Media Bias: Vegas Criminal Cop Killers Painted as Right-Wing Tea Party Bundy Supporters Were Activist of a Much Different Mindset

Posted by Tina

Not long after a pair of natural born killer style anarchists murdered two police officers and a shopper in Vegas the left wing media made a concerted effort to associate these criminals with Tea Party supporters and the Bundy Ranch incident. The media has a habit of creating a negative image of those citizens who support Tea Party principles and goals and do so at the drop of a hat. In this case the giant leap was made because the couple left a “don’t tread on me” flag on the bodies of the officers. Conveniently the couple also left behid a swastika, further evidence with which to mar the Tea Party groups. However, a wily investigative reporter with CBS Chicago decided to look into the couple and discovered an interesting association:

While living in Lafayette, Jerad and his wife Amanda took part in last November’s “Million Mask March” – a gathering of protesters from the Occupy movement, anarchists, and hacktivists.

This couple was scum living out a criminal fantasy like Bonnie and Clyde without the robbery. They did indeed travel to the Bundy Ranch but were asked to leave by Bundy’s son, “They were very radical, you know, and did not align themselves with the reason that the protesters were there,” Ammon Bundy said. “Not very many people were asked to leave. I think they may have been the only ones.”

Can we agree that making blanket associations as a means of discrediting an opposing view or opposing groups is irresponsible? Can we agree that when news outlets do this and call it news it’s even more despicable?
Americans need accurate information from the media. Biased speculative reporting is not journalism…it is campaigning…it is propaganda.

Our media should be embarrassed and ashamed. If Americans were better informed they would quickly be out of business.

Thanks to for bringing this information to our attention.

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24 Responses to Media Bias: Vegas Criminal Cop Killers Painted as Right-Wing Tea Party Bundy Supporters Were Activist of a Much Different Mindset

  1. Tina says:

    “Mainstream Media is owned by a few people.”


    “The Tea Party in Chico is different than the Tea Party is say Texas”

    Who are you responding to? This information isn’t in this post.

    “You are missing the point. Many Many original Tea Party Members are also Klan Members, Aryan Nation members, extreme religious nuts, ect.”

    If you can’t name them and prove your point and if you can’t link those people to the current grassroots movement please refrain from these attacks.

    “Independents will rock it!”

    What does that mean?

  2. Pie Guevara says:

    Oh, brother! “Epic Fail!” Boy strikes again with another rabid, spittle flecked spew.

    Re: “You are missing the point.”

    What point is that? That you are in lock step to propagate the smear mongering of left wing media propagandists?

    Re: “Many Many original Tea Party Members are also Klan Members, Aryan Nation members, extreme religious nuts, ect.(sic)”

    Tell me, what number ‘s “many, many”? Where is your statistical evidence? What percentage? The statement is utter nonsense made by a silly ideological demagogue whose only apparent goal in life is to smear the Tea Party with specious and unsupportable attacks and slurs.

    Re: The rest of “Epic Fail!” Boy’s tripe.

    It is tripe. Tripe spawned from Joe Shaw’s extreme left wing coffee klatch. Remember Shaw’s last ridiculous post? Tina covered that quite well. You have to wonder from what woodwork do these silly oblivious bigots of the left, with their weird stereotypes, prejudices, slurs, and hate speech crawl from. No wonder Rush Limbaugh has made a long and successful career out of chewing them up and letting them hang themselves when calling his talk show. He turned what was once gut-churning left wing liberal nonsense into pure entertainment. And for that he is absolutely hated by the left.

    Back to the subject …

    Can we agree that making blanket associations as a means of discrediting an opposing view or opposing groups is irresponsible? Can we agree that when news outlets do this and call it news it’s even more despicable?
    Americans need accurate information from the media. Biased speculative reporting is not journalism…it is campaigning…it is propaganda.

    Our media should be embarrassed and ashamed.
    – See more at:
    Can we agree that making blanket associations as a means of discrediting an opposing view or opposing groups is irresponsible? Yes.

    Can we agree that when news outlets do this and call it news it’s even more despicable? Yes.

