Karzai – It’s None of Our Concern

KABUL — The Afghan government on Thursday released 65 suspected Taliban militants from prison, ignoring repeated and vehement protests from the U.S. military, which fears that the men are likely to return the battlefield.

by Jack

America’s longest running war is being repeatedly complicated and undermined by Afghan’s President Hamid Karzai. He announced yesterday that the Taliban prisoner release was none of America’s concern over our objections that they will just return to killing our soldiers.

Substantial evidence had caused these men to be imprisoned, such as heavy traces of bomb making residue on their clothing of the same type that was killing American servicemen, but that doesn’t matter to Karzai. He’s more concerned that he needs to find a way to ingratiate himself with the Taliban, to the extent they will leave him alone when they return to power. Karzai has bankrolled millions of looted U.S. taxpayer dollars while in office and he want’s to live to enjoy it, even if it means getting U.S. soldiers killed.

America has never had such an ally in our history and it makes the average American want to be out of this country last month.

Under President Bush the mission was to support the National Alliance in their civil war against the Taliban, capture or kill Bin Laden and wipe out his Al Qaeda. The Taliban oligarchy quickly fell to the Alliance and withdrew in neighboring Pakistan where they raised a new army of zealots and caused no end of violence with non-supportive Pakistani’s. Bin Laden slipped away and the few hundred Al Qaeda that served as Bin Laden’s bodyguards either sneaked away or were killed, a few were actually captured and currently reside in Guantanamo. President Bush wanted to spread the virtues of democracy to the Afghan’s, but to do that we needed to help them build a strong security force to prevent the return of the Taliban and that was the beginning of mission creep that siphoned away a trillion taxpayer dollars over the next 13 years.

Whatever our original lofty goals were, they have now been greatly scaled back with the realities of Islam in Afghanistan. Half the country is still in control of warlords backed by a thousand years of ignorance, as they stay cloistered away from Western influence.

The conclusion of the boots on the ground is straight forward, there’s nothing in this country worth dying for. And they are 100% right, especially considering that President Karzai is willing to spend their lives for his self-serving purposes and President Obama seems more concerned about his legacy than their safety. By that, I mean Obama wants to be out of Afghanistan the end of his term so he can take full credit for ending the war. Forget logistics or extraction security concerns…this is about his legacy! Yes, it’s all about how he will be viewed by history and if a few more US lives must be lost, then so be it. Unfortunately, this sort of ego driven leadership is nothing new. Obama has a big ego and we’ve been witness to it for too long. Too manhy US leaders have been egotiscal morons. During WWII when MacArthur made his famous return to the Philippines he had U.S. Marines standby on the edge of Manila while Japanese soldiers, angry over their impending defeat, took it out on the locals in bloodbath not seen since the rape of Nanking. When MacArthur finally arrived, many hours later, he okay’d taking the city, but by then thousands of innocent Filipinos had been slaughtered. Makes me wonder what the final US body count will be to insure Obama’s legacy in Afghanistan?

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5 Responses to Karzai – It’s None of Our Concern

  1. Libby says:

    I feel bad for our military professionals in this mess. They really want to keep a sort of strategy response force / counter-terrorism unit in country. The don’t want to leave the fledgling Afghan Army to the mercy of their hideously corrupt government nad then the Taliban. They don’t want all the misery and death suffered to date to have been for nothing. They want to do what their trained to do.

    But it was a horrible, pointless waste.

    And we’ve got to pull out, right now, before something even more horrible happens.

  2. Harold says:

    If Obama had the influence in the world theater his hubris allows him to believe, then this would be a non issue. Also if Obama was really concerned about U.S. Soldiers he would cut off Karsai’s allowance until Karsai started to support the U.S. in its efforts to eliminate terrorism foot holds in countries like Afghanistan, no instead Obama Reduces 2014 Pay Hike for U.S. Troops, Still Fighting in Afghanistan, and allows Karsai to release known trained terrorists back into the forefront of this war.

  3. Tina says:

    “I Didn’t Join to Be Sacrificed: US Troop Deaths in Afghanistan Skyrocket Under Obama:

    U.S. military deaths in Afghanistan have skyrocketed under President Obama. Since 2009, 73 percent of all U.S. deaths in the country have taken place, amounting to 27.1 fatalities per month, on average. Billy and Karen Vaughn, Gold Star parents of Special Operations Chief (SEAL) Aaron Vaughn who was killed in action in 2011, are speaking out about why.

    U.S. soldiers in Afghanistan are now forced to fight a two-fronted war. Before each deployment, these soldiers understand fully that day after day they will do battle against relentless terrorists with shifting loyalties and unspeakable hatred. But what none of them could have foreseen was the killing field that would open from their rear: the Continental United States.

    Our government’s incessant tightening of already restrictive ROE (Rules of Engagement), compounded by the failed COIN (Counterinsurgency) strategy—also known as “winning hearts and minds”—has made an otherwise primitive enemy formidable.

    Our best and brightest come home in body bags as politicians and lawyers dine over white linen tablecloths; writing, modifying, and re-modifying these lethal rules. Rules that favor the enemy rather than the American soldier. Rules so absurd they’re difficult to believe until you hear the same stories over and again from those returning from battle.

    Rep. Louie Gohmert has spoken out about the current ROE and COIN, which are so restrictive he doesn’t see the “merit in the potential further sacrifice and loss of American lives in Afghanistan.” This sentiment is echoed by some members of the military as well.

    Leadership There is none. Our troops know it. Karzai knows it.

    Iran sure as he77 knows it!

    Iran’s surprising decision to move warships off the Atlantic coast poses a potential catastrophic threat to America from a nuclear or electromagnetic pulse attack, according to an expert who foresaw Iran’s move.

    Peter Pry, an expert on EMP attacks, said the ships are likely a dry run for a future attack, a maneuver meant to lull Washington into complacency while also embarrassing President Obama and his effort to convince Tehran to give up production of a nuclear bomb in return for a lifting of some economic sanctions.

    “Yes, patrols by the Iranian Navy off our coasts could pose threat of a surprise EMP attack,” said Pry, who with others such as former CIA Director R. James Woolsey, has convinced several state legislatures to take moves to harden their electric and energy grids from EMP attack because Washington won’t.

    Everybody knows!

  4. Libby says:

    Sorry, Tina … but there is just nothing like the national consensus required for the sort of operations you seem to want.

    Back during the O-man’s first campaign, his stand on Afghanistan was mystifying: what on earth did he think he was going to be able to do?

    Apparently, he was not yet thoroughly acquainted with Mr. Karzai. It’s tough for people with brains, people who can subvert their baser inclinations to their intellects … even to comprehend people who cannot do this … but are able to get elected (one of democracy’s very great weaknesses).

    So, we’re outta there … finally.

    But don’t you worry. If the Taliban is ever stupid enough to nuke anything, we’ll head back, and for real this time … total conquest, and a forty-year occupation. Fun, fun, fun.

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