by Jack
Based on personal accounts from his fellow soldiers and people who knew him, Sgt. Bergdahl was a loner and somewhat of an idealist. He tended to see the grass always greener on the left side which often put him at odds with his own country. Somebody put a lot of strange ideas into this young man’s head and I think we need look no further than his kooky parents.
His liberal mindset and low view of America was carefully crafted over years and it would seem this came from his parents, in particular his oddball father.
When Bergdahl was contemplating leaving his base and heading to the mountains reports say he expressed his intentions in not too veiled terms to his parents via an email and the reply back was from his father and it was typed in bold letters “follow your conscience.” Was this was the push he needed for desertion?
There are many questions yet to be answered and unfortunately much about the Bergdahl incident is only coming from leaked sources to the media. So there’s much to be learned if and when a trial is ever held.
The latest leak says Bergdahl (who is in medical care in Germany) is not taking phone calls from… his parents? The media leak says they’re absolutely not being blocked, it’s allegedly Bowie himself that doesn’t want to talk to them. You can make from this what you will, but could it be that’s he’s not pleased with the advice he received from his parents before his departure and capture?
If I were in his shoes and that advice caused me to desert and it almost got me killed and I suffered torture and confinement at the hands of a brutal enemy for 5 years I might not want to take their calls either. In fact, I might have a sudden realization about a whole lot of things that my parents were telling me that were not so.
So … you would advise your children not to?
And for pity’s sake will you please not make uninformed presumptions about what’s going on in that kid’s head.
You carry on like he’s spent the last five years in an American jail. Not quite. It was probably more like that facility we ran in Iraq … only worse.
I wouldn’t be surprised if it were months before he wanted to see anyone he’d been close to, and years before he comes back to himself.
Why can’t you just lay off?
Why can’t I just lay off? (Pow! Libs shoots messenger again). I am NOT the only person in the whole world who is asking questions and raising issues about this case! But, more importantly we need to know answers and the sooner the better because this involves a change in American hostage policy and I want to know what this president plans on doing next! It’s important to us because this is about a President who has admittedly broken the law, but feels he can get away with it. It’s also a story about national security…i.e. the release of five dangerous Taliban leaders, who could wreak havoc on our military people or anyone who gets in their way. This makes this a matter of life and death. We need answers when it gets that serious. To a lesser degree, it’s about a soldier who set in play many things, but one of them included the deaths of six other soldiers that arguably might not have died if he had not deserted his post. These things and more matter Libby and we need and deserve answers…maybe you don’t want to know, but people who are concerned about the direction of America care a great deal. The more this Bergdahl story stays on the front page the more will come out. And since that day in the Rose Garden where Obama played it for all it’s worth a whole lot has come out. But, you don’t want Obama to be accountable for anything…ever. You always defend the wrong side, always. I’ve never seen anything like it…you’re amazing.
When it merits talking about and there is evidence that support the criticism then it is not slander, but I’m sure this simple concept is lost on you. Here’s your logic… “Bottom line I have no respect for vets who engage in this propaganda.” And you would know a lot about vets because….? But, you sure know a lot about propaganda, I’ll give you that much. I’ve never seen one person spout the leftist dribble more than you. You are the King of Propaganda…own it.
Jack, not to worry, most your readers will understand that these are opinions based on what evidence has been released, not a foregone conclusion
Supporters of Obama are to busy trying to spin this away from poor decision making and more as a legacy toward closing Gitmo, and avoiding any of the questions at hand.
After all Obama stated ‘the war was at a end’ and we were not leaving Bergdahl behind, even though he was AWOL/deserter the minute he walked off base, and his actions led to the possible loss of six soldiers, who were killed as a result of his stupid actions.
Questions need answers, and to get them we need to ask those very questions about the scenarios you are bringing forth.
Well…then there’s confirmation found in a Wikileaks doc dump.
I’m thinking it’s time for Libs to ask a few questions.
She was not this shy when Scooter Libby was being tried in the court of public opinion…nor, I’d bet, when Col Oliver North (and his wife) was dragged through the court of public opinion.
Liberals can dish it out but…
Did Bergdahl learn a big lesson? It appears he just may have. After living a somewhat sheltered life and being home schooled the Army did what they are known for, turning boys into men.
