This Weekend in Washington DC: Protesting Veterans and Truckers

Posted by Tina

Two groups of angry citizens will make their way to Washington this weekend in protest of our dysfunctional government. It should make for an interesting weekend in Washington.

Washington Times

On Sunday October 13, 2013 the Million Vet March is going to take place t 9:00 a.m. at the World War II Memorial. …

… According to the Million Vet March website, the organizers are not concerned about what anyone’s political leaning are, be they Republican or Democrat, liberal or conservative, if anyone who saw the World War II veterans barricaded from their memorial this past week and felt outrage, they want you to join them in their protest.

The organizers believe that the veterans are being used as pawns that have unwittingly found themselves in the middle of a political battle, and according to the organizers statement, that should never happen.

You can sign a petition of support for our Vets here.

A group of Truckers that had previously planned the Truckers Ride for the Constitution will also be in Washington with their trucks to “protest the corruption of the government and to participate in a strike as part of the protest by not hauling freight during the days of October 11 – 13.”

Let’s Hope their messages ring loud and clear.

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14 Responses to This Weekend in Washington DC: Protesting Veterans and Truckers

  1. J. soden says:

    Maybe it’s time for a citizen’s arrest of Obumble for directing his minions to arrest folks for exercising their constitutional rights.

  2. Peggy says:

    Just when I thought things couldn’t get any worse I saw this posted on FB by Allen West.

    “I don’t have the words to express my outrage. Just learned that part of the Obama administration’s shutdown strategy of inflicting pain on the American people has sunk to an incredible low. It seems our Commander-in-Chief has deemed death gratuity payments to the families of our Fallen Warriors as non-essential. The President deemed FLOTUS “Let’s” website essential but the families of the four Americans killed this weekend in Afghanistan are not essential. I am disgusted. As thankful and benevolent Americans, let’s raise money for these families. All In.”

    Also, since BO has issued orders to have families removed from their homes they own on gov’t land he should also be told to pack and get out of the WH which is government owned and paid for by us.

  3. Peggy says:

    Best video ever of Sean Duffy taking on Andrea Mitchell and leaving her speechless. The very best is at the end.

  4. Libby says:

    “Just learned that part of the Obama administration’s shutdown strategy ….”

    I beg your pardon? Which entity is it that’s refusing to fund the government? Surely you remember?

    You guys just can’t take responsiblity for anything, can you? I mean, this was your bright idea to have it all your own way; it ain’t working; and you won’t own the mess you’ve made.

    That’s really pathetic. If you’re going to be savagely willful … then be savagely willful! Own the carnage! Relish it! Like any two-year-old would.

  5. Toby says:

    The truckers protest that I stand behind 100% is going to be something. They are going to bring the loop around DC to a stand still. As I understand it,they will keep the far left lane open for emergency vehicles.
    It will go from Fri-Sun if you want to take part but don’t have a truck and can’t make it to DC, no worries. They ask that for those three days you buy nothing not one thing. No gas, no food, no nothing. They ask that you fly the flag. You can do a peaceful overpass protest.
    I know people are saying it wont help but if people kept their money in their pockets for 3 days it would send one hell of a message to our elected officials to wake up, they are on notice.
    Anyway that is pretty much what it’s about.

  6. Pie Guevara says:

    Meanwhile a pro illegal alien rally is granted access to the National Mall. How many essential security people were assigned to that event?

  7. Tina says:

    Libby a bill to fund the government was passed in the House and presented immediately…dead on arrival…dead on arrival!

    Several bills to fund non-essential government have also been rejected.

    The party of “no”. Remember?

    The shoe is on the other foot now but the Republicans are still to blame. You are in the right party.

  8. Peggy says:

    Its now turned into a “Super Rally” with the bikers returning to join the Vets and truckers.

    Bikers…truckers and Vets… Oh my!!


    Super-rally against president in works:

    ‘Obama is behaving like a vicious tyrant’

    “In fact, the bikers are planning to join the veterans.

    The organization said the rally will show Americans’ outrage at the awful treatment of the heroes who fought for the nation’s freedom.

