About That Serious Threat

Posted by Tina

Seems the world is holding its breath and hoping (praying) for the best. Certainty is nowhere in sight.
Comic relief is often the best medicine. John Kerry offers up a gem:

[W]e’re living in an era – a tectonic shift, a moment of extraordinary change. And our interests are at stake everywhere.

That’s what I want to reinforce in you. There’s no us and them, over there, over here, and you’re safe. We’re all connected to what’s going on. Terrorists in Syria today, in Iraq today are thinking about how they can hurt people in London or Paris or Berlin or even in the United States. And they don’t offer anything else to their people. They’re not offering an education plan, they’re not offering – well, actually, it’s do what we tell you. Read one book and that’s it, and you live by it. But they’re not offering a broad-based set of opportunities and education. They don’t talk about building their country, they don’t have healthcare, nothing. That’s what we’re struggling with.

I know the man means well and is trying real hard but…he’s the Secretary of State and he’s talking about our enemy as if that enemy were in a contest with him for a Senate seat.

If that not funny enough try “WHITE HOUSE: Not Enough US Citizens In ISIS To Make Air Strikes Worthwhile” but be forewarned, there will be language involved.

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10 Responses to About That Serious Threat

  1. Harold says:

    This part of Kerry’s comment sounds like what our own current WH administration is putting forth to America, but so far not by excutive order!

    “They’re not offering an xxxxxxxxx plan, they’re not offering – well, actually, it’s do what we tell you. Read one book and that’s it”

  2. Tina says:

    Is it terribly important right now for us, or for anyone, to think about terrorists in terms of their lack of a healthcare or education plan? I mean…they want to blow people up until they gain absolute power…what was Kerry thinking!

    This man is, sadly, a joke…and so are we as long as he runs our state Department.

  3. Peggy says:

    I thought the same thing Harold did after reading what Kerry said. What a piss-poor example of a leader when he doesn’t realize this administration, of which he’s a member of, has created the same mess for us as well as the rest of the world.


    New polls out today show Obama with a 37-42% approval rating. This is being declared as the end of his presidency/reign.

  4. Libby says:

    I know you’re dissappointed, but you’ll just have to learn to live with it. Go for a walk. Find something useful to do that will take your mind off it.

    There will not be any WWIII anytime soon, and certainly not staged for the gratification or entertainment or whatever it is you get from indulging all this Islamophobia.

    The O-man got sucked into an escalation in Afghanistan, and we know how productive that was. I just hope he’s learned his lession.

    I’m willing to pass on the couple hundred soldiers returning, on the understand that they will expedite the speedy removal of our embassy, should that be necessary.

    This force is NOT to be added to for any other purpose.

  5. Tina says:

    At #5 and #6 Dewey. your ignorance is epic.

    George H. W. Bush chose not to invade Iraq following the war to remove Saddam from Kuwait for the very reasons articulated by Dick Cheney. The world was a much different place in 1994.

    Halliburton isn’t the only company involved in lawsuits over asbestos. Asbestos was used for years before the harm it caused was known. Nobody who used it did so in order to harm workers. Better materials are now being used. Thinking Haliburton is a bad company because of this is stupid.

    As for the accusations about Dick Cheney (from near extinct CNN), you are taking the word of Paul Begala, a total hack for the Democrat Party. this is your source after all the lecturing?

    The bottom line is quite clear. Under Cheney and Bush Americans had jobs. Under Cheney and Bush we recovered from not only the dot com crash but the aftermath of 911 and the serial hurricane disasters that also befell our nation. We fought a hard war but we actually had a positive outcome on which we could build. Our allies and our enemies respected us.

    You can’t make a similar case under Obama/Biden. Americans are worse off in 2014 then we were in 2008 and that’s a fact. We also owed about $7.5 trillion less in debt and we weren’t suffering under the heavily regulated and expensive Obamacare which will only add to that debt and the expenses of every American.

    I’d post a lot of cute video’s about things that Obama and Biden said when they worked for companies but they have both been pretty much living off the taxpayers all their adult lives. That’s why neither of them has a clue about how to run a country.

  6. Libby says:

    Tina, you missed the point about the asbestos. The deal was that Cheney approved the purchase of Dresser without finding out about the company (they call it due diligence) … paid more for the company than it was worth because of its asbestos liability … and it was almost certainly a deal between buds … that did defraud Haliburton shareholders.

    This is just the sort of incompetence and/or malfeasance that you are always bleating about in our government. What you cannot bring yourself to realize ando/or admit, it would seem, is that this is not a government/private sector issue … it’s a HUMAN issue.

  7. Libby says:

    “Under Cheney and Bush Americans had jobs. Under Cheney and Bush we recovered from not only the dot com crash but the aftermath of 911 and the serial hurricane disasters that also befell our nation.”

