Snake Oil Democrats Again – “Inclusive Prosperity Act”

by Tina Grazier

You gotta hand it to them! The Democrats are world class when it comes to selling something rotten to the core. That they are deceptive liars, snake oil salesmen, always seems to escape the masses. But the names they create for their products are brilliant. Take the newest tax plan in the works. They have named it the “Inclusive Prosperity Act”. Now you tell me…who wouldn’t be for something that is “inclusive”? This word says, “Everybody gets to play!” It suggests the ultimate in Kumbaya festivals! And “prosperity”? Get out of here! Who doesn’t want (or need) prosperity about now?

So the Democrats say they have a new plan that includes everyone and that will lead to prosperity!


Representative Keith Ellison (Dem Minn):

“The bottom line is we’re not broke, there’s plenty of money, it’s just the government doesn’t have it,” said Rep. Keith Ellison (D-Minn.), “The government has a right, the government and the people of the United States have a right to run the programs of the United States. Health, welfare, housing – all these things.”

I’d like to see where in the Constitution it spells out that “right”! But what he is saying behind all the pretty sounding words is that what you have does not belong to you. The money you earn is not yours IF the government decides it needs more.

During the period we call “The Great Depression,” people were destitute but they knew they had to rely on themselves to scope out scam artists. They developed an acute eye for recognizing a con job from desperate thieves going door to door to sell everything from newfangled gadgets to Bibles…supposedly purchased, but not paid for, by a deceased spouse.

The people today don’t seem to have a con man detector gene. The people today seem eager to fall for anything. The people today cannot find work and those who do find only entry level, part time work, and still they believe the Democrat con.

And so the Democrats trot out their latest con, a tax plan wrapped in pretty words that would take money (property) from private job producing investors. The proposed bill is a real job killer yet because it’s wrapped in pretty words like “inclusive” and “prosperity” people are bound to believe it will cause prosperity and mean good jobs will flow for everyone!

The reality is that it is a plan to take money from investors for the very expensive bureaucratic tangle of government. The people get “help” that keeps them trapped in poverty while the bureaucracy grows and the salaries and benefits of those in the bureaucracy grows. (Notice that Congress pleads and the President wants to deliver an exemption for themselves, and their interns, from Obamacare…they get the gold; we get the shaft!)

Wake up people! Democrat economic policy is an elitist con job! The only plan is to grow the size of government and secure increasing power in Washington DC.

Great minds discuss the state of economic freedom in America and the world…in light of our dumb-ed down state it’s worth a look see for anyone who is tired of living at home and depending on their parents and who are willing to discover the value of capitalism, private property rights, and private charity.

America needs support for the concept that human beings are strongest when they learn to rely on themselves within their own lives and within their communities! Americans can make the economy work but they won’t do it by sending all the wealth to government. Buying the con is the ticket to permanent serfdom.

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12 Responses to Snake Oil Democrats Again – “Inclusive Prosperity Act”

  1. Peggy says:

    And for a completely opposite view here is Dr. Ben Caron from “In Depth” on CPAN2.

  2. Peggy says:

    The Quinnipiac University poll below is enough to make one cry.

    These are the 8 Most Popular Politicians Right Now (Prepare for a Surprise)

  3. Chris says:

    Interesting how nowhere in this article do you actually describe what this bill is or what it does; you simply associate it with a bunch of scary-sounding words. This is all part of the right-wing “con job” designed to make people believe that in order to help the economy, the government must be as generous as possible to wealthy investors while slashing programs that help the poor. This theory is prima facie ridiculous, which is why you have to spend so much time yelling and shouting and inventing bogeymen to convince people that it makes sense.

    So what does the Inclusive Prosperity Act actually do?

    “The Inclusive Prosperity Act would levy a sales tax of 0.5 percent on stocks (just 50 cents on every $100 of stock trades) and smaller amounts on the trades of bonds, derivatives or other financial speculation. Brokers carrying out the trades would be charged the tax, unless carried out directly by investors. Households with adjusted gross incomes under $75,000 would be exempted.”

    Quelle horreur! A %0.5 tax on the kind of risky speculation that crashed our economy last time? Those Commie bastards!

