Corruption in CA Worse Than Ever

by Jack Lee

The Blind Men and the Elephant is an ancient Indian parable that has been retold in countless variations by cultures throughout the world as a means to illustrate relativism and truth. In the story, six blind men touch different parts of an elephant and find that they are in complete disagreement with each other as to their belief in what the elephant was. The same is true when people are asked to define ethics. Substitute the word “Ethics” for “Elephant” and the six men may describe, “Morality,” “Legality,” “Belief,” “Principles,” “Values,” and “Integrity.”

California’s large Latino caucus is being probed for corruption by the FBI.  Fully one fifth of the entire State Legislature belongs to the Latino Caucus.  They  controls hundreds of thousands of dollars in campaign funds.  This makes the Latino caucus the single most powerful component of the Democratic Party that runs California from top to bottom.

The FBI is now investigating Sen. Kevin Leon for brokering a deal between Sen Ron Calderon and Sen. Ricardo Lara wherein Lara retained his seat as the caucus chair in exchange for a donation of $25,000 to a nonprofit enterprise run by Calderon’s brother, a former Assemblyman.

California has a long standing reputation for having the best politicians money can buy and it’s not referring to their salary. The State’s campaign finance laws are so loose that legislators can legally doing fund raising while passing legislation! The quest for massive so-called campaign fund raising in Sacramento year around has resulted in many examples of corruption.

“A California organization receives $11 million from another group based in Arizona, which received the cash from a separate group, which in turn had it funneled from a fourth, based near Washington, D.C. Drug cartel money headed for an offshore account? No, just legal CA electioneering.” 2012.

According to the National Association of Attorney Generals speaking in general terms, “Campaign contributions seem to be universally protected from scrutiny and oversight and are therefore ripe for abuse. Campaign contributions create feelings of being beholden to the donor in appreciation for past contributions, and in expectation or hope of future contributions.”

In the past we’ve seen the FBI’s Abscam take down a number of democrats for receiving illegal campaign money aka bribes, in return for helpful legislation and prior to that were four democrats busted for receiving campaign contributions tied to the Red Devil fireworks manufacturer in exchange for legislation.   Unfortunately, the indictments are fairly rare because the crime is difficult to prove and typically the only witnesses are the people conspiring to commit the crime.

Brenda J. Elliott reported in 2011, “Kinde L. Durkee, a prominent Burbank, California-based Democrat campaign treasurer who works for federal, state, and Orange County lawmakers, was arrested by the FBI Friday on “suspicion of mail fraud.” Durkee is expected to appear in court tomorrow. Caliornia Assemblyman Jose Solorio, after being contacted by the FBI to “break the news,” wrote to inform his constituents that he had fallen “victim to alleged mail fraud” by Durkee. Either Solorio and a long list of Durkee’s other clients cannot read or should be considered as accomplices to Durkee’s crimes.

Read the following, then ask yourself how did they NOT know:   That client list, by the way, includes several California members of Congress: Senator Dianne Feinstein and Representatives Adam Schiff, Loretta Sanchez, Linda Sanchez, Laura Richardson, and Susan Davis. Durkee’s clients also include MoveOn.Org Political Action, Iranian American Democrats of Los Angeles County, and former Congresswoman Diane Watson.   They are all democrats and they all had to have known what Durkee was up to, or at least they should have had some suspicions if they or their aides actually read California newspapers or have spent any time on the internet.” – See more at:

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25 Responses to Corruption in CA Worse Than Ever

  1. Tina says:

    After reading through the article it’s clear that this corruption occurs because the people involved have been effective at getting votes for Democrats (Probably also smearing opponents) and getting away with it!

    Democrats live by a set of twelve rules all of which are represented in the singe idea that whatever it takes, anything and everything is acceptable, as long as they win. They are practicing the politics of totalitarian regimes. They are not participating in the American republican process.

    Unless the American people wise up to this there is no hope of its ever changing. It isn’t the money…it is the corruption that is embraced by the extremists in the Democrat Party of which there are MANY!

    These are not Americans, dedicated to the rule of law, the notion of honesty and fair play. these are tyrants, determined to control by any means necessary.

    State of Jefferson…can’t happen quickly enough!

  2. Libby says:

    Worse than ever? Nah.

    Same old, same old … it sounds like to me.

    I hope you’re not trying to suggest that it’s worse because it’s perpetrated by Democrats. That would be very silly of you.

  3. Libby says:

    “State of Jefferson…can’t happen quickly enough!”

    So then fellow Republicans can sell each other influence?

    Big diff !

    • Jack Lee says:

      Libby, it’s true that from the first day a State or Country is created it begins the long slide down into bureaucracy, red tape, restrictions on freedom and more and more taxation. This is why history says a republic like ours is usually only good for about 200 years. But, there’s nothing better in my opinion, so here we are.

  4. Pie Guevara says:


  5. Princess says:

    It can’t be worse than when Willie Brown was running the show.

  6. Pie Guevara says:

    #5 Princess : “It can’t be worse than when Willie Brown was running the show.”

    You underestimate the Democratic Party.

