State of Jefferson Gains A Major Ally

By Terry Raposa

The notion of carving out a 51st state — Jefferson — from California’s northernmost counties has been the talk of the North State since the Siskiyou County supervisors declared their desire for a fresh start back in September. As a practical idea, though, it’s always seemed far-fetched.

At least one Californian, however, is thinking even more ambitiously. One new state? Why stop there? How about five?
Timothy Draper, a successful retired venture capitalist, announced last week that he is polishing the final details but plans to file an initiative seeking to break California up into six separate states. Silicon Valley would go independent (and claim the name). So would Jefferson, which the draft initiative sees spreading across 14 rural northern counties. The initiative also provides that counties could join the new state residents choose.

Why six states? California, instead of two senators in Washington, would have 12 and thus more representation in Congress. Breaking up the “monopoly” of state government and creating competition would allow more innovative government and a “fresh start.” And smaller states would be more responsive to local needs.
Go figure. The tech investor sounds a lot like the folks at the tea party.

Breaking up the state remains an improbable venture. Who knows if this Silicon Valley-based initiative will develop beyond “vaporware”? But don’t be surprised if the Jefferson boosters suddenly find themselves with a patron and a champion.

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12 Responses to State of Jefferson Gains A Major Ally

  1. Pie Guevara says:

    MORE OFF SUBJECT: The Buttermilk Pie Shop and PJMedia gets me — 😀

  2. Pie Guevara says:

    WAY, WAY OFF SUBJECT: 2013: NBC eyes cuts, staff irked —

    1928: Buñuel cuts eye, audience irked —

  3. Tina says:

    Hmmm…he doesn’t seem to be back peddling on the idea so much as the probability of it happening any time soon or without a lot of effort to educate the public.

    It also sounds like he’s appealing to the extreme greens who oppose fracking and others who have reasonable environmental concerns.

  4. Matt says:

    “I don’t believe a State division as proposed by the Jeffersonians is viable ”

    was what i was referring to.

  5. Tina says:

    Matt, a quote from the article you posted: “My advice to those who really want to see the creation of the State of Jefferson, is to stop using the word “secession” and start talking about dividing the State.

    The Jeffersonians I’ve heard speak don’t call for secession. They call for dividing the state through the process of application to form a new state.

    I read the article in full and my remarks were based on what I read. The only people using the word “recession” seem to be those who have not learned much about the movement or their intentions and so are critical without benefit of knowledge.

    The Constitution sets out the method for CREATING the state of Jefferson:

    Article IV, Section. 3 – U.S. Constitution
    New States may be admitted by the Congress into this Union; but no new State shall be formed or erected within the Jurisdiction of any other State; nor any State be formed by the Junction of two or more States, or Parts of States, without the Consent of the Legislatures of the States concerned as well as of the Congress.

  6. Peggy says:

    Tina you’re right and Matt is wrong. Mark Baird makes it very clear the goal is to divide one state two states, NOT secession from the Union. Big difference people need to learn and understand.

  7. Matt says:

    ???? i think you missed the obvious i never called it succession at least not that i am aware of I’m not the Author of the article i linked .
    and i agree there is a difference and i have been pointing that out most of the places i have gone to post in support of the State of Jefferson posting on articles less that are generally biased against. hell to be perfectly honest i am wearing a jeff state shirt right now been wearing it all day. and it has become my sole political focus and i am a political machine,

  8. Post Scripts says:

    Glad you support the idea of the State of Jefferson, we really need it!

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