    Americans need accurate information from the media. Biased speculative reporting is not journalism…it is campaigning…it is propaganda. Agreed.

    Our media should be embarrassed and ashamed. Sadly it appears, most have no sense of shame. Take the New York Times for example. So it goes.

  3. Pie Guevara says:

    Tina! DO OVER! (How did that mess happen?)

    Back to the subject …

    Can we agree that making blanket associations as a means of discrediting an opposing view or opposing groups is irresponsible? Yes.

    Can we agree that when news outlets do this and call it news it’s even more despicable? Yes.

    Americans need accurate information from the media. Biased speculative reporting is not journalism…it is campaigning…it is propaganda. Agreed.

    Our media should be embarrassed and ashamed. Sadly it appears, most have no sense of shame. Take the New York Times for example. So it goes.

  4. Peggy says:

    Tina, this Dewey guy reminds me of someone else who used to comment on PS. He passed away a year or two ago. Sorry don’t remember his name. Believe it started with a C. Saw him once downtown wearing a green suit and talking crazy.

    They may be related.

  5. Tina says:

    You know Dewey there are real live people out here. You should try talking to one of them sometime instead of whoever it is that has taken up residence inside your head.

    Please enlighten us.

    What has been written on Post Scripts that made you think someone here wants to “destroy America” or “enslave any American born on this soil?”

    “Independents willing to have a conversation”

    We have to assume you think of yourself as independent, yet it is nearly impossible to have a conversation with you. Your sources, limited as they are, are all left wing…some pretty radical. You say its propaganda but spout the propaganda yourself. You defend unions…also left wing and in some cases radical. You rail against boogie men which you associate with controlling media and banks. You have no solutions to these mysterious problems other than to tell others to drop out and not participate. You demand independent candidates but name none. You claim we just hate and call names but talk yourself about stringing someone up. You insult people on this blog, by implying we are not as smart as you, and yet come back again and again to read our posts.

    Dewey you are a master at making no sense at all…and here’s a news flash…who cares if you are embedded!

  6. Tina says:

    Pie at #3 “Back to the subject …

    Indeed! How about that? Turns out the nut bag scum were involved with Occupy protesters and the media…again…(conveniently) jumped to conclusions and attempted to associate the TP with the murders.

    It is pretty pathetic how they do that. It is also pathetic that after being called out over decades they persist!

    I swear the left thinks they are invisible.

  7. Libby says:

    This is kind of amazing … and scary … psychologically speaking. People, you cannot wish facts away. You cannot think them, talk them away.

    The crazies did offer their allegance to Cliven Bundy. They did drape the Tea Party flag over their handiwork.

    They may have done any number of other things in the course of their sad lives, but none of that will diminish the aforementioned.

    If you affiliate with Ruby Ridge and Waco, you affiliate with this.

  8. Tina says:

    Their affiliation with Occupy, Bundy, or Tea Party means absolutely nothing in terms of those groups. They do seem to have something in common with the fringe elements of occupy that were arrested for actual crimes.

    It’s amazing that you would warn about wishing facts away when before Obama was elected the entire left media wished all kinds of associations away. They protected Obama from his connections to radicals like the America hating Jeremiah Wright and the seventies bomb tosser Ayers.

    Left medias snap judgement and desire to tarnish the Tea Party in the minds of the public by making the association with this pair is irresponsible, not to mention underhanded and obviously partisan.

    Your party caused WACO and Ruby Ridge to be much more violent than they ever needed to be. In fact your party is getting quite a reputation for the big black jack booted approach to governing…I wouldn’t be so quick to remind if I were you.

  9. Peggy says:

    Just a reminder Libby in case you missed the information posted here on PS earlier.

    The “crazies” that showed up the Bundy ranch standoff to stop the gov’t from killing and removing his cattle were asked to leave.

    I do not remember ever reading about any arrest or destruction of property, rapes or assaults occurring at a Tea Party gathering. But, there has been a lot at OCW, liberal and unions gatherings and protest. One even involved a child hiding in a bathroom when a bunch of union thugs showed up beating on the house while he was home alone.
    Under the Obama administration with the support of A. J. Holder the “NEW Black Panthers” was born. Now there’s a radical group to be proud of chartering.

