Obama to O’Reilly: Not a Smidgeon of Corruption in IRS Targeting Scandal…It’s Fox’s Fault

Posted by Tina

Bill O’Reilly was granted an interview with the President that aired just prior to the Super Bowl on Sunday. O’Reilly didn’t hold back; he asked about tough issues like Benghazi and the IRS scandal. The President didn’t disappoint finding fault with anyone or anything but himself.

In responding about the IRS story the President insisted there was not a “smidgeon” of corruption in the scandal and blamed FOX for covering the story as it unfolded saying they, “promoted” it. That would be news to Lois Lerner who in congressional hearings made a statement then refused to answer questions pleading the fifth…a tactic that Darrell Issa claimed is not allowable once the witness has made a statement on the record in his defense. Whether she violated the letter of the law or not she did find it necessary to hire an attorney which by my assessment meant that she had reason to believe the charges were serious.

Testimony by agents involved in the scandal suggest more than a smidgeon of corruption was involved. See here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, and here.

The President’s dismissal lacks credibility and his habit of blaming his administrations troubles on anyone and anything but himself or those who work under him is beneath the office he holds:

“So you’re saying there was no corruption there at all?” O’Reilly asked. “Absolutely not,” the president replied. “There were some bone-headed decisions out of a local office.” “But no mass corruption?” O’Reilly persisted. “Not even mass corruption,” a visibly-annoyed Obama replied. “Not even a smidgen of corruption.” It’s a far cry from Obama’s May 2013 statement called the targeting “outrageous.”

There was nothing to talk about with that “bump in the road” in Benghazi either…

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14 Responses to Obama to O’Reilly: Not a Smidgeon of Corruption in IRS Targeting Scandal…It’s Fox’s Fault

  1. Dewey says:

    Seriously? Bildo s the laughing stock today for asking silly questions that have already been answered a million times.

    Twitter was alive with both republicans and Democrats ad at Fox for politicizing the Superbowl but joined in making fun of how uninformed and ridiculous Bill was. Even Obama had to laugh and bottom line,,, Fox lost

    The big news today was Ted Cruz basically saying wall street should run our education for profit. Control what is taught or our new fascist country.

  2. Libby says:

    I still have not been able to actually watch the actual and entire State of the Union thingy … but I have seen a clip … as part of Mr. Stewart’s post-game analysis, which I feel to be a valid assessment … because I want to feel it so.

    For six years I’ve been waiting for that man summon the wherewithal to tell these Blue-Dog, Tea Party, Sh*t-for Brains to just:

    “F#ck all y’all.”

    Yes!!! I’m gonna write my President a Thank You Note.

    • Post Scripts says:

      Geez libby, don’t take it so personal, that’s not good for you. Those people that you’re ragging are good folks and they feel just as passionate about their side as you do and they are just as convinced as you that they are right….and until God appears and declares a winner, nobody ought to be too sure. Have your convictions by all means, but reserve a tiny bit of doubt – it’s healthy. So, try to be more moderate in your views or I worry that you are going to stroke out, now we don’t want that to happen, do we?


  3. Tina says:

    Libby I”m quite sure that GWB could have delivered that line with an authentic twang and it would have been well deserved.

    He was not one to make excuses for himself, however, like this man almost always does. It’s sad really, he wasn’t suited for, qualified for, or prepared for the position…he was promoted into it and continues to be promoted and protected by the fawning, sycophantic press and cult following.

    Dewey you actually think the president didn’t have something to do with the timing of this interview? The President WANTED to be part of the Super Bowl…probably wouldn’t have agreed to it unless it happened just before the Super Bowl!

  4. Libby says:

    Alas, I don’t watch Super Bowls, and I certainly don’t watch Mr. O’Reilly, so the import of all this escapes me.

    I do catch Mr. Stewart from time to time, and I’m glad I caught that bit, cause I am one contented camper … for the moment.

  5. Peggy says:

    Libby: “but I have seen a clip … as part of Mr. Stewart’s post-game analysis, which I feel to be a valid assessment … because I want to feel it so.”

    Are you referring to Jon Stewart’s show on the Comedy channel? If that’s where you’re getting your news “analysis” from it’s no wonder you’re so ill informed.

    Very funny, pun intended.

    • Post Scripts says:

      Right on Peggy. I saw a polls the other day saying the left tends to get their news from shows like Jon Stewart and suddenly we have Libby talking about where she gets her (uh, so-called credible) news. lol

      By the way, I thought Bill O’Reilly did a near perfect interview with Obama. He was respectful of the office, but he still asked hard questions and I think he exposed Obama as as liar, but in a dignified way. Specifically he exposed him lying about the ACA and Benghazi. Obama knew as far back as 2010 the ACA was going to cost a lot people their health insurance, but he kept up the mantra about keeping your policy. That was pretty outrageous. O’Reilly did a good job overall, even though some of us wanted him to really go after Obama, I understand why he didn’t and I think his reasons were well founded. We must respect the office, even if we don’t respect the man.

  6. Libby says:

    Oh, Peggy, don’t be so literal. Your inability to detect nuances in print, to read past the print to glean intangibles, flawed logic, suspect “facts”, … is what makes you so susceptible to The Blaze.

