Al Gore Told a Lot of Whoppers About Global Warming

It’s been 8 years since Al Gore told us in January 2006 that we had only 10 years left to solve the global warming problem.

In the grand tradition of prophets of doom, his prognostication is not shaping up too well…still no statistically significant warming. Al Gore said by now the polar caps would be almost gone…not true.

America could actually use some global warming right about now. It is being projected that low temperatures across the Midwest could be 30 to 50 degrees below average. Severals states have declared emergencies for disaster aid because of the cold.

Minnesota has found that cold temperatures can literally be life threatening. When wind chill temperatures get down to about 50 below zero, if your skin is exposed you can literally develop frostbite in about five minutes. This latest cold spell is being called the worst in 20 years. Americans wondering what ever happened to all of that “global warming” that Al Gore and other “climate scientists” have been warning us about?

So, Al Gore has done it again. Having been repeatedly lambasted for making exaggerated claims and telling outright lies in order to promote his environmentalist agenda, he’s now committed another gaffe that will further undermine his credibility and that of his cause. As Politico reports, in an interview with the Washington Post’s Ezra Klein while once again claiming that global warming was the cause of an increase in storms and hurricanes, Gore made the following assertion:

In the interview, published Wednesday, Gore said that “the fingerprint of man-made global warming is all over” storms like hurricanes and other extreme weather events.

“The extreme events are more extreme. The hurricane scale used to be 1-5 and now they’re adding a 6,” he said, according to a transcript of the interview. Al predicted some islands would be under water by now…never happened.

Check out Al Gore’s quotes…predictions/factoids… and see how they have held up to fact checking:

#1 In 2008, Al Gore boldly declared to a German audience that “the entire North ‘polarized’ cap will disappear in 5 years.” (Needless to say, that did not happen. In fact, the ice cap in the Arctic actually got larger this year.)

#2 “CO2 is the exhaling breath of our civilization, literally. … Changing that pattern requires a scope, a scale, a speed of change that is beyond what we have done in the past.” (Actually, without carbon dioxide life on earth would not exist.)

#3 “The planet has a fever. If your baby has a fever, you go to the doctor. If the doctor says you need to intervene here, you don’t say, ‘Well, I read a science fiction novel that told me it’s not a problem.’ If the crib’s on fire, you don’t speculate that the baby is flame retardant. You take action.” (It sounds like what Al Gore really needs is more cowbell.)

#4 During a speech at NYU Law School in 2006, Al Gore made the following statement: “Many scientists are now warning that we are moving closer to several “tipping points” that could — within as little as 10 years — make it impossible for us to avoid irretrievable damage to the planet’s habitability for human civilization.”

#5 “Here is the truth: The Earth is round; Saddam Hussein did not attack us on 9/11; Elvis is dead; Obama was born in the United States; and the climate crisis is real.”

#6 “The interior of the earth is extremely hot – several million degrees.” (It actually peaks out at about 11,000 degrees.)

#7 “There is an air of unreality in debating these arcane points when the world is changing in such dramatic ways right in front of our eyes because of global warming.”

#8 “It would be an enormous relief if the recent attacks on the science of global warming actually indicated that we do not face an unimaginable calamity requiring large-scale, preventive measures to protect human civilization as we know it.”

#9 “The survival of the United States of America as we know it is at risk. And even more — if more should be required — the future of human civilization is at stake.”

#10 “We ought to approach this challenge [of global warming] with a sense of profound joy and gratitude: that we are the generation about which, a thousand years from now, philharmonic orchestras and poets and singers will celebrate by saying, they were the ones that found it within themselves to solve this crisis and lay the basis for a bright and optimistic human future.”

As time goes by, the scientific evidence continues to mount. It is becoming painfully evident that the theory of man-made global warming simply is not true.


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51 Responses to Al Gore Told a Lot of Whoppers About Global Warming

  1. J. Soden says:

    We would never have to worry about global warming if we could just get AlGorezeera to close his mouth!