    “Americans have had enough of this shoddy treatment of those who saved our country from tyranny,” said Belinda Bee, Organizer of 2 Million Bikers to D.C. “These are men in their 80s and 90s. They can’t come back next month or next year. This is their chance to share in this American experience dedicated to their heroism. And yet, this administration was willing to lock them out of a memorial that normally is unguarded in an attempt to score political points. We, the leadership of 2 Million Bikers To DC, urge you to join in this important rally.”

    At least two factions of the fraternity of truckers have made plans to be in Washington on Oct. 11. One group has pledged to call for Obama’s impeachment; the other stated its intent to “arrest” members of Congress.”


  9. Chris says:

    “The fact that these soldiers were set up to die in a no return operation is obvious they had knowledge that Obama didn’t want leaked. This is the Seals that killed Osama Bin Laden. I don’t believe this story. He is alive call me crazy but, Osama Bin Laden is our President Obama do your research. The CIA has been preparing for this since he was a boy. They have same height, bone structure, hands and ears both are left handed the Osama face was created by Hollywood. The fox is in the hen house.”

    –Zeeda Andrews, organizer of the “Truckers Ride for the Constitution,” expressing her totally legitimate belief that Barack Obama and Osama bin Laden are the same person.

  10. dbueno says:

    Crazytown is alive and well

    Lions and Tigers and bears oh no!

    Truckers are not showing up.

  11. dbueno says:

    The Clean CR Bill is in the House and has never been brought to the floor.

    You do not get to shut down the gov and then pass bills only to open parts that bring you voters.

    Epic fail

  12. Tina says:

    Chris…I’ll bet you could find a few people with crazy ideas, attitudes and behaviors in any gathering…you do recall the Occupy Wall Street bunch? If I recall you were all for them.


    It isn’t just a few crackpots engaging in anti-Semitism incidents at the Occupy Wall Street protests. Apparently, the main organizer behind the movement – Adbusters editor Kalle Lasn – has a history of anti-Jewish writing.

    Back in 2004, he wrote a highly controversial Adbusters article entitled “Why Won’t Anyone Say They Are Jewish?” which peddled some of the more feverish theories about American Jews, neoconservatism, and the Bush administration (emphasis added)…

    …This wasn’t the only time Adbusters’ was hit with charges of anti-Semitism. In 2009, the magazine published a photomontage comparing the Gaza Strip to the Warsaw Ghetto. This sparked a legal dispute between the magazine and the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum, which reportedly owned the Warsaw photos used by Adbusters.

    But Lasn also has defenders, including David Duke…

    Here’s domestic terrorist Bill Ayers:

    As one people, united, we acknowledge the reality: that the future of the human race requires the cooperation of its members; that our system must protect our rights, and upon corruption of that system, it is up to the individuals to protect their own rights, and those of their neighbors; that a democratic government derives its just power from the people, but corporations do not seek consent to extract wealth from the people and the Earth; and that no true democracy is attainable when the process is determined by economic power. We come to you at a time when corporations, which place profit over people, self-interest over justice, and oppression over equality, run our governments. We have peaceably assembled here, as is our right, to let these facts be known.

    Notice how this flag stomping ego presumes to speak for all of “the people” and acts like the group he takes money from (academia) is somehow different in terms of influence and money in politics…what a laugh!

    Some of the biggest money in politics comes from leftist in academia, unions, green organizations, Hollywood, and yes, big corporations and banks run by leftists. George Soros is a billionaire supporter of socialist Democrats through hundreds of foundations.

    Ayers railing against corporations is disingenuous…hypocritical.

    Corporations are run by U.S citizens. They have the same right to expression as Bill Ayers and his ilk with fat bank accounts.

    The playing field is level.

  13. Libby says:

    “Osama Bin Laden is our President Obama do your research.”

    Oh, my Lord. I hope the Capitol Cops have had their exemption, and are back on salary, cause the Capitol is to be descended upon by nut-bunnies … hopefully sans firearms.

    I mean … geez!

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