Video – Truth Exposed

Thanks go to Harold for this link.

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24 Responses to Video – Truth Exposed

  1. Pie Guevara says:

    There is a reason that Fox News is the most watched news and MSNBC’s audience is miniscule. This is one.

  2. Peggy says:

    I would say this explains how Obama got reelected. It wasn’t just low informed voters it included those who attempted to be informed but watched this garbage and believed it.

  3. Pie Guevara says:

    More Video Truth

    ObamaCare Bombshell — Obamacare workers encourage applicants to lie on applications.

  4. Dewey says:

    LOL Alex Jones Conspiracy site? LOL

    Too Much! Oh and That site also said the aliens are coming!

    Well I have in my possession a ted Cruz recording of a vet calling in to the town hall and heard the start of the Tea Party Affiliation to the protest.

    Ya see The Tea Party was in the middle of shutting down the gov while asking for donations for the Senate Conservative pac. The whole shutdown was to raise money to remove non Tea Party republicans from the senate. yea I have it all on tape!

    The Tea Party does not believe in democracy the Shutdown was Sedition in my opinion.

    Next as the clown car fuels up the koch puppets they will start in with the fake spending talking point. What a crock! How about the estimated 24 Billion the shutdown cost all so the Tea Party patriots could raise a reported 2 million?

    Americans are waking up to the Tea party and their corporatist ways.

    Privatize everything so humans can be nickle and dime-ed to death!

    Sorry EPIC Fail!

    Still waiting for Sean Hannity to make good on his waterboarding experiment.

    Bottom Line the Tea party staged the shutdown than used vets for a grandstand. That is pretty low in my book. Ya see if ya shut down the gov, ya shut down everything.

    Americans are tired of the Tea Party embarrassing the country. tea party is lead around by the nose by the Koch’s and friends. Well there TPP will take care of everything! The laws of the USA will be subject to a newly created tribunal court that over rides our sovereignty!

    Notice how quiet the Tea Party is on this!

    I am sure ya’all heard the call right?

  5. Peggy says:

    Dewey, get your facts straight. The House passed a bill to FUND THE GOVERNMNET, but not ObamaCare. A hand full of Republicans in the Senate including Ted Cruz and Mike Lee supported the House bill, but Harry Reid refused to bring the bill to the Senate floor, therefore, Cruz did his filibuster. Obama also said he would not sign the bill if it came to his desk.

    So, explain to me how the Tea Party Republicans are responsible for shutting down the government when they tried to pass a bill that WOULD fund it?

    Does anyone else besides me see the irony in hearing the Democrats who were attacking Cruz for trying to delay the start of ObamaCare are now turning on Obama to save their own butts.

    ObamaCare is 100% owned by the Democrats. Reid pulled a fast one by delaying Scott Browns seating on the Senate so he could ram the bill through by using the Nuclear Option with only Democrat’s votes. Not ONE Republican voted for it!!

    Republicans should not bailout the Democrats by proposing any fixes or agreeing to any delays now, since the Democrats refused to agree to anything proposed by the Republicans before Oct. 1st.

    The ONLY proposed bill that should be considered by the Republicans is one that will repeal ObamaCare completely.

  6. Pie Guevara says:

    The Stupid member of The Snotty, The Stupid and The Obnoxious triumoronate is always amusing. The source does not change the fact of Rachael Maddow’s bigoted, hatefiled, misleading, and mendacious smear propaganda posing as reportage.

  7. Libby says:

    “There is a reason that Fox News is the most watched news ….”

    There is, indeed, and it’s bloody terrifying.

  8. Pie Guevara says:

    Re Libby’s fear: There there, dear, get a grip. Have a nice hot cup of tea and turn on MSNBC.

    Re Dewey “Notice how quiet the Tea Party is on this!” :

    Not being a member I cannot speak for the Tea Party but have you ever considered that your specious, twisted narrative concerning this grassroots movement is so full of mendacity and misrepresentation as to not deserve a response?

    The only people “tired” of the Tea Party are tiresome progressives like you.

  9. Pie Guevara says:

    Between Libby and Dewey, who would you judge the more emo?

    The polls are open.

  10. Dewey says:

    Peggy get your facts straight. The ACA is a law that was upheld by the Supreme court.

    You do not get to shutdown the country to de-fund a law upheld by the supreme court. Ya think I do not have Ted Cruz’s calls recorded? Think again. I record all tea Party Town halls. They are full of lies. Fear mongering.

    The Tea Party wants to demolish the Constitution, democracy for corporate rule.


    I stand by that statement. It is not my fault if someone watched Fox and thinks it is real news! Canada even banned fox a couple times!

    The Tea Party will never ever get the white house.

    Every single member of congress knew it was a stunt. What the GOP did not know was the money was not to take out Democrats it was to take out Republicans for tea party.