    Cliven Bundy’s Son: Las Vegas Shooters Were Asked To Leave Ranch Standoff:

    LAS VEGAS (AP) — The married couple who police say killed three people in Las Vegas, including two police officers, had been kicked off a ranch where anti-government protesters faced down federal agents earlier this year.

    Ammon Bundy, the son of rancher Cliven Bundy, tells The Associated Press that Jerad and Amanda Miller were asked to leave his father’s ranch after being there for a few days this spring.

    Ammon Bundy says that while details are still sketchy, the Millers’ conduct was the problem.

    He calls the couple “very radical” and says they didn’t “align themselves” with the protest’s main issues.

    They were told to leave by members of a militia that also had come to the ranch in support of Bundy.”

  10. Libby says:

    Yes, Peggy, we know Cliven declined their offer. But that’s not the point, is it?

    They made the offer. They identified with the movement. That’s the point. That’s a fact. And you can deny it all you like, but it is, still … a fact.

  11. Tina says:

    They made the offer is the point?

    They identified…big whoop, nobody wanted them around. That’s the point that matters!

    You’re a bit like a two year old, you realize that too don’t you?

  12. Peggy says:

    Using your example Libby would mean that everyone who voted for Obama is a socialist.

    And you can deny it all you like, but it is, still … a BIG fact.

  13. Tina says:

    In fact, the longer he’s President, the closer it’s moving toward a fascist fact.

  14. Tina says:

    Dewey I am a real person as are the others who post here.

    I support workers in being able to form unions if they choose. I also support workers in having the right to work without joining a union and I am against unions being able to block non union outfits from bidding jobs by making deals with local politicians to drive the cost up for consumers. I have a problem with any group that attempts to control at the expense of others. I prefer open competition completely free of government interference.

    I’m also in favor of a democratic system as long as it’s under a republic. I am not in favor of pure democracy because it devolves into mob rule and lacks the checks and balances that help to protect individual rights.

    My sources are anything in the news from any source. I post what is known as current events. I do so so that we can discuss it. I allow all points of view and opinion. Your complaints are ridiculous.

    You wrote: “When one party declares all others have to do as they want it is called dictatorship”

    What makes you think I disagree with that? Or are you suggesting that only you know this?

    The fact is right now the party in power (Democrats) who are not only demanding everyone think like they do but are also manipulating our laws, undermining our laws, and bullying, harassing and stomping on the rights of anyone who opposes the Democrat position. They are blocking the democratic process with Harry Reid as the key blocker and Obama using his phone and pen instead of respecting the House of Representatives. Eric Holder stands as the enforcer in the Justice Department blocking all attempts to legally challenge the tyranny. The House is the peoples house! This tyrannical power trip is unprecedented in American history and you don’t have a thing to say about it!

    Instead you swallow the Democrat misdirection that the Kochs are the big threat while ignoring completely the Democrat money man, George Soros, whose investment in big government and Democrat power over decades has not only been sizable but has been covertly hidden and funneled through hundreds of left wing activist organization. these are, by the way, so-called nonprofits who engage specifically in politics and have for decades without question.

    Living in peace is a worthy goal. it is also naive to think absolute peace, a life without problems, is possible. Adults acknowledge and face problems squarely. Discussion is part of the process for discovering solutions and developing ideas. I invite you to focus more on that and less on your criticisms of others who, like you, love America and love the freedom we are guaranteed by our Constitution.

    WE ARE NOT THE ENEMY. Please stop assuming we are and please stop thinking you know what we are thinking and doing. The polite thing to do when you don’t know someone is to ask…not tell.

    Your own posting of propaganda is quite prolific. Your constant badgering is tiresome.

    The only reason you think that you don’t support an ideology is that your thinking is all over the map.

  15. Tina says:

    Great sources Dewey…lots of “facts” and “original documents” there.

    You, my friend, are as phony as can be.

  16. Libby says:

    So I have to check out Cowgirl (hoot, indeed) … but … if you want to get the real flavor of the thing:

    I just don’t know how we’re supposed to keep from making unflattering generalizations about the TP movement … we’re only human, after all.

