Federal Spending: Straight Up for 70 Years

Posted by Tina

There can be no security anywhere in the free world if there is no fiscal and economic stability within the United States. Those who ask us to trade our freedom for the soup kitchen of the welfare state are architects of a policy of accommodation.

This is the issue of this election: Whether we believe in our capacity for self-government or whether we abandon the American Revolution and confess that a little intellectual elite in a far-distant capital can plan our lives for us better than we can plan them ourselves. – Ronald Reagan

Next time someone on the left starts screaming about how Republicans cut programs and gut spending show them this chart and remind them that government spending has gone straight up since the end of WWII.

Our government never cuts spending.

Our government always increases spending.

Our government, as the federal debt clearly shows, spends money it doesn’t have. Debt in the form of unfunded liabilities is staggering:

…start with the fact that the federal government is not $17 trillion in debt. That figure excludes all the promises made to future Social Security beneficiaries, Medicare recipients, military veterans and others. The real debt is much larger, somewhere between $60 trillion and $100 trillion.

A new commenter to Post Scripts, a person who according to his handle is a lawyer, called me out on one of my posts. Turns out his assessment was accurate. One thing that struck me in the exchange is that he did not consider our government to have a fiduciary responsibility for the money they take from us to invest in programs for us. He was excusing Obama as not being the administrator of his latest vote bait, “myIRA,” and so under ERISA would not have a legal financial (fiduciary) responsibility to investors.

Why don’t they? Why don’t they have a fiduciary responsibility to balance the government books without cooking the books to make their spending seem reasonable?. Why are they allowed to squander our children’s futures with irresponsible spending? Why do we let them…expect them…to pay today for things that others must pay for tomorrow in higher taxes and inflation with the attendant higher cost of living? Are we nuts!?!

Timid men prefer the calm of despotism to the tempestuous sea of Liberty. – Thomas Jefferson

The Tea Party in America is made up of concerned citizens, a tempestuous group! They have been asking these questions and demanding answers and accountability…and their message is growing. Incredibly, the Tea Party message is even spreading to Europe where Tea party groups are springing up like daisies in summer.

The message is loud and clear…the free world is sick of big government solutions; high taxes; lousy economies; deception and lies; fiscal irresponsibility; the waste and fraud in the bureaucracy; and programs that don’t work and cause massive debt. If you care about these issues and think our government is out of control maybe its time to go to a local Tea Party meeting and find out what the grass roots organizations are doing. We the people are our only chance for restored liberty and limited government. We are our nations only hope. If we don’t force fiscal responsibility on lawmakers it just won’t happen.

In Chico California go to Chico Tea Party Patriots for information. See also here.

Other California Tea Party groups can be located by going here.

Can’t find a group in your hometown? Maybe it’s time to gather some friends together and BE the Tea Party in your area.

A wise and frugal Government, which shall restrain men from injuring one another, shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned. This is the sum of good government, and this is necessary to close the circle of our felicities. – Thomas Jefferson

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7 Responses to Federal Spending: Straight Up for 70 Years

  1. Dewey says:

    The Tea Party Politicians are the exact opposite of this description. The Tea Party is a fascist group funded by billionaires who want to divert Tax Dollars to their pockets.

    Let’s start with this Regions own elected Doug La Malfa. Let’s look at how he split up his family farms to increase his subsidies. A well known fact that came out during the election and the Tea Party supported corporate welfare. Next they cut snap and then divert the tax dollars to an insurance subsidy that guarantees them profit? Spending? LOL Tea Party politicians do not care about spending! only that all taxes are diverted to the 1%.

    Vote Out Tea Party 2014/2016!

    • Post Scripts says:

      Dewey, the TP is not facist – they are strong supporters of the Constitution. If they own Doug LaMalfa then why are they upset with him? He backed the new budget and they wanted to hold the line on deficit spending and they sure didn’t want to give Obama a blank check for the next year! Dewey you are way off base on this one. Furthermore, the Tea Party does not support corporate welfare, they support fiscal responsibility!

      The Tea Party is falsely labeled by a lot of enemies for a lot of reasons, but everyone I know that belongs to it never got a dime from the Koch brothers, they are not millionaires, and they don’t believe in anything you just said about the Tea Party Dewey…you come up with the weirdest stuff. The people I know are all very patriotic types who think government should not be living off a credit card, that farm subsidies are mostly bogus and the same goes for corp welfare. They want to empower the middle class, but they don’t believe you can tear down the 1% and expect to build up the poor. They think thats stupid and so do I.

  2. Thom says:

    America needs the exact opposite of the Tea Party. It’s kind of like they say one thing and their politicians do the exact opposite. Wisconsin, Michigan, Texas, Florida, and other States who have had Tea Party elected now see their states falling into dictatorship.

  3. Debra says:

    I agree Chico needs to do better. Tea Party is not the way. Their politicians have done great harm to America!

    • Post Scripts says:

      I’m not sure you really understand who and what the Tea Party is? If you are getting your talking points from moderate republicans it’s just as bad as if it came from the democrats. The Tea Party ONLY supports fiscal responsibility and the Constutition. You can’t go too far wrong with that. If you have heard otherwise, then it’s not what the Tea Party really is, it’s what somebody else is laying on them.

  4. Tina says:

    Tea Party people are often also for a much more limited federal government. If the federal government were limited a lot of the fraud waste and abuse that goes on in all of the programs, subsidies and giveaway programs would also be gone.

    We would then have to deal with state governments but at least if you prefer small government with more power in the hands of individuals you could move to a state with like minded individuals. the same goes for all of you big government progressive types.

    Ever notice how the big wide open spaces are inhabited by people who take care of their own needs? And all of the big overgrown areas are governed by progressives. they want all of those (polluting) goodies; they just want someone else to pay.

  5. Tina says:

    Thom and Debra thanks for the fly by post but all you have to inform our readers is opinion, an not very well informed opinion at that.

    Thom please offer some evidence of dictatorship.

    Debra please share with us exactly what harm has been done.

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