    So am I to assume Peggy you did not listen to the town hall calls where even Ted Cruz admitted a shutdown would not defund the ACA.

    Let’s get real jack. I do not believe anyone does not know the GOP shutdown the government.

    tea Party will outdo itself! I say good let people see the Koch brothers party for a fascist world.

    The TPP is being seen because real Patriots like me ignore the hate Obama fake scandals to address real issues.

    maybe you need to get some real facts. And I hand you a real hate Obama issue and you ignore it!

    TPP is the wall street money payback from Obama for the election. I blame the SCOTUS citizens United because any candidate has to make a deal with the Devil to win. Romney lost cause he was transparent. Romney represents what is wrong in America.

    It is a sad day when people call themselves a patriot and then support lies. It is a sadder day if someone is brainwashed to the point they believe the lies. Citizens United is the end we must repeal it.

    So all the hate? I suggest a real debit with real facts or is that too scary?

    Message to the Tea party you are treading on Democracy!

    No dictatorship allowed under the United States Flag. No Tea Party nation

  11. Peggy says:

    Good information for everyone both young and old to know before voting again.


    How Obama is soaking the young:

    “Past generations could expect a better life, but today’s youth are picking up the tab for the baby boomers.

    As a Wall Street Journal column recently noted, “While today’s 65-year-olds will receive on average net lifetime benefits of $327,400, children born now will suffer net lifetime losses of $420,600 as they struggle to pay the bills of aging Americans.”

    What we are witnessing today is a historic inter-generational transfer of wealth. Past generations could expect a better life, but today’s youth are picking up the tab for the baby boomers. What’s more, it is the policies of the man they held up as a hero that are inflaming the problem.

    Young people are easy marks. They don’t have big lobbies like the AARP. And despite being helpful to Obama, they are still generally taken for granted by politicians. Even worse, the assumption is that they are a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Democratic Party — a designation that means young people can be taken for granted (by Democrats) or written off (by Republicans).”

  12. Libby says:

    “How Obama is soaking the young:”

    Peggy, the young are in for a soaking over the next 30 years, no matter who’s president.

    You … you … remember this when you are presented with the choice between an $80K surgery and death.

    And if you reply that you’ve got insurance to cover such a thing … I track you down … and smack you up-side the head.

    No, I won’t really. I will just remind you, yet again, that you only have such insurance if the youth consent to the soaking.

  13. Tina says:

    The boomers have certainly made a mess of things but Obama has taken the all time prize for messing it up for future generations.

    Republicans have been trying for several decades to reform Social Security and allow partial privatization investment. Had the Dems cooperated in bipartisan fashion and done so the young and future generations would be much better off.

    Republicans also favor lower tax rates to grow and expand the economy and presidents under both parties have been successful in creating jobs and greater entrepreneurial opportunity by lowering taxes and keeping regulations in check.

    There are a number of things that can be done about this situation but it will take a leap of faith by a group of young people that have been badly brainwashed by the leftists to give it a try. They tried hope and change and redistribution schemes why not try sound fiscal polices to grow the economy and reign in government spending.

    And of course this Obamacare monster must go and be replaced with sensible fixes to a few natty problems like insurance for people with pre-existing conditions.

    You know, if the money George Soros invests in left wing political organizations to end our freedoms were spent on the humanitarian cause of hospital care for the needy it would save the young a pile of money too. The left doesn’t put its money where its mouth is…they prefer yours and mine.

    In 2001 Bill Clintons Social Security Commissioner favored privatizing SS accounts.

    CNS News

    To prove the argument that private investment in a combination of stocks and bonds leads to higher income upon retirement than solely receiving Social Security benefits, the study sets up a hypothetical scenario over a period of 40 years.

    The scenario involves three workers of different income brackets who started working in 1968 and retired on November 7, 2011. All three chose to take half of the Social Security payroll tax they would have paid for government benefits and instead diverted it to a private account.

    The scenario breaks down into three distinct investing strategies. Two involve exclusively investing in stocks or bonds and the third gives the workers investment portfolios that are equally representative of stocks and bonds.

    Taking into account the economic downturn of 2001-2002 as well as the 2008 financial crisis, all three workers would theoretically still have received a higher rate of return than had they paid the full Social Security tax over time and relied solely on government benefits.

    “Clearly, the worker would have seen a significant decline in accumulated assets during the market declines of 2001-2002 and 2008-2009,” the study said. “However, despite these losses, the worker would always be better off than if he or she had received Social Security’s rate of return.”

  14. Harold says:

    Everyone should stop calling Obamacare a “train wreck.” That means it’s a mistake, or accident or failure. It’s NOT. This is a deceitful, cynical, and purposeful attempt to damage the U.S. economy, kill jobs, and bring down capitalism. It’s not a failure, its Obama’s grand success. It’s not a “train wreck,” Obamacare is a calculated attack. He intended to make us dependant on big government, to bring us to our knees, to surrender- and agree under duress to accept big government.