    Yeah. On a great big fat fiscal bubble of inflated values … that burst … leaving the O-man to clean up the mess.

    You must have the shortest memory on planet earth.

  8. Tina says:

    Libby: “it was almost certainly a deal between buds”

    if you are going to make an accusation like that I think it’s upon you to provide evidence, even if its just a left wing article using rule #12 to personally destroy the man’s reputation.

    “…it’s a HUMAN issue.”

    You are insane…that is the very thing I have been saying! Which party is it that smears greedy corporations? It is not the Republican Party!

    People should be held to account for their actions. People should not have to be subjected to undocumented, specious, or blatantly false accusations as a means of garnering political advantage or to vengefully harass:

    Dig deeper into the records, though, it becomes clear that Bill Lerach, the former Milberg Weiss partner who for a time controlled the case, actually had a bee in his bonnet about Dick Cheney. During a break from politics in the Clinton era, Cheney served from 1995 to 2000 as Halliburton’s chairman and chief executive. Lerach didn’t formally name Cheney as a defendant, but the plaintiffs’ 2005 amended complaint reads like a semi-hysterical indictment of the Republican stalwart, who, as we all know, had returned to Washington to serve as vice president to George W. Bush.

    Lerach raised money for Democratic causes and politicians. He did not like Cheney. In their 2010 Lerach biography, Circle of Greed: The Spectacular Rise and Fall of the Lawyer Who Brought Corporate America to Its Knees, Patrick Dillon and Carl Cannon described how Lerach essentially admitted that he viewed the Halliburton case as a means to afflict Cheney. After all, the prospect of deposing a sitting vice president under oath about his years as a corporate CEO would have excited any red-blooded Democratic-leaning litigator.

    The story doesn’t end there. As the Halliburton case bounced around in the lower federal courts, Lerach encountered separate problems—chiefly, a criminal investigation into influential plaintiffs’ lawyers suspected of paying kickbacks to nominal lead clients in securities class actions. In 2006, the Milwaukee archdiocese, none too happy about any association with a federal criminal probe, sought to displace Lerach as its lead attorney, citing the indictment of two of his former partners and the obvious danger that Lerach himself would soon find himself in prosecutors’ cross hairs. (Authors Dillon and Cannon have a lively scene on p. 408 of Circle of Greed in which Lerach loudly protests his ouster.)

    Seems Rule #12 played a big part in the Haliburton/Cheney smear

    “Yeah. On a great big fat fiscal bubble of inflated values … that burst … leaving the O-man to clean up the mess.”

    Oh please. Bush landed on a big fat dot com bubble and recovery was completed in the usual time frame for bubbles of 18 months. Following the recovery a return to strong growth continued despite the 911 mess on Wall Street, wars, the hurricanes, and the worst #12 campaign to destroy a presidency since Reagan…all leftist media firing with all guns 24/7/365!

    In case you STILL haven’t noticed the O man has not only failed to clean up the mess but has done everything he possibly can to see that it doesn’t get cleaned up.

    I have no idea what is wrong with your memory…short or long term!

  9. Libby says:

    “In case you STILL haven’t noticed the O man has not only failed to clean up the mess ….”

    Well, you admit the mess, and from where it came … that’s something.

    And …

    “You are insane…that is the very thing I have been saying! Which party is it that smears greedy corporations?”

    Tina, corporations … government … they’re both peopled by the same species. Are you ever going to see it? Will you never take those freakin’ partisan blinders off?

  10. Tina says:

    Libby: “Well, you admit the mess, and from where it came … that’s something.”

    Don’t try to put words in my mouth.

    I have documented the sources of the housing meltdown and the party that built the foundation for the collapse. funny they all have a big fat D following their names!

    “corporations … government … they’re both peopled by the same species. Are you ever going to see it?”

    I see it; I have spoken of it often. Usually in defense of some blanket smear attack on corporations, Tea Party members, or Republicans.

    The difference between me and you is that I am willing to judge individuals and individual behaviors whereas you are willing to crucify ALL corporations and all right-wing led governments while applauding, promoting and voting for more and bigger government and the Democrats that work to create it! It is YOU who hang partisan, lady. For instance you were one of the ones who hammered Bush for his debt and have said ZOT about the massive debt under Obama even though the debt to GDP has grown from 64.8% in 2008 to 101.53% in 2014!

    Will you never take those freakin’ partisan blinders off?

    Don’t pretend you can point fingers and hide behind it. I see you.

    I’ve been very clear that I prefer less government at the federal level. I support people who also want that (whether they are able to deliver or not) OVER people who like big government and “transformation”.

    Libby, admit it, your side looks seriously bad right now.

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