If you or a friend are in need of a stabbin or if you want to do a lil recreational stabbin, Chico is your kind of town. We’ve got stabbin partys on Friday and Saturday nights in college town, we got yer stabbins on our college campus, stabbins in our parks, stabbins in the downtown, stabbins in our grocery store parking lots, and of course there’s always stabbin at the better bars until 2 am 7 days a week.
Whether you prefer long knives, short knives, switch blades or razor blades, chances are we’ve got a blade with your name on it. And we’re open to all styles, whether you prefer slicin, dicin, stickin, or hackin, it’s all good. Check this out… “Another stabbin took place at The Beach nightclub Sunday morning, following a knife attack after midnight Saturday morning. As officers were breaking up the fight, they found a man with several large stab wounds to his upper body.” Which reminds me, stabbin folks is good for the local economy…medical economy that is!
The old days of couch burning is over, it’s now all about high class stabbin, and that’s what we call progress! But, lets give credit where credit is due, we couldn’t have got to this level without the support of our city council. Their leadership has attracted some real fine stabbers from all over, from the railyards in Sacramento, to Stockton’s ghetto, Oakland’s projects, the barrios of L.A. and beyond. Chico is on the stabbin map!
If you’re one of the many travelling stabbers, remember, you can stay here for free, meals included and for as long as you want! Come and sleep in our parks and swipe booze from any of our fine local stores, it’s all part of the fun. Our council will make sure you will feel right at home too. Thats a promise. Heck, they might even give you some spare change, if you ask. But, be sure you got yer knife handy jes in case they don’t fork over.
For a bloody good time – come to Chico!
Sorry, I can’t resist. I’ll see your stabbin, and raise you my loud family…
…added bonus–fractured zero sticker upper left.
Oooooo that’s way too good…hehehe I gotta find out where they sell those stickers!
Here ya go…
Great thanks RHT!
I rarely go out at night in Chico anymore, but especially NOT downtown. The last three times I did, I was confronted in parking lots, the most scary of which was when two dirty, unkempt, and mean looking young men made a beeline for me outside of FoodMaxx. They came right up to my window before I could get the truck in gear and drive away.
Last February 27th I was informed that I was put on delay (again!) by the DOJ and could not take possession of what will eventually become my conceal carry revolver. Today, May 20th, a whopping 83 days later, I was informed my background check had finally gone through!
The delay on my first weapon purchase two years ago was half that long. I know the DOJ has been swamped with registration checks thanks to the gun grabbing scare from Obama and the Democrats in Congress, but this is ridiculous.
Now, thanks to Rats threatening Second Amendment rights, a run by citizens on ammunition has occurred. Couple that to the buy up of hundreds of millions of rounds and the ordering of billions more by the Department of Homeland Security, and I can’t even find .357 Mag ammunition in bulk anymore. Evidently the first task of Homeland Security is to render citizens unable to protect themselves. At least congress is looking into it while Secretary Janet Napolitano stonewalls.
This Obama government is a total, unmitigated disaster. I hope Barry Sotero’s multiple scandals come back to bite him in the ass, and hard. I am completely fed up with these progressive tin pot nitwit tyrants at the federal level and those running the state of Californicated.
Think President Joe Biden.
Since I haven’t been able to buy ammunition in bulk I finally decided to become a lifer in the NRA and GOA. I also joined and donated to DAFR. All these folks are fighting for our freedom and against the mealy mouthed, progressive socialist traitors who seek to incinerate our Constitution and toss it onto the ash heap of history.
This young lady speaks for me in a great piece on the Second Amendment, but fair warning, she uses some very salty language and does so liberally. Nevertheless I recommend it. She knows what a right is, and it isn’t the watered down, wince inducing, gut churning pablum that progressives call rights.
Not all young people are cowed by petty, bigoted, progressive fools/wannabe tyrants who treat the Constitution as their personal playground. And they are pissed off.
Pie, I’m glad that you have chosen to be able to defend yourself. It’s an outrage that you have been forced to endure the slow approval process. Such poor service could only come from the lethargic government bureaurocracy, can’t wait for gov. healthcare. As the saying goes, Abe Lincoln might have freed the slaves, but it was Sam Colt that made all men equal. Glad you will soon have your carry permit. You might need it the way Chico is going.
I’ll never understand why yo’all live in such a nannyfied state. You can’t defend yourselfs, you support more lazy people than fleas on a stray, who from the times I was there look like they could be doing right fine at supportin themselfs. Not to mention all yer furball bum types that hit you up for yer coin on the streets. what is it about that shaky state of confligrations that keeps you’ins there and a puttin up with such doins? If your state comes up at all in jawin in these parts, it is mostly follered by a harty, head shakin laugh at cha’ and what yer a doin putting up with such a bottoms style of hospitable stink. what we do agree on here though is that the counrty is better off with all those crazy types a liven out there. Bless your hearts
Now Southern I thought you were a friendly type…we may be sufferin under the weight of nanny takeover (partly from conservatives bailing) but we aren’t so stupid as to not know what “Bless your hearts” really means to you southunas. Y’all be nice, ya hea! Some of us is entrenched and doing what we can to educate the vast strain of low information folk.
Jack, I hope and pray daily that I will never, ever need to have to deploy a firearm to protect myself. Outside of shooting targets and a few critters, that is all I really care to experience. Nevertheless, I shall continue my training in handgun self defense, which in itself is scary enough.
I’m hope so too Pie, but at least you will that option. I lived many years in/and out of uniform while carrying a gun and it’s a big responsibility. Fortunately, when extreme force was necessary I was able to limit it to brute force. On the other hand, female officers lack that kind of upper body strength. Their options are more limited. In some of the same situations I faced they would likely have been forced to shoot, but that’s a subject for another time.
I am ‘Right’ friendly Miss Tina, and a tip o’ my hat toward you and those others trying to set things for the better. however it is beyond belieif what such doins comes from that part of the country. Would not want to be living much downwind from whats brewing out there, let alone stuck entrenched in some o’the stuff those bone lazy lib’s are a passin.
Yo’all take care now …hear!