  7. Tina says:

    Libby: “So then fellow Republicans can sell each other influence?”

    Actually no. The extremists that have gained absolute control of the Democrat Party are politicians of a different color entirely.

    The state of Jefferson will come about because Republicans, Democrats, Independents and others are tired of the rules for radicals types. A fresh start is no guarantee that it won’t deteriorate over time but it does allow a new beginning.

    And let us not forget the difference between contribution and quid pro quo. There is nothing wrong with special interest groups. These are citizens with the same rights as anyone else. The problem is corporatism, special gifts and favors, and money laundering for the party.

  8. Tina says:

    Princess that was my first thought too but then I reconsidered. There was no real backlash for any of that. Democrats didn’t suffer any black eyes and so there is no reason to doubt that the problem has grown wider in scope. So many of the people now living in LA were not raised in America with American values and awareness of the American system. They come from a place where bribery and favors is a way of life.

  9. Dewey says:

    LOL the Tea Party hate the democrats and Obama campaign while supporting Citizens United, Campaign Donors, banks, ect bribing leaders in Communist China, Supporting Privatizing Human rights away to wall street is hilarious.

    How did we ever get so lucky to have the 100% law abiding, never lie Tea party politicians? NOT!

    delusional State Of Jefferson part of a Tea Party multi-state succession ploy to divide and conquer away Democracy will never come about.

    Now How about Arnie’s Chinese bay bridge fiscal? Oh that is right Tea Party is pro China and Anti American. Support the TPP which takes has very little do do with trade, basically enslaves us to corporations…..

    Epic Fail!

    LOL corruption in politics is a problem many are trying to fix. It has no Party. Citizens United now has the citizens as secondary to the donors, who also control what is reported.

    tea Party is part of the problem and not the solution as their donor are American enemy top 5

  10. Pie Guevara says:

    Interesting. Dewey is starting to repeat his material, verbatim. Is he merely lazy or a web-bot?

  11. Pie Guevara says:

    Dewey’s lazy robotic fail may not be epic, it is mildly amusing.

  12. Dewey says:

    LOL and jack’s sock accounts are amusing…

    Tina? Pie? remember Pie answered as jack just a few days ago and Bingo! proof!

    Just wait until Congress starts talking about the TPP they are listening and against fast track…How will the Tea Party explain their support for this bill as it destroys the Sovereignty of the USA!

    Truth time right around the corner folks……

    LOL Not a Robot an Alien called truthful American

    Repeal Citizens United or accept corruption

    I stand by my statement the Propaganda is WW@ like and unAmerican we are not nazi America

    people all to fall in line repeating the same talking points? LOL

    Another Epic Fail! LOL I like that one too!

    • Jack Lee says:

      Dewey, this is Jack and please be advised, I always answer as either Post Scripts or myself. I understand that when people answer another commenter it can be misdirected because its confusing at times. Heck, I’ve made that mistake, responding to the wrong person or wrong comment, and almost everybody has at one time or another. It’s no big. I’ll try to remember to put my name the comments so you don’t confused who is saying what to whom.

  13. Pie Guevara says:

    *Sigh* Dewey is a legend in his own mind.

    P.J. O’Rourke was right — “At the core of liberalism is the spoiled child — miserable, as all spoiled children are, unsatisfied, demanding, ill-disciplined, despotic and useless. Liberalism is a philosophy of sniveling brats.”

  14. Tina says:

    I have tried to have conversations with Dewey. It is impossible.

    He is an output channel and it’s all GIGO all the time. I suppose he thinks its affective.

    To be so delighted with the sound of ones own repetitive tap tap tapping………

    Do you suppose the guy has any savings…a 401K…pension with the union…any investment at all? Or is he hiding his money in a cigar box under the bed and counting on SS alone for his old age?

  15. Pie Guevara says:

    Potential New Topic — Silicon Valley finaly gets a clue on Big Brother Obama, Democrats, and the NSA.

  16. Pie Guevara says:

    Re #12 Dewey :”remember Pie answered as jack just a few days ago and Bingo! proof!

    I have never posed as Jack in this forum. How could I? I post as Pie Guevara and have no reason nor inclination to do otherwise.

  17. Dewey says:

    Well Pie the post would be the reference you made to my comment on the women should not vote post on the other blog site. You responded. Your name was not one I suspected yet…but oh well!

    But I know everything the Tea Party does is the truth and freedom! Except when it come to reality. The Tea Party has done nothing but waste taxpayers money trying to force their (Koch Brothers) opinion that lost the election! Tea Party is a minority.

    There is all Hate and lies spewing daily. The worst part is….
    Some actually believe this crap and their politicians take the same marching orders daily and get caught repeating these lies on C-Span and!…….. get busted by the voters for lying.

    God Forbid the Tea Party get upset at their politicians like Rand Paul who was caught Plagiarizing Wikipedia multiple times! Oh no then he looses it cause he is caught and does not even understand what Plagiarizing is!

    Try’s to wipe his site clean of the printed speeches that are word for word ripped off and sneak in footnotes!

    Real Good folks!

    But of course that never happened in never never land!

