Voter Fraud Cases in Ohio Referred for Possible Prosecution

Posted by Tina

FOX News reports this evening that 17 cases of voter fraud have been discovered in Ohio from the last election:

Ohio Secretary of State Jon Husted announced Wednesday that his office found 17 non-citizens illegally cast ballots in the 2012 presidential election — and has referred the case for possible prosecution.
The alleged crime would be a notable case of voter fraud in a key swing state. By law, only American citizens are allowed the privilege of casting ballots for the nation’s leaders. 

Ohio officials say that did not stop some from getting around the system. 

“I have a responsibility to uphold election law, and under both federal and state law you must be a citizen to vote,” said Husted, a Republican who has aggressively tried to investigate voter fraud cases in his state. 
Husted also found that 274 non-citizens remain on the voting rolls.

Husted is to be commended for his efforts to make certain that every Ohio resident, qualified to vote, has their vote count. Cleaning up the voter rolls is one step that helps make that a reality. Referring fraudulent voters for prosecution is also commendable if it stops this from happening again.

Voter fraud investigations have been fruitful in Ohio prior to this investigation:

The new investigation comes after election officials secured several voter fraud convictions stemming from last year’s election in Ohio, including that of one poll worker who was accused of voting six times in the November presidential election.

There was also that nun from Cincinnati who pleaded guilty to “illegal voting”. Who says there are no cases of voter fraud in America?

Voter ID anyone?

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12 Responses to Voter Fraud Cases in Ohio Referred for Possible Prosecution

  1. Peggy says:

    Election laws can only work if we have a president and AJ who will enforce them.

    Lots of videos out there documenting voter fraud in the 2008 primary may have cost Hillary the election leaving us the Liar in Chief.

    Lie, steal, “what’s the difference?”

  2. Tina says:

    Peggy the administration must be performing more like a dictatorship if Jonathan Turly is concerned. Obummer and Holder don’t accept the constraints of their offices. One of the fun things about “fundamental transformation” is you make it up the rules to suit yourself.

    The article indicated successful prosecution of the nun and the poll worker.

  3. Harold says:

    Back in Aug 2012 because Obama for America, the Democratic National Committee, and the Ohio Democratic Party jointly filed a lawsuit
    and a federal judge in Ohio granted their request from Obama’s campaign machine to give any voter, not just the military(due mostly because of the voting hardship those on duty out of the country face) because it was a swing state the option of casting their ballot in person during the three days before Election Day. I guess there is still major hardships in America that cant be comfort ministered by absentee voting.

    I guess that wasn’t enough voter for Obama, they had to find others as well!

  4. Tina says:

    Democrats don’t believe very strongly in their positions if they have to resort to cheating and shenanigans to win. do they exemplify the very definition of a low life? Yes…I think they do. It isn’t that they sometimes err or make a mistake…it’s a lifestyle for them!

  5. Peggy says:

    The truth will come out as long as those with moral values outnumber those who have none and are willing to speak up.

    4 Indiana Dems charged with election fraud in 2008 presidential race:

    Democrats have even produced a documentary about Obama’s 2008 voter fraud activities.

    We Will Not Be Silenced:

  6. Libby says:

    17 … ?

    Now, let’s see a breakdown of what Husted spent to track these heinous felons down.

    Geez. And yet another reminder. It’s not government spending you object to … no it isn’t.

  7. Libby says:

    And then I went off to track down the actual numbers but, of course, Slate did it for me:

    The headline from Fox News is chilling, especially at this moment when most Americans regret putting Barack Obama back in the Oval Office. “Non-citizens caught voting in 2012 presidential election in key swing state,” reports Eric Shawn. What are the gruesome details?

    Ohio Secretary of State Jon Husted announced Wednesday that his office found 17 non-citizens illegally cast ballots in the 2012 presidential election — and has referred the case for possible prosecution… Husted also found that 274 non-citizens remain on the voting rolls. President Obama beat Mitt Romney in Ohio by just 2 percentage points in November 2012.

    Did you catch that, how Shawn pivoted from the number of total votes to the percentage of votes? Why would he do that? Without reading his mind, I’d guess it’s because the actual Ohio margin between Obama and Romney last year was 166,272 votes, and Shawn wants to keep his readers as ignorant as posssible.


    Now, aren’t you embarrassed? You should be.

  8. Post Scripts says:

    17 illegal voters are 17 too many and we wouldn’t have that if we had voter ID cards. 274 is another bad number, those are 274 crimes and if there is a conspiracy involved here that’s even worse. When two or more persons conspire to commit a criminal act, voter fraud, that is a felony. We can be reasonably sure that many others states had much more fraud going on, like Illinois, Florida, New York and New Jersey…and dems were behind it all.

  9. Libby says:

    Guess what? All 17 had fake driver’s licenses. If you can fake a driver’s license, you can certainly fake a voter ID card.

    If you want to irradicate fraud in human affairs, well, good luck to you. But his voter ID thing is all smoke … and voter intimdation, and you should be ashamed, but your’re not.

  10. Tina says:

    A voter’s ID has a registration photo on it. Match the name/photo on the voter roll to the ID with the photo. If at registration you have to prove citizenship to get an ID that makes faking a voter ID more difficult doesn’t it? A fake voter can’t steal an ID…he can’t fake his face!

    Of course if the registrar is willing to issue fraudulent cards, then rampant fraud can take place in that area anyway.

    Now a hacker might be able to hack the system and create a card for himself but it sure would make voting illegally a little more difficult.

    Another thing that would help is if the registrar’s voter rolls were automatically updated when a voters death certificate is filed.

    You are right in one respect Libby, cheaters will find a way around things. But making it difficult for them to cheat would benefit all voters and help to keep our elections clean. Why are you opposed to doing that?

  11. Libby says:

    “If at registration you have to prove citizenship to get an ID that makes faking a voter ID more difficult doesn’t it?”

    You mean, you want to create a whole other bureaucracy, and we will all have to go in and get ourselves cataloged … again? I don’t think that’s gonna fly.

    And I thought you didn’t want the government spending oodles of money on any frivolous new fashion in governing that comes down the pike.

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