  2. Peggy says:

    Con man Gore should be sharing a jail cell with Ray Nagin.

  3. Peggy says:

    Off topic…sort of.

    Media Freedom Declined Around the World in 2013:

    “The 2013 World Press Freedom Index from Reporters Without Borders shows declines in media freedom in all parts of the world, with the United States, Guatemala, Central African Republic and Malaysia among the countries that have taken the biggest drops on the annual list.

    According to Lucille Morillon, head of research at Reporters Without Borders, the main explanation for the declining press freedom in many countries is either armed conflicts – Syria, for example, is ranked 177th out of the 180 measured countries – or “overly broad and abusive interpretation of the concept of national security protection,” which the report claims is the case in the U.S.”

    The U.S. fell 13 places to number 46.

    Read more: World Press Freedom Index 2013 |

  4. Chris says:

    Wow, you got “Because Al Gore is wrong” and “Because it’s cold today.” Only three more and you might get Dumb Reasons to Deny Climate Change Bingo!

  5. Libby says:

    How can you breath with your heads stuck way down into the ground like that?

    You carry on like he said the planet was going to melt in ten years … which is not what he said.

    He said that if we do not halt with the gasses into the atmosphere, like, right now … the EVENTUAL effect, like 50-100 years from now, will be irreversible and catastrophic.

    But are you gonna give up your comforts for the sake of your posterity? No, you are not. And you’re just gonna poo-poo anybody who says you should.

    Nobody’s sure how this is going to work out. I pulled this from a Chronicle article back in ’07:

    “Just how fast or how high the oceans might rise in the coming decades are points of uncertainty among climate scientists. Most models don’t take into account the recent increasing rate of melt in Greenland and sloughing of ice in western Antarctica. Nor can they project with much confidence the amount of expansion of ocean waters as they warm. At this point, models show a range of rise from 0.5 meter to 5 meters by 2100.”

    So, then, you go to, and they got this cool map that will show you what from 1 to 7 meters of water will do to the Bay Area … and the Sacramento Valley.


    And that’s just property damage. The population of the southern hemisphere of this planet is likely to drop significantly. But if it’s not happening to you, it’s not your problem, right?

    You pull those heads out of … wherever … before your kids lose all respect for you.

    • Post Scripts says:

      Libby, you act like we are the people being irrational, hey, we didn’t tell those whoppers – We exposed Al Gore’s whoppers. The man tried to scare people with a lot of rediculous weather things that never happened – doesn’t that mean anything to you?

      Our polar caps have a long history of shrinking and growing that had nothing to do with man-made global warming. Because the polar ice is melting Al Gore predicted some Pacific Islands would be under water about now…nope. From “Watts Up With That: One of the highest profile islands – in a political sense – was Tuvalu, where politicians and climate change campaigners have repeatedly predicted it will be drowned by rising seas, as its highest point is 4.5 metres above sea level. But the researchers found seven islands had spread by more than 3 percent on average since the 1950s.

      One island, Funamanu, gained 0.44 hectares or nearly 30 percent of its previous area.

      And the research showed similar trends in the Republic of Kiribati, where the three main urbanised islands also “grew” – Betio by 30 percent (36ha), Bairiki by 16.3 percent (5.8ha) and Nanikai by 12.5 percent (0.8ha).”

    • Post Scripts says:

      Hi libby, my kid is standing here reading what you said and she says she thinks you are pretty funny. She thinks everything you said was rediculous…her words not mine. : )

  6. Tina says:

    Sadly our President seems to have bought every one of them.

    So has his EPA

  7. Tina says:

    This was last winter:

    Gore lied, people died!:

    “By Friday, February 10th, an estimated 500 Europeans had died from the freezing weather gripping the continent. This is the price they and British citizens are paying for embracing the global warming hoax, spending billions for wind power when they should have been building coal-fired and other sources of energy to heat their homes and businesses”.

    The cost of energy had gone so high because of green taxation that the elderly and poor were trying to live without heat. THAT’S INSANE!

