Mass Shootings in Islamabad and…

Thanks to Harold for this gem…


ISLAMABAD, Pakistan – Militants brandishing machine guns and a rocket launchers stormed Pakistan‘s busiest airport on Sunday night, setting off an all-night battle with security forces that left at least 23 people dead.

Pakistan’s Taliban — a collection of militant groups trying to topple the government and set up a sharia state — said they were behind the attack killing “This is a message to those saying Taliban had been defeated in Pakistan,” said Shahidullah Shahid, spokesman of the Pakistani Taliban, told NBC News.

The war was over though according to Big Zero and why he released the 5 terrorist….

But, in another war 29 were shot over weekend in another war torn region.  There were at least 29 shot in Chicago over the weekend, and some of those were fatal gun shots.   The first fatal shooting of the weekend was back on Friday afternoon. An 18-year-old was found by police in the Rogers Park neighborhood of Chicago. He was pronounced dead at the hospital. He was one of four that died of gun shot wounds during the weekend. NBC Chicago reported on the violent weekend on June 8.


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7 Responses to Mass Shootings in Islamabad and…

  1. Harold says:

    Wait a minute ,isn’t Chicago one the hardest to legally obtain a Gun state?

    So how is this happening in Obamas back yard, especially with Rahm Emanuel as City Mayor, this sort of suggests Obama and Emanuel have it wrong and there is a rational reason to own a legal firearm, or is it just that guns are so much easier to remove from law abiding and responsible gun owners, in which case making them the “Gun Free zone” targets.

    Guns are both a right and a responsibility, effectively encourage both as a citizen of the USA.

    • Post Scripts says:

      Harold Chicago is has some of the toughest gun laws in the USA! I don’t understand? If gun laws are supposed to reduce crime how is this happening? Geez, you might think that criminals don’t pay attention to the gun laws?

  2. RHT447 says:

    As I have said before, gun control ain’t about the guns.

    To-the-point bumper sticker–“Fight crime. Shoot back.”

    From elsewhere on the web—

    ” The days of empire and spheres of influence are over. Bigger nations must not be allowed to bully the small, or impose their will at the barrel of a gun or with masked men taking over buildings. And the stroke of a pen can never legitimize the theft of a neighbor’s land. So we will not accept Russia’s occupation of Crimea or its violation of Ukraine’s sovereignty.”


    “I’m never surprised by controversies that are whipped up in Washington, that’s par for the course,” Mr. Obama said Thursday during a Brussels press conference.


    I think it was Francis Fukuyama, the neocon historian who last tried to announce the end of history as humanity has experienced it. This did not end well for Fukuyama. History made a “house call” for him and bit him on the ass.

    Now we have Obama sternly announcing that ” The days of empire and spheres of influence are over.” Say what? Which planet does he live on? Obama increasingly seems to be a very sheltered man who was educated on big fat scholarships at the “best” colleges and universities where he acquired the academically popular notion that humans and their societies are evolving toward a higher state in which there will be a world community governed by rules and “norms” that will protect the weak against the strong. This idea is the product of the musings of various European social scientists in the 19th Century. Just about all of them were members of some relatively weak group who desired to change the shape of history so that they would be safe from the strong. The coterie of Obamaites who the president has surrounded himself with all inhabit this “bubble” of belief.

    Unfortunately for them and the rest of us outside the bubble the world has not changed. Putin treats this bleating with contempt, Assad is well on his way to emasculating the jihadis in Syria. Maliki grinds the faces of the Sunni Arabs with impunity. Al-Sissi will embark next week on his maximal effort to “destroy” the MB and other jihadi fanatics in Egypt. None of these people give a damn abut what Obama and his bubbleocracy think because they can tell reality from silliness. They know the difference between chicken salad and chicken shit.

    In the world of the realists, it is important to have large numbers of hard, armed, people who will devote themselves to watching over the weak while they sleep lest the wolves come to feast. In pursuit of the goal of having such guardians. it has been necessary to create bodies of soldiers who will accept the task and will give themselves up for the task. Such people are often not ideal candidates for membership in Parent Teacher’s Associations or the League of Women Voters. Women they may be, but if so, not likely to fit in well in today’s effete American society.

    In the case of Bergdahl fils, the president/commander in chief referred to him several time at Brussels as “someone’s kid,” and as a “child.”

    Well, I am here to tell you Mr. President that if you keep that up, you will have no hard people to watch over weak people. pl

  3. Chris says:

    Harold: “Wait a minute ,isn’t Chicago one the hardest to legally obtain a Gun state?”

    No, Harold, Chicago is not a state.

    The things you can learn on the Internet!

  4. Tina says:

    Chris quoting Harold: “Wait a minute ,isn’t Chicago one the hardest to legally obtain a Gun state?” and being an a$$: “No, Harold, Chicago is not a state.”

    I would bet Harold meant to write, “Wait a minute ,isn’t Chicago (in) one (of) the hardest to legally obtain a Gun state(s)?”

    Most of us knew what he meant and didn’t need to try to make him look small…what’s your problem?

  5. Libby says:

    Actually, let’s get back to this “Gem” for a minute. I’m not real sure what Harold’s point is supposed to be. If he’s trying to make some kind of comparison of the Taliban with urban gang bangers, he’s going to have to be more explicit.

  6. Harold says:

    Thanks Tina, I was in a hurry and did not proof read it first, my bad.

    What I find telling about Post #4 is there was no intent of helping to correct a mistake, it was all about his lackluster idiom and repetitive pattern of bumptious self gratitude.

    And considering he didn’t help identify the correct State, I may never know 🙂

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