    The idea that this extremely small tax on wealthy Wall St. traders is a “real job killer” is not only unfounded, it is stupid. There is literally no reason to think that this would have a negative effect on job creation. None. Zip. Zero. And while the effect on the individuals subject to the tax would be small, it is estimated to raise about $1 trillion in revenue over the next ten years, and would reduce the deficit.

    But Republicans don’t actually give a shit about reducing the deficit, and anyone who still believes otherwise has not been paying one bit of attention over the past few years. Your primary purpose is smearing Democrats and turning voters against them, even if they are merely implementing your own ideas (e.g. the individual mandate). Tina, the reason you decided not to provide one single detail about what this bill does in your article is because you know that no sane person could be against it. At a time when poor and middle class people are struggling as they are now, only a complete sociopath would complain that a wealthy Wall Street investor now has to pay .5 cents on the dollar on risky speculative trading. So instead of telling your readers the truth about what this bill does, you make up vague accusations and complete lies about the bill being a “job killer,” even though you have zero evidence for that claim.

    Now *that* is some mutha****in’ snake oil.

  4. Tina says:

    Chris: “Interesting how nowhere in this article do you actually describe what this bill is or what it does…”

    A link was provided and the article linked does describe the bill for anyone who is interested. My piece isn’t a report about the bill. It is an opinion piece about the progressive way to sell tax policy and the very grounding that spawns all tax policy on the left which is: All private sector earnings are the property of government which redistributes, in the spirit of fairness, according to need…and, as some pigs are more equal than others, rewards those in government that bow to the progressive way.

    “This is all part of the right-wing “con job” designed to make people believe that in order to help the economy, the government must be as generous as possible to wealthy investors while slashing programs that help the poor.”

    First of all if we are in a position where we are forced to “slash” programs it is because of the progressive policies of awarding ridiculous salaries and benefits to government workers, adopting unsustainable social programs, and devising economy killing policies and regulations like the Community Reinvestment Act, Dodd/Frank, and Obamcare! Besides, a 10% cut in a bloated system rife with fraud and abuse is hardly a policy to “slash” benefits to the poor; if managed right it could represent savings that make the truly needy more likely to get assistance while weeding out scammers of the system!

    Secondly, creating polices that encourage private investment is not being “as generous as possible” to business. Business EARNS the money they have and INVESTORS EARN the money they put at risk. There is nothing”generous about letting people keep mnore of what they earn, especially since what they will do with it will result in a thriving economy and JOBS!!!

    Grow up Chris. In the United States the federal government is there to serve ALL of the people in a limited capacity and the people are required to step up and become productive citizens able to provide for themselves and contribute as they can within their communities. The United States is not an ATM for the masses!

    “Quelle horreur! A %0.5 tax on the kind of risky speculation that crashed our economy last time?”

    #1. The crash was not caused by investors. The crash was caused by a housing bubble and instruments made toxic both of which were aroused due to the Community Reinvestment Act and greedy Democrats of the Clinton era ensconced at Fannie Mae buying up all the bundled toxic loans in order to reward themselves with millions in salary and bonuses. It was made certain by Democrats in Congress that refused to heed the repeated warning of GWB and others!

    #2. Taxes, once enacted, never remain at a low rate. this is a shoe in the door bill. In 1937 workers paid 1% on earnings up to $3000. By 1960 we were paying 3% on $4800. Today we pay 6.2% with a cap of $113,700…and they desperately want to remove the cap! Cigarette taxes, gas taxes, sales taxes have all increased. Taxes, once imposed rarely go away and are always subject to increase.

    #3. Given the incredible mismanagement and waste of the federal government it would be irresponsible for me as a citizen to defend or applaud any suggestion to raise tax rates or invent new avenues for the taking of the people’s private property.

    “There is literally no reason to think that this would have a negative effect on job creation. None. Zip. Zero”

    Says Chris with his vast knowledge of how wealth is created and the economy grown! YOU have zero knowledge or experience to back up your ignorant claim.

    “…it is estimated to raise about $1 trillion in revenue over the next ten years, and would reduce the deficit.”