  17. Peggy says:

    Hey Libs, thanks for the great news. It’s wonderful to hear the Republicans are finally using the tactics the Democrats have been using all over the country for years.

    Florida’s governor Charlie Crist has become the master example of flip flopping his party affiliation to get elected.

    Here’s a couple of articles pointing out the Dems who have run as Reps.

    August 25, 2012

    “So, in addition to Ms. Childs who last year abruptly ended a lifetime of being a DEMOCRAT (including donating to a crazy liberal Democrat Mass. elected official), we have Bob Cronin of Boxford, formerly of Revere who spent the majority of his life as a DEMOCRAT, donating at least $6,200 to Democrat candidates. And, the guy is now running (just like Childs) as a REPUBLICAN this year. (And yes, he’s still listed as a member of the Boxford DEMOCRAT town committee! What a hoot!).

    And, Sandi Martinez has the same kind of opponent, another recent convert.

    So, the question is, how many DEMOCRATS are running as REPUBLICANS this year?

    One is interesting. Two is curious. Three is a pattern. Four is a conspiracy….”

    Sid Dinsdale: Democrat Running as a Republican:

    “Sid Dinsdale is upset. Yes, I got it wrong and quickly corrected it. In fact, before Dinsdale cried foul, I had already corrected it. Dinsdale’s wife gave money to groups that collaborate with Planned Parenthood and his sister is on Planned Parenthood’s board.

    But those are just the beginning.

    Sid Dinsdale is also a Democrat.”

    It’s nice to see you finally waking up and complaining on an issue we’ve been for years.

    Dirty politics isn’t nice, but with the Dems being the experts the Reps have decided to turn the table on them.

    HA… LOVE IT!!

  18. Chris says:

    Peggy: “Under the Obama administration with the support of A. J. Holder the “NEW Black Panthers” was born.”

    What causes you to say such nonsense? The New Black Panther Party existed long before the Obama administration. There’s no way you don’t know this–the voter intimidation case involving the NBBP that conservatives spent years talking about happened during the 2008 election.

    As for the topic, I said before that the cop-hating thing is starting to cross party lines. I have one extremely right-wing Facebook friend who posts a lot of anti-cop stuff. At first it was refreshing to see conservatives start to actually question the actual enforcers of government rather than just the bureaucrats, but some of it can get kinda scary.

  19. Peggy says:

    Chris, In case you forgot here is Holder breathing new life into the New Black Panthers.

    New Black Panther Party voter intimidation case:

    “The New Black Panther Party voter intimidation case, sometimes known simply as the Black Panther Case, is a political controversy in the United States concerning an incident that occurred during the 2008 election. The New Black Panther Party and two of its members, Minister King Samir Shabazz and Jerry Jackson, were charged with voter intimidation for their conduct outside a polling station in Philadelphia.

    The Department of Justice later narrowed the charges against Minister King Shabazz and dismissed the charges against the New Black Panther Party and Jerry Jackson. The decision to dismiss the charges has led to accusations that the Department of Justice under the Obama administration is biased against white victims and unwilling to prosecute minorities for civil rights violations. These charges have been most notably made by J. Christian Adams, who in May 2010 resigned his post in the Department of Justice in protest over the Obama Administration’s perceived mishandling of the case, and by his former supervisor Christopher Coates.

    Incident and initial response[edit]:

    The conduct for which members of the New Black Panther Party were accused of voter intimidation took place on Election Day in November 2008, at a polling station in a predominantly African-American, Democratic voting district of Philadelphia.[1] Two members of the New Black Panther party, Minister King Samir Shabazz, and Jerry Jackson, stood in front of the entrance to the polling station in uniforms that have been described as military or paramilitary.[2][3][4] Minister King Shabazz carried a billy club, and is reported to have pointed it at voters while both men shouted racial slurs,[5] including phrases such as “white devil” and “you’re about to be ruled by the black man, cracker.”[6]