The world turned out to not be what he thought it was. The Taliban was full of mean and hurtful people and not victims of America’s oppression.
After spending five years with the very men he searched for they appeared to do every horrible thing to him short of killing him.
I can understand why he isn’t ready to talk to his parents. They’re the ones who failed to educate him that evil exist in the big world and based on his upbringing and the final advise from his dad he walked right into that dangerous world. He must be dealing with major emotional trauma while loving his parents, but realizing they failed to prepare him deal with the evils that exist in the real world.
Peggy, very well said, we can only hope this is the realization this young man has come too. It would not come close to balancing out the great debt he owes the families of those who died while searching for him, but it would be a step towards redeeming a little bit of shame he has brought on himself. When he learns what happened to his fellow soldiers because of his decision to desert and what many American’s think of him, it may be more than he can bear. It would be a heavy burden for anyone to carry that kind of guilt. Keeping him in custody and on suicide watch may be the best thing for him at this point. If he’s just turned out into society he probably won’t make it.
Dewey, let’s talk situational ethics! You liberals love to discuss that, right? Okay, you said in an overly broad blanket statement, “It is anti American to slander an American family who’s son joined the military at war time.” So if it’s a member of the Manson Family who joins to murder soldiers and I criticize that it’s slanderous? How about if it’s a screwed up liberal wackadoodle family named the Bergdahls and their son deserts his war time position in violation of Section 85 of the UCMJ and people die because of his actions? So you are saying, there should be no media coverage, there should be absolutely nothing said, just trust that the right thing will get done eventually…even when you have a President playing the soldier and his parents for his own political gain?
In America we have this thing called the 1st amendment. It allows us to speak freely about things that concern us and for things that we may want to support. Whether for or against something, it helps get things done. And it’s a good thing when used prudently for good reasons. You should try it some time.
Peggy, you don’t “understand” any of that. You made it up. You and Jack both are embroidering on facts you haven’t even got to suit your prejudices.
The Bergdahl clan would seem to believe in that “best of all possible worlds”. Some people do. What I can’t understand is why this should so evidently enrage you.
You want to call them names, and punish them. Why?
Libby, if you don’t understand the “why” by now there’s really no point in explaining, you’ll never understand. Thankfully polling shows a large majority of us Americans know…. why!
It must be a lonely to be left out of the loop and in the dark about something so important?
#10 Libby, No, I didn’t make it up, but it is my opinion based on what I learned about his childhood and his adult life before joining the military.
He appears to have been raised by very loving and giving liberal thinking parents. He became a ballet dancer in his teens and is described by the town people as a very giving and nice young man.
What I’m saying is if his parents didn’t teach him about the bad things in the world along with the good they failed to prepare him to live in the real world.
If they didn’t teach him that he’s responsible for his actions they again failed him. His father telling him to do what his conscience dictated was absolutely the wrong advise. The father should have reminded him of the oath he took and the country and the men he swore to protect and defend. He broke that oath when he walked away leaving the men’s lives in jeopardy.
“The Bergdahl clan would seem to believe in that “best of all possible worlds”. Some people do. What I can’t understand is why this should so evidently enrage you.”
You really do live in a dream land. We’d all love to live there, but most of us realize that even the best world has “boogie men” in it. They could live next door or become the mass murderer of Jews, Russians, and Chinese’s.
It doesn’t enrage me Libby, it makes me sad. This young man was not prepared apparently to deal with the demands of living in the real world.
I don’t want to call them names or punish them. I want there to never be another Bergdahl type incident. I wish Bergdahl had never gone through the horrors he’s suffered. I wish those who served with him hadn’t gone through the mess he created for them. I wish those who possibly died and were severely injured searching for him had never been ordered to put their lives on the line for him.
Why do you want to pretend what he did didn’t have consequences? Why do you believe raising children to believe they’re entitled to do what they want and it’s ok for someone else to pay the price whatever the payment may be in life or wages earned.
Your way produces adults in control of a world of dreams that’s good only for oneself without consideration of how it affects everyone else. That’s why his parents moved to that isolated little community. And that’s why their son wasn’t prepared to face the challenges of the real world.