They’re Lying Again…

by Jack

Perhaps you have heard the radio commercial about Republicans having the solution to immigration reform…so, we should vote Republican.  And we probably would if the bill was remotely close to what’s being advertised.   But, right off we get into trouble with the lead line, “The first thing we do is secure our border.”  No, the first thing we do is grant 13 million people that are here illegally amnesty – then we throw some money at the border.  Big deal. It’s still not secure. 

The Dems and the Obama Administration lies too.  They say we have effective control over our Southern border…news to me.  If by [effective] they mean narco-traffickers must now use remote locations to smuggle their wares and they can’t come across at Tijuana check point anymore, then I can agree.   Hey, if we have such great control of the border now, why is it that we have have rescue stations in the desert with placards written in both Spanish and Chinese that says, if you need water press this button and help will be on the way?  That’s right I said Chinese - this is what they are calling effective border control?   

To clear up one point…  it’s not actually a Republican reform bill,  it’s just 4 Repubilcans and 4 Democrats who have formed this “Gang of 8” that wrote the bill.  The Republicans who are now speaking for the bill, like Haley Barbour and Marc Rubio, have a history of being soft on immigration.  I’m told that many more Republicans in Congress oppose this bill than support it. 

Polls affirm that the issue of illegal immigration is one subject that most Americans can are concerned about.  And for good reasons.  In a soft economy like ours where jobs are hard to find, why have 11-13 million more people here seeking our jobs?  For the big companies it’s great to have a vast labor force to pick and choose from and at low wages.  This is great for big businesses!  They want the illegals to be here.   The Republicans support the big companies because big companies support them with lots of contributions – dot connected.   (The Republican Party has a major conflict of interest here that they don’t like mentioning.)   

On the other side the Democrats correctly assume that (this is just my estimate) 99.4% of all the illegal aliens will choose to become part of their voter base – so they have every reason to want them here too.  That’s a heck of a lot of votes and this big number can throw our elections in ways we never imagined!   This is one sweet deal if you are highly partisan dem or rep.   Unfortuantely, the deal isn’t so sweet for us taxpayers.  We must pick-up the tab for their costs, for all the safety nets that get used and abused and for the added costs to the justice system.  Illegals are a hugely overrepresented portion of the prison population.  Today, about 55,000 criminal aliens account for more than one-fourth of prisoners in Federal Bureau of Prisons facilities, and there are about 297,000 criminal aliens incarcerated in state and local prisons. That number represents about 16.4 percent of the state and local prison population compared to the 12.9 percent of the total population comprised of foreign-born residents.  (

 Administering justice to criminal aliens costs the taxpayer dearly.   The estimated cost of incarcerating these criminal aliens at the federal level is estimated at $1.5 to $1.6 billion per year!

Under the propose Immigration Reform bill the ads tell us that ALL illegals must pay a fine, go to back of the line and they must learn English!  Sounds pretty tough until you check the facts.  The fine doesn’t begin to cover a fraction of the processing cost.  At the moment the fine amount is being kicked around at about $2000, but most of the backers think this will come down to about $500 before the bill is signed. 

As far as border security, DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano simply has to submit a plan for border security and a fencing plan within six months of the passage of the bill. As soon as Napolitano submits the plans, illegal aliens become eligible for work permits.  Rubio’s claim in the ad is that illegal immigrants will receive no federal benefits belies the fact that illegal immigrants already receiving federal benefits will continue to receive them and this bill will do nothing to stop that!   Next, the applicants get a permanent green card right off and basically that’s all they needed.  Citizenship is not that high on their priority list.  Polling suggests most are here  for the money and when they retire their dream is to go back to Mexico and live large while drawing Social Security. 

What happens if their application for citizenship is rejected?  Nothing.  There’s a provision that says if you apply none of your identifying information can be used to kick you out.  You could be wanted for rape and murder and you’re ID information is safe with us.   There is no deportation mechanism in this so-called bi-partisan bill!  And as for learning English – BS.  We have that as part of the citizenship program now.   In the bill learning English does not mean you must be conversational in English, this bar is really low, virtually on the floor.   And if you are older you’re exempt from learning.   So basically we’re helping to expand the huge sub-culture of Spanish speakers.  

It’s estimated that allowing the 11 to 13 million (estimated) illegals to be allowed here on whatever status, green card or citizenship, means in a few short years we will have about 90 million friends and relatives of this core group added to our society that will identify more with the Spanish speaking sub-culture than the American culture. 

The effects of too much uncontrolled immigration is hardest felt with the dilution of traditional American values and an appreciation for our history.  This is played out on many levels from our educational system to our hard hit healthcare system.   And the sum of all these costs is enough to break the bank.   But, you’ve not seen nuthin yet, the worst is yet to come.