    There is a huge difference between being vigilant, taking smart precautions and killing businesses and human beings with unreasonable regulations and taxes.

    Al Gore is a self-serving jerk. As the link to the EPA in my comment above shows the left has lost all sense of proportion about the unsettled issue of global warming.

    Five years ago Gore told the world that the North Pole would be free of ice in five years:

    “Some of the models suggest that there is a 75 percent chance that the entire north polar ice cap, during some of the summer months, could be completely ice-free within the next five to seven years,” Al Gore – 2008.


    Arctic ice is up 50%!

    One thing after another that the warming zealots pitch is exposed as wrong, a hoax, the result of altered data, or extremely harmful to living things.

    The amount of carbon that human activity puts in the air is miniscule…the hype is a dark fairytale meant to scare the “whatever” out of ya and separate you from your money.

    Pull your own head out.

  8. Chris says:

    Tina: “Five years ago Gore told the world that the North Pole would be free of ice in five years:

    “Some of the models suggest that there is a 75 percent chance that the entire north polar ice cap, during some of the summer months, could be completely ice-free within the next five to seven years.”

    Wow. Most high school students could look at those two statements and easily see the difference between them. They would also be able to tell that the first statement is not in any way an accurate summary of the last statement.

    But somehow you can’t tell the difference, and you don’t even realize that you just totally contradicted your summary by providing the actual quote.


  9. Chris says:

    Jack: “The man tried to scare people with a lot of rediculous weather things that never happened – doesn’t that mean anything to you?”

    No. It does not mean anything to me, or most people who acknowledge climate change. Why the hell would it? Al Gore is not a scientist. No one really gives a shit what Al Gore says other than climate deniers.

  10. Chris says:

    Tina, your embarrassing and shameful “Al Gore lied, people died!” article was written by Alan Caruba, a man who once tried to blame Casey Anthony’s not guilty verdict on gay marriage and argued that we may need to launch a ground invasion of Africa because they have too many Muslims.

    I won’t engage in the fallacy you’ve displayed here by arguing that his claims can’t possibly true because he’s an idiot. But I hope you don’t find it unreasonable if I ask you to provide a more reliable source to verify those claims.

    I also hope you realize that even if those claims are true, they have very little to do with Al Gore.

    I’m not sure why I still hold out such hopes for you. But I do.

  11. Chris says:

    LOL, I just had to share an excerpt from this amazing article written by Alan Caruba:

    “I have this theory about Barack Obama. I think he’s led a kind of make-believe life in which money was provided and doors were opened because at some point early on somebody or some group took a look at this tall, good looking, half-white, half-black, young man with an exotic African/Muslim name and concluded he could be guided toward a life in politics where his facile speaking skills could even put him in the White House.”

    Bahahaha yes. He absolutely nails it. All you have to do in this country is be half-black, have an exotic Muslim-sounding name, and moderate speaking skills and people will just THROW MONEY AT YOU because you are clearly THE CHOSEN ONE. That is why we’ve never had a white president with a normal American name like “George” or “Bill” or “Ulysses.”

    This guy absolutely knows what he’s talking about. Please continue linking to him so that we may all partake of his wisdom, which is a gift from God.

  12. Pie Guevara says:

    The water boy is now carrying for “climate change”! How nice. “Climate change” is the duck for cover euphemism for Catastrophic Anthropogenic Global Warming (CAGW). One more comment like that and water boy’s position as head horse’s ass is secure (second only to Al Gore of course).

    Here’s a gimme for the water boy from the CAGW crowd — unusual cold weather patterns and heavy storms are a product of CAGW. This is because, you see, weather that supports the CAGW hypothesis is “climate” and weather that does not is merely “weather! Understanding this is key.

    This particular junk science declaration is also aimed at making CAGW criticism proof and feed legions of mindless pinheads who will suck up anything including the “everything is CAGW”. Thus research funding is secured.