    The incident drew the attention of police, who around 10:00 am, sent King Samir away in part because of his billy club. Jackson was allowed to stay, in part because he was a certified poll watcher.[7] Stephen Robert Morse, a journalist and filmmaker, upon arriving at the scene, pulled out a Flip video camera and focused on Samir Shabazz. Morse turned over the video of the incident to[8] The incident gained national attention after being uploaded to YouTube.[2] No complaints were filed by voters about the incident, although poll watchers witnessed some voters approach the polls and then turn away, apparently in response to the New Black Panther Party members.[9]

    Legal precedents[edit]

    Since the voting rights act was enacted in 1965, only a handful of cases under the act have been pursued by the Justice Department. One such case filed by the Department during the Bush administration, known as United States v. Brown, was one of the first voting rights cases which involved a white plaintiff and a black defendant. The case precipitated deep divisions within the Justice Department. Some employees felt that the voting rights act was passed because historically, it was minorities who had been disenfranchised and that the department should therefore focus on cases filed by minorities, while others felt that it was intended to protect all voters in a race-neutral manner. Employees who worked the Brown case have described being harassed by colleagues due to the widespread belief that civil rights laws should not be used to protect white voters. One Justice Department official stated that “The Voting Rights Act was passed because people like Bull Connor were hitting people like John Lewis, not the other way around.”[8]

    Controversy over political involvement[edit]

    Hans A. von Spakovsky stated that internal e-mails from the Department of Justice released under a Freedom of Information Act request show that political appointees were “intimately involved” in the decision to drop the case, including former deputy attorney general David Ogden, Associate Attorney General Thomas Perrelli and attorney general Eric Holder, and that Perez may have committed perjury by denying this in his testimony before the Civil Rights Commission.[11]

    In October 2010, a draft report from the Civil Rights Commission was posted on the political website TPM Muckraker, stating that political officials had been extensively involved in the decision to dismiss the case, and that the Department of Justice had attempted to conceal their involvement.[12] Civil Rights Commission chairman Gerald A. Reynolds confirmed that the draft was authentic, but said that it was not the most current version of the draft, and declined to immediately release the newest version or describe what revisions had been made to it.[13] The Justice Department denied the allegations in the report.[12]

    In July 2012, Judge Reggie Walton dismissed the Justice Department’s denial, finding that political appointees did interfere with prosecution of the New Black Panther Party.[14]

    In testimony before the Civil Rights Commission, Adams stated “I was told by voting section management that cases are not going to be brought against black defendants on [behalf] of white victims.”[34] Adams accused the lawyers who ordered the narrowing of the case of having not read the documents describing the facts and applicable law before making this decision, and claimed that his superiors had instructed him and others in the voting section to no longer bring any cases against minority offenders. Adams said, responding to the claim that the New Black Panthers’ actions in Philadelphia were an “isolated incident”:

    To the contrary, the Black Panthers in October 2008 announced a nationwide deployment for the election. We had indications that polling-place thugs were deployed elsewhere, not only in November 2008, but during the Democratic primaries, where they targeted white Hillary Rodham Clinton supporters.”[33]”
    New Black Panther Party:

    “The New Black Panther Party for Self-Defense (NBPP) is a U.S.-based black political organization founded in Dallas, Texas, in 1989. Despite its name, NBPP is not an official successor of the Black Panther Party.[2] Members of the original Black Panther Party have insisted that the newer party is illegitimate and have firmly declared, “There is no new Black Panther Party”.[2]

    “Membership size[edit]

    As of 2009, the NBPP claimed a few thousand members organized in 45 chapters, while independent estimates by the Anti-Defamation League suggest that the group is much smaller but is nevertheless able to attract a large turnout of non-members (some of whom may not even realize what this group actually stands for) to its events by focusing on specific issues of local interest.[13]”

    I’d say going from an organization few had even heard about prior to the election of 2008 to boasting of “a few thousand membership” in 2009 qualifies my statement that Holder’s support of their voter intimidation acts did help establish/reestablish it by attracting new members.

  20. Chris says:

    Peggy: “I’d say going from an organization few had even heard about prior to the election of 2008 to boasting of “a few thousand membership” in 2009 qualifies my statement that Holder’s support of their voter intimidation acts did help establish/reestablish it by attracting new members.”

    Please stop lying. Holder did not “support” their voter intimidation. That is a goddamn lie, and you know it.

    The charges were originally narrowed under the Bush administration. Obama and Holder did no more and no less than their predecessors on this issue.

    The organization would have stayed one that “few had even heard of” if conservatives hadn’t become obsessed with the NBBP and spent years foaming at the mouth over this incident as if it was the worst case of voter intimidation ever, even though no voters who were actually intimidated could be found.

    You also haven’t even provided any evidence that their membership has increased since the incident! The NBBP estimates their membership at a few thousand as of 2009 (which is contested by many as your own citation shows), but you didn’t provide any number to compare it to. The ineptitude of your charges is downright comical.

  21. Peggy says:

    Chris: “Please stop lying. Holder did not “support” their voter intimidation. That is a goddamn lie, and you know it.”

    Hey, you little snot-nosed brat stop calling me a liar. I’ve called you on it before and I won’t accept it now or ever. You may not agree with my facts, but that doesn’t make me a liar it makes you progressive bully.

    I read several articles before submitting my post and found the original Black Panthers even denied the validity of the New Black Panthers existence. Therefore, “new” members in the New Black Panthers would contribute to an increase in membership. That’s why I wrote “establish/reestablish.”

    You on the other hand are a G.D. liar, because it was Holder to refused to apply the law. The voter intimidation did occur in Nov. 2008, but it was in May 2009 that DOJ attorney J. Christian Adams resigned because Holder wouldn’t move a civil rights case forward against black men and ordered it dismissed.

    Bombshell! DOJ Attorney J. Christian Adams Resigns Over Dismissal of New Black Panther Voter Intimidation Case – Blows Whistle

    “To Team Obama justice is not color blind, it is color coded. If that is not racist I do not know what is.

    J. Christian Adams a voting rights attorney at the Justice Department resigns in utter disgust over the mishandling and subsequent dismissal of the case. Here he tells the story from the inside. If you have any sense of decency, fair play and respect for equal rights under the law you should demand for all involved to be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. This injustice should NOT be allowed to be swept under the Obama thugOcracy rug!

    “After the election, the Justice Department brought a voter-intimidation case against the New Black Panther Party and those armed thugs. I and other Justice attorneys diligently pursued the case and obtained an entry of default after the defendants ignored the charges. Before a final judgment could be entered in May 2009, our superiors ordered us to dismiss the case.

    J. Christian Adams:
    “The New Black Panther case was the simplest and most obvious violation of federal law I saw in my Justice Department career. Because of the corrupt nature of the dismissal, statements falsely characterizing the case and, most of all, indefensible orders for the career attorneys not to comply with lawful subpoenas investigating the dismissal, this month I resigned my position as a Department of Justice (DOJ) attorney.

    ….The dismissal raises serious questions about the department’s enforcement neutrality in upcoming midterm elections and the subsequent 2012 presidential election. The U.S. Commission on Civil Rights has opened an investigation into the dismissal and the DOJ’s skewed enforcement priorities. Attorneys who brought the case are under subpoena to testify, but the department ordered us to ignore the subpoena, lawlessly placing us in an unacceptable legal limbo.
    Most corrupt of all, the lawyers who ordered the dismissal – Loretta King, the Obama-appointed acting head of the Civil Rights Division, and Steve Rosenbaum – did not even read the internal Justice Department memorandums supporting the case and investigation. Just as Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. admitted that he did not read the Arizona immigration law before he condemned it, Mr. Rosenbaum admitted that he had not bothered to read the most important department documents detailing the investigative facts and applicable law in the New Black Panther case. Christopher Coates, the former Voting Section chief, was so outraged at this dereliction of responsibility that he actually threw the memos at Mr. Rosenbaum in the meeting where they were discussing the dismissal of the case. The department subsequently removed all of Mr. Coates’ responsibilities and sent him to South Carolina.
    Most disturbing, the dismissal is part of a creeping lawlessness infusing our government institutions. Citizens would be shocked to learn about the open and pervasive hostility within the Justice Department to bringing civil rights cases against nonwhite defendants on behalf of white victims. Equal enforcement of justice is not a priority of this administration. Open contempt is voiced for these types of cases.