    I already know the crafted response for the Rand Paul situation I will wait patiently for it LOL

    Personally I think the tea Party should run Louie Gohmert! hehe

  18. Peggy says:

    #17 Jack –

    It’s time for a restart.

    I believe this country is about to hit bottom just like an alcoholic or drug addict. The US has been high on spending other people’s money until we’ve flat run out of money.

    I’ve read Mark Levin’s “Liberty Amendments” and think it presents a plan to begin that restart for another 200+ years. It won’t be easy, but what our Founders did wasn’t easy either but they did it and so can we again.

    Would love to have a discussion on Levin’s book with anyone who has read it.

  19. Pie Guevara says:

    It is mildly amusing that one of the very people who regularly spew hatred and venom with every post made to the comments section of Post Scripts consistently whines about hate speech.

    But only mildly. His left wing radical progressive peers all do the same and all make the exact same whine.

    This bears repeating, P.J. O’Rourke was right —

    “At the core of liberalism is the spoiled child – miserable, as all spoiled children are, unsatisfied, demanding, ill-disciplined, despotic and useless. Liberalism is a philosphy of sniveling brats.”

  20. Tina says:

    Dewey: “Tea Party is a minority.”

    A. The Tea Party is made up of US citizens who enjoy the same rights as you…so what!

    B. There is no way to know whether the Tea party is a minority since membership is not counted and there is no “official” national organization.

    C. Judging just from the numbers that marched on Washington, and realizing that not all participants and supporters were there, the number of people that share Tea Party values is likely larger or as large as other influential groups…private sector unions for instance or extreme greens!

    Ad hoc accusations of “hate and lies” is ridiculous and nonproductive. If you have a specific example please submit it for our consideration.

    Plagiarism of Wikipedia? Really? Wikipedia is an information page. It doesn’t post original work. The information there is acknowledged as general knowledge stuff. Is there a person alive that has not used Wikipedia?

  21. Pie Guevara says:

    Re #22 Tina : Ad hoc accusations of “hate and lies” is ridiculous and nonproductive. If you have a specific example please submit it for our consideration.

    I DO, I DO, I DO! (Hand raised in earnest.)

    Any criticism of Obama, any Democrat, the Democratic Party, progressives, liberals, liberal policies, liberal causes, left wing philosophy, left wing trash talk, Occupy Zombies, Marxism, Communism, Socialism, Big Brother, fascistic Rat party Nanny-NSA Statism … in short any criticism of anything Dewey and his peers champion is by its very nature is “hate and lies”.

    I think that is pretty specific, you liars and haters … and racists.

  22. Peggy says:

    #19 Dewey –

    “God Forbid the Tea Party get upset at their politicians like Rand Paul who was caught Plagiarizing Wikipedia multiple times! Oh no then he looses it cause he is caught and does not even understand what Plagiarizing is!”

    Oh yea who have not sinned cast the firs stone. For you from NPR.


    Was Rand Paul’s Plagiarism Dishonest Or A Breach Of Good Form?:

    “Even taken together, the charges didn’t seem to amount to that big a deal — just a matter of quoting a few factual statements and a Wikipedia passage without attributing them. But as Rand Paul discovered, the word “plagiarism” can still rouse people to steaming indignation….

    The offense can be quite straightforward. Joe Biden was forced to withdraw from the 1988 Democratic presidential primaries when he was caught lifting autobiographical passages from the speeches of the British Labour Party leader Neil Kinnock. That was classic plagiarism — Biden wasn’t just helping himself to Kinnock’s literary children, but to Kinnock’s childhood as well.

    Not long ago, Time magazine’s Fareed Zakaria and Fox News’ Juan Williams were both obliged to apologize profusely when they published columns with unattributed passages copied word for word from other sources.

    And now Rand Paul is being pilloried for a couple of similar offenses — particularly for a speech in which he quoted verbatim the Wikipedia plot synopsis of the 1997 movie Gattaca without attributing it. That doesn’t seem quite as grave an offense as the literary larcenies of Joe Biden. The material was purely factual and widely available, and Wikipedia isn’t an individual author, just an anonymous collective project. And its prose has all the beauty of a pile of scrap lumber. Paul could hardly be accused of trying to shine in stolen plumage. Still, by modern definitions of plagiarism, Paul clearly crossed the line. If you’re going to use a Wikipedia synopsis, you should run it through a Mixmaster to the point where nobody could Google it up and see where you got it from.

    The rules for quoting and attributing can seem arbitrary at times, with little connection to the respect for intellectual property that originally motivated them. You could think of them just as a kind of literary etiquette. But etiquette is just what comes of reducing moral principles to the explicit codes of conduct that govern our civil life. Paul wasn’t guilty of dishonesty, but of cavalier disrespect for the rules.”

    Full disclosure. I copied and pasted portions of NPR’s article to this post.

    Satisfied Dewey?! Who has proclaimed himself plagiarism/etiquette cop with verbal stone in hand.

  23. Libby says:

    “This bears repeating, P.J. O’Rourke was right –”

    Well, converts are always particularly vehement. Maybe its penance of a sort he’d doing these days on “Wait, Wait, Don’t Tell Me”?

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