  13. Pie Guevara says:

    Re “I have this theory about Barack Obama. I think he’s led a kind of make-believe life in which money was provided and doors were opened because at some point early on somebody or some group took a look at this tall, good looking, half-white, half-black, young man with an exotic African/Muslim name and concluded he could be guided toward a life in politics where his facile speaking skills could even put him in the White House.”

    Which pretty much sums up exactly what happened.

  14. Pie Guevara says:

    Does anyone besides me find the water boy’s long winded bloviations amusing?

    One thing is for sure, like all progressives, when he cannot argue an issue he launches personal attacks on the messengers. As such water boy is well on his way to becoming a pure, unadulterated, Democratic party hack.

  15. Dewey says:

    Education is warranted.

    It is winter. More specifically, it is February.

    One my have noticed over their life it always gets colder during the winter!

    While the physics behind sudden stratospheric warming events are complicated, their implications are not: such events are often harbingers of colder weather in North America and Eurasia. The ongoing event favors colder and possibly stormier weather for as long as four to eight weeks after the event, meaning that after a mild start to the winter, the rest of this month and February could bring the coldest weather of the winter season to parts of the U.S., along with a heightened chance of snow.

    Researchers expected a colder winter — thanks to global warming

    The “warming event” disturbs a pattern known as the “polar vortex.”

    Again education is warranted, Weather is not climate!

    lol Epic fail!

  16. Pie Guevara says:

    Dewey the giggling “Epic fail” dork should check into the PDO and the absence of any warming trends for the last 16 years.

    Epic horse’s ass.

  17. Pie Guevara says:

    Speaking of horse’s asses, if you didn’t already know hockey stick fraud Michael Mann is suing Mark Steyn. Here is an update from James Delingpole —

  18. Tina says:

    Daily Mail:

    The report warned that there ‘will be a significant reduction in electricity supplies from coal and oil plants over the period, primarily driven by closures required by European environmental legislation’.

    It added: ‘The risk of electricity shortfalls is expected to be highest at the end of the period, in 2015-16 and 2016-17.’

    The most damaging piece of EU ‘green tape’, industry insiders say, is a 2001 measure designed to limit emissions for older power stations. …

    …Respected energy analyst Peter Atherton said: ‘What’s difficult now is that there is legislation in place that will shut down plants deliberately. There are very good plants that are being ordered to shut before they should. The rest of the coal fleet is under a sentence of death.’

    At the moment market energy prices are about £50 per megawatt hour – the unit used to measure power. Mr Atherton said prices could ‘easily’ hit £100 per megawatt hour in 2015. Energy Secretary Ed Davey said the Government would respond to the report before the end of the year. He said: ‘Security of electricity supply is of critical importance to the health of the economy and the smooth functioning of our daily lives.’

    Consumer groups called on the Government to protect homeowners from ever-rising bills. Richard Lloyd, director of consumer group Which?, said: ‘It’s alarming to hear Ofgem predicting that we could be relying more on imported gas in a matter of years which could mean further price rises for hard-pressed consumers.’

    Take your pick:

    UK News

    One million homes narrowly escaped a power cut last month as bitterly cold weather placed a massive strain on Britain’s creaking electricity network. And as a spell of bitter cold once more hits the UK, the near switch-off which came so perilously close on that freezing afternoon, underscores the magnitude of the energy crisis.

    The harsh fact is that successive governments in the past 10 years have staked our national future on two utterly suicidal gambles. First, they have fallen for the delusion that we can depend for nearly a third of our future power on those useless and unreliable windmills – which will require a dozen or more new gas-fired power stations just to provide back-up for when the wind is not blowing.

    Yet, at the same time, by devices such as the increasingly punitive “carbon tax” due to come into force on April 1, they plan to double the cost of the electricity we get from grown-up power stations, which can only have the effect in the coming years of doubling our electricity bills, driving millions more households into fuel poverty.

