by Jack
The Cochella High School has drawn some serious criticism lately for their choice of mascot. They are called the Arabs and the mascot is the Angry Arab, normally I would say it’s just a harmless mascot, let’s all be big about it and move on. But, this time I have to agree with those who are offended. A cartoon picture of their mascot depicts a man with a large hooked nose, heavy beard, and wearing” a traditional head covering.
This is one situation where there’s not much to defend, the Arab-American Anti-defamation League and ordinary citizens should agree they’ve crossed a line with this mascot and it needs to go. “”Continued use of the Angry Arab mascot perpetuates demeaning stereotypes of Arabs and Arab Americans,” the League said yesterday. “Coachella Valley High School’s gross stereotyping cannot be tolerated.”
Others oppose it on totally different grounds, “The world is at war with radical Muslims (many of them Arab) and this nation has suffered it’s share of carnage by angry Arabs. On that alone it’s offensive. Why would any American parent of any ethnic background want their boy to play for the Angry Arabs?” Said in a blog comment this morning. What were they thinking?
Jesus H ! … you gotta Google Map the region … a land of Republican golfers … seriously, stereotypically gross. Though, Coachella itself is where the maids and pool cleaners live.
I didn’t need to know about any of this, and what do you mean … posting that groady foot picture. I’ll bet you hear from the Mr. Little about that. I’ve got a mind to complain, meself!
Well Libby, I posted the foot picture under the premise…if it only saves one toe, it will have been worth it.” Course you didn’t have to look did you? Kinda like driving by a car wreck and not looking, just can’t do it, huh? And whats wrong with Republican golfers?
Well since the source is missing and the history I thought I would provide it for you.
The name has a history.
There ya go source included!
Ya see I do not whine to hide truth and say it is not true I use a search engine! Very easy.
Now if we could just go back and correct all the Reaganomics policies!
Jack goes PC, sort of. I think the mascot should be replaced with an angry Hasidic Jew or a rebuking Jesus. Now THOSE would be a images of true power and strength.
Pie, trust me, the irony of going PC was not missed! lol
Now being very un-PC….can you imagine a neighboring team called the Jewish Zealots playing them? I would go watch just because of the team names! : )) But, absent a Zealot team, the Angry Arabs gotta go.
Well, their inclination to ghetto-ize themselves, for a start. Seriously, you gotta go look … one after the other after the other … patches of plastic landscape … it’s downright “Stepford”. No wonder they hadn’t a clue to their impending demographic demise.
Just when I think there can’t be a dumber school board than Chico Unified, I read a post like this.
Coachella is a perfect picture of an area that uses OUR water to keep their golf courses green. It is a country club condominium golf community and they soak up millions of gallons of water to the desert.
Glad to see we can agree on something, Jack.
In that vein, what do you think about the “Redskins” name controversy? Sure, they’ve been around a lot longer than the “Angry Arabs,” but does that justify keeping a name which is seen as a slur by many Native Americans?
The Onion ran a VERY un-PC article on the controversy, and actually courted controversy itself, but I personally think it was brilliant in the way it showed how some ethnic slurs are considered more acceptable than others. I went from shock to horrified laughter when I saw this headline. What do you all think?,34292/
Coachella itself is a minority community.
Coachella is also home to three Indian Casinos…when it comes to “rich” the Indians are doing just fine! All that money and it’s US tax free.
And by the way Libby…the Democrat Party has overtaken the Republican Party as the party of the “rich” so you can let go of that old worn out flag!
American Spectator:
SF Examiner:
Even the lefties agree:
By the way Dewey…thanks for the link. Our readers appreciate it.
Re #10 Tina :
Whenever I think of Progressive I think George Soros and useful idiot, with the possible exception of “useful”.
More than a few tribes favor the Redskins name, just like some tribes appreciate the Braves or the FSU Seminoles team names. They find it flattering, the association of strength, skill, and athleticism to themselves.
Personally I think the Atlanta Braves name should be scrapped just so we can rid the country of that stupid “Tomahawk Chop”.
I won’t argue in favor of the Angry Arab, I just find it of passing interest that Chris gets all sanctimonious and huffy about symbols some ethnic groups find offensive yet ridicules and belittles folks offended by Lincoln being memorialized as a Democrat and a Democratic Party Machine run state.
This is, of course, completely understandable. To offend and marginalize those he considers his political enemies is his intent and desire. No big deal, just the way it is.
Oh, crap. The above should have read “Lincoln being memorialized as a Democrat in a Democratic Party Machine run state.”
So it goes.
Pie: “I won’t argue in favor of the Angry Arab, I just find it of passing interest that Chris gets all sanctimonious and huffy about symbols some ethnic groups find offensive yet ridicules and belittles folks offended by Lincoln being memorialized as a Democrat and a Democratic Party Machine run state.”
You realize the two are in no way similar, right?
You’re upset over a plaque which, while confusing and poorly worded, has existed for over a century, and you’re using its existence to somehow claim that liberals have corrupted the educational process and whitewashed the racist history of the Democratic party–even though you’ve provided no evidence for this claim other than the plaque itself.
The Redskins controversy is about people who are upset over what they perceive to be an ethnic slur that caricaturizes their entire race in a derogatory manner.
You’re trying to accuse me of hypocrisy here, even though these two stories have no connection to one another. Yes, both have to do with people being offended. But in one case, the offended parties have just cause, and in the other, they do not.
Meanwhile, you’re the guy who gets (justifiably) offended when your party is compared to the KKK, but find nothing wrong with calling your own political enemies Nazis. Then you say that it is my desire to offend and marginalize my political enemies–even though I agreed with you that comparing Republicans to the KKK was wrong and over the line, and I specifically called out a poster here who did so.
For you to try and accuse me of hypocrisy and unfairly targeting my “political enemies” is rich, given your constant nasty behavior toward anyone who disagrees with you, as well as your projection of your own worst traits onto anyone who dares contradict anything you say.
Re: Chris “You’re upset over a plaque which, while confusing and poorly worded, has existed for over a century, and you’re using its existence to somehow claim that liberals have corrupted the educational process.
It would be nice If you would stop putting words in my mouth, a**hole. I am not upset, but yes, liberals have corrupted education, you are a premier example of that.
People have been calling “Native Americans” redskins for at least three centuries but Rats in Chicago have been calling Lincoln a Democrat for a mere century.
Yes you are a hypocrite. Calling Lincoln a Democrat is a slur, just not a slur you would recognize.
As for my supposed nastiness, all I have ever done here is to throw the nastiness you spew in this forum right back in your face. Evidently you do not particularly care for that mirror. No big deal you condescending, self aggrandizing creep.
Pie Guevara: “It would be nice If you would stop putting words in my mouth, a**hole. I am not upset,”
In that case, damn, I’d hate to see you when you ARE upset.
“Yes you are a hypocrite. Calling Lincoln a Democrat is a slur, just not a slur you would recognize.”
…It’s just not, though. Again, I agree with you that the label was inappropriate. I would have no problem with the plaque being changed to be more accurate. But there is no comparison to a sports team named after an ethnic slur.
“As for my supposed nastiness, all I have ever done here is to throw the nastiness you spew in this forum right back in your face.”
Whatever you have to tell yourself, man.