Update on Obama’s Wars

posted by Jack

At least 61 people were killed and scores wounded Wednesday in the latest wave of attacks in the Iraqi capital and across the country.

Bombings and shootings, aimed at security forces and civilians alike, made it an especially bloody day as sectarian violence flared up.

The United Nations said 2013 was the deadliest year in Iraq since 2008, with almost 8,000 people killed, most of them civilians. Fears of all-out sectarian war have increased since violence broke out in Anbar province in recent days.

Much of the violence recorded Wednesday was in and around Baghdad.

Twenty-two people were killed and 74 were wounded by seven car bombs and two roadside bombs that exploded in the Iraqi capital, targeting mainly Shiite areas, police said.

Shiites are really getting pounded for not seeking a peaceful compromise with Sunni’s, but when Sunni’s had them under their heel they treated them about the same.

News from the worlds largest rock pile with no particular value…. An little Afghan girl thought to be 10 years old said she was beaten by her father and brother then ordered to put on a suicide vest in an attempt to bomb a checkpoint in Helmand province.

Spozhmai told the BBC that her father and brother had beaten her before the attempted attack, which ended when a soldier spotted her wearing the garment last week and she was placed in protective custody in Lashkar Gah.

Police maintain she was forced into the attack by her brother Zahir, thought to be a prominent Taliban commander.

Other than in most Islamic countries, when and where in the history of the world was sending out a little girl to commit suicide for vengeance ever considered justifiable and ethical? The Taliban are subhuman and they deserve what’s coming.

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6 Responses to Update on Obama’s Wars

  1. Libby says:

    Who’s wars?

    I mean … get real.

  2. Tina says:

    Libby please note this was on CNN, not Fox:

    You know, it was five years ago yesterday that the United States Senate voted to give President Bush the authority to wage war in Iraq. At the time, I was a candidate for the U.S. Senate and I spoke out strongly in opposition (covered his a$$) to going to war. Nearly all of my opponents for the Democratic nomination for President made a different choice, and voted to authorize the war.

    Now, some have asked me, “Why are you always reminding us that you opposed the war? Isn’t that yesterday’s news? Is that experience really relevant?”

    And what I always say is this — this isn’t just about the past, it’s about the future. I don’t talk about my opposition to the war to say “I told you so.” I wish the war had gone differently. But the reason I talk about it is because I truly believe that the judgment, and the conviction, and the accountability that each of us showed on the most important foreign policy decision of our lives is the best indicator you have of how each of us will make those decisions going forward. (Really?)

    How we made that decision, and how we talk about it, is critical to understanding what we would do as President. Will we carefully evaluate the evidence and the consequences of action, or will we skip over the intelligence and scare people with the consequences of inaction? Will we make these decisions based on polls, or based on our principles? Will we have the courage to make the tough choice, or will we just choose the course that makes us look tough?

    These decisions aren’t just Washington parlor games about who’s up and who’s down. These are life and death decisions. They impact your safety and security. Above all, they impact the soldier from Iowa, or the airman from Illinois, and every single one of our brave young men and women who are in harm’s way, and all of their families and friends back home.

    All time biggest bloviator! Iraq was won when he took office. All he had to do was negotiate, keep a US presence, and keep the channels open. Instead he decided to play the pied piper for peace with an appeasement strategy that has created chaos and death for all of the poor people who live there who could once count on America but now know they cannot.

    This is Obama’s war now…and its the biggest mess this nation has ever seen.

  3. Tina says:

    Hear, hear, Jack! Short, I just read, for:

    “hear, all ye good people, hear what this brilliant and eloquent speaker has to say!”

  4. Dewey says:

    Who’s Wars? and When the Iraqi’s kicked us out who made the agreement? Bush!

    Every time our industrial military complex and the big oil companies start a war it ruins those country’s.

    Remember the Shah? What country put him in and what country took him out?

    Who is President matters none when it comes to these Phony wars.

    Eisenhower warned us very clearly about the Military in his exit speech.


    The same people who wanted the war now complain? LOL Americans are too smart to fall for Propaganda and many are waking up!

    Those of us who care about truth are fighting the President on the TPP.

    Iraq was a phony war for oil. Everybody knows it. What about the way Americans are used for profit wars and the innocent civilians?

    What about the fact 911 is suspicious?

    What about truth?

    Bush said the Iraqi oil would pay for that war? Really? Why did taxpayers get the bill?



    Funny part is we all said that war would cause more problems and all the pro war people said we were crazy, now they blame everybody else.

    Well this admin has problems as all do when they obey orders from the underground that really runs this country. Let’s get real.

  5. Dewey says:

    P.S. Why not watch Eisenhower’s exit speech? That is worth a million dollars these days.


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