    If our government were not lost in a bubble of complete make-believe, it would keep open those coal-fired power stations the EU is forcing us to close next month (although it may be too late), it would stop subsidising grotesquely expensive wind farms, and it would go flat out to exploit Britain’s vast reserves of the shale gas that has more than halved US gas prices in four years.

    THE main task of the Department of Energy used to be keeping the lights on but windmill-obsessed David Cameron and his coalition cronies have changed all that.

    Now we have a Department of Lethargy (aka Climate Change), more keen on closing down old power stations than opening new ones.

    There has been nothing like it since the Luddites vainly tried to halt the Industrial Revolution by smashing up new labour-saving machines.

    The political class, many of them millionaires and all with fat salaries and gold-plated pensions, could not care less. IN 2009 more than four million households were in “fuel poverty” (spending more than 10 per cent of their income keeping warm).

    That will rise to six million next year. The vicious reality is that climate change wallies like Cameron, Clegg and Miliband are forcing millions of poor people to choose between heating and eating….

    A more thorough article:

    Frontpage Magazine

    In Britain, skyrocketing utility bills and “fuel poverty” are already a reality. “Fuel poverty” is a new condition, one in which energy bill expenditure makes up 10% or more of the household’s net income. One in four British households is suffering from it. Some people have to choose to eat less in order to keep warm.

    The exceptionally high gas and electricity bills are due to the fact that householders are obliged to subsidize ineffective “renewables,” like the totally useless wind farms that are now blotting the country’s landscape and seascape against the fierce but crushed opposition of the local residents. …

    This is the paradox of the AGW theory of man-made climate change. Not only are UK pensioners suffering and dying from some of the coldest winters on record – which refutes the theory, since temperatures haven’t increased with the risen levels of CO2 in the last 15 years, as the computer models based on the theory predicted — but they also may not be helped by an efficient energy system, providing the heating that could save their lives, because of policies dictated by the very same theory.

    For years energy experts have warned of an impending energy shortage crisis in the UK due to the closure of many coal-based and gas-fired power plants, while new ones have not been built and the reliance on an astronomical number of newly-built wind farms to generate the necessary energy has proven a huge mistake.

    There is light at the end of the green nightmare as reported by Anthony Watts at WUWT

    Slowly but gradually, Europe is awakening to a green energy crisis, an economic and political debacle that is entirely self-inflicted.

    The mainstream media, which used to encourage the renewables push enthusiastically, is beginning to sober up too. With more and more cracks beginning to appear, many newspapers are returning to their proper role as the fourth estate, exposing the pitfalls of Europe’s green-energy gamble and opening their pages for thorough analysis and debate. Today, European media is full of news and commentary about the problems of an ill-conceived strategy that is becoming increasingly shaky and divisive.

    As country after country abandons, curtails or reneges on once-generous support for renewable energy, Europe is beginning to realise that its green energy strategy is dying on the vine. Green dreams are giving way to hard economic realities.

  19. Tina says:

    Pie I have maintained for some time that BO was promoted throughout his life and into every position he has held. I agree with you that the paragraph “pretty much sums up what happened”

    ” Thus research funding is secured.”

    Not to mention a scheme (hope) for global power and control with a nice little taxing system thrown in for good measure.

  20. Libby says:

    Tina, today’s “weather” has nothing to do with “warming”. The rest of us have grasped this. If you refuse to … fine … whatever … we will see what can be done without you.

  21. Pie Guevara says:


    One more thing. Just in case the most delicious bit of the water boy’s completely asinine mock/sneer slipped by anyone it is this: All of Al Gore’s failed claims came from/are based on CAGW climate researchers and models.

  22. Pie Guevara says:

    Off topic —


    I knew it was big, but not that big. It must be 100 times the size of the Nova target chamber.

    Scientists in California said on Wednesday night that they have for the first time managed to release more energy from their nuclear fusion experiment than they put into it, which marks a critical threshold in eventually achieving the goal of a self-sustaining nuclear-fusion reaction.

