Chico Financial Crisis – More Problems Ahead

by Jack

Despite using convicts to clean up Caper Acres and the many cuts to personnel and expenditures, the City of Chico is still running low on operating money. Rumor has it that another budget problem is about to be disclosed. As of press time we don’t have the full details, but it comes from a source high in City government. We’re told, “It’s not over yet!” This was followed by some criptic comments that led us to believe a detailed report is in the making and when it’s done it will be presented to Council.

Chico financial woes are centered around highly questionable accounting practices and hidden debt by a former finance officer. She left as soon as the investigation started to heat up. Since that time, the revelations about the City’s debt has been shocking and it has caused the Council and the City Administrator to seek drastic cuts in order to keep the City from going bankrupt.

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7 Responses to Chico Financial Crisis – More Problems Ahead

  1. Jim says:

    A few of us were screaming in the wilderness about the City budget years ago. But nobody listened.

    Burkland & Hennessy made a mess of things and they just skated out of here before the collapse.

  2. Princess says:

    I hope there is a grand jury investigation into these shady financial practices. The public has a right to know what is going on.

  3. Bob says:

    Are the idiots on the city council still spending their time and our money trying to outlaw plastic bags?

    Knowing them it would make perfect sense in the middle of a fiscal crisis.

    • Post Scripts says:

      Well Bob thats about the size of it. Unfortunately, we never quite got rid of the liberals on the council, it would sure be nice to replace two more of them with some conservative types just for a change. We’ve seen what liberals do, the City finances speak volumes.

  4. Bob says:

    And just remember, no matter how broke the city is somehow they will always make sure Lando, Burkland and the rest of these crooks get their 6 figure pensions plus benefits.

  5. Post Scripts says:

    Jim, we appreciate your voice, even if they didn’t listen.

  6. Ken says:

    What’s it up to now? 80 million in unfunded liabilities?

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