    More money for the biggest greedy bastard of all…the US government spending machine…which has done such a stellar job of managing our money so far. Man you are ridiculous.

    “Your primary purpose is smearing Democrats and turning voters against them…”

    You bet your ass! The theories that Democrats have made real in our society and government for the past seventy years have led to incredible debt; massive, expensive, inefficient bureaucracy; literally millions of people that are dependent, helpless, needy, poorly educated, highly educated with useless degrees; and fewer and fewer people pulling the massive government built cart. Democrats have been a disaster for the poor and the economy.

    Republicans don’t get a pass; we failed to buck the popular trends (but how hard is it to sell freebies?) and when given an opportunity to manage well, couldn’t resist the chance to spend as they wanted to for a change. The only thing Republicans have going for themselves, and then only if they are conservative, is that the things they believe in are better aligned with the original intent for our nation…freedom, personal responsibility, property rights, the rule of law, and power at the local level first. Which brings me to what I am truly interested in…

    The will of the people! I’, interested in a population that is smart, capable, and uninterested in getting stuff from government. I’m interested in a population that is well educated and capable personally. I am interested in a population that elects representatives who understand the concept of less government power with more power residing in the people…that understands it’s the private sector where wealth and prosperity happens and yes then floats all boats. I’m interested in seeing people free to be creative and productive, to work and to have the opportunity to make their own nest egg grow.

    The truth about this bill is that the economy stinks and they need another revenue flow. The middle class is loosing ground and can’t be taxed. the only resource is the rich which the ass%*l# Democrats have taught people to hate are the only source. But they are STUPID if they think rich people got that way by giving up their wealth to dumb government officials. they will sit on their money until cooler, smarter heads prevail to unleash the power of the private sector investor.


    Our jobs are waiting to be created when the money that wealthy folks have is unleashed…invested into the economy. And private investment would not cause inflation as current policy has and still will (in spades) just as sure as the sun will rise tomorrow.

    You have no vision beyond your own selfish and covetous wants…you cannot see beyond the end of your nose. Why do you think the middle class and poor are suffering after 5 plus years of liberal progressive economic policy? Wake the hell up or you won’t have a future!

  5. Chris says:

    Tina: “The crash was not caused by investors. The crash was caused by a housing bubble and instruments made toxic both of which were aroused due to the Community Reinvestment Act”

    There is simply no reasoning with you if you still believe this. I have shown you, over and over again, documented proof that what you are saying here is bullshit. I won’t waste my time doing so again. You believe it only because you want to. It is politically convenient for you to blame the CRA, even though you know that the vast majority of subprime loans had nothing to do with the CRA. And for you, political convenience always overrides reading comprehension, basic mathematical and reasoning skills, intellectual honesty, and common sense. I feel sorry for you.

  6. Peggy says:

    The “Sleeping Giant” is waking up and realizing just how the Democrat’s policies have failed our country and us. Hopefully, more will be willing to come out of the coma-like induced state from having their tummies filled at the government troth and see the truth like Elbert Guillory has.

    Louisiana State Senator Elbert Guillory announces he will be serving as honorary chairman of the Free at Last PAC.

  7. Tina says:

    Chris that teacher tone doesn’t cut any ice with me.

    I have likewise shown you over and over the evidence that proves my position. Your selective evidence is pure BS cooked up as a cover story by your progressive pals. Progressive’s are well known for selecting a narrow window in which to “prove” a point. In fact failure was cooked in to the mix and played out over a couple of decades.

    As for political posturing you aren’t standing on solid ground there, bud, we are living the hell of liberal economic policy all over the country! So knock off the personal attacks and stick with your opinion on the subject, please.

    Those who are regulars here can skip the following unless you want to refresh your memory.

    Those who might be new to PS could find the following of interest. It includes the opinions of several well known, respected economist. Follow the link to also read about the four causes of the crisis

    according to the author:

    Demyanyk and Van Hemert (2008) found that the quality of subprime loans deteriorated
    for six consecutive years before the crisis and that the problems could have been detected long before the crisis, but they were masked by rapidly rising home prices.