  23. Pie Guevara says:

    More NIF

    Cylindrical hohlraums

    Argus, Shiva, Nova, NIF Target Chambers —

    Target Chamber Diameter (Volume) (meters and meters^3)

    Argus 0.8 (2)
    Shiva 1.5 (14)
    Nova 4.5 (382)
    NIF 30 (113,097) >>> 296 x Shiva Target Chamber V

    Laser Beamlines –

    Argus 2
    Shiva 20
    Nova 10 (folded)
    NIF 192

    Energy (Power) approximately –

    Argus 2kJ 2TW
    Shiva 10kJ 30TW
    Nova 100kJ 100TW*
    NIF 2MJ 500TW

    *One arm of the NOVA laser was converted to produce an astounding 1.3 quadrillion watts (1.3 petawatts) of peak power.

  24. Pie Guevara says:

    Error in above —

    NIF 30 (113,097) >>> 296 x Shiva Target Chamber V

    should have read

    NIF 30 (113,097) >>> 296 x Nova Target Chamber V

  25. Pie Guevara says:

    Just as a point of information, that ICLF milestone experiment was achieved last year but has been just now been formally announced/distributed to the public.

  26. Chris says:

    “Which pretty much sums up exactly what happened.”

    “I agree with you that the paragraph “pretty much sums up what happened””

    Just shows how deeply the crazy has permeated the Republican party.

  27. Pie Guevara says:

    Which pretty much sums up just how very deeply emotionally and mentally disturbed twisted the brown shirted water boy is. A true believer in the Big O.

  28. Pie Guevara says:

    DOH! I used diameter instead of radius in the above for the volumes of the various target chambers (in cubic meters).

    Argus 0.3
    Shiva 1.8
    Nova 48
    NIF 14.137

  29. Pie Guevara says:

    Re #28 Post Scripts : The water boy’s infantile “Neener, neener, neeeeeeeeeener” comments are pretty funny too.

  30. Pie Guevara says:

    Include epic fail boy in the above.

  31. Peggy says:

    Impressive Satellite Picture of Major Winter Storm Reveals an Unusual Figure:

  32. Pie Guevara says:

    Re: #33 Peggy :


    Bill Nye the Science Guy and Al Gore’s EPIC FAIL (for the epic fail boy and his peers) —

    Al Gore and Bill Nye FAIL at doing a simple CO2 experiment

    Remember Bill Nye is a respected “SCIENTIST”!!!

  33. Tina says:

    Libby: “Tina, today’s “weather” has nothing to do with “warming”.

    Really? Wow.

    (I don’t recall asserting that weather had anything to do with warming.)

    Adding another ugly feature to that caricature are we?

    I’ve noticed an uptick in intelligence attacks of late…the left must be feeling really stupid.

  34. Tina says:

    Pie you are the man: “All of Al Gore’s failed claims came from/are based on CAGW climate researchers and models.”

  35. Tina says:

    PIE at #23


    Imagine, the entire warming issue will evaporate overnight!

    I wonder where the Marxists will land next?

  36. Tina says:

    Peggy @ #33

    OMG At first I thought it was going to be a penis joke…and then it was! (Can I say that?)

  37. Tina says:

    A memory has surfaced…wasn’t it Chris who used the unusual hot weather one summer to make the case more GW?

  38. Chris says:

    Pie at #34: Attacking Bill Nye now? Have you no decency? 😉

    Nye’s response to WUWT’s critique can be seen in one of the first comments there:

    “O my friends, I have received numerous messages asking about the voice-over I did for the Climate Reality Project. My voice describes an experiment or demonstration that I’ve performed several times over the last 15 years. You can put pure carbon dioxide in a vessel, illuminate it with a bright hot lamp, and its temperature will be a few degrees warmer than an identical vessel filled with air. (I once did it with pure methane; the temperature rose in that vessel as well.)

    The Climate Project people created their own version, but apparently they didn’t test it very well. One of our strident climate change deniers seized on their corner cutting and showed their demonstration didn’t demonstrate anything. I considered this part of healthy discourse: people cut corners; they got called on it and taken to task. Since it was my voice, I was considered to be a co-conspirator in the plot to fool the world into believing that our climate is changing. That’s reasonable in its way.

