G.W. Bush Presidential Library Dedicated

Posted by Tina

Four living presidents join President Bush at the opening of the George W. Bush Library and Museum today. I note the occasion by posting from two articles that address the character and intelligence of the former president.

The first is an article written by Keith Hennessey. Mr. Hennessey does lectures at Stanford Graduate School of Business and Law. He served as a senior economic advisor to President Bush for seven years which, in my estimation, gives him the experience to make the provocative statement, “George W. Bush is Smarter than You.” The statement derives from a question he is asked by a student:

One of my students asked “How involved was President Bush with what was going on?” I smiled and responded, “What you really mean is, ‘Was President Bush smart enough to understand what was going on,’ right?”

The class went dead silent. Everyone knew that this was the true meaning of the question. Kudos to that student for asking the hard question and for framing it so politely. I had stripped away that decorum and exposed the raw nerve.

I looked hard at the 60 MBA students and said “President Bush is smarter than almost every one of you.”
More silence.

I could tell they were waiting for me to break the tension, laugh, and admit I was joking.
I did not. A few shifted in their seats, then I launched into a longer answer.

George W. Bush’s reputation as a dumb Texan is built upon the character assassination efforts of his political rivals. Mr. Hennessey’s article aims to set the record straight. I’m happy to hear he’s instructing his students, future voters, so that they will have an opportunity to consider the possibility and make voting decisions in future based on more than media and political spin. The questions he asks of his students are interesting. These two are my favorites; they remind me of our favorite student here at PS:

This is a hard one, for liberals only. Do you assume that he is unintelligent because he made policy choices with which you disagree? If so, your logic may be backwards. “I disagree with choice X that President Bush made. No intelligent person could conclude X, therefore President Bush is unintelligent.” Might it be possible that an intelligent, thoughtful conservative with different values and priorities than your own might have reached a different conclusion than you? Do you really think your policy views derive only from your intellect?

George Bush was criticized as all Presidents will be for decisions they make. But the charge that he was stupid are just flat out wrong.

Turns out he wasn’t careless or racist either. Proof that the media, in cahoots with radicals pushing lies in the Democrat Party, were determined to damage the reputation of GWB unfairly. CNN reports a message from Donna Brazile:

Hurricane Katrina’s devastation and the bungled rescue efforts are seared in the national memory. Bush’s “heckuva job” remark turned into a byword for government incompetence and public distrust. The shallowness of it coming at such a terrible and low point left deep wounds that are still healing. That was what it was.

But rather than rehash all that went wrong, I want to share what I believe to have been President Bush’s determination to follow up on commitments, and the intense, personal, dedicated efforts he made to revive and restore people’s futures. I know what I’m talking about. … (Tells her family’s personal experience)

… Bush understood the need for civility. I joined him despite my frustration because the need was too great for finger-pointing and blame-making. He flew to New Orleans and addressed the nation: “Tonight I also offer this pledge to the American people: Throughout the area hit by the hurricane, we will do what it takes. We will stay as long as it takes to help citizens rebuild their communities and their lives.”

George W. Bush was good as his word. He visited the Gulf states 17 times; went 13 times to New Orleans. Laura Bush made 24 trips. Bush saw that $126 billion in aid was sent to the Gulf’s residents, as some members of his own party in Congress balked.

Bush put a special emphasis on rebuilding schools and universities. He didn’t forget African-Americans: Bush provided $400 million to the historically black colleges, now integrated, that remain a pride, and magnet for African-American students. Laura Bush, a librarian, saw to it that thousands of books ruined by the floods were replaced. To this day, there are many local libraries with tributes devoted to her efforts.

It was a team effort. I’m glad to report the commission I served on went out-of-business in 2010. I’m also grateful and proud to report that President Bush was one of the leaders, and a very important member, of that team. Our recovery can be credited to the civility and tireless efforts of President Bush and other Americans, who united and worked together to help rebuild the Gulf and the place of my birth, New Orleans.

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3 Responses to G.W. Bush Presidential Library Dedicated

  1. Tina says:

    More evidence that perception is shaped by media and left radical smears:

    Joseph Curl:

    DALLAS — Shortly after Barack Obama was elected in 2008, a fellow reporter who’d covered President George W. Bush all eight years told me she’d had enough of the travel and stress and strain of the White House beat, that she was moving on.

    We reminisced about all the places we’d been, all the crazy days and wild nights, all the history we’d seen — first hand. Just before we said our goodbyes, I asked her if she’d miss covering President Obama.

    “Not at all. He’s an inch deep. Bush is a bottomless chasm, a deep, mysterious, emotional, profound man. Obama is all surface — shallow, obvious, robotic, and, frankly, not nearly as smart as he thinks. Bush was the one.”

    Her words, so succinct, have stuck with me ever since. By the way, she’s a hardcore Democrat.

    We better learn how to evaluate the contenders for President better. None will get the job and leave having never made a mistake but good grief…we need men and women that are serious about the job and not afraid to lead…a little grace wouldn’t hurt either. Read the article!

  2. Pie Guevara says:

    George W. Bush is a humble man who lead in troubled times. His Presidency has been sandwiched between two self-absorbed juveniles.

    I will never forgive the mainstream media and the left for their concerted and relentless campaign of character assassination, but I’ll bet George W. Bush does.

  3. Tina says:

    I believe you’re right , Pie.

    Great observations!

    More praise for GWB from the left:

    Back in early 2008, when I started my work in South Sudan–I have been working closely with Christian Solidarity International–everyone was excited about the possibility of Barack Obama becoming president. […]

    Indeed, after Obama won the U.S. election in November of 2008, many Africans, in South Sudan, and everywhere else, were proud to wear T-shirts with photos of President Obama on them

    Yet now that Obama’s first term has drawn to a close, the positive buzz about Obama has dramatically shifted; the Obama excitement, and the T-shirts, have most disappeared.

    In fact, South Sudanese today are thinking more about another U.S. president: that would be Obama’s predecessor, Bush 43. As a liberal Democrat and Obama supporter, I was particularly struck by this. Yes, Bush is a hero in Africa, and Americans, too, should know why.

    No American president, before or since, has had Bush’s vision and determination to save so many millions of lives.

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