by Jack
China was on a trajectory to bump the United States out of first place as the worlds greatest economy by 2019. It now appears this will take place within the next 12 months. The USA has held that title since 1897.
The United States has also held the record for the most affluent middle class in the world for decades, now that one goes to Canada.
The United States is rich in natural resources and we’ve created vast fortunes among the top 5% of our society as we built industrial empires. Our roads, freeways and railways are abundant and well placed. We are awash with smart people, inventors and innovators and people who know how to get things done. We are rich in natural energy too. We could live off just our energy supplies for another 400 years or longer! Even our topography and climate are highly favorable to success in farming and a strong business economy. We have great sea ports, with shore line on the worlds two greatest oceans. We have dams for hydroelectric power, geo thermal power, solar power, wind power and nuclear power. We have a highly skilled work force. We also have the best outline for government in the world that was created by democratic visionaries. Arguably, we have not always employed our system as it was intended, we were handed the framework and told how to use it and that we should protect it with our lives for posterity, so if it isn’t working… then shame on us.
The forced declines in personal wealth, opportunity, employment, production, education and the military can’t be done without considerable effort, because of all the advantages we have over any other country in the world. We should be the worlds dominant super power for the next 100 years with all we have going for us! For us to fail, it took systemic undermining on many levels from incompetence, gross ignorance, foolishness, to 5th columnists determined to see capitalism fail and socialism replace it. Yes, and it had to be done continuously and incrementally for years so that the population of the USA slowly acclimated to their ever increasing downward spiral. Then when that tipping arrives we might not even realize it or what we lost, and we would no longer have the will to mount a decent resistance either. Then and only then is our total failure assured and we are so close to that day.
Ironically, it’s been long said that the demise of the USA could only come from within and not by conquest of a foreign power. I just never thought I would see that day, then again, I never could imagine the richest state becoming more like a 3rd world country than the great state I knew as a child.
There could be nothing more pathetic and disturbing than to watch this decline unfold. Now I know how the British must have felt when we eclipsed them. Prepare for one great institution after another to fall victim to our self-destructive liberalism.
This will be the great payoff for allowing the left to take over.
Do I foresee a Liberal finger pointing and denial of causation in this posts future?
The progressive ideology payoff. Liberalism of the past century was not always so dumb, but the seeds were there and this is the rotten fruit.
Flexibility…making sure America is finally weakened and bends to the will of extremists and tyrants under the guise of fundamental fairness.
Does anyone remember exactly when fairness replaced freedom? We were strong because we were free.
Looky here, the movers and shakers of fundamental transformation are holding super secret meetings to plot the next chapter in their bid for total control.
The Democrats have railed on the Republicans for secretly obtain large campaign contribution from wealthy donors. Seems they are exactly the same thing and are being far more secretive about it.
Dick Cheney on foreign policy under President Obama:
As long as America was strong the world’s tyrants were timid big mouths…what happens when America is weak?
Maybe little Israel will take the lead to defend the freedom lovers of the world:
Reagan: Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children’s children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.
“The vanguard of the revolution today will be the leaders of the proletariat tomorrow.”
Unknown useful idiot progressive nitwit to me in a personal conversation, downtown Berkeley, outside of KPFA when it was on Shattuck in the summer of 1970.
We have met the enemy and they are (now) we. We either went over to the dark side or tolerantly and apathetically let them take over.
Those of us who are aware have a lot of work to do.
The enemy can be pushed back in it’s hole but only if we the people have the will.