    One of Obama’s heroes and mentor was Saul Alinsky- a radical Marxist intent on destroying capitalism. Alinksky’s stated advice was to call the other guy “a terrorist” to hide their own intensions. They liberally and repeatedly state the other guy is “ruining America,” while they are actually plotting the destruction of America. To Liberally claim again and again…in every sentence of every speech…that they are “saving the middle class,” while all along building a entitlement dependant society which is intended to absorb the middle class.
    Obamacare is now the nail in a coffin of deceit built by a layered and purposefully assembled by this deceitful Administration lead by Obama

  15. Libby says:

    “One of Obama’s heroes and mentor was Saul Alinsky …”

    Lordy, but I am bored with this … also irritated. I mean, why can’t you keep it up front in your fat head that there is a radical right, as well as a left, to which Saul’s tenets might also be useful.

    However, if there’s one thing become patently apparent over the last six years, it’s that Obama ain’t no radical … and any assertion that he is betrays a complete break with reality.

    You ever heard of obsessive-compulsive disorder? The number of “tea partiers” thus afflicted boggles the mind. Find something else to fixate on, would you !

  16. Pie Guevara says:

    Poor Libby, she is tired of hearing about Obama mentor Saul Alinsky. Cry me a river!

  17. Pie Guevara says:

    More On (Moron) MSNBC

    This is absolutely hilarious. MSNBC “The Cycle” co-host Touré says Senate Democrats only support ObamaCare fix because their states are gerrymandered.

    I wonder how many progressives who visit these pages won’t get how funny this is and why.

  18. Harold says:

    Libby as usual hands you a crap sandwich on stale and moldy old liberal politics of denial,with a side of cow pie retoric and expects you to regale in her banquet of BS. Sadly she misses the point that we are all to fed up with Obama and his force fed politics. However to Libby credit, she is serving from Saul Alinsky’s Rules For Radicals, number 8 and number 11 all in the same post.

  19. Dewey says:


    The Senate Pass a Clean Bill that was straight and would have passed! Bonehead refused to bring it to a vote, You do not get to shutdown the gov to try and defund a bill that was the center of the whole election, won the election, and was upheld by the Supreme court.

    Why all the propaganda, I do not believe for a second that is not known and this is silly.

    Bottom Line the Tea Party preformed sedition and cost the taxpayers billions all to raise money. Facts? More than willing to sit down and shown facts!

    Americans are angry at the Tea Party and all know the facts. maybe you would like to hear the Ted Cruz tapes?

  20. Dewey says:

    And to the fowl mouth …

    Americans are still pissed off at the 8 Bush years and it is the Tea Party shoving politics down peoples throats. America voted against the Paul Ryan Plan of Austerity for the people and more tax cuts for wall street.

    In my opinion the Tea Party is anti American and needs to be removed. Treason? Sedition at the least! A minority trying to take over the USA ? Americans are pissed at the tea party and the nutjob candidates. Ted Cruz? The anointed one?

    Disrespect for the majority and democracy? tea Party Lost the election in the primaries. How about respect the vote?

  21. Pie Guevara says:

    Re: #11 Peggy : “#9 Tie!!!”

    Naw, I think Dewey is edging her out at present, but the race is close.

  22. Chris says:

    Dewey: “Sedition at the least!”

    Fortunately for us all, we no longer prosecute people for sedition. The Tea Party has every right to express their opinions, even though I think most of those opinions are ignorant. They even have the right to manipulate the political process with unethical procedures like shutting down the government over a law passed three years ago that has been upheld by every branch of government, and that was a major issue in the last presidential election. They deserve criticism for that, but saying they need to be “removed” has some pretty sinister connotations and goes too far. You may want to think about how your own views may be seen as “sedition” if the right ever regains federal power in this country.

  23. Chris says:

    Harold: “Alinksky’s stated advice was to call the other guy “a terrorist” to hide their own intensions.”

    So Palin’s an Alinksy-ite? Fascinating!

    Like Libby said, this obsession on the right with Alinsky and other bogeymen is really tired at this point. You’re not going to convince anyone this way–you’re just the base, chomping on red meat together. Alinsky’s radical tactics are used by both the right and the left, and have been long before Alinsky ever wrote them down. Character assassination and incivility has been part of our political process since forever. Have you *seen* political cartoons from the early 1900s? They make our modern social dialogue look positively enlightened.

    Also, whatever Marxist utopian visions may lurk in Barack Hussein Obama’s black heart, he has governed as a center-leftist. I know that sounds crazy to the posters here, who see him as the Most Radical President Ever, but that’s only because you lack historical perspective.

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