    Liebowitz (2008) emphasized the government’s role in weakening mortgage underwriting standards. The relaxed standards encouraged speculation, which led to a rapid rise in mortgage defaults when home prices stopped rising.

    Sowell (2009) also emphasized the government’s role in creating the housing bubble. The housing markets that had the largest home price increases were generally markets where the local government imposed land use restrictions that limited the supply of land available for housing. Relaxed mortgage lending standards were primarily the result of government influence.

    Krugman (2009) emphasized that much of the financing that fed the housing bubble came from the unregulated “shadow banking system” (investment banks, hedge funds, structured investment vehicles, etc.). The shadow banking system became highly
    leveraged, and the bursting of the housing bubble set off a cycle of deleveraging in the
    shadow banking system, which contributed to the credit crisis.

    Gorton (2009) described the credit crisis as a banking panic involving he shadow banking system.

    Zandi (2009) emphasized how the increased securitization of home mortgage debt contributed to relaxed mortgage lending standards.

    Keys, Mukherjee, Seru, and Vig (2008) found that existing securitization practices adversely affected the screening incentives of lenders.

    Piskorski, Seru, and Vig (2008) found that loans that were securitized had a higher foreclosure rate than loans held by a bank.

    Mian and Sufi (2008) found a close correlation between the expansion in mortgage credit to subprime zip codes and the increase in securitization of subprime mortgages.

    Gwartney, Macpherson, Sobel, and Stroup (2008) identified four factors leading to the housing bubble and credit crisis: (1) relaxed mortgage lending standards, (2) low short-term interest rate policy of the Fed, (3) increased leveraging by investment banks, and (4) increased debt-to-income ratio for households.

    Shiller (2008) emphasized irrational exuberance as the cause of the housing bubble.

    The authors conclusion that, of the four cited causes,“irrational exuberance” was the primary cause of this mess is a bit crazy in my opinion. Irrational exuberance occurred only because the relaxed standards and low interest rates created high demand that lenders, builders, naturally attempted to accommodate…and good old Fannie Mae enthusiastically encouraged it all! The government set the industry up with well meaning, but irrational policies that led to high demand, rising prices, crashing prices, default…and lots of loss for Americans.

    The bread crumb trail leads back to government interference no matter how the bread is sliced.

    We need regulation in lending but it has to be smart. The CRA and the relaxing of standards that followed represent stupid regulatory errors that were bound to end in disaster.

    By the way, George W. Bush did see this coming and did warn Congress repeatedly to do something about it. He was, of course, dismissed as a fool by media smart asses and leftist know-it-alls even though he graduated from Yale, got a Business degree from Harvard, was a businessman, a successful governor of Texas, and reached the highest office in the land…and even though he got better grades than either Al Gore or Ted Kennedy and others!

  8. Tina says:

    Peggy Mr Guillory is the best! What a marvelous speaker. What a wonderful goal!!!


  9. Peggy says:

    I honestly believe if conservatives would do a better job of communicating with the minority population our elected representatives will increase in numbers.

    With the addition of Ken Hutcherson, Thomas Sowell and organizations like The Frederick Douglas Republicans and the Black Robe Regiment we just may have a chance of saving our country from the progressive take-over as we did from King George’s oppressive control.

    We need messengers to also convey the truth to Hispanic voters to off-set LaRaza and other radical left groups.

    The first shot fired to start our revolution against the British didn’t happen on the battlefield it came from the pulpit.

    The Black Robe Regiment…..

    arose from the pulpits across the colonies during the Revolutionary War. The movement had its beginnings with Reverend Peter Muhlenberg in 1776 concluding his Sunday sermon by declaring, “In the language of the Holy Writ, there was a time for all things, a time to preach and a time to pray, but those times have passed away. There is a time to fight, and that time is now coming!” Muhlenberg then removed his black robe revealing a full military uniform. Marching to the rear of his church he declared, “Who among you is with me?” On that day 300 men from his congregation stood up and joined Muhlenberg in the fight for liberty.

  10. Tina says:

    Peggy the people are out in force finding their own ways to express and share the value of freedom.

    And I will never tire of listening to RR on any subject. He wasn’t dubbed the great communicator for lack of substance or phony polish…he was the real deal!

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