Post Scripts is an Equal Opportunity Podium

We’re going through a period in US history that requires a steady hand and reasoned thought to keep us safe and on course.   We at PS encourage dialog on the most compelling issues of the day and while we appreciate the many thousands of you that read us every month, PS works best when you weigh in.  We want you to comment and you don’t have to give up your name or email.  Just say what’s on your mind.  Don’t hold back…your opinion is valuable.  Let’s talk.  You have the floor…

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7 Responses to Post Scripts is an Equal Opportunity Podium

  1. Pie Guevara says:

    Offered without comment, Duuuude —

    Golden Gate Park pot party a major mess

    • Post Scripts says:

      Good link Pie, these people had no respect for Mother Earth, the environment, I’m shocked and stunned… kidding, that’s exactly what I suspected would happen. Libby did you pick up your paper plate or toss it on the ground too?

  2. Pie Guevara says:

    I agree with Ted Nugent, but don’t get the “Voodoo” thing. I would have inserted “Zombies” instead —

    If we are to have executions, I think they should be public.

  3. Libby says:

    I have comments.

    1) This is splendidly the sort of thing I like to beat libertarians over the head with.

    2) It was not an “organized” event.

    3) This was not a “permitted” event, SF’s storied history notwithstanding, so the city didn’t put extra cans and pottys out.

    4) … because there were no organizers to apply for permits or request pottys.

    5) And, the non-organizers positively weren’t expecting 15,000 people to just show up.

    6) The event was, in fact, the very last word in libertarianism … and so was the resulting mess.

  4. Tina says:

    Good one Pie! That Lucy was always such a sergeant!

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