopes” he’s not insane. “Boy, that sure would be something if you turned out to be one of those lunatics who shoots up a school or a mall or whatnot, right? Ha, ha!” said Palmer, laughing unknowingly with a clinically deranged individual about how the man “better not be a crazy person.” “Promise not to do that? Ha, just kidding! Anyway, you need some ammo with this?” Immediately after the two finished laughing, Lovell grabbed the rifle, stared blankly at Palmer’s face for 20 seconds, and left the gun show.,32164/?utm_source=Facebook&utm_medium=SocialMarketing&utm_campaign=standard-post:headline:default

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