State of Jefferson is on the Ballot for Tehema County, But Butte Supervisors Still Balk

by Jack

Tehema County joins up with other counties to remove themselves from the tight grip of California and form a new State. Unfortunately Butte County Supervisors, with the exception of Supervisor Wahl, have feared to take a stand. Even though it won’t cost the county a dime or involve any staff time, 4 of our 5 supervisors don’t want to give it a change or put it on the ballot. Their reasons are a mix of personal self-serving interests to confusion about their role as representatives of the people. The issue is extremely popular among Butte County voters who want a new state with lower taxes and more freedom. It would seem the supervisors are not taking this into account. This could have serious consequences…come next election!

RED BLUFF — The Tehama County Board of Supervisors approved adding an advisory ballot measure that will ask voters on the June 3 ballot whether they support a proposed separation from California to form a new state.

Even before public comment was opened Tuesday, all five supervisors said they favored the ballot measure to gauge their constituents’ opinion regarding the State of Jefferson movement.

However the majority of State of Jefferson supporters in attendance at the Board Chambers voiced opposition to the ballot measure.

Instead they pressed the board to adopt a Declaration of Support for the Jefferson movement, arguing Tehama County residents had already made their voice heard and questioning the $5,000 price tag for the measure to be placed on the ballot.

Many proponents also objected to the measure being advisory in nature.

County Counsel Arthur Wylene said the state’s election code dictated that such issues be placed before voters.

Supervisor candidate Mitchell Drury said those types of limitations from the state were the reason Tehama County needed to join the Jefferson movement.

Others suggested the advisory status would allow supervisors to vote any way they wanted.

Those calls came despite supervisors Dennis Garton, Sandy Bruce and Bob Williams, all up for re-election on the same June ballot, saying their future vote on an official Declaration of Support would be tied to what the electorate voted for.

“My position is whatever the voters want,” Garton said.

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19 Responses to State of Jefferson is on the Ballot for Tehema County, But Butte Supervisors Still Balk

  1. Libby says:

    What? Proponents object to a vote?

    They’re quite right, of course. Even though it’s only an advisory vote, testing the waters, it’s too early. You all haven’t made anything like convincing arguments for the feasibility of the thing.

    All you ever say is: “I want ….”

    And we answer back: “Well, then, how ….?

    And we get nothin’ in response. That has to change, before you can get your majority.

    Unless … Tehama County is populated largely by willful children, and this is not beyond the realm of possiblity.

    • Post Scripts says:

      Libby, what you just said is not even remotely accurate. We’ve made as many specifics known as it is possible to know. You seem to want ALL the answers, but that would be asking for the impossible and perfection. Didn’t you just get after Tina saying she was wrong for asking for perfection?

      The State of Jefferson movement is in it’s early stages and it will likely take 2-5 years. However, at this time the proponents are asking the question, do you want to form a new state and seperate from the control of Sacramento and have self rule for Northern California? We can’t tell you who is going to be in charge of the road department or what the tax rate will be for property in Syskyou County. Some things will have to be worked out later. Isn’t that what you said about ObamaCare Libby? I think your political bias for a socialist government prevents you from seeing the good that might come from a State of Jefferson that has less rules, laws and regulation and in turn more freedom. That scares a big government person like yourself, you may need government supervision over your daily life, but a lot of people in Northern California don’t. They want to get out from under the crushing heel of socialism as it’s being pushed on us by Sacramento. We think we can do better with our conservative values and a business friendly climate. We think a State with low taxes and abundant workforce would be like a magnet for good jobs and prosperity for everyone. We think we could be picking up those businesses being run out of California and move then across the border to a free state who really wants them. I can see how liberals who believe in something other than capitolism and the Constitution might not want to live in such a state, but then they’ve already got their state… California is their perfect one party state, totally run by socialists. We just want our state, California can keep it’s bullet train to nowhere, we’ll keep our water, California can keep it’s high taxes and we’ll keep the good jobs and prosperity! We want and we need…the State of Jefferson. If our supes in Butte County are too short sighted or cowardly…they can be voted out of office.

      The people here overwhelmingly support the idea of a new state and they are getting pretty mad at those who oppose it. It shows their true colors as selfish people of little vision or as far leftwingers who have no clue.

  2. bob says:

    The powers that be in Sucramento and the District of Criminals will never allow this to happen. Those 4 supervisors are nothing but puppets who do not dare offend their state and federal masters.

  3. Tina says:

    It is kinda funny that you would object to “we want”, Libby:

    We want higher taxes

    We want more regulations

    We want redistribution

    We want single payer healthcare

    We want “free” preschool and college

    We want control over what kids learn

    We want your guns n ammo

    We want windmills

    We want solar

    We want to destroy oil and coal

    We want a bullet train

    We want felons to have the vote

    We want open borders

    We want peace…(as if that was special)

    We want, we want, we want, and…..


  4. bob says:

    “Unless … Tehama County is populated largely by willful children, and this is not beyond the realm of possiblity.”

    Congratulations, Libster. You just insulted the entire county of Tehama.

    Just what do you limousine liberals put in your skull mugs?

  5. bob says:

    “It is kinda funny that you would object to “we want”, Libby:”

    It’s not WANT it’s DEMAND.


    It’s not WANT it’s DEMAND.

    And you WILL PONY UP. And if you don’t men with guns will come to put you in a cage and if you resist they will kill you.

