Posted by Tina
The Washington Post is reporting that Sharyl Attkisson’s computer has been compromised. Atkisson, the CBS reporter who was both methodical and tenacious in her investigations of Fast and Furious, and Benghazi, had complained months ago about the privacy breach. CBS ordered an investigation and announced the results today:
A cyber security firm hired by CBS News has determined through forensic analysis that Sharyl Attkisson’s computer was accessed by an unauthorized, external, unknown party on multiple occasions late in 2012. Evidence suggests this party performed all access remotely using Attkisson’s accounts. While no malicious code was found, forensic analysis revealed an intruder had executed commands that appeared to involve search and exfiltration of data.
This party also used sophisticated methods to remove all possible indications of unauthorized activity, and alter system times to cause further confusion.
CBS News is taking steps to identify the responsible party and their method of access.”
The targeting of White House correspondent James Rosen, as well as the Associated Press, caused a backlash of protest because, as Julian Sanchez of Mother Jones wrote, “…the point is to ensure that government sources are too scared to talk to press without approval.”
It’s called intimidation. It’s the kind of tactic that tyrannical regimes use to maintain absolute control. It’s also the favored tactic that community organizers teach in organizations like the infamous ACORN and the many unions that plague our nation.
Ms Attkisson’s investigations were problematic for the Obama administration. Were her computers compromised in an attempt to intimidate her? CBS is not yet willing to say who compromised her computers but given the evidence of intimidation practiced so far on journalists and political adversaries it’s difficult not to suspect this is another case of corrupt practices by an out of control administration…an administration that has shown little regard for the rule of law and the Constitution…an administration that vowed to “fundamentally transform” America.
Will the American people stand for their free speech rights being ripped to shreds by the Obama regime?
The Daily Caller informs today that the FBI, in its investigations of the IRS/Tea Party scandal, has not interviewed a single one of the targeted Tea Party Groups. This suggests the FBI has no intention of investigating and is simply dragging its feet and waiting for the issue to vanish into the vapors of time.
PJ Media notes the hypocrisy at play here and warns the snooping and meddling by this administration is one thing but also have repercussions that go well beyond our shores. Consider his new CIA appointee:
Some days it looks like Barack Obama is just trolling the whole world. The same man who opposed ousting Saddam Hussein now will arm Islamist rebels in Syria. The same man who railed against Bush for wiretapping terrorists wiretapped all of us.
That same man has now nominated Avril Haines to the number two post in the Central Intelligence Agency. It’s an important job, one you’d think would require some intelligence or military background of some kind.
Fundamental transformation doesn’t require experts or dedication to anything except community organizing to acquire absolute power. This administration is a destroyer. It has created dependency or chaos from the smallest neighborhoods in America to the entire Middle East.
And just think…we get to endure at least three and a half more years of this corruption and the steady drip, drip, drip. If it doesn’t damage the Democrat brand America is lost.
Should the fingerprints of NSA, IRS, Dept of Jerks, FBI, the Crook AG or one of Obumble’s campaign staff appear as whodunit, what you’ve heard before from the Kneepad Media is peanuts.
IF, the all-knowing eye of CBS decides to tell us, of course. Although I’m sure we’d hear from Sharyl as she’s one of the few who still can be called a journalist/reporter. Most in that category have become PRESSTITUTES – especially those that attend those “off the record” meetings . . . .
It will be interesting to see if CBS backs her up.
“off the record” meeting…code for strategy development conference.