    The Climate Project people used jars with lids that were too thick, the thermometers were not well placed, and the volume of gas in each vessel was greatly diminished by the presence of handsome, but voluminous globes and pedestals. When I’ve done this in the past, my apparatus did not have any of these shortcomings, so I got different results.

    As the famous Boeing test pilot Tex Johnston remarked, “One test is worth a thousand expert opinions.” Try it; try your own version, and see if you measure a temperature difference.

    One thing to note though, the guy who called us out on this drew an incorrect conclusion, or he made an erroneous claim. He says any change would have been caused by “… a completely different physical mechanism than actually occurs in our atmosphere…” That’s wrong. It is this mechanism. The model has to be set up properly. Keep in mind that our troposphere is several dozen kilometers thick, and it doesn’t comprise pure carbon dioxide. This is a model, a demonstration. Real atmospheric models are astonishingly complex.

    Regardless of any shortcomings or shortcuts in the model shown by the Climate Reality Project advocacy group, the world is getting warmer, and we had all better do something about it.”

  39. Tina says:

    November 27, 2011, Karin McQuillan at the American Thinker – Scientists in Revolt Against Global Warming

  40. Peggy says:

    #38 Tina, Sorry about the scare. I cracked up too when I saw the “close up.”

  41. Pie Guevara says:

    Sorry, water boy, but Nye’s response doesn’t pass muster. Besides, there are no jar lids that are too thick in the atmosphere.

  42. Pie Guevara says:

    Regardless of any shortcomings from Bill Nye (whose weak rebuttal I had already read) the world IS getting warmer…or was. For 16 years global temperature has been at an effective standstill.

    The experiment as presented by Al Gore and Bill Nye “the science guy” is a failure, and not representative of the greenhouse effect related to CO2 in our atmosphere — is a valid statement despite what a CAGW stooges like water boy believe.

    CAGW activist “scientists” have been scrambling for hypothetical heat storage mechanisms with NO empirical evidence to back it up. So goes the failed models, so goes this latest “theoretical” bullshit. Thus one gets regurgitated bullshit like epic fail boy’s “sudden stratospheric warming events are complicated”.

    Only if one buys into CAGW does one think anything can be done about global warming. (What a crock!)

    Only fools and ignoramuses buy into the doomsday scenarios, three of which frequent these pages.

  43. Pie Guevara says:

    More required reading on Bill Nye, the Bullshit guy on
    Watts Up With That?

  44. Pie Guevara says:

    This bears repeating, thanks #36 Tina :

    “All of Al Gore’s failed claims came from/are based on CAGW climate researchers and models.”

    Evidently that shut the pinhead water boy’s fat yap on that score at least. It won’t last.

  45. Pie Guevara says:

    Re #37 Tina I wonder where the Marxists will land next?

    If inertial confinement laser fusion (or magnetic bottle fusion, aka Tokamak) becomes viable, the Marxist zombies will gather at the gates to LLNL and protest, just like they did back in the early 1980’s when Shiva had its first successes.

    It was a friggin’ zoo.

  46. Pie Guevara says:

    Re #39 Tina :

    A memory has surfaced…wasn’t it Chris who used the unusual hot weather one summer to make the case more GW?

    And now it is epic fail boy blaming the harsh winter on CAGW. Two peas in a pod.

  47. Peggy says:

    #45 Pie, Thanks for the link full of interesting data I’m going to share.

  48. Tina says:

    Pie: “the Marxist zombies will gather at the gates to LLNL and protest, just like they did back in the early 1980′s when Shiva had its first successes.

    It was a friggin’ zoo.”

    I remember! And I suppose it’s a given that the emotionally driven radicals will show up to protest.

    But what I was thinking is, once global warming loses it’s political oomph the Marxists will have to land in another pot…which cause will become their next “ticket to ride”?

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