by Jack
Einstein was convinced that nothing could travel faster than the speed of light in part because of the enormous energy required. The closer an object approached the speed of light the more energy it required and by many, many multiples. A space ship would require the energy of the sun just to closely approach the speed of light and then it would require an equal amount of energy to slow down!
It seems the big bang theory which is closely related to inflation theory was the first hint that something almost beyond human comprehension happen billions of years ago and it’s still ongoing. The universe came into existence faster than the speed of light! Scientists announced March 17 that they have likely found the long-sought smoking gun for the theory of cosmic inflation, suggesting that the universe did indeed expand at many times the speed of light just after the Big Bang.
The more scientists postulated inflation theory the more plausible it sounded, but there was no evidence until the discovery of cosmic microwave background radiation (CMBR) or “relic radiation.” The discovery of the CMB was made in 1964 by American radio astronomers Robert Wilson and Arno Penzias . This radiation was the cosmic afterglow left over from the big bang, but that wasn’t all. Now enter magnetic wave distortion theory. It was predicted to exist by the proponents of inflation theory and just as predicted, researchers discovered evidence of gravitational waves in the cosmic microwave background radiation (CMB), the ancient light that began saturating the universe just 380,000 years or so after the Big Bang. (Before this time, the cosmos was too hot and opaque for photons to travel freely.)
“Despite its name, the big bang theory is not really a theory of a bang at all. It is really only a theory of the aftermath of a bang.” -Alan Guth
There is also evidence that another universe existed before this one. And quite possibly there were an infinite number other universes that have preceded this one! Could we be caught in an endless loop of inflation, contraction and explosion?
Want to know more? Try this link, it was written just before the discovery of magnetic wave distortions: