Big Government Knows Best – So Shut Up and Take It!

by Jack Lee

Native Americans paid dearly for a great learning opportunity and I hope we won’t let that go to waste.   I’m talking about what happened to the Indians when a powerful centralized government took over the management of their daily lives.   Progressives want to do that to us and they are relentessly driven to create a new socialist bureaucracy, ostensibly for the benefit of the poor and middle class. The sales pitch is free health care, education, housing, transportation, even free cell phones for the masses. All we need is your vote.

In the progressive’s ideal world government takes from the rich and gives to the poor to balance everything… fairly.

Native American reservations were turned into virtual prison camps. They kept the Indians locked in poverty for over a 100 years because they became dependent on government for their every need. The damage caused by this mistreatment is almost unfathomable. American Indians now suffer from highest rates of drug abuse and alcohol abuse in the world. This has led to dysfunctional family units and those ills are passed on to the next generation because of a character crushing cycle of dependency thanks to big government.

“. . . the opportunity to work one’s way out of poverty was “cut off” by government rules, regulations, and policies, such as the Dawes Act. But perhaps the greatest atrocities came from well-meaning, government empowered “social engineers” in the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) who felt justified in using the power of the federal government to engage in radical social experiments, forcing Native Americans to abandon much of their cultural heritage, outlawing Native American traditions and practices, even going so far as the forced adoption of Native American children to help “engineer out” what was viewed as “backward beliefs.” Excerpt from the article, “Why the history of native Americans is the best argument for small government” by Steve Curtis.

Today, progressives want to take us off the path chartered by our founders and onto a new path tha embraces socialism and big government. Progressives have figured out they can gain access to power by using a calculated appeal to the greed and prejudices of the poor and working class. This has resulted in a new populist movement that has all but destroyed California.

Progressives blame the rich for everything and it’s all about working for one ultimate goal… a strong central government that is in charge of our daily lives. But, to get there they need to unleash the power of the every day voter. In populism, it’s mob rule until the next phase enters the scene and that would be a powerful central government. The progressives dream of a strong central government has manifested itself into the greatest threat this nation has ever faced. This is why I say, we can learn a lot from the mistreatment of our Native American’s by big government. If progressives have their way, we’re going to be the next group of kept people… working for the goverment, is that what you want?

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12 Responses to Big Government Knows Best – So Shut Up and Take It!

  1. Pie Guevara says:

    Excellent take, Jack. Democrats seek to keep blacks on the plantation, Progressives put the rest of us on the reservation.

  2. Peggy says:

    What the government did to the Indians was terrible, but also was what the government did to the blacks and Japanese. Any time the government takes control of ones freedoms the whole nation looses. And every one should stand up and fight to stop it.

    If someone thinks government can do a better job of running their lives I suggest they study or go spend some time, if they can, in Cuba, No. Korea, East Germany, China and any past and present country that has been ruled by socialist, communist or Marxists.

    Our country was founded and has grown because of people who wanted to live free with a limited government instead of the oppressive ones they fled from.

    We’ve been wrong in the past, hopefully, we learned from those mistakes and don’t repeat them again.

    ObamaCare has to be repealed just like the 21st Amendment ended Prohibition.

  3. Tina says:

    It’s interesting to note than Indians in the southwest have done a bit better due to their entrepreneurial efforts. They’ve been selling beautiful jewelry, blankets, jackets, carved pieces and pottery for decades. Some of them did pretty well farming the land and raising a few head of cattle. The new casinos are also entrepreneurial. The success of these businesses have been so great that states are now looking for ways to collect taxes!

    We can also learn from a comparison of these enterprising individuals and some others who simply gave up and accepted the soft bigotry of government oppression. The saddest outcome is the level of alcoholism. It was much the same in the old Soviet Union.

  4. Bill says:

    Inside every progressive is a totalitarian squirming to get out.

  5. Jack . says:

    Bill said is so perfectly. It’s true, for progressives it’s always an issue that grows the scope of government, empowers bureaucrats and you can’t do that without losing an equal amount from the opposition.

    The Supreme Court says the dollar is akin to free speech. When progressives take more taxes from us it limits what we can do with our money because we have less of it. Simply put…we have less freedom.

  6. Pie Guevara says:

    Thank you Bill. Thank you Jack

  7. Pie Guevara says:

    Off Topic But Fun —

    Progressive “alternate” news source MSLSD (MSNBC) has had some problems with Alec Baldwin clearly yelling at a person in possession of a camera, “a clock clucking flag”.

    AB was suspended and has “apologized” (think Obama or Belushi) has been eclipsed by MSLSD’s Martin Bahshir’s notion that defecating in Sara Palin’s mouth is a good thing.

    When P.J. O’Rourke wrote, “At the core of liberalism is the spoiled child – miserable, as all spoiled children are, unsatisfied, demanding, ill-disciplined, despotic and useless. Liberalism is a philosphy of sniveling brats” he left out “anal retentive diaper loads.”

  8. Pie Guevara says:

    Gee whiz I sure made a mess of post #7 second paragraph.

  9. Dewey says:


    One can not create a problem that does not exist by writing WW2 style propaganda.

    LOL amazing someone thinks he is rich! LOL

    Tea Party is the problem and a majority of Americans know it. Even Republicans are pissed and will take their party back. maybe the Tea party should just run as the Tea party and tell the truth about their corporatist agenda and where the funding comes from. Stand up and be honest instead of copying a german WW2 Playbook.

  10. Tina says:

    That’s okay Pie we all do it from time to time and I’m pretty sure we got the gist of it.

    You’re right when you say that Baldwins remarks were eclipsed by Bashir’s truly disgusting and disrespectful remarks aimed at Palin. The woman just pushes all the buttons for the lefties who hate her.

    They claim she’s not bright but we all know that’s BS…look at some of the people they support in their own party!

  11. Peggy says:

    “Renowned economist Milton Friedman offers a much-needed reminder of why socialism always fails and why capitalism, despite its faults, is the most feasible way to create an economy that can remain fair and prosperous for the long term.”

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