    Take the phrase “post-game analysis” … as the SOUA was not a “game”, right away you should have gone: “well, what does she mean, then?” But you did not do that. You just took it a face value, and made erroneous conclusions.

  7. Peggy says:

    Off Topic: Did Salon communist writer attempt to sell the virtues of Communism and the killing of communist?


    Why you’re wrong about communism: 7 huge misconceptions about it (and capitalism)

    Most of what Americans think they know about capitalism and communism is total nonsense. Here’s a clearer picture.
    ByJesse Myerson

    “Communism necessarily distributes property universally, but, at least as far as this communist is concerned, can still allow you to keep your smartphone.”

    Ps – So, Libby did I take this literally too? This is the garbage you progressives read and where you actually get all your info.

  8. Tina says:

    I was going to post about that article, especially since there is so much denial about the influence of communism (and fascism) in Democrat/progressive circles. After reading the first few points, and finding it so incredibly stupid, I just didn’t have the energy. So many of their big dog leaders are monied and owners of multiple homes, cars and yachts…they travel all over the world to conferences and conventions acting like it’s all for the little people…and writing laws to take our property and money. It’s so phony and disgusting. The big dogs will always make sure there’s a way for them to live high on the hog while spending our money. The Koch brothers stand for freedom and property rights for everyone…they believe in earning what you have and in giving generously to charity. I’ll take their position over the commies and fascists any day!

  9. Peggy says:

    Couldn’t believe that idiot from the WH at the press briefing today trying to justify the CBO’s report with his people will be better off working 35 hours instead of 60 because they’ll be getting more free stuff.

    Who the he77 does he think is going to pay for it if people take less home from having their hours cut. Less taxes being collected from salaries and goods sold is just them trying to PUSH everyone onto that socialist wagon with no one pulling it. Idiots!!

    Next November can’t come fast enough to throw these socialist/communist out!

    Looking forward to your article.

  10. Dewey says:

    Close corporate welfare socialist loopholes and watch the economy grow!

    haha people do not have to be hourly slaves for healthcare! lol oh no what will we do?

    Good let someone else fill those hours who is looking for a job!

    Socialist? like the congress guaranteeing and collecting farm subsidies for insurance … Doug La Malfa guaranteed a profit? Oh yea he is on the committee! That’s the fixed market not free Markets! Corruption in Dist 1!

    It is hilarious the Fox twist on the CBO….McConnell lies ….haha

    How about Ted Cruz demanding wall street run Education? not a peep?

  11. Libby says:

    Peggy … did you catch this bit?

    “For me, communism is an aspiration, not an immediately achievable state. It, like democracy and libertarianism, is utopian in that it constantly strives toward an ideal, in its case the non-ownership of everything and the treatment of everything – including culture, people’s time, the very act of caring, and so forth – as dignified and inherently valuable rather than as commodities that can be priced for exchange.”

    Or this one:

    “Have you seen the suburban residential developments that the housing boom shat out all over this country? Have you seen the grey-paneled cubicles, bathed in fluorescent light, clustered in “office parks” so indistinct as to be disorienting? Have you seen the strip malls and service areas and sitcoms? Our ability to purchase products from competing capitalist firms has not produced an optimally various and interesting society.”

    We can do better. Peggy and Tina have it tough, trying to defend what is, when what is, is schlock. We can do better.

  12. Libby says:

    Peggy, in your #11, were you talking about the CBO’s latest on the ACA?

    Well, Salon was talking about you …

    “The CBO report in question contained mostly good, but some bad news for Obamacare. It concludes that the Healthcare.gov outage last year will reduce near-term enrollment in private plans and Medicaid by 2 million people and that the means-tested nature of the benefits will induce some people to work fewer hours in order to preserve their level of subsidization. Some of these people will be grateful for the inducement, which is good. Others will succumb to it reluctantly, which is bad. Ironically a universal benefit like single-payer would eliminate this inducement altogether.

    “But hundreds of thousands of people will also reduce their hours or exit the work force voluntarily because the law weakens what healthcare economists call “job lock” — a phenomenon that indentures millions of people to jobs they don’t want because unsatisfying employment is the only way they can obtain health insurance. Add up all the hours of work that people will stop doing and CBO estimates that the workforce will shrink by the equivalent of 2.5 million full-time workers over the next 10 years because of the ACA.

    “That will reduce economic growth. It will also improve the lives of myriad older workers, sicker workers and workers with children, and create upward pressure on wages for people who remain in the workforce, or are enticed back in, to compete for their jobs. Whether you think that’s a good tradeoff on balance is a question of values. But most conservatives didn’t engage that debate. Instead, they lied to their supporters and gullible reporters about what the CBO actually said, and then got called out repeatedly by neutral arbiters. People won’t be losing or getting pushed out of their jobs. They’ll be leaving voluntarily. Those who remain will be earning more. And to the extent that Obamacare will “kill jobs,” (it won’t) a new GOP alternative to Obamacare will do the same — as will any plan that makes it easier for working-age people to obtain insurance outside of the workplace.

    Anti-ACA reactionaries don’t want to hear that though. So that’s not what they were told.”

    So, Peggy, are you flattered?

    Now, to my mind, it’s “So, far … so good.” Because the ACA isn’t entirely about health care. It’s about the quality of life in this country, which has degraded something shocking in the last 30-40 years. And maybe we are going to do something about that.

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