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12 Responses to They’re Lying Again…

  1. Soaps says:

    Of course it is a sham. It is easy to claim we have cut the number of illegal aliens coming across the border, because those numbers are based on criminal apprehensions, and they are no longer being apprehended. Those poor Border Patrol agents have been ordered to let them go or turn them away with a warning. As for paying fines and back taxes and learning English, no way. These people do not want to learn English. They want YOU to learn Spanish. The US government advertises welfare and food stamps to Mexicans before they even cross over. Rubio has shown himself to be a false Republican, putting race (viva la raza) over principles, as so often happens. As for McCain, he may have once been a hero a long time ago for holding out against the Communists in North Vietnam, but he only lasted about 6 months in the US Congress before becoming a collaborator.

  2. Tina says:

    Democrats want the issue to beat the Republican up with come election time…politics seems to be all that’s driving this puppy.

    How about we propose a stand alone border security bill?

  3. J. Soden says:

    Marco & the RINOsaurs have been bumfoozled by their colleagues in the Senate. With “friends” like these, one does not need enemies.

    And the immigration bill is smelling a lot like what happened with Obumblecare. All that’s missing is Nancy and her “we have to pass it to find out whats in it” . .

    Since border security first is now a dead issue, call your elected official and urge a NO vote on this bloated behemoth bill.

  4. Peggy says:

    Boehner may be backing down from bring the amnesty bill to the floor. I emailed LaMalfa and have heard others across the country have contacted their reps too.

    Seventy republicans joined together to stop this and put their careers on the line by doing so.

    See How Boehner Responded After Being Asked About Procedure That GOP Members Could Use to Revolt Against Immigration Bill:

    House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) said Thursday he doesn’t “intend” to push an immigration bill that violates Republican “principles.”

    Boehner spoke to reporters during his regular press briefing after TheBlaze exclusively reported that 70 Republican House members are planning a political showdown over immigration reform and a bill they say will mean amnesty for illegal immigrants and election security for progressives and Democrats.

    “My goal is always to bring bills to the floor that have a strong Republican majority,” Boehner said. “Immigration reform — it’s a very difficult issue, but I don’t intend to bring an immigration reform bill to the floor that violates what I and what members of my party — what our principles are.”

  5. Peggy says:

    ‘A Trojan Horse’: GOP Reps. Break Down Immigration Bill Fight:

    Republican House members leading a fight against Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) said a “Trojan horse bill” is in the works to trick the GOP into voting for amnesty for illegal immigrants.

    Reps. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.), Steve King (R-Iowa) and Louie Gohmert (R-Texas) told Glenn Beck on his TV program Thursday that the Senate’s pending immigration reform bill will mean amnesty — and that a deceptively “good” bill in the House will get it pushed through.

    We have the really bad bill in the Senate and what’s going to happen, Glenn, is that a Trojan horse — a bill that’s going to really look good and really sound good and it’s going to talk about border security — a bill that we like will get voted on and passed,” Bachmann said.

    Two must watch video included:

    • Post Scripts says:

      I’m not pleased that our Republican leaders have tried to mislead us on this so-called immigration reform bill. Marco Rubio has lost my respect, I don’t want a guy like that to be my president, might as well keep Obama.

  6. Peggy says:

    Rush Limbaugh’s Theory on Why GOP Is Willing to Pass Amnesty and Create Millions of ‘Instant Democrats’:

  7. Harold Ey says:

    I also am not to happy with what I am finding out about this BS Immigration bill. I want a basic program that identifies who’s here, gives some a place at the back of the line to get, and creates a working citizen who is self reliant, not just a political toy who votes! The GOP hasn’t got the understanding,YET! that their base is fed up with all this, and looking else where for leadership.

  8. Libby says:

    And you just don’t know what a giggle I’m having over the whole debacle.

    You don’t.

  9. Peggy says:

    How can our elected representatives be soooooo darn incompetent? I have a 10 year old grandson who could do a better job.

    Senate Dem. Boxer Proposes to Scrap Border Security to Fund Immigrant Healthcare:

    Senator Barbara Boxer (D-CA) has offered an amendment to the comprehensive immigration bill that would strip border security funding and redirect it to healthcare benefits for future Democrat voters “undocumented” immigrants. The Los Angeles Times reported:
    Sen. Barbara Boxer plans to push for Washington to provide $250 million and perhaps more to help local and state governments pay the cost of healthcare to uninsured immigrants who seek legal status under legislation now before the Senate.

    Officials from Los Angeles County–home to an estimated 1.1 million people in the country illegally, one-tenth of the nation’s total–have expressed concern that local taxpayers will be “left holding the bag” to pay for the healthcare costs.

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