  6. Dewey says:

    What we do not want is a new state ran by tea party dictators.

    Not going to happen boyz

  7. Libby says:

    “Libby, what you just said is not even remotely accurate.”

    But you wrote it … or pasted it. Jefferson proponents made a fuss to the Tehama Supervisors … wanted them to just “make it so”, rather than put it to a county-wide vote. So what’s that about, then?

  8. Libby says:

    Tina, yer still doin’ it. We all know how crabbed you are. What we want to know is … how are your going to make it work. Yet another recitation of how crabbed you are will not answer that question.

    Get to work.

  9. Tina says:

    Libby: ” Jefferson proponents made a fuss…”

    Notice once again how Libby, member in good standing of the party of “the protest”, the party that goes so far as to defend and promote “protesters” who are known to storm private homes, file frivolous lawsuits meant to force compliance of bad lending laws, intimidate and harass individuals at lawful gathering and in their homes, gather in public places for weeks on end defecating, urinating and fornicating in the streets and parks, defacing and trashing public and private property, pays union thugs to intimidate and harass lawmakers and business, balks at fellow citizens as making a “fuss” for petitioning their government, citing grievances and suggesting redress per the Constitution.


    “how are your going to make it work”

    The question itself demonstrates the progressives disqualification to lead and organize in a way that brings positive result.

    The correct answer will not satisfy because you are of the type that believes things happen miraculously…poof…because people are lucky or born to favored status or the inheritors of other peoples work and cash.

    So here you go, dear girl. Given we are granted the state of Jefferson by the legal process laid out in the U.S. Constitution we do the following:

    A date of transition will be established that will allow for preparation for a (reasonably) smooth transition. We will choose representatives to write a state Constitution. We will set up mechanisms to inform and enlist the public about coming elections. We will hold elections. We will work to transition local departments and offices and establish others if necessary to serve the new state. Depending on how the state tax system is structured, companies and individuals will be notified. A tax collection system will be established; it will serve as a model for the rest of the country. We will advertise to attract new business to the area.

    As I’ve said before there will be things that will be negotiated as the new state is established. How CA state colleges are handled is an area in question for me. Power and water grids are another. All of these will have to be addressed in negotiations with the state of California and the associated companies that have served the state.

    I don’t have all of the answers, I doubt if any one person does, but there are people in the North state with experience in all kinds of areas and they will bring their experience and expertise to bear.


    As hurdles pop up…we will address them, I imagine, with the type of lively debate and activity that occurs when the people decide anything. It could be the most exciting thing any American has experienced for a long, long time.

    Nobody is attempting to say that it will be easy or that it won’t take a lot of work. On the other hand the people who live here don’t run from hard work.

    As a citizen I will have certain obligations. I own property and a business so I will have to re-register cars, apply for a new drivers license, re-apply for business license, etc.

    Or maybe we’ll just make Dewey the governor and he can start issuing executive orders!

    Nah…that’s what progressive’s would do, wouldn’t you!

  10. Pie Guevara says:

    Bob is on the right track.

    For myself, ultimately the State Of Jefferson may end up being little more than a noble gesture, a gesture I am willing vote for.

    Reason #5327 for there to be a State Of Jefferson: To detach ourselves from water boy’s, epic fail boy’s, and blame-the-victim’s progressive peers. (View with caution, not suitable for children and most adults.)

  11. Pie Guevara says:

    Reason #5328 for there to be a State Of Jefferson: Nancy Pelosi.

    “We Did Not Treat President Bush This Way”

    Pelosi’s, water boy’s, epic fail boy’s, and blame-the-victim’s progressive peers

    “We have to pass … ”

  12. Pie Guevara says:

    Above corrected for accidental link omission —

    #13 Pie Guevara :

    Reason #5328 for there to be a State Of Jefferson: Nancy Pelosi.

    “We Did Not Treat President Bush This Way”

    Pelosi’s, water boy’s, epic fail boy’s, and blame-the-victim’s progressive peers “Who Did Not Treat President Bush This Way” —

    “We have to pass … ”

  13. Bier says:

    Tell me why you think the State of Jefferson could not support itself like every other State? California can’t support itself, look at the debt! Sacramento is just afraid that the State of Jefferson would work, and they would look even more stupid. If the North is considered a Welfare zone, they need to let us go, they can keep their welfare, we’ll create jobs.

  14. screwthecorruptgovernmentofkalifornia says:

    @tina libby is a liberal, the can’t argue beyond roads and welfare (why we need all this government ) but want this oppressive, provably criminal, government because they lack a spine and a will to be responsible for themselves. They need the state to be their daddy,does not matter the dad is a abusive morally bankrupt figure.

  15. screwthecorruptgovernmentofkalifornia says:

    @Dewe man if anyone is trying to create a dictatorship it would be the liberal movement that prays on the dumb down crowds to use deception to push bull —— regulation when its really about expanding the power of the lawless bureaucracy these people control (progressives/communist/fascist & other totalitarian mentally ill ideologies that infest the left

  16. Tina says:

    Bier: “Tell me why you think the State of Jefferson could not support itself like every other State? California can’t support itself…”

    Excellent comments! Thanks for taking the time to post them! and don’t be shy we love to add new voices to our crew.

  17. Tina says:

    screwthecorruptgovernmentofkalifornia its good to hear from you as well….mind if I refer to you as SCGK?

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