    ….Incredibly, after the case was dismissed, instructions were given that no more cases against racial minorities like the Black Panther case would be brought by the Voting Section. Read it all >>>”


    If after reading the above you still don’t believe Holder didn’t “support” their voter intimidation I’d like to know what the he77 you would call it.

    Our laws are supposed to be equally applied. If it was wrong to subject minorities to unjust laws or treated differently in the past are you now saying whites should be treated like the blacks were just to even out the past wrongs?

    I can’t believe that you think just because you’re a teacher you know EVERYTHING and the rest of us are just stupid and will take being called a liar without rubbing your face in your own lies.

    Grow up you little snot-nosed brat and stop calling people liars.

  22. Peggy says:

    This is toward the bottom of the link I posted in my post above.

    “Oh and remember this?
    Obama’s DOJ Attorney General Eric Holder admits: No equality under Hate Crime Bill.

    Eric Holder testifies before the Senate Judiciary Committee on Thursday, June 25, 2009. Eric Holder the Attorney General of the United States (MIND YOU) openly and freely admits that all American citizens are not equal in the eyes of the law.”

    “Update: Maggie at Maggie’s Farm has a quote of “Mr. Bartle Bull, a longtime civil rights activist and former aide to Sen. Robert F. Kennedy’s 1968 presidential campaign” who was present at the Philly polling station in question. His sworn statement backs up those who lodged the initial complaint. His testimony was not considered nor was he contacted by the DOJ.”

  23. Peggy says:

    He sure did, with the help of the Liar in Chief.

    How Eric Holder Has Destroyed the Justice Department’s Reputation:

    “I don’t know who the next U.S. attorney general will be, but I know I pity that person. Restoring the Justice Department’s reputation in the wake of Eric H. Holder Jr.’s tenure will take a lot of work.

    It’s one thing to read about certain cases as they pop up in the news cycle — an article about a civil rights investigation here, a blog post about Operation Fast and Furious there. It’s another to assemble them in one place and get the big picture in one sitting.

    Holder is the first attorney general in U.S. history to be held in contempt of Congress. Considering his behavior toward the legislative branch, it’s not surprising. He stonewalled, for example, when the Senate Judiciary Committee questioned him about the scandal that erupted when it was revealed that the Internal Revenue Service was targeting conservative organizations.

    Or take the testimony he gave the House Judiciary Committee when asked about prosecuting the press over publishing classified material. Holder swore that he had never been involved in that or even thought about doing so.

    Yet the committee subsequently learned that Holder had approved a search warrant for Fox News reporter James Rosen’s emails by “swearing to a federal court that Rosen was a co-conspirator in a national security leak investigation.”

    How did Holder explain this gap between his answer and the truth when the committee asked about it? He didn’t. He refused to answer.

    Then there’s the deplorable way the Civil Rights Division has been run under Holder and Thomas Perez, an assistant attorney general from 2009 to 2013.

    In their chapter “The (Un)Civil Rights Division,” Fund and von Spakovsky detail numerous instances in which Holder and Perez “pursued a militant civil rights agenda intended to help Democrats win elections and implement a socialized America where racial, ethnic, and sexual quotas are required in everything from college admissions to public employment to school discipline.”

    ButHolder will probably be best known for overseeing Operation Fast and Furious, which put more than 2,000 guns into the hands of a Mexican drug cartel and led to the deaths of hundreds of Mexican citizens and a U.S. Border Patrol agent. When federal lawmakers began investigating, Holder again opted not to cooperate, but to cover up.

    …Many fine attorneys general have served ethically defensible terms under both Republicans and Democrats. The tenures of Edwin Meese under Ronald Reagan and Griffin Bell under Jimmy Carter, for example, prove that the Justice Department can be run in an entirely independent, professional way.

    Holder’s term as attorney general represents the other end of the spectrum: driven by politics, tainted by scandal and mired in corruption. The need for an attorney general that will, in fact, uphold the Constitution in a fair, impartial and ethical fashion has never been greater.”

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